The Art of Love and Regality...

By PacifyThePatriarchy

292 41 73

"But I love you!", Anna shouted desperately, wiping the waterfall of tears that cascaded from her cheek. "Dar... More

Character List I
Character List II
Chapter 1: Ballroom Dancing
Chapter 2: Home away from 'Home'
Chapter 3: Nyctophobia
Chapter 5: Identity Crisis 101

Chapter 4: A Telepath's Telepathy is a sight to see

18 6 23
By PacifyThePatriarchy

The concept of others secrecy didn't exist in Vivian Liang's universe. She was privy to all the secrets that lovers sensually whispered to each other amidst vacant, unlit hallways. Secrets told by despondent pupils to their tear stained pillows in the darkness of the night, and secrets about nefarious crimes and deeds concealed by teachers and students, which if divulged, could make Azkaban their new abode.
Breaking into others minds and earthing their most precious skeletons they hid in their closets was as innate and elementary as drinking water.

She had skilled the art of telepathy at the age of nine and by the age of eleven there wasn't a sole mind immune to her powers. Technically, there was a mind that hadn't fallen prey to her telepathy, and that was the mind of an incompetent, lily-liveried seventeen-year-old, Petter Pettigrew.

She could hardly imagine a being as incompetent as Pettigrew, skilled in a talent as exceptional as occulumency. Undoubtedly, there was something awry about him, but the flabbergasting fact was that Vivian still hadn't figured it out.

From the very beginning of their valedictory year at Hogwarts, Peter had been acting in an eccentric manner.

An amalgam of lavender and onyx patches perpetually adorned his under eyes, denoting the level of stress he had been put under, which was anomalous considering that fact that no one ever perceived him adroit enough to be trusted with a task that held paramount importance.

His hair was now nothing but a frazzled bird's nest, indicating two things, either he had acquired himself a lover, or that he didn't have access to a comb. But then Vivian wondered, how could a being as egotistical and self-deceived as Pettigrew not possess decent comb? And well frankly, who would want to bed him?

His presence in class had now become a novelty. Which again was idiosyncratic considering his disposition, as they only thing which barely made up for his atrocious academic records was his exceptional abilities to suck-up to the professors, either by arriving earlier than required or by bringing an apple pie, whose putrid stench could not be put into words.

Nonetheless, Vivian made sure that, despite having such an fruitful ability, she didn't indulge or relish in being privy to other's private affairs, as after all she'd kill the person who consciously indulged in and divulged her secrets, and one thing Vivian abhorred more than incompetent beings was hypocrisy.

Using a cerulean lace, Vivian tied the upper half of her onyx ringlets into a corona crown, leaving the later half open and cascading down her back like fine silk.
Grudgingly, she picked up the books she needed for today and shoved them into her bag, before straightening her tie, adjusting her collar, tying her laces, wearing her cloak, and then finally exiting her dorm room to make her way to charms, the initial and definitely the most tedious class.

It's not that she perceived the subject itself to be monotonous, she conjectured the problem lied with Mr. Flitwick's modus operandi of educating. His whiny voice sent sound waves acute enough to lacerate her tympanic membrane and snap her malleus, incus, and stapes in half.

Charms itself was a sublime subject, but of course it was the way she orchestrated and executed the charms that added that essential flare and finesse.

Reaching the threshold of the unlit chamber, vexation consumed her. Of course, she had to reach betimes to the commencing schedule of the class! And knowing Mr. Flitwick's dilatory disposition, Vivian conjectured she'd remain in her crouched position for at least an hour or so. It was at times like these that Vivian rigorously questioned the headmaster's decision to make Charms an obligatory subject.

However, even if Charms was made a voluntary subject, her parents would rather repudiate her than permit her to drop a course the Liang bloodline was known not only to excel at but to have practically brought into existence.

Baozhai Liang, founder of the once, mighty Liang Dynasty, lionised as the "progenitress of the Ailing", amidst the "Battle of the Gaoliang River", realised that without any defence or protection, her menage, and her beloved China would cease to exist. Therefore, she presented her life on a gold platter to Guanyin, the Goddess of Protection and Healing, in lieu of the deity safeguarding and preserving all of China.

Magnanimous Gyuanyin, awed by Baozhai's altruistic offer, restored an order of peace back to China without taking the life of their benevolent empress. Additionally, as a gift, Guanyin bestowed upon Baozhai a volume comprising charms not only those known to all of humankind but those charms as well, which were considered too sanctified to be shared with humans and were thus only kept in the realm of deities.

Baozhai's bountiful heart felt the desire to share this novel of enlightenment with all juvenile apprentices and thus gifted a copy of that volume to Ravenna Ravenclaw, who later converted the intellect within the book into courses edified to inquisitive minds, with an insatiable thirst to acquire magical enlightenment.

Yes, she verily was the descendant of Baozhai Liang, the superlative founder of the Liang Dynasty. To be perfectly candid, it was no surprise, with her luxuriant, honey-glazed, onyx tresses, subtly large eyes, feline, petite nose, and the practically non-existent mole under her left Meibomian gland.

Yet Vivian supposed she could condone the monotony that laced her professor's voice and the undesirable shrill that complemented it for the sensation of superiority and ascendancy she held over the rest of the class.

She revelled in the infuriated look that marred Rosier's expression a few days prior,  when his grade and performance came sub-ordinate to her excellency for a time to inordinate to count. She believed that her mirth had reached its eclipse of ecstasy in her fifth year, when she bested Rosier in becoming Flitwick's prime selection for the candidate of both a "High achiever" and a Prefect. She conjectured that his ever-so proliferating pride must have been lacerated to pieces akin to mere tendrils, which after being removed, lay ever-so forgotten and trivial, that their existence becomes futile at a certain point.

Perhaps, Vivian did sadistically weave the melancholic inferiority of others using her ascendancy to form a mirth-giving tapestry.

However, to be candid, Vivian Liang didn't hold the opinion that she was superior than everyone, just that she was superior than all pupils attending Hogwarts.

The heavy footfalls and the click-clack of her bespectacled, elderly professor's heeled shoes amalgamated to form an off-pitch orchestra, reverberating of the walls in a grimace-inducing manner.

"Lumos Maxima", Professor Flitwick enunciated, with an incantation-like timbre, before reaching past the threshold of the ephemerally illuminated chamber to withdraw curtains concealing the sun's potent rays, which the widows behind reflected.

"Early again, Miss Vivian. I'd feign surprise, but I conjecture this has occurred one too many times for surprise to be my prime reaction. I better hope this is the last time, otherwise your over-punctuality might highlight my tardiness adequately enough to taint my reputation and perhaps make me lose my job."

Author's side note: I have to admit that writing this chapter was definitely not a breeze. This chapter is relatively smaller than what I had envisaged for this chapter to be, but later after I faced a severe writer's bloc, writing, finishing, and publishing this chapter was more of getting back into this set aura and ambiance.
Thus, coming to terms with outcome, I'd decided for this chapter to have the sole purpose of introducing one of my most complicated character, Vivian Liang. Definitely, she is one of my favourite and I hope she makes a place in your hearts as well.
Furthermore, I'd like to appreciate and thank the following for their encouraging comments and their votes, and as a writer I can't tell you how much that means; Moonys_poetssocietea , book_thief24 , 4p6sekcz , LusciousMirimosa, Vxnus_Vxnessa

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