The Darkest Knight

By Godly-Writer

21K 479 42

While Percy won't be a Robin, he will be associated with the Bat-Family. Somewhat. Kinda. More

Chapter 1
Intermission: Meeting Seras
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Intermission: Meeting Trish
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Intermission: Meeting Lady
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 15

429 10 1
By Godly-Writer

Third POV

"Sheesh, tryna get a girl all hot and bothered?" Lady asked when Percy landed. "Nope. You're just horny." Percy retorted. "I'm blaming you for it." She shot back. "Hey, not my fault your a cradle robber." Percy shrugged and teleported to the side when she shot at him. "Could you not." Percy more stated than asked.

"You annoy me." Lady said with annoyance. Percy shrugged. "Meh. Anyway, I'm gonna..." Percy trailed off as the area around them wavered and shimmered, transforming back into the city. Turns out that they were in one of the worst parts of the city. "Hmm, neat. Like I was saying, I'm gonna go turn in this mission. See ya later." Percy gave a two finger salute and disappeared. "Damnit!" Lady exclaimed and started walking.


Percy reappeared in Hanako's office, making her guards prepare for trouble. He looked at them without a care in the world, then looked at Hanako.

"Nagi-san...?" Percy said questioningly. "That is the proper use, Jackson-san." She nodded. "Whew. Ok, well the demon is dead now. Lady is cleaning up the last of the infernals and I'll hunt for more just in case she missed any." Percy said. Hanako nodded. "Thank you for you services." She said and reached under her desk. She pulled out a brief case and pushed it towards him. Percy walked up to the desk and snapped the case open. Inside he saw one of the things he loved the most. Pure, cold hard cash.

"Thank you for your business, Nagi-san. Don't be afraid to call me in case you have any more demonic powers." He said and turned to leave. Once he was outside, he sent out a pulse with his sonar. Finding only a few demons, he made three duplicates. "Handle them for me, eh?" He asked. The duplicates nodded and all flew off. Percy teleported into his house, right in front of Sally. "Oh! Hey Percy." She said without even a hitch. "Hey ma. How's Susan?" He asked. "How'd you know I was talking to Susan?"

Percy chuckled and patted her shoulder.

"No offense mom, but you don't exactly have the most friends. Especially not in the building. The only one you do have is Susan." He said. "Thank you, for reminding me that I'm a lonely woman." Percy laughed and walked towards his room. "Don't worry. I make all the older women friends for you." He said. "That's actually very worrying. We should really talk about that!" Percy walked into his room and almost tripped over Seras's Harkonnen. It had been dropped in the middle of his room.

Looking over to her coffin, he saw that she had only managed to halfway close the bottom half. She was slumped over, barley actually staying in the coffin. Percy shook his head and put the case down. He first fixed Seras in her coffin, closing the bottom half and sitting her up right. He tried to cross her arms over her chest and close the top half, but it wouldn't close. He held himself back from uncontrollably laughing and moved her arms to her sides. Then he closed the top half. With a bit of difficulty.

"Damn woman. I gotta teach her how to make her tits smaller." He said. He then went to pick up her rifle and sat it next to her coffin. Percy sat in on his bed and started separating the money, leaving half in the case and putting the other half in his safe in his closet. "Really gotta buy another one of these things." He muttered to himself. "Or donate some to the needy." Lady said from the window. Percy gave her a disgusted look. "Ew." Lady shook her head and crawled into the room. "Come on Percy. Wouldn't you fell better about yourself if you helped some homeless people out?" She asked.

"I'm pretty sure I kill like three homeless people monthly." Percy deadpanned. "What about the sick? Donate to cancer research." She suggested. "I could walk into a hospital and heal every cancer patient as long as it's not too bad." He said. "Well, why don't you?" Lady asked. "Human has an over population problem that nature itself is trying to correct. Who am I to go against it." Percy shrugged. "Now get your money and get out. You're being too...nice for me." Lady sighed and picked up the brief case.

Without a word she left through the window again. Percy laid down in his bed and closed his eyes, prepared to go to sleep when he was called yet again. Now, let it be known that Percy can stay awake for days. Maybe weeks without a problem. Even with all of the fighting he does. However, it's still annoying to be interrupted from going to sleep. He stood up and made his way out to the living room. As he passed Harley's room, he peaked in to see her fast asleep, cuddling a black ram plushie she had named Jackie. Yes, it's what she occasionally calls him.

