If our lives switched

By _OutsidersStories_

7.5K 72 45

"Plant me next to mom and dad for me, will you?" ------ Basically if Ponyboy and Johnny switched lives, like... More

~ Intro ~
Running Away
Abandon Church
Gone With The Wind
Medical Problems
Story Time
Not all heros wear capes
Mom & Dad
⚠️A/N ⚠️
Is this goodbye?
⚠️A/N ⚠️
Your alive...?
Holding Me Close
One Year Later
~The End~


144 2 0
By _OutsidersStories_

Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for the support on this account, and on this book! I love you guys so much, you guys are amazing! Thank you guys so so much! Anyways go follow my TikTok at Ponys hair gel! Anyways let's begin! And you guys know the routine by now lol!

Tw: gore, depression, suicide, swearing

Anyways enjoy :)


Johnnys pov:

We are still at the service... no one wanted to leave, they thought if they leave they leave the kid. And no one wanted to leave pony.

Not even me...just then I see Randy and he looked off...like he had a face that he was hiding something.

Whom am I to care...I lost him...I lost my best friend...my true friend I can rant to is dead...

I stay in the back, cause if I was up front and I saw pony being buried, I would of lost it.

Dallas come by and checked on me, but we should really check on Dallas. I remember the last time he went off, and was going to kill himself. I don't think he has ever forgotten that one, but he shouldn't just leave us, and shouldn't leave me.

I go by pony's grave, and I place down his favorite flowers. They are roses to be exact. Whenever he saw roses he had to stop and look at them.

When I placed them down on his grave, I felt a part of me get really happy, I knew pony was happy to have roses at his grave.

"I miss you Pone." I said softly where I could only hear myself. I don't want them to see me break down crying cause I feel it coming on.

Soda and Darry are holding each other and crying. I had a feeling Darry never forgave himself. He has that look of regret everyday, and every night.

I step away from the ceremony and I went not far but far enough to where they wouldn't hear me cry. And I just started to sob.

"Not my best friend!" I sobbed, it wasn't a full sentence it was just broken down into my sobs.

I felt someone hug me tight and I couldn't tell at first who it was. And then I realized it was Dallas.

"Shhh buddy...he is okay now..." Dallas said softly and he just held me into his arms.

He held me like a mother protecting her young. Like a mom holding a baby. He was very protective of me and pony. And I guess he realizes how much we all miss him.

Dallas pov:

I saw Johnny leave, I knew he was going to go cry. I followed him. Pony wouldn't want us to be sad, but I couldn't help but feel some sort of anger.

I am just now realizing how gone he actually is...I keep seeing him...I can't get him out of my head!

I am at least glad that the kid is with his parents. That's all I give a shit about.

Is him happy, that all us greasers really cared about. And I guess we took that to the max. And here we are now, at his damn funeral.

I felt so lost, I'm my thoughts and In general. He was the one thing keeping us from going more crazy. And now he is gone.

I looked at the gang around us at the kids funeral...they are all a major mess...I can't stand the thought of the kid dead. They were all going through the 5 stages of grief.

Twobit is in denial...he won't admit it but he is in denial. You can tell by his face he is in denial. He won't admit it to himself that the kid is dead. He just won't accept it. Hell none of us will, but we have to eventually.

Johnny is sad, and so is Sodapop, I know they can't stop keep on thinking about this. I mean who can blame them. I can't either. They are in major sadness, they can't stop crying, and shaking. This isn't gonna leave them...not now...not ever... they are depression, they won't let go of pony.

Darry is anger, not at the kid, and not at anyone. Beside himself, I know that face. I have seen the side of people when they are angry, about themselves. He won't stop saying it's all his fault. He doesn't say it, but I know he does in his mind.

Steve is bargaining with life right now, I know they never really got along. But Steve loved pony deep down. And can't shake off the feeling that at the hospital was the last time they got to see each other. He wants pony back, I could just tell. We all could. We all knew Steve secretly had a soft spot of the kid.

And I am just accepting it...cause I can't bring people back to life. I don't have magical powers. I miss that kid, he was a wonderful kid. Never using his head but was smart.

I went to where Johnny was and he was trying to hold it together. But deep down I know he couldn't, and he knew too.

He broke down sobbing. He could stand up much longer, him sobbing so much took the breath out of him. I sat him down on the ground, and I knelt down in front of him.

I tried comforting him, but I am not the best at that. I am not normally a comfort person, so this was weird to me. First time for everything.

Pony was normally the one to comfort him. Pony was his best friend. Pony had many friends. But he had another best friend. Surprisingly.

Curly, curly shepherd. Tim shepherds kid brother. He was very protective of pony, and god forbid someone looked at the kid wrong, curly will have their heads bashed into a medal pipe.

Curly and him go way back. Curly always adored pony...but the thing was, he didn't know pony was dead.

Curly was 15, just a year older then pony. And when they were younger, they were close. Curly will always walk with pony, protect him, comfort him.

But sometimes it would be the other way around. They were like partners in crime. But pony never really did the "crime" it was mostly curly.

I stayed near Johnny. Not daring to leave his side. I couldn't. I just couldn't. Not with him having a panic attack and crying, and he can't stop shaking.

I look around for help but soon his panic attack stopped. He just sat there and said nothing, not a single thing.

Twobits pov:

How could he be dead. He can't be, I won't take that as an answer. This is just one giant nightmare, that I would wake up to soon.


I mean it has to be. The kid was only 14 years old. He can't be dead. I tried to punch myself to see if it was fake.

It wasn't. It wasn't. It wasn't. It was all real, the death, the murder, the everything.

I looked over at Johnny...poor Johnny, his best friend was gone. He looked depressed. He looked different. And I didn't like it.

