Naruto Gojo

By KZ1818

185K 2.9K 578

I don't own Naruto or Jujutsu kaisen A 6 year old Naruto gets beaten by the leaf villagers and gets saved by... More

Naruto meets Gojo
Naruto's abilities and personality after training with gojo,kurama and hagoromo
Naruto meets his family
Academy Graduation
Bell Test
Wave Arc Part 1
Wave Arc 2
Chunin Exams Arc
Chunin Exams Phase 1
Chunin Exams Phase 2
Chunin Preliminaries
Chunin Preliminaries 2
Preliminary Final
Konoha Crush
Konoha Crush 2
Search for Tsunade
Search For Tsunade 2
Special Chapter
Gojo Memes
Visit gone wrong
Sasuke Retrieval Mission
Sasuke Retrieval Arc 2
Naruto vs Kimimaro

Wave Arc Final

7.9K 134 2
By KZ1818

By the end of the week, both Sakura and Sasuke had a better understanding of chakra enhancement. Now Team 7 was finally ready for their confrontation.

And Zabuza was also ready.Naruto created a clone to watch over Inari and Tsunami.Naruto also decided to watch his team from a distance when they fight Zabuza and Haku.

Time skip to bridge

Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura were walking to the bridge with Tazuna behind them. When they arrived they saw all the workers either unconscious or unable to get up or even move.

What happened here" asked Tazuna fearfully. As he finished speaking a dense mist rolled in.

Sensei it's Zabuza isn't it. This is his Hidden Mist Jutsu." Asked Sakura.

Well Kakashi I see you still have those brats with you. Pitiful that one is still trembling.''Said Zabuza.

At that moment seven water clones of Zabuza appeared around the group.

Sasuke grinned and said he was trembling with excitement.

Go on Sasuke they are all yours. "Said Kakashi.

In a split second Sasuke had slashed all of the water clones and returned back to his original position. The clones turned back into water.

Seems like you have a rival Haku."Said Zabuza.

So it seems" Haku

Sasuke and Haku stepped forward and prepared for battle, Sasuke pulled out a kunai while Haku pulled out a senbon needle. Both of them charged and their weapons clanged against one another. Sasuke kept trying to get past Haku's guard but Haku was just as fast as him making it impossible. They kept this up until Haku spoke.

We are only after the bridge builder if you back off we won't need to fight you."Haku

Sasuke ignored her and kept looking for an opening.

You are at a great disadvantage give up now." Said Haku calmly.

How am I at a disadvantage?" Sasuke asked with a scoff clearly not believing Haku.

First we are surrounded by water and second I've blocked one of your hands, leaving you with only one to defend yourself. "Said Haku in her level tone.

Haku brought her free hand up and begun to make hand signs using only that hand. When she finished Haku said Secret Jutsu: A Thousand Needles of Death.

She stomped her foot on the ground and the water rose up all around them in the shape of water droplets. In the next moment all the droplets turned into sharp water needles.
The needles rushed at Sasuke in an attempt to skewer him. Sasuke managed to avoid the needles by pushing his chakra into his feet and leaping away. While in the air he threw four shuriken causing Haku to back flip away, Sasuke then appeared behind her and cockily said.From this point on you are going to be defending from my attacks.

Sasuke charged with a kunai which Haku blocked with her forearm. Haku then tried to sweep Sasuke's legs with her arm with a needle held firmly in her hand but Sasuke kicked Haku in the face. Sending her back to Zabuza.

Zabuza was in shock and Kakashi spoke You made a big mistake in calling these ninja brats. That's just guaranteed to bring out Sasuke's attitude and he is one of the villages best young fighters while Sakura is the villages' sharpest mind and last but not least, the villages number one most unpredictable ninja is none other than Naruto Uzumaki.

Haku if this keeps up we will be the victims not them, get on with it".Said Zabuza in a no nonsense tone.

Right." Said Haku. As she stood up purplish-blue streams of light begun to come off Haku in waves. Haku walked back towards where Sasuke was.

I'm sorry it had to come to this. Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors. Said Haku in a slightly sad tone.

Mirrors of ice appeared around Sasuke and Haku. The mirrors then glowed and Haku walked right into one disappearing within it and then reappeared as an image on the mirror which was then projected to all the other mirrors. Kakashi ran and tried to get there to help Sasuke but Zabuza stood in his way.

'Your fight is with me Kakashi. The boy doesn't stand a chance against Haku.' Said Zabuza cheerfully.

'Before you delude yourself with false hope let me tell you a little secret. Haku is even stronger than me. In other words, your boy is doomed. Finished Zabuza sadistically.

Haku spoke to Sasuke 'Now I'll show you what speed really is.' The mirrors glowed and needles begun flying at Sasuke from all directions. He was slashed and his kunai was knocked away by the needles and sent flying out of the mirror dome.

