Trade Offer. [Childe × Lumine]

By meiibo_sai

238 5 0

A succubus. He couldn't say exactly how or when she appeared in his life. Maybe she'd just erased that memory... More

"Stop treating this as a simple exchange."

238 5 0
By meiibo_sai

It had been a tiring day for the Harbinger. Even though he was the youngest of that group, being seen as the most energetic — perhaps being beaten by some of the younger Dottore clones — the young man known as Tartaglia among his comrades and enemies was exhausted. It was a somewhat difficult situation to happen, since he always had the energy for a new day full of struggles and tasks as he acted as a high-ranking Fatui.

He lay down on the improvised mat. The sheets were icy cold, as was the cold that embraced the Snezhnaya lands. He was in his temporary room granted by the organization during his trip to the funeral of one of his deceased comrades, known – and feared – as La Signora, or her real name, Rosalyne. Things seemed a little weirder since then, she had died quite tragically at the hands of the Almighty Raiden Shogun, the archon of the lands of Inazuma, in a rampant, crazy and illegal commerce of illusions. Tartaglia could be a Harbinger, but some — to be honest, almost all — of his comrades plans of victory made him a little uneasy. He could be seen as the cold-blood-crazy-killer-dude by many, but he would never be involved in such a mad plan — unless it was a direct order from his beloved Tsaritsa, of course.

The cold and icy breeze passed through the cracks in the window, the howling wind shaking the trees outside. He was resting in the fluffy rug. There was indeed a bed – a very comfortable one, precisely – but he decided to ignore it and lay down next to the fireplace, a practice he used to have when he was just a child, seeking warmth in his late nights while playing with random stuff he found in his childhood adventures. He gave a short laugh remembering that time, when he still had a glimmer of hope, when he was truly happy. Before all that happened.

He closed his eyes. He tried to sleep, but sleep wouldn't come. He switched sides, switched sides again. Not even a thing. It was impossible. The many intrusive thoughts in his mind just wouldn't let him go even for a miserable moment.

He tried to fool himself, started to pretend to be sleepy to see if a false placebo would calm him down. He was running his fingers along the fluffy blanket, trying to clear his mind. That's when he finally managed to get in sleep. A light, troubled slumber. That kind of sleep where it's still barely conscious, merely a nap.

A weak dream began to manifest in his mind. A flute playing, very distant from him, but still audible as it mixed with some comfortable waterfall sounds. The images confused since it wasn't such a deep sleep. He could feel some flames burning his fingertips. But they were harmless burns, almost like tickles. He saw a silhouette. Large and gorgeous wings that resembled bat wings. A thin tail swung from side to side, it had a small shape at its end that reminded him of a tiny cute heart. Oh, he knew very well who it was...

He woke up to a soft sound. Delicate claws caressing his chest gently, a faint scent of jasmine invaded his lungs as he slowly opened his eyes.

The pink eyes with thin pupils, glowing in the dark of the room. Thick red lips, glistening. The golden blonde hair that reflected the light of the fire, with a beautiful ornament of jasmine flowers and on the top of the head, small and dark horns. The voluptuous body, the big breasts that almost stood out in the light silk robe she weared. Her skin had a few rune markings that glowed in a rosy hue, all of them leading to a way to a glowing tattoo on her belly. A tattoo with diverse runic complex words and a heart shape in the center, just above her womb.

Leaning over the rug, one of her hands in her cheek. The tail swung from side to side as she kept a slight mischievous little smile on her lips.

"Lumine." He said her name.

"I missed you." she says, in a whisper.

"What... What are you doing here...?" He becomes more aware of the situation, raising his head.

It really wasn't the best of times to be with that girl right beside him at such a vulnerable moment. Enemies of his would beg for a chance to kill him like that, while she wouldn't even have to struggle to take his life in a finger snap if she wanted to.

"I came to pay you a visit." She moves closer to the redhead, bringing her lips to his ears. "I'm hungry." She slowly slides a finger over his abdomen.

"I thought you were satisfied with the last time." He says, with a hint of guilt but still a little mischievous.

"Oh darling..." She laughs lightly, seductively. "I'm never satisfied. You know that." She left a small bite on the lobe of his ear, her tail swung from side to side more quickly, as if she was a little impatient. "Of all the many men I've ever had… none has been able to feed me as well as you… Ajax." She hums his name like a sweet melody on her lips.

