The Powerpuff Girls - A Rowdy...

By T-Bonezesteak2

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This story is my idea for a sequel to the original Powerpuff Girls cartoon show. It tells the story of the Ro... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21

Episode 4

324 3 3
By T-Bonezesteak2

Narrator: The city of Townsville. A city-.

The Narrator gets cut off by a crash sound.

Narrator: (frustrated) Aw, COME ON! Can't I say now a sentence without someone attacking Townsville?! Who is it this time?!

The camera zooms into a construction site with a crane with a wrecking ball destroying a building.

Narrator: (camera zooms into the person operating the crane) Hey you!

The person gets confused as if he heard a voice.

Narrator: Yeah, you, the one operating the crane!

Crane operator: Me?

Narrator: Yeah! Don't you think it's rude to interrupt someone's narration?!

Crane operator: I'm sorry, but I have a job to do.

Narrator: I have a job too, buddy, and I only get paid part-time for this narration! (sighs, calms down, and clears his throat) I'm sorry for my tone; could you hold off the work until I finish my narration?

Crane operator: Alright, man, no worries.

Narrator: Thank you. (clears his throat, and the camera zooms out to the city again) The city of Townsville! A city where its citizens are proudly working hard every day. Construction workers, business bosses, employees, community service workers; Everyone has a job to do-.

The Narrator gets cut off again by a crash sound.

Narrator: Oh broOOOTHER, THIS GUY! (the camera zooms in quickly to the crane operator) Hey! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT INTERRUPTIONS?!

Crane operator: It wasn't me this time!

Narrator: Then who did it?

Sounds of flashes followed by a crash were heard.

Crane operator: Oh, hell no, (gets up and exits the crane) I'm outta here.

The camera cut to the Powerpuff Girls laying on the ground with debris around them.

Narrator: Oh, looks like our girls are in a fight! But with who?

More sounds of flashes followed by a crash were heard. The camera cut to where it came from and revealed the Rowdyruff Boys.


Boomer: Ouch, Butch, that was in my ear!

Butch: I don't care, stupid, let's fight!

The Powerpuff Girls got up and got in their fighting stances.

Blossom: Urgh, let's be careful, girls; they're tougher than before.

Buttercup: No-duh, and louder too.

Blossom: Let's go, girls!

The Powerpuff Girls charged at the Rowdyruff Boys.

Brick: Here we go!

The Rowdyruff Boys charged at the Powerpuff Girls. They clashed a few times before they separated into pairs; Brick fought Blossom, Boomer fought Bubbles, and Butch fought Buttercup. They stood for a few seconds looking at each other angrily, and this music played:

As the beat dropped, each pair charged at each other, and the fight started. Unlike previous battles, the Rowdyruff Boys were more skilled in their fighting, stronger and faster. However, while Brick and Blossom were equal in strength, speed, and skill, Buttercup and Bubbles had the upper hand over their counterparts. How?

Boomer was still distracted, thinking of names of attacks while fighting, which left him open for blows from Bubbles. But that was minor compared to the other pair; while it started out that both Buttercup and Butch were equal, Butch got angrier with every blow that Buttercup threw at him. As a result, Butch's attack patterns got predictable, and Buttercup exploited them and started taunting him.

The music stopped...

Buttercup: (taunting) What's wrong, Butchie-boy? Gettin' a lil angwy?


Suddenly, a loud heartbeat sounded off, and Butch grabbed his head. He grunted a bit and then breathed heavily, calming down.

Butch: Wha-what was that?

Buttercup: You're wide open!

Buttercup kicked Butch in the face, knocking him near a crane with a wrecking ball. Butch noticed it, tore the ball off the crane, and used it as a weapon.

Butch: Try this on for size!

Butch tried to hit Buttercup with the wrecking ball, but each time he missed. However, he hit Boomer at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Butch: Shut up, dummy, you got in the way!



Buttercup punched Butch, knocking him to the ground. She landed close to him.

Buttercup: You got some serious anger issues; proves that you're all bark, no bite.

Butch: (got up and aimed for a punch) RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!

Buttercup punched Butch in the stomach and then the face, knocking him to the ground again.

Buttercup: Before I turn you into snail slime, I just wanna tell you one thing I always wanted to say: You are the worst out of the three of you Rowdyruff jerks.

Butch: What did you just say?

Buttercup: Want me to scream it in your ears?


Buttercup: Ok.

Buttercup stepped and leaned her face to Butch's. He tried to hit her, but she dodged it, punched and kicked him in the face.

Buttercup: You're so bad at this that you make Boomer look like a genius.

