A Ninja Becomes A Hunter. (Hu...

By bibubibuvoo

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Shirayuki wakes up in a new world. Without any knowledge of the world she was in, she ends up particapting in... More

Part 1: New World
Part 2: Friends With The Mountain Kid
Part 3: Killua & Shirayuki; Friend or Foes?
Part 4: Killua's family
Part 5: Gifted Privilege
Part 6: He's here
Part 7: Small Talk
Part 8: He Messed Up. Big Time.
Part 9: Forgetten Bombs
Part 10: Seasick
Part 11: Cliche
Part 12: Jacket
Part 13: Cling
Part 14: Never Underestimate
Part 15: Shirayuki's Proven Herself
Part 16: She's Perfect?
Part 17: Kukuroo Mountain
Part 18: Denial
Part 19: Heavens Arena
Part 20: Fun Fact-Killua Likes Yoyos
Part 21: Killua's Match With Zushi
Part 22: Initiated Kiss
Part 23: Confessions
Part 24: Two Beds
Part 25: A Date
Part 27: No Nen
Part 28: Congratulations
Part 29: An Unexpected Reunion
Part 30: Realisation
Part 31: Secret Discovered
I'm Sorry ya'll this the end

Part 26: Nen

439 11 0
By bibubibuvoo

Also, I complete forgot about the lying about nen thing so I'm adding it now. :)) Sorry

          "How did Zushi scare you, Killua?" Gon asked.

          "I don't know, he changed his stance and I got reminded of my brother. And everyone else got shocked." Killua explained, a bit embarrassed.

          "Why don't we ask Wing-San? Zushi said that he was his mentor, didn't he? Or we could just ask Zushi himself." Shirayuki mentioned.

          Killua and Gon looked at her and pulled her along while finding Wing and Zushi since she was too lazy. Shirayuki then heard a girl a few years older than her being scolded by her mother for wanting to continue eating, and Shirayuki just rolled her eyes at the mother. 

          'Tch. How lame.'

         The three ended up in front of the escalator and Shirayuki was scared to get on. Killua offered his hand and Shirayuki shivered and backed away, Killua sighed and told Shirayuki to just hold onto him.

         Shirayuki nodded and kept her hands on his shoulders and stepped on it and fell back but balanced herself. The escalator then changed into steps and Shirayuki pulled Killua to herself, making Killua lean back.

         "Woah, Shirayuki, I'm going to fall." Killua told her.

         "I'm sorry, I was dropping down and got scared." Shirayuki apologised, clinging onto Killua but pushing Killua back up.

         Killua then turned around and lifted Shirayuki up and turned around, putting her down at the step in front of him.

        "Feel better?" Killua asked.

        Shirayuki nodded. At the top, Killua lifted Shirayuki up and put her on the floor so that she wouldn't fall, and Shirayuki was very grateful.

        'I better get the hang of this, I don't want to be a burden to Killua.'

       While Shirayuki was feeling bad about needing Killua's help, Killua was really happy. Shirayuki never needed help from Shirayuki since she was able to do lots of stuff on her own, and Killua was very happy that Shirayuki needed help from him. He also liked the feeling of Shirayuki in his arms, since he was always to nervous to hug Shirayuki, he never hugged her at all.

        They then saw Zushi and quickly asked him about what he did during his match against Killua, "Oh, that was Ren. One of the four major principles. The four major principles to-"

        "Zushi, are you sufficiently educated enough to teach others?" Wing asked, appearing behind Zushi, making him laugh nervously.

        "He's more educated than us!" Shirayuki brought up.

        Wing laughed amusedly at her comment, and turned to the three.

       "You know, there's an old saying that if you learn something piecemeal, you'll end up knowing less than when you've started." Wing explained.

       "So a little knowledge is a dangerous thing? But I have to know something about nen, it's related to my brother." Killua explained.

       "It could be dangerous though. When my mom didn't tell me everything I had to do to summon an animal, I ended losing so much chakra trying to do it that I'd be out cold for a few hours. I'd also feel numbness in my hands." Shirayuki brought up.

       "Great example. I'm quite concerned but you see okay with it, so I'll overlook this." Wing sweatdropped.

       "I have to know what this Ren and Nen thing is! I'll learn the whole thing if I have to! I won't try to figure it out myself if you teach me!" Killua yelled.

       "I see, then come to my residence." Wing agreed.

       "Well, that was easy. If I didn't know any better, I'd think this was a second exam or something." Shirayuki laughed.

       At Wing's residence, he was talking about what nen was. 

       "Nen means burn your soul. It tests your strength of will." Wing explained.

       He continued explaining nen, and Shirayuki could tell he was lying. A liar can always tell another liar. Besides, Shirayuki saw Zushi's confusion when Wing was explaining nen.

       "Killua. Zushi tempered his "refusal to lose" when fighting with you. I'll demonstrate. I'll kill you." Wing said, reaching out to him.

        "Not like you could actually kill me." Killua shrugged.

        "Now, step by step. Ten, I focus at a single point. Zetsu, I express it verbally or mentally." Wing said.

        "I will kill you."

       Killua and Gon flinched at the aura, Gon was frozen and was too scared while Killua went to the corner up the wall. 

       "Eh? Guys? Are you okay?" Shirayuki asked confused, not affected by the bloodlust.

       "S-Shirayuki, do you not feel the intense pressure right now? It's uneasy." Gon asked.

       "I feel pressure, but I wouldn't call it uneasy..." Shirayuki explained.

       "Just like my brother...Just like him..." Shirayuki heard Killua mutter.

       'He's scared of his brother so he's scared right now. What was that called? Bloodthirst? Bloodlust. Yeah, bloodlust. It must be because of the amount of missions that I went on. Yeah, that must be it. I can definitely feel the pressure, and it isn't a foreign feeling.'

       Shirayuki then remembered something and grabbed a nearby book, and smacked Gon on the head. 

       "Ow, that hurt!" Gon groaned.

       "But you aren't scared anymore, are you?" Shirayuki smirked.

       Wing watched in amusement, he stopped and waited for Shirayuki to make Killua snap out of it by smacking Killua on the head with her yoyo.

      "You better now?" Shirayuki asked.

      "Kinda? My head hurts because of you." Killua glared.

      "That was Ren. If I temper my will enough, I can act. Hatsu, if your will is strong enough, you can make an opponent scared without moving a muscle. But, you should mainly use it when you're fully matured." Wing explained.

       "Let's go, Gon, Shirayuki." Killua said, wanting to walk off.

       "If you wish to learn Nen, master Ten." Wing explained.


        "I wonder how the 200th floor is like." Gon wondered.

        "Same here, I quit right after getting to this floor." Killua sighed.

        "I'm gonna register first, there's this new mango passion fruit cake which I have to try." Shirayuki said, running forward to register first.

        She saw Hisoka sitting on the other side and felt the immense pressure, "Is he trying to intimidate me?" Shirayuki muttered.

        She stopped but quickly went to the register just in case anything may happen to her.

        'Oh? She isn't affected? Is she using Nen?'

       Hisoka checked and saw nothing, "How interesting..."


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