"I... I don't know if I should." He tries to act consciously, imposing himself. "This is going too far."

The truth is, his body begged for the touch of that sweet demon in front of him. But the guilt in his heart was killing him.

A succubus. He couldn't say exactly how or when she appeared in his life. Maybe she'd just erased that memory from his mind. But he knew that in the dead of night, wherever he was… She would be there. Sweetly tormenting and spicing his dreams, seducing him to feed her. She wasn't how the legends described, or at least that's what he thought. Lumine looked like a goddess, someone he would praise with his whole being. An unusual woman, someone who constantly played silly little pranks on him and left him in little mental trances and illusions. She always knew exactly what was going on his mind and always knew how to make him forget about his problems quickly and in the best way...


"Oh, Ajax..." She makes a delicate and cute frown. "Why resist your wishes..?" She slowly approaches her face.

He could perfectly feel her scent. Scent of flowers, dangerous but attractive flowers. Flowers that gave him an odd feeling that he shouldn't be messing with them, but with every passing second he just felt like he needed to feel their intoxicating fragrance even more.

"You know you want me, don't you...?" She says gently. Her voice echoed through the man's troubled mind.

Lumine was a somewhat unusual demon. While many legends told of the violence caused by such beings, it seemed to be different. She was kind and caring - at least as far as he knew.

"I know how tense you are. Today was a difficult day for you, wasn't it..?" She continues to speak, softly and calmly. A sweet voice he could listen to for the rest of his life.

"I wonder how you always know exactly what's on my mind..." He sighs, looking at the ceiling.

She gives a mischievous little laugh.

"Your scent... It's different than usual. I know how agitated you are. I always will."

"And how did you know how much I needed you right now..?" He turns his gaze to the girl.

"That was just a hunch." She gives a little laugh. "You're nervous... And I can help you sleep quickly. I can give you pleasure for this night, make your thoughts disappear one by one... If you let me take your essence tonight... I'll make you sleep peacefully like a baby." She whispers, like a light breeze. "I need you, you need me... Why don't we make this simple trade...?" She slowly slides her sharp claws down to below his belly button, a little lower...

He felt the girl's warm fingers touching him gently over his blue pants. She slowly climbed into his lap, settling right on top of his arousal. Ah, it was so early, but he wanted so badly to take that woman...

He got a good look at her body. Her delicate hands rested on his waist, the markings on her body glowing even brighter, she slowly started to remove her silk robe, revealing a body that would leave any man trembling with desire for her. The rosy and big breasts, the perfectly shaped waist, the thick thighs and full of small and cute growth marks, the slightly chubby stomach, a perfect goddess with mortal eyes.

It seems that desire had won over guilt after all.

"Stop treating this as just an exchange." He says, bringing her closer to him. "Am I being dumb to feel something for a demon..?" He caresses the girl's cheek, tucking a lock of her beautiful blond hair behind her ear.

"What would your comrades think of that..?" She asks mischievously. "It's really... a terrible idea."

"They have their own business to attend to." He came face to face with the girl, he could feel her warm gentle breath on his face. "But hey, don't say it like that. Do you really think I've never noticed you watching over me while I'm working? Or when you heal my wounds in battle even when they're mere shallow cuts..?" He smiles mischievously.

The girl's face turns a bit more red than the usual. It seems he had really got her by surprise.

"I know you feel something for me too..." He whispers in her ear, pressing her body against his. "And I know I'm also the only one who can satisfy your hunger. Or maybe... It's just a delusion, and you're making me hallucinate... Stop using your powers on me and I'll get to know."

Their noses touched. She breathed heavily as she felt her entire body on fire. The man's strong hands on her thighs, holding her with a possessiveness no one had ever had the courage to have.

"If you really want to know... I've never used, nor needed to use my spiritual powers to manipulate you." She pushes him until he is back on the floor. "If you feel anything for me, it was purely because of your desire..." She says mischievously, moving her waist up and down in order to tease him a little bit more. "As for me... I would never waste a man who fucks me so well."

"Then what are we waiting for..?" The redhead held her chin so her lips were closer to his.

