Emerald Eyes || jikook ff ||

By ArmyGrl17

1.2K 115 27

Three years ago, Jungkook left his pack to start anew with Park Pack. Along with the marriage proposal brough... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

612 43 14
By ArmyGrl17


The pitch black blanket is draped over the sky with nothing but doleful and thick clouds with heavy bolts of lightning, suddenly flashing every second enlivening the sky, striking in mauve and yellow with ear deafening sound. The downpour is mercilessly heavy with thunder sounds, mixing with the loud cries of the boy who bellows his heart out beneath the sky, who screams, so loudly that his throat hurts— but his heart was in anguish and misery. The boy screams about his unfair life. His body trembles as he sits under the heavy deluge and an even more evil weather, holding the lifeless body of his precious ones.

The blonde boy mourns for his parents, shaking them, to wake them. Ears going deaf to all the sounds and voices of others, he just wants— wants to hear their voice.

But he hears nothing, he sees no signs of his parents opening their eyes and smiling at him. 

Everything was over. 

He had nothing to lose now. 

He hysterically cries, his tears streaming down his face, a heart that seems to cease beating and he hoped it'd stop— really stop because it hurts so much. Everything hurts, eyes burns and suddenly he can't feel anything— his tear-filled eyes fixated on his their faces. He screams at his mother, his father for going— for leaving him alone in this unfair world— all alone. 

He screams at the Moon Luna for giving him so much pain, for taking the only precious thing he had.

And now he has nothing. 

He cries and cries…

And the sky joins him in his grief for as long as the boy howls and wails.


Little droplets of sweat cascade down the alpha's cheek as he continues to cut the log with an axe. His arm muscles contract as he does so, hair swaying and slightly wet from the sweat as well. Even though the weather is nice, blue sky with pretty and heavenly clouds decorated on a blue sheet. The early autumn breeze gusts past him, carrying the ever so heartily aroma of rain-quenched soil and woodland. It's refreshing in a lively way. The wind is cool and fresh and that makes Jungkook do his job without getting too tired from it. The alpha wouldn't even care about the summer sun that would be burning his skin, or the winter that would freeze him. 

Jungkook throws another large freshly cut timber onto the rest of the piled wood timbers on the side. He wipes away the sweat on his forehead with his forefinger. Standing up and stretching his legs a little bit from the uncomfortable position he was in while cutting the wood. His hazel eyes wander up front at the number of rows of wooden cabins, the trees aligning with them, creating protection for the cabins, from the harsh sunlight that'd peak in summer and the heavy snowfall of winter.

A smile paints his features, as he watches the pack members scrolling around to do their daily life necessities. Some alphas are in their wolf forms, enjoying the weather today and running off in the wide green-scape, keeping an eye on the pups that are playing and enjoying the weather as well. Omegas are gathered in the kitchen area to prepare food for the soiree today. The elders are there to instruct them, giving a hand to them if needed help. And when a strong wind passes by them, that'd make everyone's face twinkle with happiness. The loud chatter continuously echoes in the pack territory. 

His smile falters as he gulps down the lump that forms in his throat, he turns his back towards the pack. The alpha hunter flumps back down on the big wooden log. A heavy sigh escaped his lips. Eyes closing momentarily as he takes in a breath of fresh air, in an attempt to clear the thoughts that occupy his head. 

His elbows rested on his knees, fingers tangled as he blinked up at the far woods in front of him. The trees sway in the wind's direction. He was in the middle of admiring the sight until a hand rest on his shoulder, a strong smell of pine and cinnamon scent trickling his nose. And he didn't need to look up to know who it was. 

He hears the older alpha sigh before he plops himself beside Jungkook. 

"You just came back from hunting yesterday," Yoongi says while taking a hold of the small axe. "you could take a day off to rest" he adds, looking at the younger alpha's face. 

Jungkook turns his face towards the older and smiles "I wasn't tired so I decided to finish the work that was left" a cute pursed-lipped smile takes its place on his face.

"I see. Though why did you seem so lost?" Yoongi asks, raising his eyebrows. 

Something flashes across the hunter's face before he shakes his head "No…there is nothing" Jungkook rubs his hands together, avoiding to meet the older's honey eyes now. Taking a breath and trying to smile. "I'm just– I don't know. '' He closes his eyes, can't seem to form his thoughts into words. 

