
By Please6end9me

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the main character is just an ordinary dude who you might realate to but he has a shit ton of anxiety going... More

I. Nice to meet you
IV. ''Home''
V. Ash and smoke
VI. Repeat.

III. The Hall boy

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By Please6end9me

Author's note: PRETTY GIRLS AND PRETTY BOYS AND EVERYONE IN BETWEEN WHO IS FABULOUS, WELCOME TOOOO...MY 3RD CHAPTER!!! *YAAAAY* I have beein going thru shit srry, I apologise sm, it was hard for me to sit and write so...yeah here u go! (Also this chapter is a little cringe, stay w me, it gets better)

It was very foggy in Telios suburbs, there was nothing to be seen outside besides the thin, grey layers of clouds on the ground, wandering like ghosts in old, dirty sheets, making the air humid and land moist. The trees seemed more green than usual... the kind of green you see when you look at pine trees in the early night while taking a stroll and looking at the stars walking home. Heaven, isn't it?

He's alone, in the halls walking and whistling the melody from kill bill, while writing down important things to remember. He has poor memory, but he has to remember somehow... He is in a whole another world of his, where he searches for what else he'd forgotten, but still fails to be bothered by the question if he forgot who he is, who he was, and who he is destined to be. As if it didn't matter for now, as if it wasn't relevant for a brief moment... he's waiting and waiting for something that he isn't sure will come-

-HEY! -Ray hears.

Raymond looked to the side to find the boy he met this day, he was running, though it wasn't necessary for him to arrive on time. Panting, young man said:

-I am so sorry I am late, I have horrible time management. WHEW, Hahah.. I started sweating on my way here.
-You know I should wait for as much as I had to? I have the obligation to show you this horrible place and how it works, not sure what you did in your past high school, but we have special education here. Welcome to Einwandfrei high, a school built by German professors to develop a special educational system, so our 4 kg brains understand what is what and how to be a decent member of society, as a junior you have the right to be in one of the most important organs of this school, a head of student council. In a year if you show potential you might receive the title of a counselor and and join our ranks. We also have tons of clubs you may attend, we have baking, sculpting, drawing, martial arts, aerobics and so on, we have our own gym, a big garden a greenhouse which is enormous and has many unusual plants so try to just look at them. Also we believe that we can reach our full potential here, and we will make you do that too, no matter what. Any questions?
-Oh wow that's a lot to process... uhm, how do I apply to the clubs? Also, this school looks like it has a therapist and a psychologist-
-2 in 1, we also have a nurse who isn't giving expired medicine to children and is actually caring. We have the best qualified professors and they demonstrate everything that can be visualized in the paragraph so you understand it more so don't be weirded out, even our mathematics teacher does that.
-Woah, don't tell me the whole school is ran by kids-
-Close but not quite...
-Wait say WHAT NOW?-
-You see... we prefer to call ourselves former adults. Adulthood is coming for all of us and is showing no mercy, so take those pink shade glasses off and say hello to not so sweet reality.
-Oh, I..I see..-
-And your name again? Sorry you have to repeat your name, I forget things easily, so much hustle, we are just like those tiny worker ants.
-Andrew, Andrew Hutton. I see we match classes and I-
-I would prefer to show you it all and then have a talk than just us going off the route. Otherwise I might forget something. This is a big school you know?
-OK, sure, as you wish!
-Good. So, what are your main interests?
-Well, heh, I am really into football, I used to be on my football team for 2 years now..
-Mmhm, I see...anything else?
-Oh and I always wanted to try out gardening, you guys do that too, right?
-Indeed, in order to get into the clubs you wish to be in, we need your and your parent's signature. I'll give you the papers in the end.-Ray patted on his rectangular bag.
-Wait, who are they?
-Oh don't mind them, they are just dudes that don't want a bright future-
-OK...but what are they doing?
-Idk, something called cocaine, grass, just white powder. If you see a dollar bill around I suggest you don't pick it up.
-Oh G R O S S-
-Oi, who in the fock yelled tha'?

A dude with ah heavy British accent stood up from his squat. He was wearing a dirty black , and he had a white nose

-Ya punks think you can ge' away with that?
-Yo, yo, yo.. we don't want any trouble..
-Well you girls sounded like ya deed. Who in the hell are ya to tolk to mie, and me brothas like tha'?
-Jacob listen, he said he doesn't want trouble, plus I am fully capable of telling on you. Like a 5th grader. No shame. Also you were supposed to wear a collared shirt but you seem to have decency to come to school in.. this- Raymond clued at the outfit with his hand.
-Ya chryna lekcha me smartay pants?
-Apapapap, don't touch me!.. AH lord have MERCY, you smell god awful too, you kiss your mother with all that stink? I doubt a mint would help in any way! If you want to be a functioning member of society you should dress appropriately How about you grab backup clothes from your locker?
-Why you li'le-
Ray dodged Jacob trying to get a hold of his shoulders. Ray grinned with happiness.