Butch tried to get up but fell to his knees; he grunted like an animal furiously.

Buttercup: (teasing) Aww, did I hurt your little feewings?

Suddenly, the heartbeat sound effect sounded off again, and Butch held his head while his eyes were closed tightly, grunting.

Buttercup: (teasing) Do you need mommy to bring you some milk? Hmm?

The camera focused and zoomed on Butch's face until it cut to an X-ray of Butch's brain. It was beating and emitted a lightning-shaped green colored signal, which made it zoom in on the nerve system with chemical X liquid inside it. The signal made the nerves glow green and affected the liquid as it twisted and altered. Finally, the liquid "exploded," which made the camera zoom out and back to Butch.

Butch's body started to glow in a dark-green aura, stood up but with his face looking down. He breathed heavily and grunted...

Buttercup: (changes expression; alerted and curious) Huh?

The camera cut to Boomer and Bubbles fighting until Boomer noticed Butch and stopped fighting her.

Boomer: (concern) H-Hey! Something's going on with Butch!

Bubbles: Don't try to distract me!

Boomer: N-No, I'm serious! (points at Butch) Look!

Bubbles turned her head towards Butch, and she too stopped fighting and was worried about the situation.

This music started to play:

Brick and Blossom also noticed, stopped fighting, and looked at Butch. The camera focused on Butch's face; his eyes opened widely, but their color was dark-green. As the music built up, he slowly raised his head and looked furiously at Buttercup.

Buttercup: Uh-oh.

He looked up and roared like a monster as his aura exploded and grew (he roared the roar in the song I just posted above this paragraph). What happened after is a destruction that words can't express how destructive it was.

Butch was in a blind rage as he flew so fast that the wind caused collateral damage anywhere he went. Everything happened so fast that everyone, except for Butch, found themselves under piles of rubble and debris.

The kids got out of the pile.

Blossom: Ngh, come on, girls; Forget about Brick and Boomer! Let's stop Butch before he destroys the city!

The girls flew and charged at Butch, but one hit to each, and the girls got knocked away easily. Meanwhile, with Brick and Boomer, Brick looked at Butch in awe, and Boomer walked up to Brick.

Boomer: Brick! What is going on?! Why is Butch like this?!

Brick: I dunno, but we gotta stop him.

Brick and Boomer flew up; the camera cut to Butch punching, kicking, and headbutting the Powerpuff Girls; In other words, he made the girls look like a joke. At the end of it, the girls were on the ground, unconscious, and Butch roared.

Brick: BUTCH! STOP! As weird as it sounds coming from me, stop with this destruction already! There won't be anything left for us to destroy!

Butch ignored Brick.

Boomer: (concerned) Butch, what happened to you? A-Are you that mad from Buttercup?

Butch slightly turned his head without turning his body around to Brick and Boomer and made a growl.

Boomer: Um, Butch?

Suddenly, Butch turned around and charged at Brick and Boomer while roaring. He beat and knocked Brick and Boomer to the ground and broke Boomer's arm. He screamed in pain, making Butch slowly calm down with his aura deteriorating and disappearing and his eyes returning to normal. Butch landed on the ground, kneeling down, and got into a "cat-pose" (the one where your back-feet, knees, and hand palms are on the ground).

Butch breathed heavily, sweating too. He stood up...

Butch: (looks around) What (pause) happened here?

Around Butch was a huge crater with debris and objects lying around. However, despite its size, it didn't reach the city's middle with the skyscrapers. Meanwhile, Bubbles woke up and stood...

Bubbles: Blossom! Buttercup!

Bubbles grabbed Blossom and Buttercup and flew away with them. Butch then noticed Boomer's painful cry and ran to him...

Butch: (worried) Boomer, dude, what happened?! (angry a bit) Did those sissies do it to ya?!

Boomer opened his eyes; when he saw Butch, he crawled back from fear and sat while holding his broken arm.

Butch: Hm? (concerned and curious) Why are you looking at me like that?

Boomer: Butch? Are you normal now?

Butch: What do ya mean?

Boomer: Y-You were all angry and destroyed everything around here! There was this green thingy-like uh. Thingy around you. A-And then you roared and destroyed everything here! A-And you beat those girls and then us too!

Butch: (alerted) You mean I did all of this?

Boomer: Y-Yeah.

Butch stepped back in fear and looked at his bloodied hands.

Butch: This. Happened. Before...

The camera zoomed into one of Butch's eyes. It then made a super-cut of the following events: Butch was killing monsters, he gradually got angrier, two figures appeared behind him, he fought and beat them, he calmed down, and it was revealed to be Brick and Boomer. Both of them were lying on the ground, barely alive. Butch screamed, "NO!" as the camera zoomed into Butch's eye and then zoomed out, returning to the current events.