A kiss. A kiss filled with hunger and luxury, mutual desire for each other. Their heavy breath mixing, as their tongues tangled together slowly. Her lips were still soft and sweet... He was running his hands shamelessly over that girl's body, her pale skin was soft, marked by his calloused hands. She let out desperate sighs for more of that touch. Why, he knew how peculiar the girl's body was, she was extremely more sensitive than a normal human. She felt one of his cold hands between her thighs, her tail waving in excitement. He looked into her eyes, giving a light giggle. The blonde let out a loud moan, feeling two of the man's fingers slowly starting to touch her, without giving her any further warning. He gave another giggle at the state she was in, she was totally wet, thick liquid dripping down her thighs as with every second she got more and more aroused, anxious for the next few moments where he would certainly take her breath away.

She rolled her eyes feeling his fingers inside her. They could get to all her special spots she wasn't able to reach alone. Spots that no one ever even cared to reach. He knew exactly where and where her weaknesses were, looking straight into her eyes, enjoying every expression she made. Deeper, stronger. A loud moan and a gasp that showed just how much she was enjoying it, the marks on her stomach glowing brightly with so much stimulation coursing through her nerves without any rest, her warm and wet insides with all that arousal, twitching desperately. She moaned softly in his ear, resting her head on his shoulder. She parted her hips, seeking even more of that burning sensation running through her body, her legs shaking, almost there... He just chuckled, leaving a kiss and a soft bite on the girl's neck.

He stopped. She let out a groan of frustration, missing those fingers inside her. But he was quick to lay her down on the rug, switching positions with the girl. She could see the visible bulge in his pants, gulping at the only thought about it inside her. She gave a deep breath, looking directly at his cold blue eyes. His eyes, so tired, but still with a bit of curiosity on it.

"Why do you always do that..?" She complains, whimpering.

"Do what..?" He asks mischievously, in a soft low-toned whisper. As if he didn't know what she was talking about.

"You never let me come until you want to." The blonde protests, rubbing her thighs together trying to relieve that fire that was taking over her body.

"Don't be silly. I know you like it." he laughs. And she couldn't deny it.

The redhead's strong, big and calloused hands undid the remaining knot that still held that small, almost transparent robe she was wearing, tossing it to the side. Totally vulnerable to him, submissive to his will. His teeth in her neck, feeling her deliciously suffocating scent. She felt his tongue slowly moving down her torso. She let out a little moan as the redhead's strong hands firmly gripped her breasts as she listened to his whispers in her ear, her world spinning as he slid a finger over her belly, chills running down her spine, shivers in her skin as he ran the tips of his finger gently over the runes over her cursed womb. Every second with him was perfect, as if the girl could be in the heavens she had never been able to step into.

She arched her back feeling his hot tongue on her breasts, a trail of soft kisses down her torso, those cold fingers slowly teasing her intimacy again, like a slow, delicious torture. She craved for more every second and he knew it. Her skin was already completely marked by red bites, not too violent. She liked the Ajax's way. Delicate and somewhat clumsy, but at the same time utterly possessive, she knew he hadn't had any partner before besides her and that turned her on even more. His touch of innocence was what fascinated her, every time they had sex it was as if he discovered something new about her mesmerizing body. Others would condemn her for it, but she could admit that she actually had feelings for that human. He wasn't like the others who only wanted to show her off or use her as a mere fuck toy, but he was a playful gentleman who treated her like a deity.

She felt her thoughts fading away as his tongue found her thighs. That man kissed her tenderly, with passion. Something no one had ever done before. She could feel the real pleasure coming from that man. He spread her legs a little wider, giving a small laugh at the state of the girl's face. Red, as it had never been before, an expression both longing and surprised at the same time, as if she was anxiously awaiting what would happen next.

The girl's eyes rolled at the delicious sensation of his hot tongue on her intimacy. She gripped the feathers of the rug as her chest went up and down, breathing heavily as she felt her warm body going into ecstasy state. He held her thighs firmly, possessive. As if she was entirely his. The sounds of that act infested the room, only to be accompanied by the sound of the wind howling outside the windows and the embers that crackled in the fireplace. Every second the pleasure took more control of her body, she held the boy's ginger hair between her fingers so he wouldn't stop it, that feeling was so good and intense... She let out a loud moan with an unparalleled burning sensation invading her body, her little toes curling up and her entire body squirming as she poured into the boy's mouth. Lumine's taste was sweet, a dangerous yet passionate taste. He left her a soft kiss and a bite on one of her thighs. A warm kiss in the markings over her womb, he slid his fingers gently, caressing her. He turned to look at her face to face, only to be content with seeing the delicate flushed face of the gasping girl.

