i n n o c e n t (prison Dream...

By dreaminpog

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What if Dream lied about a lot of things?? What if his "friends" discover the truth? Can they still help him... More

Shit. A/N
Mhm Yes😃A/N
Promo🤗 (please read) A/N
Fly High Techno
A/N Extremely Important!!
Just Me Expressing My Emotions

Broken Promise-My Ao3 Story

675 15 14
By dreaminpog

Have something until i write the chapters🥰

There's a lot of tw's, blood, gore, whipping, muzzles, chains, drugging, non-con, heavy injuries, torture, carving into the skin, panic attacks, abandonment, just everything reallly. Dreamie is broken in this one :(

If you want to see more, it will be posted on my ao3 page @/maddiequi ;)



The sound of sirens echoed throughout L'manburg, red warning lights illuminating the determined and frightened faces of the Dream SMP members..

Dream escaped.


"fuck this shit" Sapnap mumbled under his breath as they followed the bloody tracks leading through the deep forest. He tried not to think about that these were traces of his former bestfriend, failing miserably.

"sap! Come on, don't be a jerk and come to cuddle usssss" Dream whined as he held Sap's hand, tugging slightly, trying to get him on the couch where George sat.

"you're so clingy, you know that?" Sap chuckled and he glared at George which watched them with a grin

"George, you are too. Why don't you just tell him to stop??" Sapnap rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.

"jerk" George scoffed and he stood up, quickly walking to the two friends. George (being taller) under-kicked Sapnap's legs, Sap immediately falling to the ground if it weren't for Dream who caught him and tucked him into his arms. Being 6,3 he did this a lot with his best friends.

"hey! Put me down!" Sapnap protested with a laugh

"no way that you're missing our cuddle time you idiot" Dream wheezed and he threw Sapnap on the couch, dropping right next to him with a sigh. The three immediately wrapped their arms around their torsos (that's a fucking weird word) and cuddled, enjoying the warmth of each other. (that sounds so weiiiiird) Sapnap smiled as he looked at slightly snoring Dream, and he slowly drifted to sleep. (i can't write fluff, sorry not sorry)

"we need to split up!" Sam shouted when the forest darkened, pulling Sapnap out of his thoughts.

"oh.. yeah, sure..." Sapnap's voice almost cracked at the end, tears threatening to spill from his fiery eyes.

"Sapnap, you go left, I'll go straight, George will go right, Quackity will stay here if he came back. We'll try to surround him, but he could be anywhere" Sam ordered, anger could be heard in his normally monotone voice and they all nodded.

"go!" Sam barked, and he was gone in the next second, George dissapearing right after him.

"let's go" Quackity growled and he swung his axe multiple times-with dried blood, Dream's blood on the blade-, grinning. Sapnap sighed, but he eventually moved his legs to walk deeper into the forest, following the traces the prisoner left after him.

'that's weird' Sapnap thought 'the traces seems like he's limping, but-why tho? Is he tricking me again?!' Sapnap tried his best to not worry about the man, he didn't care about him; yet felt the worry grow in his stomach as the blood stains grew larger and larger each meter. He didn't want to do this, he really didn't. But... what could he do?? He promised, he fucking promised and he hated himself for that. When he saw the main cell, he thought that there was no way that Dream would escape, so he promised that he was going to kill him if he ever did. He thought it was impossible. Well, he shouldn't have thought, because he was currently hunting down his best friend. Former or not, he still cared about him even if he tried to convince himself that he did not. He stopped dead in his track when he heard quiet sobs and pleads. The voice send shivers down his spine. He realized that it was Dream's voice, and he panicked, but... he sounded so broken. So fucking terrified. Sapnap didn't last a second before running after the voice, his heart sinking as he saw a figure in the middle of the forest, kneeling and mumbling apologies. Sapnap was horrified. Was Dream tricking him again? Really? After all of this?