Butch: No. (gasps) BRICK!

Butch looked and ran to where Brick was. Brick was on the ground, unconscious...

Butch: (crouches and puts his hands on Brick's body) Brick?! Are you still there?! (pause. Shakes Brick and gets a bit sad) Don't die on me, dude! PLEASE!

A pause of silence until Brick coughed. Butch had a genuine smile and relief, but when Brick opened his eyes and looked at him, he was angry.

Butch: (relieved) Oh, man, am I glad that you're-.

Brick: NOT! Another. Word. (points behind himself without turning his body or head. Cold tone) To the cabin. Now.

The camera focused on Butch, terrified. Then it cut to a news broadcast.

News reporter: This just in! A huge crater was created in a fight between the Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys. Eyewitnesses say that the cause of the damage severity is because of the Rowdyruff member called "Butch."

The reporter continued the report because the camera zoomed out to reveal a TV and that it was in the Powerpuff Girls' residence. In the kitchen, the professor prepared medicines for the girls on a rectangle-shaped plate. He went upstairs and entered the girls' room, where the girls were lying in bed with bandages and bandaids. They moaned in pain...

Professor Utonium: Here you go, girls, your medicine.

Powerpuff Girls in unison: Thanks, professor.

Bubbles: Ow, my head.

Blossom: We haven't been like this in a while. Buttercup, what did you do to make Butch act like before?

Buttercup: I just said what they deserve to hear as a bunch of Rowdy jerks.

Bubbles: Now, look where it got us. (sarcastic) Good going, Buttercup.

Buttercup: Shut up! How should I have known he'd act like that?!

Professor Utonium: Enough, you two! (picks up a syringe with black liquid inside) That should do it. (encouraging) Girls, I'm injecting you with chemical X; this will boost your recovery, and you'll be up on your feet in no time. (injects each girl with chemical X with different syringes) There we go. Oh, and I will also take your hotline so you will stay in bed. (goes to the hotline, takes it, then goes to the room's entrance and opens the door) I'll be downstairs, girls. If you need anything, call me (goes down the stairs).

Blossom: Girls, as soon as we heal, we will practice in our training chamber. And Buttercup, don't throw insults on Butch next time.

Buttercup: Why not? Don't tell me that you like those jerks.

Blossom: I did not say that!

Buttercup: Well, it sure seems like it. How can you expect me to not insult those pieces of trash? I thought we were supposed to stop crime and make a hiney-whoopin' on those monsters!

Blossom: YOU-! (inhales and exhales) Look, you are right about both our job as superheroes and Butch from our previous fight; I'm just saying: don't insult Butch the next time we fight him.

Buttercup: Tsk, whatever; They're still trash.

Bubbles: Hey, not all of them are trash! At least Boomer is cute.

Buttercup: And you are still weird. Remember how he and Butch almost made you cry because they put a FUCKING snail on your back?!

Blossom: Buttercup, language!

The girls continued arguing, and the camera cut to the professor sitting on the couch watching TV.

Professor Utonium: (sighs tiredly) It will be over eventually.

News reporter: (from the TV) Thank you, Michelle. In other news, in the coming presidential election, the two candidates from the two prevailing parties have been chosen: William Shepard from the democratic party and Franklin Weston from the republican party. The presidential debate will be held in three weeks in Washington D.C; if our viewers are skeptical about who to elect, we will broadcast their ads and speeches in our ad breaks. Before we conclude today's broadcast, we would like to emphasize our message for the coming elections. We are not biased towards anyone and nor should you. Always look at both sides and then conclude from your logic on who to choose wisely; democracy and elections can only work if the citizens are well-informed. Thank you for tuning in to our news; we will see you next time.

Just a disclaimer before anyone asks anything: I don't have any political bias myself; this is all for the season's plot, not to express political beliefs or boycott any of them. Are we good on that? Let's continue...

The news broadcast ended, and the camera focused on the professor.

Professor Utonium: Hm. (doorbell rings. gets up from the sofa and goes to the door) Coming.

The professor opened the door, and two men in black suits and shades greeted him.

Man in black 1: Professor Jonathan Utonium?

Professor Utonium: Yes?

Man in black 1: (reaches hand to his pocket, pulls out a certificate, and shows it to the professor) Special agent Adam Silico, FBI.

Man in black 2: (reaches hand to his pocket, pulls out a certificate, and shows it to the professor) Special agent Marcus Smith, FBI.