Yoongi is probably his only best friend and like an older brother to him. At first, Jungkook was too intimate by the older alpha when he first arrived here. The intense gaze of the alpha gave him shivers down his spine. As if Yoongi was observing his every move, he felt like prey, and since then he couldn't help but to keep a distance from the alpha for a good time. Until he talked with Yoongi, and how wrong he was in assuming. Yoongi was too sweet when you get on his real good side and too bad for his actual alpha side. He was sensible and caring. 

Yoongi's mate, Hoseok, is an amiable healer in this pack. He sometimes goes there— more like Yoongi drags him to spend some time with him and his mate. Jungkook doesn't protest because it makes him feel good and his heart warms from the loving mate's sight. Hoseok was someone who'd lighten up his days. He liked being in their company; it gave him a sense of safety and home. As if he didn't just leave his own family, his pack.

The other friend would be Taehyung, an alpha hunter like him, who is so headstrong yet friendly, and very easy to talk with. Jungkook was very content to know that Taehyung was the same age as him. That made it easier for them to dissolve into a friendship and made their hunting trips even more fun and something to look forward to. They were always partnered up and would hunt down big animals together. 

Jungkook was glad to find such beautiful and kind-hearted people here, who cared for him and loved him. 

Initially, Jungkook thought moving from his previous home— Jeon pack to Lee pack would cause so many problems for him, he'd have to face so much, after all, he was just a mere nineteen years old alpha. He was young and he still didn't know his way around things. He'd just stepped inside the Lee territory with wonder and innocence shining in his hazel doe eyes, without knowing the circumstances, and with that came things he didn't expect. 

The Lee pack's alphas had surrounded him with teeth bared and ready to kill him with just one glance from their leader, even though they could kill him right there at the border, still they waited— or more as they stopped upon their leader's question of which pack he belongs to. 

Jeon Pack and that was it. The alphas around seemed to calm down upon hearing that and from their leader's unexpected gesture, they stepped back.

But to him, it seemed like luck or as if Moon Luna was helping him on his whole journey to find a place to stay or to perhaps— live. Because to his utmost surprise, instead of getting killed on that full moon night. 

He was welcomed. 

At that moment, he had no idea what was happening after he explained to the leader why he'd left his pack where he grew up. The next moment he knows is that he was being treated like no stranger — but like a part of their pack. 

Like a part of the family. 

He used to hear about Lee pack a lot from his mother when he was a kid. How nice and peace-making it is. How everyone there is one.

At that time, he didn't believe her but how wrong he was because Lee pack was just like his mother had told him. How wrong he was to deny his mother. 

And how much at that instant he wanted to go back to his mother and tell her that she was so right. 

But he wished. 

He still, like a fresh moment, remembers when he had cried that first night here. 

How dreamy it felt, how scared he was, that the precious moment he was having in a new place would burst. 

But there was a person, who'd sat beside him and released the calming and sweet pheromones around him, giving him comfort through his lemon and tree scent, and came in the shape of a friend, Taehyung. The comfort the alpha gave him that everything is gonna be okay.

He remembers every moment like it just happened a while ago. He keeps them close to his heart. 

Jungkook heaves a long breath shaking the thought that again managed to come into his head. 

"Yoongi hyung" he calls, ever so gently. The latter hums for him to continue. "Am–Am I really ready to take responsibility for a mate?" There, he had voiced out his concern, that was eating him alive for the past month. "Will I be able to be good for my mate? Am I….even suitable for Jiminsii?" He could feel the same observing eyes at him. Reading him inside thoroughly. He feels so anxious as the silence stretches for longer than he anticipated. As the once blue sky canvas is painted with oranges and pink hues. 

He waits and waits for Yoongi to say something, to answer him, to make him stop worrying and the alpha does after a prolonged moment of stillness. "Shouldn't you be asking this question to yourself?...to the alpha inside you? To your heart?" The rejoinder makes his eyes shut, to feel a painful gulp in his throat and his peppermint and lime scent turns dull, giving his emotions right away.

He has asked himself so many times that even his alpha inside him growls at him for being like this. Since last month he can't ignore the overwhelmed and scary type of feeling that he feels like backing away but then his heart whispers, his alpha whines, because it was exactly what he wanted all along. 