"Dream??" Sapnap hesitantly asked, and prime, he had no idea that it would startle him. Dream flinched, his head snapping up, Sapnap freezing on the spot when he saw his friend's face. Or, what was left of it. Dream was always beautiful, cheerful and always smiling. Lime green bright eyes, slightly tanned skin, some of his freckles visible. But now... Now... There was a deep gash going through his left eye, just like Quackity had. His face extremely pale with grey-ish tone from the lack of sunlight, dark, significant bags under his eyes. Small or bigger scars littering every inch of the skin, including small scars above and under his lips. Sapnap's breaths quickened at the sight, and he felt the urge to vomit right there, but.. he had to help him. He couldn't kill him now, that was for sure.

"hey, Dream..." Sapnap slowly approached the kneeling figure, trying to ignore the growing crimson puddle under his friend. Dream only flinched and he jerked back, falling on his back and crawling away, his breathing quick and ragged.

"i'm-i'm so sorry- sir, i-i won't do it a-again sir i will be good s-sir just... plea-please sir don't hurt me i can't- i can't anymore" he cries out and Sapnap's face paled in horror, his heart sinking.

"Dream... I-i'm not sir" he cringed at the nickname but he continued "It's me, Sapnap, i'm alone and no one is going to hurt you" he said soothingly, cursing when Dream's eyes widened in fear even more when he heard his name. Sapnap completely forgot that Dream was probably extremely scared of him, no wonder when he basically promised that he'll take his last life. He tried to calm him down, but then he heard some leaves rustle and he immediately turned to the sound, sword ready in his hand. His breathing quickened when he realized that it could be Sam, and he would definitely kill them both. He watched the bushes like a hawk, praying to whatever god was up there to save him, sighing in relief when he saw a blue fabric, knowing that the only one who wore blue clothes was George.

"George!" he whisper-shouted and George quickly turned to him, his baby blue, determined eyes meeting Sapnap's amber ones.

"Sap! Oh my god it's just you, i thought that it was Dream. Have you found something?" he asked before glancing behind Sapnap, gasping when he saw his former bestfriend, curled up, hypervilating and mumbling nonsense.

"he- George please- don't hurt him, he.... he's not okay.."Sapnap pleaded when he saw the direction of George's stare and George looked at him in disblief.

"Sapnap- he's a threat to everyone, he's just acting, you know that? I won't fall for it again" he scoffed and Sapnap panicked when George stepped closer to Dream, gripping his axe tightly.

Dream's head snapped up and he looked at George throught the tears, flinching hard when he saw the weapon in George's hand.

"no-no please sir, not a-again i won't- i won't give it to y-you sir, but i'll be good-" he choked out a sob "i-i'll be a good boy for you s-sir" he cried out and he didn't see the heart breaking look on George's face. If Goerge had any doubts, they dissapeared now.

"what.. the... fuck" George breathed out and he carefully approached Dream, almost gagging at the sight of his face. Dream immediately started backing up, mumbling pleads and apologies.

"Dream, it's me, George. Your friend, okay? He's- he's nowhere near us, don't worry" he tried to calm the prisoner down, failing terribly. Dream's breathing quickened at his voice, he remembered the day the left him,
the memory was suck in his head, clear as day.

"just say you hate me Dream, i can take it!" George screamed at Dream, betrayal and pain in his eyes

"i-i don't hate you George, i could never" Dream shook his head, sad that George thought that he could ever hate him.

"he doesn't care about us George, this is useless. He's a monster, he doesn't deserve love. Come on, we have to go" Sapnap stared at Dream with pure hatred in his firey eyes, until he turned around and walked away, George following.

"shit- sorry Dream, can- can i touch you?" George hesitantly asked the shaking man, Dream flinching when he realized that George was right in front of him, looking at him with worry in his eyes, but Dream's broken mind thought that it was menacing look. He was going to kill him right there. There was no way out.

"i- okay, i won't touch you" George sighed and he looked at the red puddle under Dream, worry growing in his stomach.

"Dream- you're hurt and we want to help you" Sapnap from behind him stared at the blood too, his eyebrows furrowed. Dream just trembled, going through a panic attack but they could only watch, knowing that touching him isn't the best idea.

"shit- Sap we gotta do something, we can't just watch, he's going to bleed out!" George yelled, frustrated, cursing when Dream's body jerked at the loud sound.

"we have to sedate him, i have some weakness pots" Sap started searching in his inventory, keeping an eye on Dream.