Her trembling hands tried to reach the man's face. She ran her thumb over his bottom lip, bringing him for a slow kiss. Her hormones raging, her body with a thin layer of sweat as all she wanted was to feel his skin against hers. She slowly unbuttoned that red long-sleeved shirt, he helped her with a small smile seeing the girl's despair.

"Usually I'm the one who starts things." She manifests, leaving a kiss on his lips.

"I know. I just wanted to take care of you a little." he laughs. "I like to take care of what's mine."

"Yours..." She tastes the word in her mouth. "I like how it sounds."

She quickly reverses positions, getting on top of him again. She got rid of his pants quickly, like magic. He gives her a somewhat surprised look, imagining how much energy she must have had for her to be so ready right after a so deep orgasm.

"I'm all yours." She whispers, spreading her beautiful bat wings. Her tail swung from side to side, she had a mischievous smile on her rosy lips. He wondered what she was up to.

Ajax could feel the girl's sharp fangs digging into his neck. It was as if she had bewitched the air, that bite was poisonous, a peculiar poison, poison of passion. Deliciously intoxicating, he could feel the atmosphere heating up even more. He trembled with desire for that woman, he didn't know how much more he would take. She trailed little kisses down his scarred torso, giggling. She slowly lowered her lips as her hands worked to silence him, a little lower touching him. Impatient sighs pleaded for the heat of her lips as he felt that teasing touch, her thumbs sliding over his arousal. She stared at his throbbing dick, a smirk on her lips. She left him a teasing little kiss as she stared at him with desire. Small tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she tried to make him fit fully into her mouth. He let out his voice, a low groan that expressed just how aroused he was. He felt the girl's hot tongue running over his tip, her teasing lips making dirty sounds as she gave little moans and giggles, he grabbed her blond hair making her go even deeper. The girl's hands took care of where her lips could not reach, with every second that passed he was enchanted even more by that beautiful and forbidden vision, that expression, her eyes in the purest color of sin looking at him to the depths of his soul. Waves of heat coursing through his spine, he felt that at any moment his so wanted climax would arrive. She noticed, of course. She increased up the pace, he was in the heavens. The blonde held his waist while her delicate fingers made light round caresses. She looked up, he was covering his eyes with his arms as if trying to hold on. She giggled, letting him go deep in her throat, taking him into the skies. He spoke dirty, teasing words, feeling those waves of heat coursing through his entire body, all that tension, begging to be released. He could hear the girl's groans and giggles, her ragged breaths… He knew he was even closer.

He was breathing heavily. The girl was enjoying every drop of him, as if he was feeding her. A tiny little accident happened and he ended up spilling a little on her delicate face, but she didn't care. The blonde slid her tongue one last time over him, a thin thread of saliva forming between them. She giggled before returning to his lap. A mixture of need and most of all, even more desire for that girl.

"And I love revenge." She chuckles.

"I..." He says, panting. "I could manage to notice it..." His breath was heavy, it was as if she stole his breath away.

She ran a finger down the man's torso, slowly dragging her long nails down. She spread her legs a little, he could already figure the next scene in his mind clearly, the euphoria in his body only grew even more. He felt one of the girl's delicate hands holding him firmly, as she fitted him into her tight and wet entrance with a tiny smirk on the lips. Her eyes rolled back as he slowly let his tip enter her body, her waist moving until it was perfectly fitted. A shiver ran through Ajax's body as she gave him that seductive look, the most beautiful and deadly she'd ever given him. A look that showed her demonic nature, a look that showed her delicacy and, above all, her desire.

"Do you want me, Ajax..?" She asks. Her voice was filled with malice and seduction. Like a beautiful predator.

A soft moan escaped her lips as she slowly let him into her body. She felt a chill as his hands grabbed her waist, his fingers squeezing her skin a little impatiently.

"You know I want you." He whispers, bringing her chin close. He gave a kiss on her cheek, biting the lobe of her ear gently.

She let out a loud moan when she felt the boy's strong hands grip her waist and pull her down. She felt her entire body losing its sense of gravity as he hit the deepest, most sensitive spot inside her.

He knew very well what all that was. Each time that act repeated, his bonds with that succubus grew even stronger. He became more and more addicted to her.

And honestly... He didn't care at all.

"I want you all to myself." He whispers, his voice rough in her ear.

She felt her body euphoric. She began to slowly move up and down as her red face and warm, panting breath showed how much she enjoyed every moment as if it was her last.