An omega, a mate.

He wants someone to share his bond with, to have the mating mark on his neck and give the same to his other half, to have someone with whom he can just call his own, wants a happy life like others, wants to show the mark to everyone. 

He wants to take care of his mate, shower him with all the love and care, give him everything wishes for, he will give him without another thought, he wants to feel at home, he wants to make the other the happiest and free, he will show him how much he loves and matters to him…..that he is his priority, his responsibility that he'd do everything to make him safe and protected. 

He will love him.

He'll be good to his mate too— he'd mumble to himself when he'd see other mates being all in love and taking care of each other. 

He doesn't remember the uncountable times he had howled to the Moon Luna, prayed for that someone special in his life.

He remembers the day when he was suddenly tackled into a hug by Taehyung and Yoongi standing beside him with his unpredictable gaze. Taehyung had mumbled, more like cheered happily about something but all of that went deaf ears the moment Taehyung left and Yoongi put forward the proposal about an omega to him. 

Jungkook recollects the surprised eyes he had given to Yoongi when he said that. He blinked once, twice, and then thrice, he processed for a prolonged moment as to what Yoongi was even saying to him. 

"The pack leader wants his son to marry off now and since I was there and I just uh… happened to think of you" Yoongi had said somewhat, suddenly his tone changed with soft and carefulness. "I kind of know you've been wanting to have a mate….. I'm sure you have seen him." 

"Who is he?" He'd ask, voice just above a whisper in the silence of the night. Breath shallow and hazel eyes looking at Yoongi's honey eyes. 

"Jimin, Leader Kyungwoo's omega son, Park Jimin" 

He blinks with slightly wide eyes before it turns into a frown "Isn't he–" 

"Yes, Jimin is not the real son of Lee Kyungwoo. Jimin is the son of his best friend, Park Jighwan who was killed with his mate by the rogues. And since Jimin had no one else besides his parents, Lee Kyungwoo took the responsibility for him, and now he is basically like a son to the leader" 

Even though Jungkook was worried at that time, he couldn't— he didn't want to deny it. 

He does want a mate. 

He just didn't think that the proposal would be brought to him all of a sudden. And he never in his three years of living here, had a small conversation with that omega. He only saw him with Taehyung the most, other than that he doesn't know. He hasn't seen Jimin much, or even from closer as per se. The omega was rarely seen, at least to him. And Jungkook assumed again that the omega wasn't like other omegas at all who were so social. So he never tried to reach him at all. 

Yet, whenever he catches a glimpse of Jimin, he is enthralled by his beauty. His blonde hair that glimmers from the sun and moonlight matches so well with his fair and pink smooth skin, which he hasn't touched yet he knows, his cheeks are soft like cotton and clouds. His magnificent emerald eyes shine so brightly every single time taking his breath away even though there is a dullness he sees in those eyes. 

Those eyes hold so much in them yet he never got close enough to see what the omega hid in them. His cute nose just enhanced his features even more. His full pink lips were something else, like those rose petals, downy and pretty. The omega was a bit shorter than him but he was delicate.

For the first few days after witnessing such a beautiful omega that he has never seen in his life, his heartbeat beat in a way it had never beaten before. He doesn't know how he will manage himself, his alpha in front of the said omega. 

Jimin was a beautiful omega, and to be mated with him, felt bizarre and dreamlike.

For a moment there, he'd found himself lost as to what to do now. And Yoongi waits for his answer, he can see, he knows Yoongi won't bring this proposal to him— if there wasn't something serious intention behind it. Something seemed strange and it made him hesitate.

Over and above, the thought of rejection never crosses his head. Instead, he asks another thing "Has Jiminsii agreed to– like– you know. We never–" 

Yoongi rests his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, eyes warm as he looks through the hunter "Jimin is too precious— He is like a little brother to me. And Jimin has— has gone through the toughest patch of his life in a short time and it has left him in nothing but shambles. So I, as his brother, want the best for him. I want him to be happy, to be cherished as he should have been, from the very beginning. I want my– old Jimin back, Jungkook-ah. So let me know your answer first before I talk to him.'' Jungkook lowers his gaze to his hands, eyeing his hands. The sun peeking through the dark sky and the warm breeze passes by them in the silence. 

