It's My Rhode, Not Yours

By Wrestlinglover12

3.2K 59 19

Novalee Matilde is the youngest Runnels sibling and the black sheep of the family. As a daddy's girl, her fa... More

Death Angel commeth. **Updated**
Redemption Commeth. **Updated**
The Reckoning is here **Updated**
The Fallout
A Light Among The Darkness?
Never Disrespect the Queen Part 1

Never Disrespect the Queen Part 2

98 3 1
By Wrestlinglover12

When Marc and Nova got to the Dark order's clubhouse Marc suddenly stopped, confusing the shorter woman as he turned to her and asked with a smirk "you ready?, it's gonna be hell" "it's lucky for you hell is my playground then isn't it" the smaller woman smiled, laying a kiss on his lips, she was happy and she wasnt going to let anything or anyone ruin how she was feeling, it had been too long since she was even remotely happy. As soon as they entered however, Nova was tackled to the floor by a currently over hyped Anna, an action that made the man next to her laugh & forget about any anxiety he had had previously "ok chuckles, are you actually gonna help me up"." After getting up with the help of Marc and Nicolas, she looked at the young woman and instantly knew exactly what her issue was and sighed, giving the men in the room an evil glance which made them instantly stop laughing "oh you are so dead" Anna laughed as she pulled and dragged her best friend and mentor away from the man she was standing next to and clearly hyped up, she turned to Nova and asked quickly, almost not taking a breath in between each word "Novie, Novie, Novie. I need your help in learning and perfecting that move you showed me the other day. The guys wont let me practice on them" "There are reasons for that" they both heard Trey mutter loudly, making Nova slightly smile as Anna's head shot round like something out of the exorcist as she stated bluntly " because you are mean and cant stand the fact that I could whip your ass without breaking a sweat". Watching the two interact, Nova signed knowing however much she didn't want to, she was going to have to step in and be the adult in this situation, holding onto the slightly younger woman's arms, she firmly but with a smile stated " Anna......Anna" and as soon as she looked at the woman she saw as a mentor, Nova continued "Hi, I am going to need you to calm down a bit honey". Unable to get her to calm down and still while holding onto the woman who was clearly in the clouds , Nova turned to the men behind her and asked, struggling to keep the woman still for more than 5 seconds "Jesus Christ, how much caffeine has she had today? its not even midday yet" " pre workout, an energy drink, 3 double shots of espresso and an extra large iced coffee" Alex joked as the purple haired hellcat sighed and replied, still trying to calm her a little " Okay...... Okay... we will go to the ring, let me just put my stuff in the.." "they can do it.....cmon cmon cmon" she yelled, escaping the grip of the purple haired vixen and the woman she saw as a sister, running out the door before anyone could stop her.

As everyone flinched as they listened to the clattering and the banging that hurricane Anna was potentially leaving behind her, Nova felt Marc wrap an arm around her bare torso which made her smile as she turned to the recruitment specialists and stated " she is going to crash from this soon and when she does, it is not going to be pretty sight and I wanted it noted right now that whatever happens, it is on the both of you" "We don't control what the woman puts in her mouth" Silver smirked "See that look on your face tells me that you encouraged her, there for dickhead 1 and are both to blame". After putting the fear of god in the pair, Nova turned her body around to face the man she arrived with, but before she could open her mouth, they all heard from nowhere " Novalee, thats go" "I think I'd better go and sort out hurricane Anna" Nova sighed with a smile on her face as Marc pulled her close, giving her a hug, while running his fingers through her hair " don't worry about your stuff, ill get dumb & dumber to help me get it to your room" kissing her temple as she replied back "dont let them anywhere near the expensive stuff though!... especially dumber " " Noted" he replied laying another kiss on her temple, shocking everyone in the room. As she left, she heard Jon, the man she was seeing as her brother more and more as they got to know each other laugh and yell "for the love of god , get some food into her" " will do boss". As the door shut and they were sure Nova was out of ear shot, the men turned to the French Canadian and stared at him waiting for an answer "we are going slow and no one but us and now obviously you know but yes we are together. We have a plan on announcing it tonight"" your dating Satan's favourite angel! you're braver than I thought... or more stupid" John chuckled "like you'd call her that to her face" Trey laughed "of course I wouldn't! I like my nuts where they are thanks!". Knowing he needed to stop this conversation. Jon stepped forward & exclaimed protectively "Don't hurt her. The poor girl has been through enough as it is" " Never" Marc smiled.

