Marines in Remnant (US Marine...

By ussamerica2018

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What Happens when 4 US Marines from different conflicts are thrown together into a new world and they have to... More

Characters Info
Chapter 1: The Marines Fate Part1
Chapter 2: The Marines Fate Part 2
Chapter 3: Marines Meet up
Chapter 4: Marines VS the Grimm
Chapter 5: Getting to know the others
Chapter 6: Meeting the Headmaster
Chapter 7: Marines Intuition part 1
Chapter 8: Marines Intuition part 2
Chapter 9: Marines 1st Mission with Team RWBY part 1
Chapter 10: Marines 1st Mission with team RWBY Part 2
Chapter 11: Marines and Team RWBY vs Roman Torchwick
Chapter 12: Marines Dance Party
Chapter 13: Recovery and a New mission
Chapter 14: A Prayer for the Mission
Chapter 15: Finding the bad guy base
Chapter 16: Exploring the underground and truth of war
Chapter 17: When in doubt...TNT
Chapter 18: Catching a Train to Vale!
Chapter 19: How to Stop a train the USMC way!
Chapter 20: The Breach and unexpected allies
Chapter 21: Unexpected Rewards
Chapter 22: Surprises here and there
Chapter 23: One last night out
Chapter 25: A dusty old Qrow vs A WW1 Jarhead
Chapter 26: A battle is coming...
Chapter 27: The battle begins.

Chapter 24: Let the games begin!

957 36 46
By ussamerica2018

The sound of birds chirping could be heard in the distance as the scene rolls down to a forest area near Beacon Academy with some of the bases of the trees having cushion mats strapped to them. Then the sound of something metallic could be heard bouncing off said pats many times before finally the object got stuck in one of the trees after hitting it too hard. The object in question was actually Michael's shield. He then walked to where it was stuck in the tree and with a big tug, he pulled it free from the tree.

"How was that throw?" Michael asked wiping off his shield.

"Really good, aside from it getting stuck in the tree." Penny replied. It turned out that Ruby, Penny, and Michael were just on the outskirts of the emerald forest just nearing the end of the school grounds. The reason they were out there was because Michael was now training with his new shield he had recently acquired. Penny and Ruby were with him to assist him wherever he needed help as this was a new weapon he needed to master. "But you have improved over the past three weeks."

"Yeah, I think this is the week you master the shield throw and catch Michael!" Ruby cheered. But Michael didn't have as much enthusiasm as the younger girl but still formed a smile on his face.

"Well, I've gotten better than the first time I tried to throw it." Michael said. The first time Michael tried to throw his shield he failed to catch it coming back at him and ended up embedding itself into one of the lamp posts near the school. Needless to say, the headmaster wasn't happy about it but forgave him as it was just an accident and promised to not make the mistake again. "But with a week left before the festival, I hope I can hone even more skills with this shield."

"That reminds me, is your team going to fight in the tournament?" Ruby asked.

"Unfortunately, no." Michael answered throwing his shield again having it bounce off a couple trees and then back to him as he caught it with no trouble. "Ozpin thought it would be better for us not to compete and also that might mess up the plan to stop Cinders attack."

"How so?" Penny asked.

"Well, in the show me and my team weren't fighting in the tournament, who's to say we might change a part of Cinders plan we don't know about?" Michael pointed out.

"That is a fair point." Ruby said. "Well, that's unfortunate."

"It's alright Ruby, me and the other Marines will be cheering you from the sidelines." Michael said throwing his shield again having it bounce off a couple trees before he caught it.

"That's right Ruby!" Penny said. "And any form of encouragement is great for victory."

"That is true." Ruby said. "Encouragement is key to victory sometimes."

"Indeed, it is Ruby." Michael added. "I happen to know that it does, even when it doesn't come to fighting."

"Your right on that too Michael." Penny said. "When it comes to any type of competition encouragement from fellow teammates and friends always boost morale."

"Exactly." Michal finished as he threw the shield again having it bounce off of three trees before coming back to him and catching it. "And you guys are going to need it if you want to win the tournament."

"Don't worry about us Michael, you'll see us come through to victory!" Ruby said making Michael smile.

"I Look forward to see it." Michael replied throwing his shield again having it bounce off a few more trees before coming back to him.

Time skip to much later!!!!

Scene change!

The scene then opens up to the cliffside where Ruby was talking to her mom's grave at the top of the hill. Talking about her adventures at beacon and all the friends she has made thus far while attending the academy.

