Mafia's Slave ✔️

By starlensea

100K 2K 249

Andrew Kavinsky, a ruthless, 18 years old mafia who never fell in love Andrea Handerson, a poor, 16 years old... More

Chapter 1: Hellcome, Andrea!
Chapter 2: Do You Know?
Chapter 3: I'll Take It As a Yes!
Chapter 4: Slave & Master
Chapter 5: With That Tongue
Chapter 6: Stripper
Chapter 7: With Him
Chapter 8: Kavinsky?
Chapter 9: I'll Pretend
Chapter 10: A Glimpse Of Us
Chapter 11: Ouch!
Chapter 12: No Way
Chapter 13: Haha, Escape?
Chapter 14: Ooh That Touch
Chapter 15: Go Bad Bitch
Chapter 16: Who Won?
Chapter 17: Billy & Vivi
Chapter 18: Rex
Chapter 19: "Are you okay?"
Chapter 20: Like A Mafia
Chapter 21: Wish You Were Sober
Chapter 22: It's Hard, Love
Chapter 23: Will You Go?
Chapter 24: Drunk & Nasty
Chapter 25: You're Falling!
Chapter 26: No One's Here
Chapter 27: Vivi, I'm Falling
Chapter 28: Santa Claus Exists
Chapter 29: I'm Just A Baby
Chapter 31: I'm Yours
Chapter 32: You're Special
Chapter 33: Ola!
Chapter 34: Vivi, I'm Drowning
Chapter 35: New Dreams
Chapter 36: He's The One
Chapter 37: Unfinished Novel
Chapter 38: Don't Go Away, Vivi
Chapter 39: I Need You
Chapter 40: Is It Real?

Chapter 30: Touch Her And You Die

1.5K 38 5
By starlensea

Andrew's pov:

We were so immersed into each other but then the bell ranged only. Who can it be again? Dad?
Andrea and me both went out of the room to see who it was. And surprisingly, it's them.

"HEYY!", Ever shouted as she ran to us and hugged Andrea. "Merry Christmas. How you guys have been?".

I gently smiled at her without replying anything. But my smile faded when I saw Kevin entering in my living room. I felt my blood gushing out. I felt my flesh burning. Alex and Gigi came into too. I approached them and patted Alex's back.

Then my eyes rested on Kevin who's coming a little too closer to Andrea. I tightened my jaw and I know she's feeling awkward too.

"Hey, beautiful", he spoke. His eyes sparkled seeing her. I know she's gorgeous but she's mine.

I slowly walked towards them and pulled her waist and pressed it against my body as I gave him a lazy smile. "Kevin?".

"Ah what bro?", He said, sheepishly. "Okay- Merry Christmas-- haha", he paused. He knew what he was doing and what I was doing too. I just want to make a big distance between them.

Andrea's pov:

We all sat around his table like the last time. Ever was standing only cause she was giving a speech about their friendship. I'm sitting beside him only and I'm facing Alex, Gigi and Kevin.

"So, this is for our friendship", she shouted with happiness as everyone raised their toast. So I did. "Like every year, this year also we will give messages to our loved ones without mentioning their name. Okay? Who will go first-"

Gigi raised her hand instantly. "Me".

"Come", Ever smiled as she left the place and stood beside Alex as they stared into each other and blushed.

"To our loved ones. Yes. I do have someone. I don't even have to mention his name. What should I say? He has been my best friend since childhood. We laughed and cried together. Stole cookies from the kitchen. Played together in the mud and alot. I didn't know what this feeling was. But now I know that, I love him. I love this boy so much. But- an another girl took him from me and it hurts. It really hurts".

A pause. She whimpered and sobbed. Kavinsky rubbed his eyes as he huffed. Okay. Everyone knows.

"Where are you now? Why the fuck you can't love me? Why the hell you can't stare into my eyes like you look at her? Why-", she broke down. But then she cleared her throat and said, "That's it", and took her place.

"Okay! It was kinda emotional and it was so direct- haha. Anyways, who will go now? Kevin?"

Kevin gave me a short look before standing up. I adjusted myself cause maybe I know who his loved one is.

"Hey. I'll not mention her name but- yes! Maybe I've fallen in love this time really. I got so many girlfriends, so many flings but it feels real. So real, so genuine. I can do anything for you and I want to have you this Christmas. I love you, A", he looked at me. "Don't play hard to get. I can treat you better than anyone can". He chuckled and took his seat.