"found it" he handed the small bottle to George which slowly uncorked it and he quickly jumped on top of the taller under him, cringing when the man cried out in extreme fear. Dream's mind was foggy, black spots appearing in his vision as he strugled to breathe. He tried to move, but he couldn't do anything. Oh god, he was going to be punished. He was being bad, and this is his punishment. He knew that he had to drink the potion eventually, but god, he didn't want to. His hands flew to his throat, scratching and picking as he tried to get some air into his lungs. He was going to die right there. So pathetic. He felt the liquid flowing in his system, his body going limp in a second, and he cried out.

"shhh Dream, it's gonna be okay" George ran his fingers throught the tangled locks of his friend, trying to calm him down.

"awh, don't be scared, it's gonna be okay" he whispered and he quickly poured the potion in Dream's throat again, putting his hand over Dream's mouth so he would swallow it all. He watched how Dream struggled, gagged, and cried right under him.

Sapnap ignored Dream's heart beat speeding up again, and how he looked like he was dying. He gently cupped him in his arms, whispering reassuring words to him. It didn't work, so they had to move quickly.

"fuck- we need to run away, they would found us in our houses" Sapnap cursed and George nodded. They needed to leave the SMP for good, there was no way they were staying there. They weren't sure about it because they would have to leave everything behind, but one look at Dream and they decided.

"Sap, he gave you power to teleport a few times, right?" George asked and Sapnap nodded, both sighing in relief. They could get away quickly and without a trace. Sapnap didn't wait, he grabbed George's arm and hw closed his eyes, concentrating on the teleportation, and they dissapeared without a trace.

All three of them appeared in the middle of a beautiful meadow. They looked around, seeing a birch forest nearby, swamp not thag far away and a big lake.

"this is... beautiful" George sighed as he watched the animals messing around, butterflies chasing each other in the air, cows booing while chewing grass, swishing their tails. Sapnap immediately snapped out of the euphoria when he heard a whimper from the injured man he held.

"fuck- George! We need to take care of him, get ready a lot of potions and bandages please" Sapnap tried to ignore the violent flinch from the other as he raised his voice.

"shhh it's okay Dream, we got you. I'm gonna lay you down now, mkay?" Sapnap softly ran his fingers throught the dirty blonde locks, small, reassuring smile on his face. He knew that Dream probably didn't hear him, he was too deep in the panic attack he was going through. Sapnap wanted to hug him so badly, but he knew that it would only startle the broken man in his arms even more. He carefully put Dream on the soft grass, George immediately rushing over to help with medical supplies in his hands and worry in his eyes.

"please take his shirt off, i need to have look at the wounds" George sat next to Dream with desinfection and bandages. Sapnap nodded as he carefully took the orange shirt off, cringing how he felt the blood sticking to the skin. He finally managed to pull the shirt over Dream's head and they both gasped at what they saw. His torso was littered with scars, stab wounds, fresh gashes, bruises and brands.

"oh god" George breathed out as he observed his friend's condition. He knew that if he wanted him to survive, he needed to start, so, he started (how unexpected🤗)

3rd pov, Dream:

His mind was foggy and his vision blurry from the pain literally everywhere. Everything hurt, and he didn't even know in which direction he was running in anymore. Dream just ran, ran away from the people chasing him. He was panting, tears streaming down my cheeks freely, when he heard a voice. Sir's voice.

"oh Dreamieee, come out to play! Surely you miss me, right? So come out right now or i'll be rougher next time we see each other in the prison" Quackity said in a sing-song tone, laughing at the end. He knew damn well what this would do to Dream.

"no no nonononono" Dream mumbled as he fell on his knees with a thud, flashback from the prison pushing through his mind.

"where is the revival book, Dreamie?" Quackity, which was leaning over curled up Dream -or what was left of him- asked, whip in his right hand.

"i-i don't know" Dream hissed and whimpered when Quackity kicked him into his stomach, right where a deep, open gash was.

"so you won't tell me? You're a bad boy Dreamie, bad boy" Quackity shook his head in played disblief and he crouched next to the bloody prisoner, taking his arms, smilling when Dream flinched hard, hot tears running down his cheeks.