"So, Mom a lot of things have happened since I enrolled into Beacon, nothing bad, but very surprising things." Ruby started. "Like me become leader of my team, having troubled beginnings at the start, meeting military men from another world, learning that our world is nothing more than a web-show in said other world, and learning about what the future holds for all of us."

"But don't worry Mom, me and my friends have already made plans to how were going to change the future for the better, oh and Uh... I am dating one of the marines from the other world, his name is Michael, and he really is a nice guy though I don't think Uncle Qrow or Dad would approve of me having a boyfriend since we sort of made a rule not to date boys until I was 16. But I think I'm old enough, not sure if you would approve of me having a boyfriend Mom but I'd think him, and I go great with each other. I mean we both like weapons, we both have the same semblance, and he is just good-looking guy with a great heart."

Ruby then realized when she said last and blushed a little bit.

"Umm but that's not all to him!" Ruby stammered. "He's taught me a lot of interesting things, he's taught me about his religion, a new language called German, and we even learned how we could attack many enemies together using our semblances side by side! I wish you could meet him mom, I'd think you'd approve of him being my boyfriend."

Just then the winding sound of a supercharged engine was heard in the distance and Ruby turned around to see Michael pulling up in his hellcat as it stopped about 100 feet or so behind her. After that the WW1 veteran himself stepped out of the car and leaned up against it.

(Like this...)

(Art done by CloverCharms over on discord! She really makes nice pictures!)

"Hey Ruby, it's almost time!" Michael called out to her.

"Oh well I guess it's time for the tournament." Ruby said to her mother's gravestone. "I'll see you later Mom!"

With that Ruby then made her way over to Michael and his car and stopped when she reached the passenger side door. 

"Talking with your mom again?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, just bringing her up to date on what's happened so far." Ruby answered. "I'd like to think she would approve of you being my boyfriend."

"Well, wherever she is Ruby, I think she'd be proud of you." Michael said. "Remember, she'll always be watching you from above." 

The comment made Ruby smile at the WW1 Marine as he returned the smile back to her.

"Yeah." Ruby replied looking up at the sky and then back down to Michael. "She'll always be watching over us."

"Well, we should probably get back to Beacon, the tournament starts later today!" Michael reminded as he got back into his Hellcat.

"Oh right!" Ruby replied getting into the passenger seat next to Michael. "Don't want to be late for that!"

As the two spun around to head back to Beacon the same cloaked figure now known as David came out of his hiding place behind the trees where he was watching Ruby talk to her mother's grave. He then walked up to the grave stopping about a few feet where the stone laid still looking down at it with look of regret. 

"Summer, if you were with me right now, I know what you would do to make things right, but right now I have to do something I know you won't like." He said to the gravestone. "Please forgive me for what I am about to do."

After that he then placed his right index finger to his right ear on his earpiece.

"Knights, operation downfall is a go." David said to whoever was on the other side of the call.

"Copy that captain." Another voice replied back. 

Time skip to much later in the day..

The scene then scrolls down from the view of the blue sky down to an arena floating in the sky above Vale. Inside said arena were hundreds of people all sitting in the stands ranging from students from other academies to regular citizens all wanted to see the fights of the Vytal tournament. But also, in the stands were a few of the US marines who had got transported to remnant as well as some remnants of the US navy and Army there as well. Since the breach the US military remnants were making the best of what they had at their disposal in terms of equipment. But for the time being they were allowed to watch the games as they didn't have much else to do. 

"Come on Yang punch harder!!" Alex cheered as team RWBY was fighting team ABRN. Team MARN was watching the fight in the front row seats knowing what the outcome would be in the end.


The rest of the team then looked toward the WW1 veteran after he said that and he noticed the stairs.

"What?" Michael asked.

"You do realize that could give Ruby the wrong idea, right?" Nick pointed out.  

"I'm trying to be helpful here guys." Michael replied back. 

"By quote 'hitting him where he is most exposed' end quote?" Ryan asked.

"That's not an unfair saying, for instance hitting your opponent in their weak spot will provide great results to you in the long run." Michael explained and the rest of the team nodded. 

"Okay I guess that makes sense." Alex agreed as back in the fight Blake knocked out on of the opponents out of bounds. "And there goes one."

"Yep." Ryan agreed as the girls of team RWBY were getting ready to finish the fight. "And the rest of them are soon to follow."