Walking towards the ring, Nova was greatful that luckily enough she didnt have to worry about going to get changed as after getting back from walking the dogs late, she was still in some training/gym gear so thankfully she could run straight to where Anna was quickly, she just hoped that by the time she got to her mentee, that the caffeine fuelled 'hurricane Anna' hadn't left a path of destruction that could compete with the path of destruction left by Brian Cage. After making it to the ring, thankful for the lack of destruction, Nova elbow nudged and said hi to a few of her friends from the indies, who she was thankful didn't hate her or treat her differently now that her massive dark cloud of a secret had been uncovered, however more so than anything else. she was more thankful that they didn't see her as the entitled offspring of a legend . As Nova stretched and warmed up, she watched the younger woman she had taken under her wing run the ropes, something that Nova hoped would calm her down and burn off the excess caffeine she currently had pulsing through her veins. As she started to once again show the basics of the move that the pair were going to be practising to a now much more calmer Anna, Nova could see in her eyes and in her expression that the anxiety she had surrounding the mare were slowly disappearing as she began to get the hang on the move. After a few attempts & finally grasping her part of the move that they had planned to use if they ever tagged together or in the case if they wanted to show the hidden strength the women of the dark order had like they were during the taping, Nova was confident that the woman would not only be able to perform it to perfection but cause some, if not a lot of pain . As Nova taught and helped Anna practise, neither women realised that they had attracted an audience of wrestlers both young and old who were watching with amazement at the young woman's ability to be able to teach even at such a young age, the skills her father had shining through, after deciding to mould all of the stages of the move together with Anna, this time in one smooth action and on someone physical rather than verbally going through it or using a practise dummy, silence washed over the entirety of ringside as with the help of Schuyler who was thankfully more than happy to help his purple haired " powerpuff girl" in her teaching,Nova showed her best friend the perfect execution of the move which was a mix of a rear naked choke hold and a crab. After getting back to her feet with the help of Joey, the woman heard clapping from around the ring which brought a smile to her face however when her eyes glanced over in Anna's direction Nova instantly saw the look of anxiety on her face " Novie, there is no way in hell I am going to get this, I really dont know why we are bothering, I.....". However, before Anna could continue, they both heard the voice of a woman that Nova had hated since the first time she had met her state smugly " Exactly Novalee, why are you bothering to train anyone, let alone a rookie. I know that you like to think you are like Dusty but trust me' little star,' you aren't even close".

Watching Nova & seeing her fight of any kind of emotion after hearing Brandi use the nickname that no one but her father had ever used for her both publicity & privately, everyone ringside turned their heads towards Nova & saw the look of death she had written on her face become more obvious the more she tried to calm down, the growling under her breath loud as she turned to look at the smug face of her sister in law staring at her as her and her lackey walked to the ring, Brandi smiling victoriously at the thought of getting to her sister in law & hopefully showing of the Novalee she knew. As both her and Laura got into the ring, Nova took a breath and smiled a smile that only a few people around her really knew the true meaning of and stated "ah Brandi... I thought I could smell that cheap ass perfume of yours ... I can't believe that you still haven't changed it after all these years". After seeing Brandi's smile of victory be replaced by one of anger (something that warmed the cold heart of the purple haired Latina), Nova's smile became broader as Brandi replied after composing herself " ha ha ha Novalee, my sides are splitting... seriously though, I have been racking my brains all night, trying to figure out why it is that you have suddenly reappeared? Why it is that after all of these years of peace and harmony, you have now decided to show up like a bad smell in my company with this right you think you have to threaten my family. We all know that it isnt your talent that got you signed here... you're a disappointment, just like you were a disappointment to pops, no wonder all of Cody and I 's family wishes that you had never been born and that you were more trouble then you were worth. Cody getting rid of you that day was probably one of the best decisions he has ever made. Everyone was so much happier until You turned up again". Watching her sister in law won a coldness that sent Shivers up the spines of everyone surrounding the ring, the purple haired beauty looked at the smug look of the face of the woman & chuckled internally at the thought of Brandi not only thinking that she had embarrassed the youngest Runnels sibling once again, just like like she had done years prior, but that the words she had just used would affect her. After hearing enough, Nova grinned as she decided to give Brandi a taste of her own medicine, however after hearing enough of Brandi trying to humilate the woman, Anna stepped forward but as she did, she was instantly stopped by both Joey and Schuyler" can I help you?" she growled "we have known Nova for yours, she can handle her mouth , trust us" Joey whispered to the purple haired vixen protégé as Schuyler added " just be prepared for a massive pipe bomb explosion", both knowing from their own experiences of being around the purple haired woman that if anyone could handle themselves it was the fiery Latina without any help from anyone. After staring at her sister in law & clearly making her feel uncomfortable, Nova stepped forward and whilst still staring at her sister in law, replied coldly, something that shocked her sister in law "those are some mighty big words that are coming out of that poor excuse of that fake aspirante a perra culo boca of yours Brandi.. I'd be careful. Between you and your pequeño dick marido talking about legacy, how is it that you have married into a supposed 'royal family' of wrestling and yet, all you have to show for it is a surname.. face it Brandi, even with the access to the numerous legends you have in your arsenal with your name being Runnels,you are stuck at this point in your ' in ring carer' that you were when you were in the ' E... was laying on your back really worth it?! On that day, when I told you all that I was making my career mine. you laughed and now look at me... I'm more over than you, I'm more talented than you & I have made a life for myself in this business ALONE!, but yet I'm having to deal with you still judging me like I'm nothing more than a glorifried rookie... that I am lower in the pecking order than you!. I have worked my arse off for years and made a name for myself ON MY OWN without a legacy or a surname behind me. NOW, while I am in the mood to light some pipe bombs and throw them at you, that's bring up the lacklustre comments You just made about what was it... oh yeah, me getting here by laying on my back, well I cant say that I have had as much practise as some I could mention , but I haven't had any complaints from anyone." Watching on proudly, Anna laughed as Brandi's mouth opened like a fish as the gothic woman tore into the woman, giving everyone watching a crash course in promos "before you start thinking that you can bad mouth me or my career, you go back to that cushy little office of yours that you got through 'hard work.' and not because of your husband's position & you google my name... look up my matches and you will see the talent that I have inside this ring, is more than the entire Rhodes family have combined'.'