Both of them put their certificates back in their pockets.

Man in black 1: May we come in and talk, Jonathan?

Professor Utonium: (steps back twice) Certainly. Please, make yourself comfortable.

The professor and the men in black entering the house went to the kitchen table and sat on the chairs.

Professor Utonium: So, what did you want to talk about with me?

Man in black 1: Let me reintroduce ourselves; we are special agents from the FBI; My name is Adam Silico, and he is my partner, Marcus Smith.

Professor Utonium: Nice to meet you two; I am Jonathan Utonium, the step-father of the Powerpuff Girls. Have you heard of them? Oh, silly me; do you two want coffee?

Man in black 1: Yes, we know of the Powerpuff Girls and thank you for your hospitality, but we humbly decline the offer. Unfortunately, what we have come to talk with you about is not good.

Professor Utonium: Alright, I am ready for the worst; Tell me.

Man in black 2: According to our source, scouts have shown a huge number of monsters grouping up on an isolated island with a volcano we termed "Monster island."

Professor Utonium: Yes, I've heard about this island on TV.

Man in black 2: Good, then straight to the point: We have captured audio and camera footage of what could possibly be the leader of the group. He talked about destroying Townsville, the Powerpuff Girls, and conquering the world in general. Lastly, he talked about marching to Townsville tomorrow afternoon when we recorded it yesterday.

Professor Utonium: My goodness; what's the severity of the situation?

Man in black 1: Very severe; The approximate number of monsters counted was above 1,000 in different sizes. What's worse is that the numbers continue to grow.

Professor Utonium: Does anyone know of this? Have you heard of what happened today with the girls and the Rowdyruff Boys?

Man in black 1: Don't worry; yesterday and today, other agents and security forces alerted each family singly in the city without creating a mess in the streets and heavy traffic.

Man in black 2: The Rowdyruff Boy named "Butch" rampaged through the countryside, but both sides were lucky: there were no casualties because of the evacuation.

Man in black 1: This is where you come in, Jonathan. Where are the Powerpuff Girls currently?

Professor Utonium: They're upstairs in their room recovering from the fight you and I mentioned earlier.

Man in black 1: How soon will they recover?

Professor Utonium: I think an hour will be sufficient for them to recover.

Man in black 1: Good, we believe the monster attack will start approximately an hour from now. Thank you for your time, Jonathan; we will be on our way out.

The men in black got up and exited the house, and the professor put his hands on his head.

Professor Utonium: Oh, boy...

Narrator: "Oh, boy," indeed. What will our girls do against more than 1,000 monsters? More importantly, what is happening in Townsville?

The camera cut multiple times of multiple shots of moving cars, trucks, and even people with baggage going out of the city.

Narrator: Luckily, our precious citizens have been warned and are now evacuating the city. If this is the case, I am sure the girls will take care of those monsters! (the camera cuts to the Rowdyruff cabin) Now let's see the other side of things...

The camera cut to the cabin inside: Brick was walking back-and-fourth around, Butch was sitting on the floor with his face looking down, and Boomer was far from him and Brick.

Brick: Ok, Butch, lemme ask you something: What. Is wrong with you?! Ya know, I can let some of the crazy stuff you're doing slide because we're the Rowdyruff Boys. But what the FUCK was going on in your head doing what you did?! Huh?! Did you really get all that upsety because Buttercup hurt your feelings?! YOU ALMOST DESTROYED US TOO BECAUSE OF IT!

Boomer: (quietly) Um, Brick?

Brick: (ignores Boomer) I would also let this thing slide if you destroyed the girls, BUT YA DIDN'T!

Boomer: (a bit louder) Brick?

Brick: (ignores Boomer) Do I need to teach ya to not get upset over a few words, or should I scream it to your ears every day to make ya understand how much I'm mad about this?!

Boomer: (louder) Brick.


Boomer: BRICK!

Brick: (to Boomer) WHAT (breathing heavily)?!

A pause of silence...

Boomer: (a bit afraid) Um, maybe (pause) you should (pause) stop talking if you want (pause) to let Butch talk, (nervous) hehe.

Brick: (inhales, exhales, calms down) Alright. Well, Butch, what do ya have to say?

No response from Butch...

Brick: Well...?

Still no response...

Brick: Tsk, ok, I'm (hesitant) s-sorry f-for screaming at you earlier, Butch. A-And that includes you too, Boomer (Boomer smiled).

Still no response...

Boomer: Come on, Butch, what was going on with you earlier? I mean, I know you screamed at me too there and got angry and stuff, but are you alright?