"You everytime say this, Kev", Gigi mumbled with a sad tone. Everyone nodded except Kavinsky and me.

"Okay- I'll go now", Alex said and pushed him from the couch. Cleared his throat. "Uhm, I didn't know what love was. Nothing really felt between me and Stella but you know- something happens when I'm with her", Alex gave a side eye look to Ever. "Sparks fly when I'm with her and I think- what you guys say? Love. Yeah. I think I'm in love. So yeah- I gotta make her mine", He gulped and ended the speech. We all clapped cause it was cute. They're cute.

"Ands? Go", Ever said to Kavinsky. Oh! "C'mon".

"What I should say?"

"Say something to the person you love. But don't mention their name".

"Okay-", he got up hesitantly. He blinked at me a few times and then started saying shoving his hands in his pocket,

"My loved one. I like that person more than anything else. It's been a short time since I met her but my life has changed after seeing her for the first time. She's the sunlight to my thunderstorms. But- I'll never make her mine cause I don't want to make promises which I can't keep. But yeah, I'll stay by her side forever. Even if I let her go, I'll protect her from the distance cause she's a precious treasure to me. I love you, my loved one", he finished saying and a shocking expression was plastered on everyone's face. "But I'm not finished yet". Oh. "I know some people like me, adore me alot. I don't wanna break their hearts cause my heart already belongs to her. And maybe, she's the girl I was waiting for the whole time".

"Bro!", Alex cheered. "My bestfriend has fallen in love!"

"Shut up", he rolled his eyes and sat down. I feel like I can't catch my breathe. Why it sounded like it was said about me? Cause- he said me sometimes ago that I'm his seashore and all. Oh he said sunlight and thunderstorms. It was definately not about me. I sighed.

"Andrea. Now you go".

"Me?". Like seriously me?

"Yes you"

I stood up infront of everyone. I don't know what to say. I don't know about whom I should say. "Uhm. I haven't any loved one".

"What", Alex laughed off. "Not even your parents?".

"My parents? They fucking sold me. They abandoned me. How can they be my loved one?"

"They did the right thing tho", I heard Gigi mumbling. I gulped down my anger cause this time, I really want to punch her on her freaking face. Although she was right.

"Gigi?", Ever elbowed her but she didn't seem to care as they took more sips of her wine.

We all are dancing to the song -

I genuinely love One Direction and I really haven't any problem that I'm vibing alone. No one is here to give me company. To extend their hand and ask me for a dance. Alex and Kavinsky vibing together and Ever and Kevin are dancing together, jumping and all. While Gigi and me only chilling alone.

But then only everyone went to their partner and Kevin came to me. He extended his hand asking me if I want to dance with him or not, like a gentleman. I didn't want him.

Still, I agreed cause I saw Kavinsky sitting alone only, watching Alex and Ever. Gigi is acting weird as she keep drinking the wine while dancing. She's twerking, shaking her waist, rounding her head all round. Her hair is messy.

Kevin and me are dancing fine but I got really unsettled when his hand moved to my booty. "I really like you, you know?", He whispered. Oh. God.

"The heck you're doing for real?"

"Trying to make you mine".


But then he did so worse squeezing my booty. I was about to say something when a fist punched his jaw hard as he fell on the ground and I stumbled back.



Kavinsky was in top of him as he kept punching his face continuosly. I felt numb, weak, helpless seeing them fighting on the ground like that. I heard Gigi's scream.

"HOW. MANY. TIME. SHOULD. I. SAY. STAY. AWAY. FROM. HER?". One word, one punch. Blood gushed out from Kevin's nose. And I kept whispering, stop. But I'm too afraid to scream the word louder.

Alex hold his arms, trying to stop him but he kept jerking Alex off. "Let go off me! I'll kill this bastard!"

"Andrew! That's really enough!", Ever yelled at him. I can't breathe. I really can't breathe. Kevin coughed as he spit blood in the brown mattress.

"If you touch her again, you'll fucking die!", Kavinsky snapped. He's fussing in anger. Why. Why. Why?

"Oh God! This is ridiculous. Our friendship is ruining for this girl", Gigi said to me, shouting. "Oh my god! I've never seen us fighting. Just because this girl".

The blame is on me.




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