As everyone in and out of the ring watched in awe at the interaction between the waring family members plus the verbal beat down that Brandi was currently receiving, nobody could believe what they were hearing, especially for those who had known the woman for a while & had never seen her with such fire outside of the ring, for Anna however, she was in awe at the way her new 'sister' was handling herself. Whilst everyone watched on however, both Joey and Schuyler knew the look Nova currently had on her face and knew that she was going in for the kill, looking at the two women and then back at Schuyler, Joey joked " $50 on Nova to kill Brandi within the next two minutes" " Deal" Schuyler laughed, shaking the hand of the bad boy as he got ready to make the save if he needed too.. for Brandi rather than his 'powerpuff girl' "what about you? you want in Anna?" he then asked as Anna turned her head quickly and shook her head, turning back to face the women. Unaware of what was going on behind her & Squaring up to her sister in law Nova added, not caring if people were listening or not and noticing Laura back away " you see your problem has always been the same Brandi, you think I am still that same little girl I was.. that I am that same girl you and your ass of a husband think that they can bully and that I will smile and keep everything quiet... not anymore. Listen to what it is I am about to tell you and If you take nothing else away from this conversation, please take this, I am the furthest thing from that now, that small, innocent young girl I was, that little girl who idolised her big brothers has been replaced by what you see in front of you a cold hearted bitch and that is on Cody, you & the rest of the family." knowing that there was no way she was going to stand by and let the woman she despied tearing not only her husband, but their family to pieces, Brandi stepped forward & declared smugly, knowing exactly what to say to get the response she craved "Your definitely not daddy's little girl anymore, look at you you look less like a Runnels then you did before", knowing exactly the response Brandi was trying to get from the purple haired woman, Nova looked at her sister in law dead in the eye and out of nowhere , let out a laugh, something Joey recognised quickly "A Nova sized explosion imminent" Joey joked as he stared at Schuyler, both trying to hide a smile looking at the others staring on, anxious as to where this was going.. Anna in particular As Nova refused to give the woman my herd of response, she exclaimed, her eyes on fire " wow Brandi, Wow! You must really think I am stupid... I knew you would bring Dusty up because I know you and I know that you and the monkey that follows you around aren't out here off of your own backs and the way you are desperatley trying to get a reaction out of me tells me that you are doing my dear big brothers dirty work, why? I don't know but Im not surprised, nothing your family do surprises me anymore. Do me a favour though, next time either you or your husbands culo de pollo asustado want to try and be brave and you in particular Brandi, wanna come at me to try and make yourself look the head bitch around here, remember two things. Number one... as classy as I am, I have absolutely no problem in laying you flat out on your ass whenever and wherever I see fit and number two, you need to remember that how I am and what I am is because of one reason and one reason alone, your beloved family, the people who threw me away like I was nothing... what happens next is on you all... Oh and bringing up Dad...... bad fucking move" Nova growled, a fire in her eyes " take what I have told you back to the organ grinder of the family and tell him and everyone else everything I have said word for word". Looking at her sister in law with a some would say maniac smile that was normallly only seen in the ring , Nova smiled and said normally like the conversation hadn't happened.. an action that creeped Brandi out " now, seeing you in the ring recently, its obviously that you Brand, need it a lot more than we do, so its all yours girls because honestly watching you your boring little tough girl attitude' is enough to put me to sleep... so enjoy , my ring is yours". As the woman left, proud of the damage she had left in her wake , Anna walked past Brandi, smiling evilly as she looked at the embarrassment and humiliation written on the face of the CBO.


culo de pollo asustado - scared chicken ass
wannabe bitch ass mouth -aspirante a perra culo boca
Small dick husband- pequeño dick marido

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