"HIT THEM HARD YANG!" Alex shouted from the stands, and it wasn't just team MARN cheering from the stands other marines who had seen the show were also cheering for team RWBY. The girls of team RWBY then made work of lining up the remaining members of team ABRN for the grand finale. Blake then proceeded to swing Yang with her ribbon on her weapon as the two were in mid-air gaining speed. Then when the enemy team was in a line, they only had enough time to see the two flying in mid-air as the cat Faunus then threw the blonde bombshell at the remaining members. Yang threw a punch so hard at the remaining opponents that they all flew out of bounds of the area.

"YEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHH!!" Team MARN and the other marines cheered as they saw the outcome of the match.  

"Thats the way to do it!!" Ryan cheered standing up in his chair. 

Team RWBY then beamed at her accomplishment as they had won their first battle.

Time skips to the concession stands...

After the fight team RWBY and MARN gather back up to celebrate the victory over the other team. They were currently heading over to the ramen stand to grab a bite to eat. While walking there the marines were congratulating the girls on their victory. 

"Great job beating the other team girls." Nick said. "Team ABRN never stood a chance." 

"Ahh yeah! Team RWBY is moving up the ranks!" Yang cheered.

"I'm mean I knew you guys were going to win just by watching the show, but still." Alex said. "It's way more exciting to watch in live action." 

"Oh, tons more!" Ryan agreed. 

"Especially with the front row seat to the whole thing." Michael added. "This certainly quite the event."

"It sure is." Ruby said and at that moment her stomach growled in hunger causing her to blush a little. 

"Hungry?" Michael asked and Ruby nodded.

"After a fight like that who wouldn't be?" Nick pointed out. 

"Let's get something to eat." Ruby said.

"Hey!!" A voice called out behind them as they all turned around seeing Emerald with Ruby's wallet in her hand. "Might be difficult paying without this!"

The group the approached her as she handed Ruby her wallet back.

"Oh thanks, must have fell out of my pocket." Ruby said although she knew very well that Emerald had stolen it from her. 

"What's up Em?" Yang asked.

"Oh, just wanted to see you guys after your fight." Emerald said. "You guys are amazing!"

"Thanks." Ruby said. 

"Hey by the way how did your teams match go?" Weiss asked. 

"Very good." Emerald answered. 

"Well, that's nice." Michael said. "Want to get a bite with us?"

"Well normally I would but my teammates are kind of..." She trailed off as she and the others saw Mercury sniffing the inside of a woman's shoe. "...introverted. Really socially awkward." 

"Yeah, we can see that." Ryan said. "Does he have a foot fetish or something?" 

"Umm.... I don't... know." Emerald answered scratching her head. 

"I'd be careful around him." Nick said. "Especially if he does indeed have a foot fetish of some kind." 

"Uh... duly noted." Emerald said.  "Me and Mercury are moving up to doubles, what about you guys?" 

"We voted for Yang and Weiss for the doubles." Blake answered. 

"I will happily represent team RWBY." Weiss stated.

"Yeah, were going to kick some serious butt!" Yang added slamming her fists together. 

"Well, if me and Mercury happen to come face to face with you don't expect us to go easy on you." Emerald said. 

"They wouldn't have it any other way." Alex said smiling. 

"Anyways I'd love to stick around but me and my teammates are going to catch more fights." Emerald said before turning around and rejoined Mercury.

"See you around!" Michael said as the two waved goodbye. As soon as the two were out of sight the group then sighed in relief. "Good acting guys." 

"They didn't suspect a thing." Alex added giving the group a thumbs up.

"A good thing they didn't too." Weiss said. "We can't have them figuring out that we know their plan." 

"Well, on another note lets go get some food!" Yang said as she then made her way to the ramen stand with the others following close behind. Soon both teams took their seats at the stand and situated themselves as to what sort of ramen they wanted. Soon the old man at the stand took the orders of the two teams and then sped off to the back and started cooking. 

"So, while were here how are the marines coming along with taking care of the virus that Cinder planted?" Ruby asked. 

"Well word is it would go quicker if they had access to Cinders scroll but they have no idea how to get their hands on it." Nick explained. 

"Seriously?" Weiss said. "Just her scroll would do the job?"

"Yeah." Nick said. "But I did propose an idea that may allow our hackers to get their hands on the scrolls data."

"What sort of plan?" Yang asked.

"I'll tell you later when were not in public." Nick stated. At that moment the old guy came back with everyone's food as he set each bowel Infront of everyone. Nick then paid the man his money and everyone just staired in awe at the size of the bowels.

"These things are a lot bigger in person then on the screen." Michael pointed out.

"Well, let's dig in!" Alex said as he slurped up some noodles with the others soon following shortly after.

30 minutes later...