Finally, Butch lifted his head and looked at Brick and Boomer.

Butch: (sighs with a sad expression) Ok. I'll (pause) start at this: Do you guys remember when we had those dreams?

Boomer: Dreams? Y-You mean with that fairy? Hey, we haven't kicked her butt for doing this to us. How about we do it, you guys?

Brick: Another time, Boomer. (to Butch) But yeah, I remember that, so what of it?

Butch: You know when all of us told our dreams? Well, I lied about mine. My dream (pause) was horrible.

Boomer: But I thought you like horrible stuff.

Butch: It's the kind of horrible that I hate. I was in the middle of the city, nobody was around, and the sky was red. Then lots of monsters appeared; I beat them, and so far, I enjoyed this. But later, I felt very angry and started to destroy everything I saw.

Brick: And let me guess, one of the things you destroyed was-.

Butch: (gets sadder) Yeah (sniffs). Because I was so angry, I didn't see what I had done. I (pause) k-killed you two. (sniffs and starts to cry) And-and today, it could've happened again!

Brick and Boomer looked at each other surprised, and then at Butch.

Brick: You're serious? You mean to tell me that you got so angry you didn't see what you were doing?

Butch: (sniffs) Y-Yeah. A-And I'm sorry.

Both Brick and Boomer got very surprised.

Butch: (calms down) I'm sorry for everything I've done to you guys. Especially you, Boomer. I'm sorry for picking on you and calling you stupid all of the time. Y-You guys are the only things I have, and I don't want to be left alone.

Brick and Boomer looked at each other surprised and then back at Butch.

Butch: (sighs) Come on, laugh at me already. Just say I'm a sissy little girl; I deserve it (crosses hands and looks to the side).

Boomer went closer to Butch, crouched, and smiled a reassuring smile.

Boomer: (smiles) It's ok, Butch, we forgive you, right, Brick?

Brick: (smiles while frowning) Yeah, I guess I do. (goes over to Butch and reaches his hand to him) Now, come on, dude, we still have a Rowdy sequel to settle with those girls.

Butch: (turns frown into a genuine smile) Heh, (reaches his hand to Brick and gets up with his help) thank you guys, I feel a lot better now.

Boomer: (stands up) Welcome back, Butch.

Butch: "Welcome back?" What are ya? Still dumb?

Boomer: Hey, what was that all about-oh.

Butch circled his hands around Boomer's neck and stood to his side. However, he did so playfully...

Butch: (playful) Hehe, but you're my dumb brother, and nobody can be like ya. "Welcome back," he says; I was always here!

Butch then playfully grinds his fist onto Boomer's head.

Boomer: (gets playful like Butch) Hahaha, ok, Butch, ok, I get it, hehe.

Butch: (stops hugging Boomer's neck) Hehehehe.

Boomer: So, uuuuhhhhh, what do we do now?

Brick: We can start by getting new clothes.

The camera cut to an automatic door opening with the Rowdyruff Boys walking out with new clothes.

Boomer: Ok, now what?

The boys' stomachs gargled and the camera cut to a close-up of one of them eating a hot dog before it zoomed out to the rest.

Boomer: Uh, guys? Don't you think it's strange that nobody is around here?

Brick: Hm, now that you mention it, it is kinda strange. Even in the clothes store, there was nobody. (pause) Oh well, we get free stuff anyway (bites hot dog).

Blossom: Drop the wieners, boys.

The boys opened their eyes widely while looking at Blossom, who had just landed with Bubbles and Buttercup.

Buttercup: ("cracks knuckles") We can show you a better time than this.

The boys looked at each other and started to smile in a way they were making noises trying not to laugh.

Blossom: No, Buttercup, we're not here to fight them (pause) yet. Look, boys, we're here to just talk with-.

The boys started to laugh very hard that Butch rolled on the floor.

Blossom: What? What's so funny?

Brick: Hahaha, (teasing) oh gee, the girls want us to "drop our wieners," eh (continues to laugh)?

Buttercup: What are ya? Stupid? She said to drop your wieners and-.

Buttercup then realized why the boys laughed, and she covered her mouth in disgust.

Blossom: What is it, Buttercup?

Bubbles: You look like you're about to puke.

Buttercup got closer to Bubbles and Blossom and whispered in their ears. Their expressions changed to disgust, and they covered their mouths too.

Bubbles: (disgusted) Aaaaawwwwwww!

Blossom: (disgusted) Eeeeeeewwwwwwww! How low can you boys get?!