"Yea ma?" He asked once he reached her. "Nico called. She said she has a gift for you and to come get it." Percy raised an eyebrow. This is odd. Nell and Nico were normally cheap bastards, but now they're just giving him things? Curios. Percy left the apartment and went to the stairs. He could've teleported. He could've taken the elevator. Hell, he could've taken the fire escape, but he was feeling stairs today. Percy knocked on the door to their apartment and waited. "Who is it?" Nell yelled from the inside. "Percy!" He called back.

"It's open!" Percy walked into the apartment. Nell was on the couch, drinking a beer. "Hey Nell, how's it going?" He asked. "Same shit different day. Hopefully a new toilet soon too. Ours is broken." Nell grumbled. "Anyway, Nico's in the back. You know where the workstation is. Just keep ya hands to yourself." Percy gave her a disbelieving look. "Why do you think I'm just some horny bastard that tries to fuck everyone in his path?" He asked. "I don't." She said. Percy was now confused, but just ignored it and walked into the back.

"Nico!" Percy called as he made his way into the workshop. "Yo." Nico said. Nico is a beautiful young woman. She has an attractive figure, not the stereotypical hourglass figure, but a damn good shape nonetheless. She has light tan skin, black wavy, waist-length hair that she keeps in a ponytail tail and brown eyes. She also has several tattoos. Percy's personal two favorites is the womb tattoo which is two gold and brown old style revolvers with a bleeding heart in the middle behind a gold bullet.

The second is a tramp stamp of a butterfly. Or moth, Percy doesn't really know which one it is. She's wearing a white tank top showing her midriff covered with a dark-yellow sleeveless jacket that resembles welding cape sleeve. She wears blue denim shorts with a brown worker belt which she tucks a pair of heavy red heatproof gloves into one side of, with a pocketed toolbelt slung on the other side, stabilized with a thigh strap. She also wears a pair of brown leather cowgirl boots with embossed patterning and tongue straps which appear to be decorated with pistol cartridges. She also has red rimmed glasses and a plaited hair band.

"Hey, how ya been?" The young woman huffed in annoyance. "Dealing with assholes all week. Glad to be back though." She said. "I thought you were excited to see your dad?" Percy asked. "I was and he was great. His coworkers were a bunch'a bitches though." She said. "Anyone you want me to handle?" He asked and Nico shook her head and waved his offer off. "Nah, don't worry about it." Let it be known that Nico hasn't looked at Percy this entire time. She's just been hunched over the workbench.

"Hmm." Percy said and allowed his eyes to drag across her body. Don't misunderstand him, he likes Bella. She's a... special case. As fragile as glass, yet metaphorical balls of steel. She'd rush into any dangerous situation knowing damn well she could die and Percy respects that. He likes it. Finds it oddly attractive. Nico is different. She'd look the Devil in the eyes, hock a loogie in his face then turn around and walk away, swinging those delicious hips while throwing a smug smile over her shoulder. He found that hot. Like, he'd make love to Bella and fuck Nico like he's trying to breed her.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Nico said, snapping him out of the his thoughts. "You willing to pose for me?" Percy retorted. "Later. Anyway, here. It's fine." She said. Percy looked down at her outstretched hands. In them was a double barrel, break action shotgun with... is that a meat hook attached to the bottom. "Um, is that a meat hook?" Percy asked. "Yup! Added it for a grappling function." She said. Percy took the gun with one hand. Aiming and looking down its sites. "Nice. Special rounds? Or just normal double barrel?" He asked. "Hah! Since when do I do normal!?" Nico scoffed.

"Explosive, immolation rounds. Those puppies mixed with the wide spread shots equal basically a fucking flame thrower." Percy nodded. "Cost?" He asked. "Free." Percy looked at her and set the gun down on the work bench. "Ok, what with you and Nell?" He asked. "What ya mean?" Nico asked back. "Normally you two are charging me an arm and a leg for weapons. Now you're giving out gifts? What's with that?" Percy explained. "Are you moving? Is Nell dying? The hells going on?!" Nico laughed at Percy's distress. "Calm ya tits sissy. We ain't going no where." Nico said patting his shoulder.

"Then what's up with the 'gifts'?" Percy insisted. "Think of it as our way of being all sentimental and mushy, without being all sentimental and mushy." Percy nodded. He could accept that. "Ok. I guess I could go with that." He said. "Good." Nico said and shoved the shotgun into his hands. "Now go test my baby. See what it can do." She kissed his cheek and pushed him out of the room. Percy blinked and walked away, leaving the apartment with a bye to Nell while Nico was leaning on the door, hand on her chest and taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart.

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