After finishing their meal at the noodle stand the two teams then split up to do their own things. Nick went off to hang out with Velvet, Alex took off with Yang to the shooting range to shoot some guns, Ryan headed back to the team room to clean out his M60, and Michael was elsewhere as he told Weiss and Ruby, he would join them seeing Winter when she got to Beacon. The two teammates then made a heading for the landing platforms for Weiss's older sister Winter to arrive. As they were walking to the platform Winters ship was just landing on the ground as the two came close. 

"Well, there she is." Weiss said. 

"Yep, your older sister." Ruby added.

"Winter." Weiss said.

Then after a few Robot soldiers stepped out of the aircraft and stepped to the side out came a woman who did resemble Weiss in a way but looked a few years older. She also wore a Atlas specialist uniform as she did go to Atlas academy and became general Ironwoods second in command. 

"Winter!" Weiss called out as she and Ruby approached her as the elder Schnee turned to meet her younger sister. "I'm so happy to see you!"

Winter in return then raise an eyebrow in confusion. 

"Oh! Your presence honors us."

"Beacon... It's been a long time... the air feels... different." Winter remarked as she looked around. 

"Well, it is fall so, eh, probably colder." Ruby said scratching her head.

"It's great to see you." Weiss said to her older sibling.

"It is good to see you as well, but lately you haven't been keeping me updated on your time here?" Winter asked. "The last letter I got from you was when your team was formed."

"Oh, um... about that..." Weiss stuttered a little. "You see,"

"Yes?" Winter asked as she noticed Weiss was blushing slightly.

"I've... been hanging out with my... boyfriend." Weiss explained and Winter was slightly taking back at this.

"You've gotten yourself a boyfriend my dear sister?" Winter asked.

"Yeah, and I've been hanging out with him a lot I just sort of forgot to let you know in a letter." Weiss explained.

"This boyfriend of yours." Winter started. "Is he up to your standards?"

"Well, I like to think he is." Weiss said seeing a flashback with her and Ryan at the gun range with the Vietnam veteran shredding targets left and right with his M60. "Yeah..."

"Oh! I just remembered; the headmaster requires you in his office!" Ruby said.

"The headmaster? What for?" Winter asked.

"He said he needed to speak with you." Weiss added. "We'll take you to his office."

"Very well, lead the way." Winter said and the trio started walking towards the school. While walking Winter then took a glance at Ruby before looking back at Weiss. "So, this is the leader you have told me about, she's a bit... underwhelming."

"Looks can be very deceiving Winter." Weiss pointed out. Just then the noise of metal being smashed up behind them caught their attention. "Oh no..."

As the two turned around they then caught sight of the person that was making all the ruckus behind them. It turned out to be a man around the age in his 30's wearing a gray shirt and black pants and boots. This man was Ruby and Yangs uncle Qrow Branwen.

"Hey! I'm talking to you Ice Queen!" He shouted before throwing an Atlas robots' body away like trash. 

"Halt!" Winter shouted at the grown man.

"Ugh... I forgot about this part." Weiss muttered to herself as she groaned. "How did it slip my mind?"

"You." Qrow stated staring at Winter. "Saw that godly ship of yours in town, guess you're here too."

"I'm standing right before you." Winter said as Qrow squinted his eyes at the Atlas specialist.

"So, it would seem." 

"I don't have time for your immature games...Qrow." Winter said in a venomous tone.

"Wait, that's Qrow?" Weiss asked in a questioning tone. "He didn't look anything like I thought he would."

"And how do you know him Weiss?" Winter asked as Weiss really wanted to try and prevent the fight between her sister and Ruby's uncle.

"Well, Ruby did tell me that she had an uncle who had the name of Qrow who was a huntsman." Weiss explained. "And he was the person she based her weapon off of and trained her to use it."

"Hey, I'm still a huntsman little missy." Qrow corrected. 

"Yes, I'm well aware that you are but, I think you drink way too much at times." Weiss pointed out.

"How would you know how much I drink?" Qrow asked in a mocking manner.

"I can smell it in your breath from here." Weiss replied. Although she couldn't really smell it from that distance, she wanted Qrow to back off to avoid a fight. 

"So? It's not enough most of the time." Qrow argued.

"Ugh... no its too much for you." Weiss muttered.

"You Atlas specialist think you're so special, don't you?" Qrow said in mocking manner.

"It's in the title." Winter pointed out.

"Well, you know what you really are?" Qrow asked. "A bunch of sell outs... just like your boss."

At this point Weiss was beginning to think that a fight between these two was impossible to prevent as the argument continued.