Both Sakura and Kakashi called out to Sasuke.

Try and help him Kakashi and I'll kill those other two in a heartbeat. "Said Zabuza.

Sakura picked up the kunai and ran towards the mirror dome.

Sasuke catch!' She shouted as she flung the kunai towards Sasuke.

However before it could reach Sasuke, Haku appeared out of one of the mirrors and grabbed it. Suddenly out of nowhere a shuriken flew through the air and hit Haku's mask leaving a deep gash. Everyone looked at the direction it came from and saw.

Back at Tazuna's House
Inari can you give me a hand?' Asked Tsunami in the kitchen.

I'll be there in a minute mom." Replied Inari who was up in his room.

All of a sudden the front door was slashed and crumbled into pieces by two bandits who had just appeared. Tsunami screamed as they hit her. Inari hearing the scream ran down the stairs and arrived to the scene. Sticking his head cautiously around the hall he looked to see what was wrong.

Mom".Cried Inari.

Inari go away from here now!" Shouted Tsunami.

Don't move.Said the bandit. Should we take him hostage as well?' asked the bandit. The bandit was of tall stature, wore an eye-patch over his right eye while his left eye was white with a black pupil and had brown hair which he parted in three parts, finishing in an elaborate topknot.

He had an intricate tattoo that seemingly stretched across his entire left side as well as a stitched scar on the left side of his forehead, and the left side of his mouth.

He was wearing what seemed to be a loose-fitting kimono, albeit not in the traditional manner as the top half of the outfit fell around his waist leaving his upper body exposed. He also wore bandages wrapped around his waist, simple sandals and carried a fairly long sword.

Clone Naruto was watching this from a tree he wanted to see what Inari would do.

No Gato said only one hostage.Replied the other bandit. This one was a light-skinned man with bluish-white hair and also had black eyes. He also had lined markings tattooed under his eyes. He wore a dark purple hat on this head, the top of which extended far beyond the top of his head. He also wore a blue jacket with multiple pockets and had a blue handled katana tied to his waist.

Alright that means I can cut him up."  Said the first bandit excitedly as he moved his hand to his sword.

No! Don't hurt him he is just a boy. If you want a hostage I'll do anything, but if you hurt him I'll bite my tongue and kill myself." Shouted Tsunami.

Well looks like your mom came through for you, huh kid"Said the second bandit.

It's a shame I was really in the mood to cut something. "Said the other bandit.

Relax and anyway you've already drawn blood today"Replied his partner.

The three walked out and Inari started crying.

I couldn't do anything I'm so weak." He thought as he kept crying.

Then he remembered what Naruto said
He should stop being a coward.

Then he thought of his dad and mom and his grandpa and thought.Can I be strong like them too?" Inari

Having a change of heart Inari decided he wouldn't cry anymore and charged outside.

Let go of my mom! He shouted as he charged the bandits, arms flailing.

Now can we cut him?Asked first bandit in an eager tone.

Sure. Replied the other bandit.

No! Don't touch him if you do I'll.But she didn't finish what she was saying as she was chopped from behind and the bandit said Take a nap.

They sliced Inari and he was split in three but then when they looked back they saw a log sliced into three parts instead of a sliced up body.

A substitution."Said one of the bandits.

Clone Naruto had decided to jump in and stopped the bandits from slicing Inari and rescued Tsunami who had woken up.She blushed slightly.

Good job Inari thanks to your distraction I was able to save your mum, although the hero always shows up at the last minute anyway. Said Clone Naruto.

Naruto? Asked Inari wide eyed.

I would prefer if you called me dad".Said Clone Naruto

Get him.Said the bandits as they charged at Clone Naruto swords drawn. Naruto simply threw two shuriken with hirashin mark which they easily deflected with their swords. They then bragged.You're going to have to do better than that.'

'I did.' Said Clone  Naruto smiling as he teleported to the shuriken in a instant.Naruto killed the bandits by stabbing with kunais.

Inari you were very brave.' Praised Naruto.

Inari started crying .

Damn it I p-promised myself I wouldn't cry anymore.' Sniffled Inari.

Clone Naruto placed a hand on his shoulder and said It's alright to cry if you're happy.'

Well let's go inside.-Said Clone Naruto
After that they went back inside the house.

On the bridge

Naruto decided to 'help' Sasuke.. Naruto threw a shuriken which struck Haku's  mask. Everyone looked in his direction and Naruto, arms crossed over his chest had only one thing to say.
Naruto Uzumaki Gojo is here! He shouted.

Kakashi looked glad to see Naruto.He told Naruto to provide Sasuke with backup.

Naruto then teleported to Sasuke

Sasuke tell me what you know about this jutsu.' He said 'seriously'.

He uses mirrors to transport himself at super speeds and it appears as though he is all around when he is really in one place. Sasuke summed up.