School security rushed to the spot. Andrew was standing with his jaw open. Ray looked at him and said:

- Collect your jaw, or the fly will fly in, I don't recommend speaking so loudly my friend. If people overhear you, woo, we are having a ride worse than that. if you disobey the rules, you are suspended for a month, without any source of information, and believe me, this guys' parents are really strict. Shall we get going? Say, do you wish to meet the whole student council and not just me alone? I have colleagues you know?
-Oh I'd certainly love that..
-Hmm.....ok good, good. I have also noticed your older sibling transferred here. His name's Michael, right?
-Yes, it is. How do you know?
-Oh I have all the paperwork I need by my side, and I just love the gossip and tea, so why not be the one who spreads it all like butter on bread?
-So it's a hobby of yours at this point.
-Correct. We are close so I must tell you that there are more girls here, because of the certain biological reasons that allow more information to fit into a woman's brain. Actually, it's very hard to divide a woman's brain in two halves due to the strong connection of neurons between the two, while males' brains can be easily divided by bare hands. I always loved anatomy, don't ask me why I know that.
-Well, I think it's great that you are interested in something. I enjoy it when people talk about them, even though I am more of a biology guy, anatomy is great too. Unfortunately it's too complex for me.
-Oh no, I could tutor you if you want. Well not for free of course, time is money, and besides, it's pretty cheap with me, cheapest even. $20 a month to be exact.
-Well it does seem reasonable ..I'll consider it.
-Well, I am right here if there's something you need.
-So is this like a friendship now? Sorry I am bad at social things, I have never had a friend before, and sorry if I am acting weird right now, it's just that I make everything awkward.
-No, it's fine! I think we can call this companionship, but not a friendship yet, it's the 1st day after all, you don't get all the good things at once, do you?
-Oh, ok..-So uh... we are here! I'll tell you what, these guys haven't seen a newbie in a while so act natural, they are just gonna be a li-i-i-ittle exited.
-Ok chef, noted-Andrew finger guns
-*knock knock* Hey kids! Open up!
The blurry glass slid to the side and a pair of dark green eyes appeared.
-Who's that with you?- they answered in a bold voice. The emerald eyes started observing Andrew. They opened wide. The low voice switched to squealing.

-Oh wait, is that the new boy?
-Indeed! May we get in?
-ok wait let me just-locks clicked, a curly-haired redhead opened it - okie dokie, all open.- I am Agatha Smith, you can call me Aggie it's just, a silly nickname people call me, we are all nerds here so make sure to bring a bunch of brains so it flows out your ears! Hehe, anyway I am really super duper exited to meet you and let's be honest, I am the smartest when it comes to tech so if your phone is Kaput, you can TOOOTALLY hit me up!
-O-oh.. I mean OK SURE! I am kind of nervous sorry, I am not used to these kinds of welcomes..
-Come on don't be shy about it, we are all like siblings here! So you see all of the members, we were talking about raising funds for the crippled kids that still deserve education in public schools, don't they?
-Oh yeah I agree with that statement, no matter who you must be everyone deserves to know things they are interested in.
-I'd put in money too but my father doesn't think there's a need to help people.. He is just being a stingy asshole- giving away $100 won't hurt your pocket. By the way, name's Hugo, nice to meet you Andrew!
-Hello! And you are in charge of...?
-Baking and cooking club leader. We also edit the menu and come up with new recipes. Basically chemistry but it's tasty and as healthy as possible. We heard you also had an older brother, he's a senior right?
-Uh, yeah, so everybody here knows everything about me?
-Well, not quite everything, but I am Heather, am the head of the news department "inky feather" and we will try our best to find out best hot gossip about you!
-Heath, cut it off, you are scaring him.
-Oh come on Martha, he knows I am joking, Don't you Hutton? What school did you transfer from?
-I used to go to the Gymnasium LIÈS, outside of town, in the Villa. It's basically a discipline thing but when I became 16 my parents started thinking I could handle this school.
-OO, that is impressive, though usually they are sort of behind the program if we compare the textbooks they use to ours-

*knock knock*

-Who's at the door?- Andrew asked.
-I have no idea but they better say something important or I will-
-Oh Martha, stop! Let's be friendly for god's sake.
-Says who-?

 Ray sighed- Who is it?- he told to the person behind the door.