"I'm not sure what you think your implying, but I have heard enough." Winter stated venously. 

"Oh, I've heard too, that Ironwood turned his back on Ozpin." Qrow said adding more fuel to the heated argument. 

'Oh no, the fight is bound to break out any second.' Weiss thought to herself as she looked at her sister and Qrow. 'There has to be a way to break it up.'

She then looked behind her and saw Michael walking up to the group as he now had his shield on his back. At first, he didn't see or hear the commotion coming from the two older siblings. But then he noticed Weiss waving to him and pointing out the argument that was taking place in the middle of the courtyard. He then saw Winter putting her hand on the hilt of her sword getting ready to pull it out to attack Qrow. 

"If you will not hold your tongue, *pulls out sword* I will gladly remove it for you!" Winter said point her sword at Qrow.

"Okay then, come and ta-" Qrow was then cut off from another voice.

"Hey! Whoa, whoa what's going on here?" 

Qrow then saw the man who interrupted him who was just approaching Weiss's side and was wearing a WW1 USMC uniform. Winter also turned around to see who the person was the intervened between her and the dusty old crow.

"Oh, Michael your here!" Weiss said. 

"Of course, I am." Michael replied. "I wanted to meet your older sister, *turns to Winter* are you her?"

"Yes, that would be me." Winter said lowering her sword. "And you are?"

"Private Michael Conners, USMC." Michael answered as he held out his hand for a handshake. Slowly Winter returned her sword to his sheath and shook Michael's hand. "A pleasure to meet you in person Specialist."  

"So, your one of the marines I've heard about that helped stop the breach in Vale." Winter said.

"Yep, one of many." Michael added as Winter looked him up and down.

"Well, you didn't look anything like I though marines would look like." Winter said. 

"Well, currently most of the marines have different uniforms due to some reasons I don't feel like discussing." Michael explained. 

"Hey Jar head!" Qrow shouted gaining the two attentions. "You're interrupting something here."

"I'm not interrupting anything." Michael argued as he approached the old huntsman. "I'm just preventing a fight that was about to break out because of you."

"I was just trying to put this specialist in her place." Qrow shot back. "You know how Atlas can be."

"Trying to break out a fight on school grounds doesn't sound like a great idea." Michael said. "Especially if there are students present."

"What are you the hall monitor?" Qrow asked. 

"No, I'm just the so-called jar-head whose dating your niece." Michael answered with a smirked. The noise of a record player being interrupted was then heard as Qrow then looked at the WW1 veteran with a surprised look as those words left his mouth. 

"What did you say about my niece?" Qrow asked in a deep voice now focused at Michael.

"Ruby and I are dating." Michael answered. "She approached me after the breach and we have been dating ever since then."

"And she didn't say anything to me." Qrow muttered.

"Sh can make her own choices Qrow." Michael said. "She's about that age, though I will wait until she's about my age to talk about marriage."

Michael then made his way back over to the Schnee sisters unaware he had just struck a nerve with the veteran huntsman. Qrow then glared at Michael as his back was turned towards him. Then with in the blink of an eye the old huntsman then charged at the WW1 veteran from behind while drawling out his sword. Weiss saw this and had to warn Michael of the danger coming up behind him.

"MICHAEL LOOK OUT!"  Weiss shouted. On instinct Michael then rolled to his right as Qrow's sword impacted the ground where Michael was walking causing big chunks of concrete to go everywhere. When he got back on his feet the WW1 veteran than grabbed his shield from his back holding it in his left hand and drew his M1911A1 pistol in his right hand. He then looked up and saw Qrow with a death glare in his eyes as he stood up from where he struck the ground. 

"Mister Branwen, I don't want to fight you." Michael stated as he got into a defensive stance.

"You shouldn't have brought up my niece." Qrow said. "What makes you think you can date her?"

"She sees me as a nice guy!" Michael shot back. 

"I don't approve of her getting a boyfriend without my consent to do so." Qrow stated. "Now I'm going to test you to see if you have the right to be with her."

Qrow then jumped at Michael swinging his sword down for an overhead attack only for it to make contact with the shield with Michael holding out strong as to not be overpowered by the now angry uncle.


And that's all for this chapter folks! 

Sorry for not updating much, life for me has changed quite a lot.

First, I'm still getting things moved into a new house I moved into last month and college work and my Job doesn't exactly give me a lot of time to myself. 

Anyways Michael now has to fight Qrow to prove to him he is worthy enough to be with Ruby!

All of that happening in the next chapter!!!

Stay tuned for more!!!

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