"You must be thinking, why did I come to you?..... Why did I choose you?" Jungkook purses his lips before he nods, eyes soft that were only shown to Yoongi, no one else. Only Yoongi was someone who understood him in ways he himself couldn't. The older alpha's lips curve up into endearment before he ruffles the hunter's black hair gently, "I trust you with him, Jungkook-ah" 

The silence that surrounds him makes his heart stop, to stare at Yoongi and process his words again, three simple words yet the meaning behind them sends shivers down his spine. 

"Hyung…." his voice is small, not sure even though he can accept the proposal right away if he could but he'd wanted to properly court the omega that he would marry. He wanted to be accepted by the omega as well, to know the other wanted him too yet it's the total opposite of what he'd imagined. What if he loves someone else? What if he doesn't want him as his mate? What if he was already being courted by someone else? And so many If's run across his mind but now the thought of Jimin being someone else makes his alpha growls inside saddens him for some reason.

"Jungkook? Are you okay?" Yoongi asks, eyes holding concern, bringing Jungkook from the train of his numerous thoughts. 

"Yes, yes I'm okay" 

"You can take your time and think about this, don't worry." Jungkook doesn't answer, his eyes looking far behind the older alpha. Hazel eyes flickering to icy blue in-between and gaze turning softer the next. "I hope whatever you decide–" 

"I've decided" Jungkook breathes before Yoongi can complete his words. The older stiffs for a second about the surprise. 


"I will marry Jiminsii." 


And here he is now just a week away before his mating ceremony with Jimin. 

Just the name of the omega makes his insides churn, his alpha to stir inside. He lifts his head up and answers "That even if I'm not good enough, I'll make myself the best alpha for him. I'll take care of him and keep your trust Hyung….that's what I get an answer from myself" Jungkook said, a smile taking over his lips as he looks at the cabin he is building on his own for his soon-to-be mate, Jimin. 

And right at that moment, Yoongi's heart swells with warmth at the answer, knowing he made the right choice for Jimin, he's chosen the right person for him. He knows Jungkook is the person who will heal Jimin, who will take away all his pain and will replace it with love and warmth. 

Jungkook will make Jimin happy, and he believes in him. And following Jungkook's sight at the almost completed cabin vanishes away all his worries to a higher extent. 

"The cabin looks beautiful, isn't it finished?" Yoongi wonders out loud watching the beautiful cabin that Jungkook has been working on all day and night. And in the days he had built such a beautiful cabin, the effort screams his excitement and how determined he looks to make his soon-to-be mate impress and happy. When Jungkook accepted the proposal he was immediately called to the pack leader's cabin. And that time Jungkook wasn't nervous or hesitant at all. He knew a little mistake would make Jimin slip from between his fingers and he just didn't want that. 

The Pack leader has always been kind and impressed by Jungkook since he joined this pack. And like Yoongi, He trusted Jungkook. 

Soon he was asked about where he wanted his and Jimin's cabin to be. And with a little hesitation, he'd requested for it to be on the lakeside, from where the beautiful fields of flowers and the lake can be seen. The forest was a plus in the frame. It was a pretty place. And with a smile, the pack leader nodded at him. Letting Yoongi know that everything Jungkook needed should be given to him.

And looking at the cabin right now, it is the best-looking cabin in Lee Pack here, everyone has to agree with this. 

"Stairs and kitchen counter are still left and some… other things" 

"You know, I could help you with it"

Jungkook shakes his head at the offer "thank you hyung but I want to do everything by myself" Jungkook's tone turns a little shy and even more soft which has the older chuckle and shake his head at the stubborn alpha.

"Alphas these days" he snickers, playfully earning a knee nudge from Jungkook, who finally tears his gaze away from the cabin. 

"Can I ask you something?" Yoongi nods, as he draws a circle on the ground with the small axe. 

"What flowers does uh… Jiminsii likes?" Yoongi sometimes has a hard time recognizing that this alpha is the same one who doesn't slip any chance to growl and stay on his alpha hunter mode, which is too scary to witness.

"And why do you wanna know about his favourite flowers?" he raises his eyebrows, teasingly. 

Jungkook blinks, a blush spreads on his cheeks along with some dirt on some parts of his face "I-I…don't be like this I just– he will be my uh– mate. And I should know about it" he answers, stuttering. 