"Sam! He's being a bad boy, i could use a help here" Quackity shouted over the lava, humming happily when he heard the pistons working. Meanwhile Quackity took Dream's face roughly in his hand, looking for something in his pocket. He grinned when he finally found a bottle of some liquid, Dream's eyes widening when he saw the dark tint of a weakness potion. He trashed in the grip, knowing that it was useless.

"hey hey, calm down and drink it now" Quackity snapped and he decorked the potion bottle with his teeth. He opened Dream's mouth, pouring the liquid in his throat without mercy. Dream's throat burn, tears pricking his eyes as he swallowed it all. He immediately felt the weakness spreading through his whole system, his body going limp.

"great, now the next one. I brewed it yesterday to have some fun!" Quackity laughed as he opened another bottle with a yellow liquid in it.

"this, Dreamie, is a sensitivity potion" Quackity grinned as he saw Dream's eyes widen in fear, but he couldn't struggle, the weakness potion quickly doing his job.

"awh, don't be scared, it's gonna be okay" he whispered and he quickly poured the potion in Dream's throat again, putting his hand over Dream's mouth so he would swallow it all. He watched how Dream struggled, gagged, and cried right under him.

"i'm here" Sam announced in his monotone voice, chains, blindfold and a muzzle in his hands. Quackity greeted him with a nod, and he practically threw Dream in the centre of the cell, making him cry out in pain as he fell on the sharp obsidian.

"what did you give him?" Sam asked with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"sensitivity potion-the one i told about- and a normal weakness potion" Quackity exclaimed and he watched how Sam nodded and went to work. He hooked the chains with a shackles on the end over the hook in the ceiling and he yanked Dream up by his hair, grinning as Dream whimpered. 'This is gonna be fun' Sam thought as he continued. He forced Dream into kneeling position, tying his knees, thighs and ankles together, plus securing his ankles into a pair of shackles in the ground so he couldn't move his legs. Then he took the blindfold and put it on Dream's face, watching as the younger man panicked when he lost his vision. Sam chuckled and he moved to his mouth. He secured the muzzle around his mouth tightly, making sure that it hurt as much as it could. Dream whimpered, but it was muffled now. He looked ridiculous, so.. weak and vulnerable, ready for their punishment. The last thing Sam did was putting the shackles around Dream's thin wrists, making sure to secure it tightly-that it cut into his skin-and he tied his elbows together, just in case.

"he's all ready" Sam said proudly.

"Let's do it!" Quackity laughed and Dream shivered, visibly shaking now. He trashed in the restrains, screaming when he felt the tip of a blade carving something into his thigh, knowing that his torturers stood there with a grin even though he couldn't see them.

"okay, let the real fun begin!" Sam laughed and Dream heard something hitting the ground, and then he felt sharp pain on his back, the whip cutting into his sking, leaving a deep gash. Dream screamed in agony, the sharp pain shot through his whole body and he jerked, tears continuing to run down his cheeks. He couldn't hear Sam kneeling in front of him until he started talking.

"you" Sam spat "you deserve this. You deserve it all. You're a monster, and monsters need to be tamed, to be 'put in place'" he grinned and he lifted Dream's head up by his chin, turning Dream's head to the right and he whispered into his ear "remember what you did to Tommy. He wakes up every night from a nightmare about exile, he's scared to walk anywhere alone, paranoid that you'll jump from behind a building. Ranboo has panic attack when someone just mentions you. George and Sapnap are now sending more time together, they're so much happier when you're gone, everyone is" he hissed and he enjoyed how Dream sobbed.

"so, i have a deal. You give me the revival book, and this will end. You will be forgiven, i'll set you free and you can live your life, you can be free" Sam said sweetly with hidden poison behind it.

"n-no i won't" Dream hissed and Sam slapped him harshly.

"If you won't tell us, we'll make you to" he grinned and he nodded at Quackity which smirked, gripping the whip in his right hand.

"we're going to have so much fun, aren't we, Dreamie?" he exclaimed and he swung his arm, the whip meeting with Dream's pale skin once again.

Soo that's it. :) hope you like it

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