Have you tired any fire jutsus? Inquired said Naruto.

Yeah but they don't work or I wouldn't be in this mess idiot.' Sasuke stated.

Fine well now it's my time to try my own jutsu Fire Style: Grand Fireball Jutsu.' He shouted as a great fireball emerged and struck a mirror. Once the flames died down it was clear nothing had happened.

Told you." Said Sasuke arrogantly.

Fine, I'll go with plan B Shadow Clone Jutsu.' Shouted Naruto and a Naruto for each mirror appeared totalling fifteen in all.

'Sasuke, I noticed for a while that you were able to keep up with his movements, have you managed to activate your Sharingan?' Naruto asked.

No but I'm close."He said reluctantly.

Very well watch the battle and try to anticipate his movements once you achieve it we will attack him together until then, charge!' yelled Naruto commanding all his clones to attack a mirror.

Sasuke watched intently and could see Haku jumping from mirror to mirror. He saw all the clones destroyed but then his eyes widened when he saw Haku throw five needles, all at Naruto's vital organs. He then charged and pushed Naruto out of the way only to take the needles himself Sharingan activated at last.

Naruto was surprised to say the least as he didn't exactly think of Sasuke as a friend and thought the feeling was mutual.

Why Sasuke?" Naruto asked clearly surprised.

'I don't know I just saw it and moved. Naruto, I hated you, you were always a nuisance."He growled.

Argh I didn't ask for you to save me, so why did you do this?' Naruto.

My body just acted on its own." Said Sasuke weakly before collapsing onto Naruto.

Sasuke was bleeding heavily from the mouth Naruto I have one request, you too were left alone in this world so you know what it means to suffer as I have so I ask you, as a fellow shinobi, teammate and quite possibly the only one who understands me, please kill my brother for me for it is he who destroyed my clan and made me how I today, am cold and uncaring."Begged Sasuke.

Sasuke I do understand how you feel so I will honour your request." Said Naruto with a fake smile.

'Thank you Naruto.' Said Sasuke before closing his eyes

After seeing Sasuke unconscious Haku came out the mirror and talked to Naruto.

So Naruto are we going fight or just wait for Gato to appear."Clone Haku

We don't have to actually fight.Just dispel.If Kakashi asks questions I will tell him you escaped.

The clone dispelled

Well let's give Kakashi a scare.Naruto said to Kurama as he released some of her chakra.

Meanwhile with Kakashi
Kakashi sensed the Nine-Tails power.

Oh no I think Naruto lost control, I have to end this NOW!" Kakashi drew a scroll and swiped some of the blood from his jacket onto the scroll. He twirled it around and then placed it on top of his knuckles while making hand signs then slammed it on the ground and said Ninja Art Summoning Earth Style: Fang Pursuit Jutsu.

Little squiggles rushed out and rushed to where Zabuza was. When the markings reached him ninja hounds burst from the ground and bit on to Zabuza on his neck and all his limbs.

Got you".Said Kakashi
Kakashi made hand signs and formed his very own original jutsu Lightning Blade.He called.

Zabuza I won't let you kill Tazuna he is a brave man and is helping this village recover I won't let you destroy this bridge and this village's dreams. Said Kakashi while he gripped his hand.

Why should I care I have my own dreams?"Zabuza retorted.

'But in order to have a dream you need a future and your future is all used up. This is the end Zabuza.'' Kakashi said and charged.

He thrust his hand holding his jutsu into 'clone Zabuza' right through his heart.

Goodbye Zabuza Momochi.' Said Kakashi solemnly.

Naruto approached the group when Sakura spoke.Hey Naruto where's Sasuke?'

Naruto met her gaze and she instantly thought the worse due to seeing his expression. She ran off to where Sasuke was and begun to cry over his body believing him to be dead but within a few minutes he rose.

Sakura it's hard to breathe with you leaning on me like that.' He called out in a rather raspy tone.

She hugged him a little tighter before letting him up 'Where is Naruto?' He asked.

Back Kakashi

A short plump man was clapping and spoke So I finally see Zabuza dead.

Kakashi looked at him 'Who are you?' he asked.

Me? I'm Gato and these fine men next to me are my personal warriors.' Said Gato indicating the hundred or so men standing around him.

Naruto who was in his first tailed form again and entering his second quickly spoke to Kakashi in an animalistic  'He is MINE!'

Kakashi understood trying to stop him was now near impossible since he was almost out of chakra so he stiffly nodded. Naruto grinned at this and begun to walk forward.

Gato retreated behind his men and said Get him.