The boys continued to laugh loudly, roll, and slam the floor, making the girls angrier. Suddenly, a huge earthquake struck, making the buildings around the kids fall. After the dust cleared, the girls stood in battle stances, but the boys were covered in rubble. They got out of the rubble but were dirty.

Brick: (gets up from the rubble) Ngh, what the hell just happened?!

Boomer: Did we do this?

Butch: Don't be dumb, Boomer. But seriously, what is happening?

As the dust cleared, the boys, except the girls, were shocked. It revealed an army of monsters from a car's size to as big and bigger as a skyscraper.

Buttercup: Does this answer your question?

Brick: (wipes mouth and gets into his battle stance) Damn it! Why are there so many monsters?!

Blossom: This is what we wanted to talk with you about! But nnnnnooooooo, you just had to laugh about wieners! (Brick laughs a bit, which makes her angry) Ggggggrrrrrrrrr...! Oh, what's the point?

Brick: Look, I know what ya came here to talk about; you want our help killin' those monsters. Don't call this "helping you," if those things destroy everything, there won't be anything for us to destroy.

Blossom: (surprised a bit) That's (pause) one way to look at the situation.

Brick: Just don't get in our way. (excited) Boys, yall ready for this?!

Boomer: (creates electrical bat and gets into his fighting stance) HECK YEAH!

Brick: And you, Butch?

Butch had a scared expression.

Brick: Butch?

Butch: Huh? O-Oh, yeah, s-sure.

Brick: Don't tell me you got flashbacks of that dream.

Butch: But this is exactly what happened! Except for the red sky, but still! I don't wanna go rage mode and kill you, my dudes!

Brick: Then don't go rage mode.

Butch: (angered a bit. sarcastic) Gee, thanks.

Butch got into his fighting stance.

Brick: Enough messin' around. LET'S DO THIS ALREADY!

This music began to play as the monsters roared and charged at the kids:

Blossom: Let's go, girls!

Brick: Here we go!

The girls and the boys flew up and charged at the monsters, and thus the enormous-sized battle began! Important to note that they were fighting, but not together. In other words, the boys fought on one side and the girls on the other, not cooperating.

Again, words can't explain the epicness and destructiveness this fight had; another reason why I want this series animated or at least drawn. So let's skip to when the song ended.

The girls and the boys were still killing monsters, but they began to get tired as they breathed heavily with scars, wounds, and clothes torn all over them. But with every monster killed, more of them came...

Brick: (coughs) Damn it, they just won't stop coming. Butch, now's a really good time to go rage mode.

Butch: What? N-No! I don't wanna hurt you guys!

Brick: I don't care! Y-You know what? I take back what I yelled at the cabin about you hurtin' us and stuff. Just go rage mode, and we'll be out of your way; how does that sound?

Butch: T-. Uh. I don't know.

Brick: What?

Butch: I don't know how to go rage mode!

Brick: Sure ya do. Ya just need to get angry.

Butch: No, it's...

Brick: It's what? Ya want me to bring Buttercup to get ya angry?!

Butch: NO! And even if I knew, I don't want to! I don't want to go rage mode and hurt you guys!

Brick: So you're basically saying you don't wanna help us.

Butch: N-No! I-tsk, I do wanna help, but not like that! Maybe there's another way. Oh!

Butch got alerted; Brick turned around and saw a charging monster. Luckily, Brick killed it before it attacked; he turned back to Butch.

Brick: There is no other way! (inhales and exhales) But if you don't help us like we want to, then maybe you're not my brother anymore.

Both Boomer and Butch were surprised.

Boomer: What?! B-B-But Brick-!

Brick: No "Buts." If Butch doesn't wanna help us, then I don't see any reason to keep him around.

Butch lowered his face, sad.

Brick: Pff, useless...

Suddenly, monsters charged from behind Brick, Butch, and Boomer and knocked them to the ground. Butch sat up, coughed, looked around, and saw Brick and Boomer lying on the ground, unconscious.

Butch: (crawls to Brick and Boomer) DUDES! N-No. This isn't happening...

A monster slammed and held Butch to the ground while others were grinning devilishly at him and making growls.

Supposedly, the monster leader: Hahahaaa! Once we get rid of you, little insects, NOBODY will stop us! Not even the Powerpuff Girls!

The camera cut to the Powerpuff Girls fighting another group of monsters. Unfortunately, the girls were tired, bruised, and wounded with their clothes torn. Then they regrouped...

Blossom: (breathing heavily) Ngh, stand your ground, girls! We will fight until the end!

The camera cut back to Butch and the monsters around him.

Supposedly, the monster leader: Now die with the rest of those bug-eyed freaks and those pesky humans!