Hell I can't stop denying he is dead. Cause I had this feeling that he wasn't, but I knew it was fake.

I looked down and I saw Johnny having a panic attack not far away from the crowd.

I saw in the corner of my eye Randy, looking off. I knew he was always off, or he was gay.

I nudged Steve and he saw, and he noticed the same thing...Randy was off or again he was gay, and Steve and I didn't like him. Hell we never have. Not after he kept on jumping the kid.

Just then Randy looked scared and slowly came over. We all have stopped crying by now, and had wiped away our tears.

Darry boss and sodas and Steve boss left, like thirty minutes ago. And Randy was shuffling, slowly and slowly.

Darry and soda notice and stand there ground. Not knowing what the hell he was gonna say.

"I-I...." Randy choked up, and we all looked at him confused.

Dallas marched over to where we were  and Johnny was following him like a lost puppy. And Johnny was after Ponys death.

"What Andrew!" Dallas snapped and made Randy jump a bit.

"T-the fire..." Randy said softly and we all went silent. No one spoke.

Dallas grabbed him by the collar and got angry with Randy. Randy started to tremble. And he pushed Dallas off of him and ran.

Dallas was gonna run, but Steve held him back. We can't just fight in the kids funeral. Even though he would probably have popcorn, and start watching the fight.

But Dallas grabbed him. And turned him around. And made him speak. No wonder why he gets all the girls talking like that.

"Speak Andreas!" Dallas said miss pronouncing his last name, which probably gave pony a chuckle.

"I-I know who started t-the fire..." Randy said and we all went silent. And Johnny looked at him confused and I'm pain.

"Who!?" Soda snapped and Randy jumped and soda looked confused and was angry.

"I-it was the s-Socs.... T-they knew he would g-go in the fire... t-they killed him." Randy said and we all gasped softly.

Soda didn't hesitate to punch him and we all had a little greaser jumping soc, we didn't hold back. We went punching and throwing hands.

After a few minutes he looked half dead. And we stopped, but did you think we wanted too. Nope. We wanted to keep punching him till his death.

Once we stopped he got up and ran away! I never felt so much rage! How could they! They knew pony would do anything to help anyone!

Narrators pov:

It has been a few hours and it was time to go home. Just without the baby greaser, and they didn't like that.

They went home and got changed, and all met up at the Curtis house again. They like chilling there to take there mind off of things.

Just then Tim and curly Shepard walks through the door. And Tim had a beer and curly was scanning the room. And trying to look for that one person. Ponyboy.

Curly has been in the cooler for over 2 months. And so he has no idea, about pony, about the murder, and about the fire.

Soda and Steve were chilling on the couch together. And just talking about DX, and if they should pick up more shifts.

Darry made lunch going into dinner. He really didn't want to cook, but if it's to feed his teenagers he will. And cooking that meal was his main focus.

Twobit went to Mickey Mouse, but looked off. And wasn't his normal jolly self. And he sadness and denial didn't suit him at all.

Johnny was looking at the tv trying to get the images out of his head. And trying not to think about his friends death.

"Where is pony?" Curly said and the room went silent. Making the mood very uncomfortable.

Curlys pov:

"Where is pony?" I asked and the room went dead silent. Not a single peep.

"You don't know..?" Steve asked and I shook my head no.

Know what? Where is pony? What are they keeping from me! I want answers.

I looked at Tim and he looked confused as well.

"You guys might want to sit down for it." Dallas said taking a drag from his cancer stick.

We nodded and sat down on the couch. Where is Ponyboy? Where is my best friend? Where is he?

"Curly I am so sorry..." twobit said and my mind was going all over the place. Why was he sorry?

"What?! Someone tell me !" I snapped, I wanted to know what they were hiding for me. And I hated it.

"...Pony has died..." soda said sniffling and I could tell they were Sirius.

My body stopped...pony...dead....not my pony. I couldn't take it. I had my leather jacket and in it had a gun, was it loaded no.

I got up and ran out. I couldn't stop crying, I had a picture of pony and I and I looked at that.

He was my reason to keep on going. I couldn't stop, I knew they weren't gonna follow me.

I ran to the nearest convenient store, and went inside and I went to the magazine part. And I ripped them up.

"Hey you can't do that without paying." The clerk said.

And I walked over and pulled the gun out and pointed it at him. He was shocked and spooked. He didn't dare to move a single bit.

"Give me all of your money!" I yelled, not wanting a single dime from him.

He gave me the money and I ran, I saw him pull out his gun and try and shot me. But failed.

I ran to the nearest phone booth and I called the Curtis house hold. Hoping the could help me.

"Hello Curtis residents." Tim said and I told him I need help and I need hiding and pony...

"Pony... pony is dead...my pony is dead." I said and I took out my picture of pony and i.

"Yes pony is dead...? Curly need help?" Tim said and I said yeah and cops and I hung up.

"Cops." I said softly, and he yelled for the gang.

I ran to the lot well tried to I had my gun out and point at all of the cops. I heard Tim yelling and the rest screaming no.

I felt something hot go through me. I looked down and saw something crimson looking...it was blood...my blood. I fell to the floor, holding the one thing i love in this world.

The picture of me and pony.

The one thing that brings out the best in me. My best friend. Ponyboy Curtis. And he was dead! I couldn't live without him.

"...Pone..." I mumbled before taking my last breath.


Heyyy Guys!!! How are you! Yes I have a few things, did curly pull a Dallas, yes; yes he did. And did I also use that tiktok audio sound, "the 5 stages of grief" again yes; yes I did! And do I have any shame in any of this, nope not at all! Anyways guys I have been updating this book a lot lol. Anyways yeah have a nice day and night. And remember I love you guys very much and I am very proud of you!

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