Instead of answering Yoongi throws the axe on the ground and stands up abruptly, brushing away the dirt from his clothes. "Then find about that yourself pup" and with that, he turns around and starts to walk towards the main pack ground. 

Yoongi hears a gasp and some hurrying steps to catch up with him, a smile never leaving his lips. 

"Hyung!" Jungkook calls out, but the older doesn't stop walking. "Tell me, how else will I find out?"

"Ask him!" 

"Wha– You are so mean!" The hunter said, glaring at the retreating figure of Yoongi who waves his hand. 


The pack soiree comes around and Jungkook sits with his hunting team on wooden makeshift stools on the side. The omegas are sitting on the left side eating the food to their fill. Small groups are made yet they communicate with others as well. Some alphas are making funny remarks to brighten up the soiree time even more. Soiree is the best time they have, and they enjoy it together once every week. The fire lit in every corner and the middle as well, it makes the evening radiate its warmth despite the cool breeze that continues, a plus to the evening. The happy sounds of giggles and laughter echo as everyone enjoys the food. Everyone has a small or big smile on their face— yet someone sitting in the far corner looks unhappy and uninterested— as usual. 

Jungkook's small smile disperses in the air when his eyes catch the blonde omega, sitting with Yoongi and Hoseok.

Jimin is the only amongst everyone who looks so downcast here. Whenever he'd get a glimpse of the omega it sparked a curiosity in him yet he never had the chance or guts to ask or know anything about him.

He just looked— broken behind that smile.

And whatever the reason might be, which he thinks might not be Yoongi's place to tell or something sorrowful happened with Jimin as he recalls Yoongi's words from earlier.

'Jimin has— has gone through the toughest patch of his life in a short time and it has left him in nothing but shambles.' 

Jungkook tears his gaze away to look down at his plate where the half-finished grilled meat is, the veggies untouched, his hunger gone. 

"Jungkook-ah," Jungkook startled at the sudden call of his name and the nudge from beside him. He looks at his friend.

"What's wrong? You are not eating." Taehyung asks, his plate was fully clear and everything was eaten with veggies as well. 

"I just wasn't really hungry," Jungkook answered in his normal tone. "Do you want to have this?" He holds his plate towards the hunter who knits his eyebrows and instead pushes his plate back to Jungkook.

"I'm already full and you should eat. How come you are not hungry? I know you didn't have breakfast as well" Taehyung counters, eyebrows furrowed as he looks at his friend. 

"I did eat fruits earlier," Jungkook said, this time around he smiles, setting the plate beside him. Taehyung's eyes follow his every move, and not very convinced. Jungkook chuckles a little, hitting his friend's shoulder 
"I swear, don't give me that look– argh fine, I will eat later when I feel hungry" Jungkook gives up, rolling his eyes. 

"I still don't-"

"Then go away!" Jungkook glares.

Taehyung snickers, eyes moving around and catching the sight of his best friend. He then looks over at Jungkook who– if his eyesight is still good in human form, Jungkook was stealing glances at Jimin, continuously.

In other times, he'd have teased Jungkook or anyone. But this— it wasn't the exact thing to do with either Jimin or Jungkook. 

Jungkook looked upset, he smelled upset and distressed, scent giving away. And this might have caught their other hunter friends as well who were scrunching their noses but good thing they didn't say anything to him. 

"Jungkook-ah– " Before he could say anything Jungkook was cutting him mid-sentence which made the latter close his mouth.

"Is it possible for me to….meet him before the ceremony?" The brown-haired alpha stills for a good moment and just stares at Jungkook's hazel eyes that are staring back at him. He knows who he is referring to. But he stays silent just watching Jungkook, who waits patiently for his answer yet as if Jungkook knows the answer to his own question already he breaks their eye contact, a sad and knowing smile playing on his lips.

Jungkook, before, has never asked about wanting to meet Jimin, he can easily go and meet him any time he wants, he is after all soon to be his mate now.

But Taehyung also gets why the other was even asking for it in the first place. 

It was Jimin, the answer was him. 


Hello Cherries!
The long wait is finally over! Here is the fic y'all have been waiting with me. Let's go on a long and a very angsty ride together. I'm hoping for younall to love it and show your utmost love.

Don't forget to leave your reviews and votes everyone. Your words make me really motivated.

🍒Comeent, Vote and Share🍒

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