Butch opened his eyes and mouth widely (the mouth less widely) as if he was broken inside; He got thrown into the air, and everything around him slowed down. Flashbacks repeatedly appeared and disappeared of him with his brothers. They consisted of some of the nicer memories he had with Brick and Boomer but also had the nasty and horrible ones.

While it was happening, Butch was also falling into the mouth of a monster. His expression gradually changed to anger, and his body started to glow a faint color of dark green. He got eaten and swallowed by the monster.

Monster 1: (burps) Hmm, it would have been better with salt.

Supposedly, the monster leader: You can put all the salt you want when you eat the rest of his kin.

Monster 1: Hehe (stomach growls). Huh, (pause) I feel funny.

The monster instantly exploded with its innards flying everywhere.

Supposedly, the monster leader: Ngh! WHAT?!

This music started to play:

The camera cut five times according to the starting drums of the song, showing Butch with a dark green aura around him, his muscles emphasized, and his eyes completely green with a furious expression. The camera cut to Brick and Boomer waking up.

Boomer: (holds head) Ugh. (gasps) Butch?

Brick: (looks to Butch, gets very alerted, and gets up) Boomer! Let's get outta here; it's about to get nasty!

Boomer and Brick flew up and away from Butch. He floated up in the air; the camera cut to the girls and the monsters around them looking at Butch.

Blossom: Girls, retreat! Butch is at it again!

The girls flew away, but the monsters continued to look at Butch. The camera cut to the supposedly monster leader.

Supposedly, the monster leader: GGGRRRRRRR! YOU FOOLS! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?! ATTACK!

All the monsters in the area charged at Butch as the music built up. As the music dropped, he roared, making a shockwave, knocking away and killing monsters; and then the chaos of Butch was unleashed. He flew and destroyed everything in his way, used the monsters' fangs and claws as weapons against them and even buildings, unleashed his green energy with energy balls and blasts, and more...

Every other building and skyscraper turned to dust. After a good minute of ripping and tearing hundreds (including the supposed leader), no monsters were around, but that didn't stop Butch. He smelled something and turned in the direction of it; he growled and flew toward it, destroying everything behind him.

Meanwhile, the Powerpuff Girls, Brick, and Boomer were in awe and amazement with their jaws open.

Buttercup: Holy shit.

Blossom: (shakes head) Come on! Let's go after him before anyone innocent gets hurt!

The girls flew away to where Butch went.

Boomer: Are we gonna follow them?

Brick: Yeah, we will! I don't wanna miss the action!

Brick and Boomer followed the girls. The camera cut to Butch flying at high speed; he found even more monsters in the sea and killed them. He continued to fly toward something, and the camera cut to two monsters with British teeth drinking tea on an island with a volcano beside them.

"British" monster 1: (British accent) Mmm, this tea is quite delightful.

"British" monster 2: (British accent) Indeed (sips). (looks to his right and sees a green dot) I say, those chaps are doing a very grand job; I can see them from here.

"British" monster 1: Really? (looks to where it looked at. The green dot gets bigger) Strange, it seems like it is getting bigger, don't you think?

"British" monster 2: Hmm, now that you mention it-.

The monster got cut off and killed by Butch; Butch blew through the trees and landed in the middle of the island as the camera zoomed out to reveal it. Lots of monsters were there and growled at him. They charged at him after some seconds, and Butch went on a killing spree when the song reached the guitar solo.

At the end of the solo, the camera cut to the Powerpuff Girls arriving with Brick and Boomer from behind.

Blossom: Hey, this is monster island.

Bubbles: And there's Butch!

The camera cut back to Butch; he grabbed one of the bigger monsters and flew up and then down into the volcano.

Boomer: BUTCH!

Butch entered the volcano with the monster. After a few seconds, the island shook, and the volcano seemed to be "breaking down" with debris falling off it. Then the whole island exploded with lava erupting, and the explosion's size with the smoke was enormous as a mountain. The girls, Brick and Boomer, avoided the incoming debris and lava.

As the song was ending, the smoke suddenly dispersed quickly, and the camera zoomed in on Butch. He was naked with lava conveniently covering his private part and other places and had a smug relaxed expression. And that's where the song ended. Everyone was surprised, and he flew up to Brick and Boomer.

Butch: (relaxed) Wassup?

This music started to play:

Butch: (stretching) Ya know, I feel so much better now. (looks at the lava all over his body and grabs a piece) What is this stuff? (eats the lava and swallows it) Mmmm, it's pretty good. Yall want some?


Boomer flew at Butch and hugged him.

Boomer: Boy, am I glad that you're not dead! Welcome back!