The men then charged while Naruto popped his neck then went down on all fours. In a red flash he shot his hand right through the heart of one of them letting the blood flow freely. He then ducked down to avoid a halberd strike which decapitated the person he had just killed. Naruto then launched his tail and pierced the neck of the person who attacked him who coughed up blood before dying. Naruto then charged and slammed two bandits head's together crushing them sending blood and brain everywhere. He then realised this wasn't going to satisfy him so he stood up and used a bandits sword to behead the other ninety six men in a blur of blood and red chakra before flicking his blade elegantly removing the blood on it. He started walking calmly towards Gato.

'Wait! Don't kill me I'll give you anything you want.' Gato pleaded.

'Then give me all your money' Said Naruto in his animalistic voice.

Gato told Naruto where his money was and the combination to his safe.

Nice do business with you.Now it is time for you to die.-"Naruto

Gato begun to sweat and realised he couldn't do that so he said 'But we made a deal ... argh' Gato yelled in pain as Naruto just ripped his left arm out of its socket.

Goodbye'.Growled Naruto.

He watched the blood fall of the left arm in morbid fascination and then cut both of Gato's legs at the knee with the sword. Then he stood on his last remaining limb and growled while pulling his arm back fingers all together in the shape of a knife and claws extended.

'This is for all the hurt you have caused...' Said Naruto before plunging his hand right through his lung causing him to cry out in pain and cough out blood. The torture was soon to end as Naruto then brought his other hand up in the shape of a fist '...and this is for my son Inari.' He almost whispered before smashing his hand on Gato's skull going right through his brain killing him instantly. Naruto withdrew his hands and walked back to Kakashi who gave him a look of understanding laced with worry and a hint of fear.

'Don't worry Kakashi it's me not Kyuubi.' Said Naruto releasing his demonic chakra and turning around to see Inari with all the villagers behind him.

'Naruto know you said a hero shows up at the last minute but you didn't really leave us with much.' Said Inari half surprised and half joking and a little scared at the carnage.

Kid I told you to call me dad.'Naruto

Tazuna look at Naruto angrily.

Naruto then messaged his clone through a mind link.He told to go tell Zabuza and Haku where Gato's money is.

Time skip night
Naruto met up with Zabuza and Haku.They split the money.After they got the Haku and Zabuza decided go back to the hidden mist.Before they  Haku gave Naruto a kiss.

When Naruto got to Tazuna's house.He went to Tsunami's gave a scroll with money.He would come back to unseal it.

Timeskip week

The bridge was finished and Team Seven and were just about to head back to the Leaf village.

Before they left Inari spoke Guys come back real soon, okay?'

'Don't worry Inari I visit you guys soon.' Said Naruto smiling.

Naruto walked up to Tsunami and kissed her on her lips.Tazuna glared at Naruto.Kakashi giggled pervertly at this.Sakura was surprise to see that Naruto the deadlast have a girlfriend. Sasuke just looked indifferent.

Thanks Naruto for everything you did for us.' Said Tsunami

No problem babe."Naruto

As they were leaving the villagers begun to ask about the name of the bridge before Tazuna spoke smiling at Naruto moving away in the distance We will call it The Great Naruto Bridge.

Tsunami chuckled.

'That's a good name and hopefully it will stand as a beacon strength for years to come just like Naruto was for this village and the bridge.' Said Tsunami with a slightly dreamy expression.

To leaf village

Team 7 made it back to leaf village.Kakashi told they would need give the hokage a report of the mission.

When they got there Kakashi gave the hokage a report of the mission.He left out the part of Naruto's abilities and Naruto's usage of the Nine-Tails chakra.He decided he would tell him that privately.After the report the Hokage dismissed Team 7.

Naruto,Sasuke and Sakura left the hokage's office.Kakashi stayed to tell him about Naruto.

Kakashi is there something important you wish to discuss."Hiruzen

Yes there is Lord Hokage.It is about Naruto." Kakashi

What did he do."Hiruzen

Kakashi told him about Naruto's curse techniques Red and Infinite Void him defeating Zabuza and about Naruto using the Nine-Tails chakra.

This is quite disturbing.To think that someone so young is that powerful.The one who trained must be very powerful."Hiruzen

I asked him about his abilities.He told he wouldn't tell me.He said it was a clan secret."Kakashi

Does Naruto know about his clan." Hiruzen

It appears so."Kakashi

Well I hope that Naruto does not become a enemy to the hidden leaf.'Hiruzen

The village has given him enough reason to."Kakashi

Let's just hope for the best Kakashi.Keep a close on Naruto.Report if he does anything suspicious.

Yes Lord Hokage.Oh I forgot to tell you Naruto got a girlfriend in the land of waves-Kakashi

Kakashi then disappeared using the body flicker technique.

So Naruto has a girlfriend Hiruzen chuckled before sighing and returning to his paperwork.
I really hate paperwork.

Naruto went to back his house in the forest of death.When he got home he told Tsume and Anko about his mission in the land of waves.

End of chapter.

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