-I am looking for my brother, we were supposed to go home together, could you help me find him?
-Hm?- Ray opened the door and peeked through. It was a tall person with curly brown hair. His forehead was sweaty and he was panting which indicated he searched the whole school around, running.
-Oh I am sorry for the inconvenience we caused you, Andrew is here, we were just trying to introduce him to school grounds and our staff-
- Sorry but I simply do not have time for endless chatter, I am drowning in my own sweat this cold day, could I please have my brother back?
-I am sorry Michael but the School protocol, Ch.1 where they talk about students rights, article 3 says that all new members shall be introduced to school grounds, and have certain time to catch up to the material which must be controlled by one of the school councilors-
-Don't you lecture me, I know all of that, but I must demand an exception- Michael grinned with a fierce look in his eye.
-I know a magic word which can be yelled to make you obey the rules, and the said word is "Security". Please be a civilized student and respect the School protocol.
-One way or another, I'm going to kill yo-
 Ray shut the door as he thought to himself:


Andrew looked at Ray while hunching like a hunchback of Notre dame:
-Was that my brother you were speaking with?
-Yes, why?
-YO! I could never stand up for myself like that!
- I just deal with people's bullshit a lot, it is no big deal, when you are a somewhat of a public figure in any community, you are ought to develop sense of diplomacy and refraining yourself from cursing.
-Wow, you are really good at it then..
-Thanks- the corners of his mouth slightly lifted up. - So-

-Oh, sorry, meine lieben Kollegen, I am late. The excuse for today is that principal wanted somethings resolved by tomorrow. Heather, he needs more articles, Martha, help her with pictures for the paper please..-pale teenager with a heavy German accent came into the room, flicking the documents in his hands, while his sunshade was hanging on his arm- Oh! who is this little birdie, hm?
  Martha sighed and held her nose bridge with her thumb and index finger.-Henry for the love of god, I told you we were having a student transferred you forgetful piece of shit.
-Oh GEEZ, looks like someone's got an attitude, have you had any sleep or were you listening to music at 4 a.m. again?- Henry swung his closed parasol around her head.
-Enough. I am done with this shit show, though I love it, we have to make Andrew feel welcomed! - Ray smiled with his nerve popping from his forehead.
 -Ugh, sorry for this inconvenience, my cousin is such a bitch-
 -I am a WHAT?
 -Oh mein Gott I didn't even get to introduce myself Martha, I didn't do anything? And you keep showing yourself in bad light, is it that you are jealous von mir? How sweet..
-Just because you know several German words, it doesn't mean you are a fucking German vampire from 1890s.
-Yes, you are totally jealous.. any who aren't you a nice little one? I love your style, ripped and smart, ties suit you a lot, but sweaters would be nicer. Also, there is no need to wear  the uniform as you can see. Ray is doing that because he has no idea how to dress-
-Haha, fuck you..
-Excuse you? It's because I have whiter skin than you peasants- back in the day, aristocrats were people who used to respect themselves and not show themselves in sunlight, they had self-worth and manners unlike you uneducated swines, das ist inakzeptabel.. where is my sunscreen? I remember putting it here last time...
-Jack off and you'll find some-
-MARTHA,  stop. I am older than you, Respect your elders-
-Guys...PEOPLE!?...ENOUGH? I just got here, enough of this bullshit! I mean sure, sorry for your family problems but that is a YOU problem alright? Ray is there anything else or am I dismissed?
-Uh, actually, I haven't shown you the school grounds yet, we have more places to explore..
-Thank god, I hope you guys calm down, resolve your problems and chill... I will wait for you outside Ray..- Andrew walked out the door and slammed it.
-*sigh* Henry, do you have any task from the principal that needs me to complete it?
-Sure, ein moment... you are free for today, though he wants you early in the morning at his office for some reason-
-Ooooooooooooooooo, looks like our principal is a pedo..
-Oh come on Agatha, that must be a different reason-
-Ich glaube you need a rest. Nur sagen natürlich-
-Maybe I don't. I'll head my way, and untill tomorrow..
-Come on, we wanted to hang today..- agatha whined.
-I'm busy.
-As always. What's so important that you don't ever spend time with us?-Heather crossed her arms.
-Look guys I am just really occupied. I can however make time on Saturday-
-du weißt das es ist sonnig am Samstag! Ridicilous! Mein Haut can't tolerate it-
-And I have to help mom... gleh..-Martha shivered.
-Oh...I see, I am kind of all booked for the rest of the month...maybe in July-?
-*sigh* Ray nobody is that busy, are you sure you are fine? 
-No, I am just working, and I have homework..
-We could do homework together-
-NO! I have a LOT on my plate, I am tied, I am not able to make time for you because I need time for myself! GOD...
 Raymond walked out the door to see Andrew leaning against the wall.
-Hey, sorry for the inconvenience, it's been a busy week and-
-I get it, negativity is a common thing to happen. Anyway, where are we heading to next?
-*sigh* thanks for understanding.. so, the yard? I am so sorry though-
-It's fine, you don't have to apologize..

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