Butch: Heh. (playfully grabs Boomer's neck) Haven't I told ya yet?! (grinds his fist on Boomer's head) I was ALWAYS here, ya little dum-dum!

Butch and Boomer were laughing and genuinely had a good time. This made Brick smile, and he went up to them.

Brick: Yo, Butch.

Butch: (releases his grip on Boomer) Brick. So let me guess, you didn't actually mean what you said about me, right?

Brick: Heh, of course not. I wanted to get ya angry for that rage mode.

Butch: Well, (inhales) it kinda worked.

Brick: Sorry about that. What you did back there was something I won't ever forget; cuz that! Was! AWESOMMMMMMEEEEE!

The boys laughed in joy. Meanwhile, with the girls, Blossom seemed uncertain; Buttercup had a confused look; however, Bubbles had a smile on her face.

Bubbles: Aaawww, that's kind of cute.

Buttercup: (to Bubbles) And you're still weird. Why do you feel happy for them? They're punch bags that destroy everything that is waitin' for a hiney-whoopin' from me, especially Butch! Right Blossom?

Blossom: (uncertain) Uh, yeah, I guess.

The camera cut back to the boys, they relaxed, and the song ended.

Butch: So, dudes, lemme ask ya somethin'.

Butch raised his eyebrows twice. The boys turned to the girls menacingly in addition to menacing expressions.

Butch: (cold tone) What do we do with those sissies over there?

The girls got taken aback a bit. In a cartoonish-and-menacing way, they approached the girls.

Butch: So, girls, you made me kinda angry back there, 'specially Butters over there. So let me ask ya somethin': are you prepared for the kind of beating you earned, little sissies? HM?!

The girls screamed in fear and flew away. After some seconds of silence, the boys burst out laughing.

Butch: (mid-laughter) HAHAHA! DI-DI-DID YALL SEE THE LOOKS ON THEIR FACES?! (mockingly imitating the girls' screams) AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! HAHAHAHAHA...!

The camera zoomed out from the Rowdyruff boys at an angle that the viewer sees them from atop.

Narrator: I don't even know if those boys saved or doomed the day. So I guess we'll see what happe-(pause as the camera zooms out) Oh, what's this?

The camera zoomed out very far and revealed a helicopter, not a military one. It cut to a TV screen which showed the Rowdyruff Boys still laughing.

Narrator: It seems the boys are being watched. But by who?

The camera cut to a close-up shot of a person smoking a cigar. It cut again to the TV, but it zoomed out to reveal a person in his forties holding the cigar from before, wearing a brown suit with a red tie. Then it revealed two other people in black suits.

Person in a black suit 1: So, what do you think, boss?

Person in a brown suit: Well, the Rowdyruff Boys. Quite the show; quite the story. And you're telling me the green kid there (points at Butch) destroyed hundreds of monsters all by himself?

Person in a black suit 2: Yes, our helicopter is filming them, and so far, no one has noticed.

Person in a brown suit: Good. (smokes and exhales) Hmph. This could lead to a very profiting adventure in Townsville now that no monsters are around causing trouble. (turns around with his chair) Right, gentlemen?

The camera zoomed out and revealed the entire room with other people in suits; some were muscular, but all looked very menacing. They grinned devilishly.

Person in a brown suit: Let's make some preparations for the coming events, shall we (smiles devilishly and smokes)?

Narrator: I don't know who everyone is here, but I don't like their looks one bit. (cuts to the end screen of the Rowdyruff Boys, the one with the skulls) So back to what happened before; the day was (pauses) saved and doomed thanks to (pause) the Rowdyruff Boys! I still don't think this is right...

The end screen was the Rowdyruff Boys posing, and Butch was still naked with lava over him and conveniently covering his private part.

End of episode 4!
To be Continued...!

Post-production notes:

I think this episode serves its purpose and my message too. I will continue my fanfiction, bring it to the industry, animate it like it was in old western animation movies, and create competition with Craig McCracken. You also wonder how this came earlier than expected. It's because I had ideas already built into some episodes, and this is one of them.

This may seem stupid, but I think it might be stupid enough to work. I'll see you guys again on the next episode of the Powerpuff Girls: A Rowdy Sequel...


PLEASE! If you have something to say, say it all in ONE comment and not hundreds of them. I hate seeing my notification feed blown up by the same guy commenting separately on what could have been a single one. I'm not going to name anyone; this is just a heads-up to anyone who does it. Besides that, feel free to ask questions, but I won't answer spoiler questions (I will say that it'll be a spoiler question and not elaborate further, depending on the situation).

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