Feeling the insides of that woman was the best feeling Ajax could have. The adrenaline of battles was nothing compared to everything that gorgeous demon could give him. Each moment he was even more buried with that sin. The runes on her belly glowed brighter than ever each time she got up and down. Her eyes widened and rolled as she felt him inside her, pressing against her needy nerve endings, her weak spots, so sensitive… He held her waist, his nails digging into her skin as she moaned his name louder and louder. The wet sounds of that sinful act and their deep breaths mixing together, as if stealing each other's breath. Sloppy kisses, more moans, loud, whimpers. Promises in her ear, the man's deep voice telling her dirty and even more arousing things.

The blonde moaned loudly as she felt the man's strong hands grabbing her waist tightly, possessively. He thursted deep inside her, it was even better. He fit perfectly inside her and with each thrust she felt her soul leave her body a little more. Entering a state of ecstasy, that delightful sensation invading her body again, her body trembled, her insides twitching, with a desperate moan she poured that hot liquid over him again as her tattoos lit up the noisy room. He felt her insides getting even tighter, the cute image of the demon girl on his lap, her flushed face, her body full of marks and her voice screaming for his name without any shame.

The redhead switched positions with the girl, gently laying her down on the plush rug, kissing her lips. She whimpered between kisses, feeling her body regaining strength. Her legs were grabbed by the redhead, he put one of them over his shoulder while the other was held so she wouldn't move. Her fingers gripped her so tightly they would likely leave marks on her pale skin.

"I want to feed you very well today." he whispers. She feels a shiver run down her spine again, letting a sigh escape between her sharp teeth. "We don't want to leave you hungry, do we..?" He giggles.

"P-please..." The only thing that comes out of her lips were deep sighs and cute soft whimpers.

She felt him again taking full control of her body. Thursting hard inside her, in a perfect pace that was driving her more and more crazy by the moment. A special spot that only he could reach. Delirious, her head spinning. She felt her soul leave her body at once as she felt the redhead's fingers helping it by pressing on her clit, her intimacy twitching around him more and more. She was getting tighter, loving every second of him inside her. Every second of the delicious feeling of being able to be taken by him, the feeling of him going so deep into her, her strength seemed to be drained more and more.

"Tell me, tell me how you want me to please you..." He kept pushing, slowly. As if he wanted to keep her in a state of hypnosis. "Slower or faster...? Want me to go harder?" He continues to tease her.

"A-ah..." She whimpered. "T-there, hm... R-right there, a-ah..." She rolled her eyes, her little toes curling even more. "F-faster..."

Deep as she'd never felt before. She arched her back again at that sensation, faster, harder… She asked for more, more and more. He grabbed her waist, she wrapped her legs over his back, feeling that sensation again. Ajax felt his climax coming again as he called out the girl's name, taking a deep, heavy breath.

"Come on, Lumi. Louder..." He whispers in her ear, his voice was deep, breathy.

"F-faster, A-Aj... A-Ajax..!" She screams. Neither of them cared if they woke anyone up in the process.

He increased the pace, she went crazy feeling his hand pressing on her clit, the nerve endings in the purest short circuit state. Her world spinning round and round, Lumine moaned loudly, her insides being filled with all that warm come. Ajax sealed that moment with a kiss as he filled her completely. So much, so much, that she maybe wouldn't need him for an entire week. Hot, warm. Mixing with her orgasm as well, she gave a deep breath as the mark on her stomach slowly faded.

"I want you more than anything." He whispers, already feeling his strength slowly leaving his body.

He left her insides and immediately felt his body weighting down. A relief, an immense and immediate tiredness. She really sucked the energy straight from him, but… It wasn't in a bad, nor an aggressive way. Ajax wondered sometimes if she really was a demon.

She was about to leave when he gently held her by the wrist, their eyes met. Their faces close together, deep breaths mixing.

"Stay with me. It's too cold outside." He says.

Why, no one had ever treated her with such kindness... Did he want something...?

He lay down on the rug, bringing the girl closer to him. He got her into a hug, a warm, sincere hug, by the fireplace. He spread the fluffy blanket to keep them warm for the night.

She felt a new sensation, her heart was beating faster... Not the faster that she felt at the sex, but... Maybe a love faster heart. No one had ever treated her with such care, attention and delicacy. She smiled sincerely, hugging him back. He gave her a kiss on the forehead, caressing her little horns. They were protected from the cold.

"I also want you more than anything." She says, finally closing her eyes.

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