In a Crowd of Thousands

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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On the most tragic night of her life, Anastasia, while on the run, gets sent to another land. And then anoth... More

Aesthetics and Playlist
The Escape
Book Two


54 1 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff


Mr. Gold and Belle were in Mr. Gold's pawn shop. He took out a small box and opened it, revealing a necklace.

"It's, uh... it's very beautiful," Belle said. "So, what's the occasion?"

He took the necklace out of the box and went to put it around her neck. "The occasion is us. We haven't really gotten out much since Storybrooke awakened. So, I thought we should see it together." He finished clasping the necklace. "Wow..."

"Thank you." The two hugged.

"Don't get your hopes up. The nightlife is extremely limited."

"No. That's not what I meant. Thank you for... For what you're doing. For how you're changing."

The front bell ringed as Leroy entered.

"Okay, Stilinskin, I want my axe," Leroy said.

"I'm sorry, but we're closed," Mr. Gold told him.

"It's mine. Give it to me."

"And yet, still closed."

"Just 'cause you possess something, don't mean it's yours. Nothing in this shop belongs to you." He turned to Belle. "And you? How can you be with such a monster? Or maybe, you're just another possession, too."

"How dare you?" He grabbed Leroy by the neck and pinned him against the wall. "You want your axe? Fine!" He began strangling him.

"Rumpelstiltskin!" Belle called.

"You can have it... Buried in your chest!"

"Stop! Stop! This isn't you anymore!"

Mr. Gold turned into Rumpelstiltskin. "Oh, it's me, dearie. Always has been, always will be."

Belle woke from her nightmare to find herself in one of Mr. Gold's rooms. She got out of bed and went downstairs, discovering that it was night. She went outside and lurked around one of the basement windows. Inside, Belle saw Mr. Gold spinning straw into gold at the wheel. He cut off a segment of the gold and put it into a vital, causing a magical reaction.


A human Rumpelstiltskin arrived home with a basket of wool. He called for his family.

"Milah?" Rumpelstiltskin called. "Bae? I'm home. Hey..." A young Baelfire was sitting at the table, alone.

"Papa?" Baelfire said.

"Where's mum? ...Well, she probably just... lost track of time. Grab your cloak. We'll find her."


Rumpelstiltskin entered a tavern, and found Milah gambling and throwing back shots with a group of men. He approached the table.

"Milah," Rumpelstiltskin said. "Milah. It's time to go."

"Good. So, go," Milah told him.

"Who's this?" Hook asked.

"Ah, that's no one. It's just my husband."

"Oh? Well, he's a tad taller than you described."

"Please," Rumpelstiltskin begged. "You have responsibilities."

"You mean like, being a man and fighting in the Ogre Wars?" Milah shot back. "Other wives became honored widows, while I became lashed to the village coward. I need a break. Run home, Rumple. It's what you're good at."

Baelfire emerged from behind Rumpelstiltskin. "Mama?"

"Bae... You were supposed to wait outside, son," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Milah acquiesced and left with the two of them.


At their home, Milah laid in bed while Rumpelstiltskin made tea.

"You don't really wish I died during the Ogre Wars, do you?" Rumpelsiltskin said.

"I wish you'd fought," Milah replied. "Don't you?"

"Well, I'm alive. And I'm here – with you, with Bae."

"This isn't a life. Not for me. Why can't we just leave?"

"We've talked about that."

"You don't have to be the village coward. We could start again. Go somewhere no one knows us. See the whole world, beyond this village."

"I know this wasn't the life you wanted, but it... It can be good. Here. At least try. If not for me, then... for Bae."

"Okay. I'll try."


Mr. Gold entered the house where Belle was already waiting for him in the kitchen.

"Hey," Mr. Gold greeted.

"Hey. What are you doing?" Belle asked.

"I was, uh... Going to make you breakfast."

"No, in... In the basement. I saw you practicing magic."

"Let's have breakfast."

"No, we need to talk about this."

"It was just a couple of spells. Nothing to be concerned about."

"Okay, then be honest with me. Why did you bring magic here?"

"I've told you - magic is power."

"Why do you need it? Tell me." He said nothing. "You don't need power, Rumple. You need courage, to let me in." She left.


A woman knocked on Rumpelstiltskin's door. He answered.

"Rumpelstiltskin, you need to get to the docks now!" the woman said.

"The docks?" Rumpelstiltskin repeated. "Why?"

"The men who came into port last week – they've taken Milah. They're setting sail. You must hurry."


At the docks, Rumpelstiltskin boarded one of the pirate ships. As he tried to climb on, he tripped and fell on the deck. He looked up, and saw Captain Hook standing over him.

"On your feet for the captain," a pirate ordered as two pirates grabbed Rumpelstiltskin and pulled him to his feet.

"I... I remember you," Rumpelstiltskin stammered. "F-From the bar."

"It's always nice to make an impression," Hook said, glancing to Matthew with a smirk. "Well, where are my manners? We haven't been formally introduced. Killian Jones. Now, what are you doing aboard my ship?"

"You have my wife."

"Well, I've had many a man's wife."

"No. Y-You... Just... You see... We have a son, and he needs his mother."

"You see, I have a ship full of men that need companionship."

"I-I'm begging you. Please let her go."

"I'm not much for bartering. That said, I do consider myself an honorable man. A man with a code, so... If you truly want your wife back..." Hook threw a sword in front of Rumpelstiltskin. "All you have to do, is take her." Hook held his sword against Rumpelstiltskin's neck. "Never been in a duel before, I take it? Well, it's quite simple, really. The pointy end goes in the other guy. Go on. Pick it up." Rumpelstiltskin didn't make a move to pick up the sword. "A man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets."

"Please, sir. What am I going to tell my boy?"

"Try the truth – his father's a coward."


David and the dwarves were mining for fairy dust. Henry and Dmitry were with them.

"Keep swinging, dwarves," Leroy instructed.

Ruby entered with a basket of food. "They find any fairy dust yet?"

"No, not yet," Henry replied. "But they will. When... When they do, we'll figure out a way to get Mary Margaret, Derek and my mom back."

"I'll be back later with lunch." She left.

David stopped and went to put on his shirt as he said, "I hate mine dust. Leroy! If you find anything, I'll be at the Sheriff's station."

"You're taking over as Sheriff?" Leroy asked.

"Stepping in. Until Emma and Anastasia get back."


Mr. Gold knocked on the door to Belle's room and called, "Belle? Come on. At least come and eat something."

When she didn't answer, he let himself in. Inside, the room was empty and the window was open.

"Belle?" Mr. Gold called again.

He arrived at Moe's flower shop with a paper in hand. He held the piece of paper, which was a handmade missing person poster looking for Belle.

"I was wondering if you'd heard from your daughter?" Mr. Gold said.

Mr. French frowned. "Is this some kind of cruel joke? I wouldn't have made this flyer if I knew where she was. The only reason she's missing is because of the deal I made with you. I'd held out. I hoped she might have survived such a wicked trade."

"And she has."

"Why hasn't she come looking for me?"

"Oh, she did. She even made a flyer like this one."

"Well, let me guess - you took care of it by throwing it in the trash."

"I don't expect you to help me. I just want to know she's safe."

"And now, thanks to you, neither one of us knows where she is. You're a monster, Rumpelstiltskin."


Rumpelstiltskin was sitting at a table in the corner of a tavern. A man with a floppy red hat entered the bar and sat at his table.

"It really is you," Smee said. "The Dark One, in the flesh. Or... Whatever that is."

"You've gone to a lot of trouble to meet me," Rumpelstiltskin replied. "You better hope I agree it's worth my time."

"I've heard you'd been looking for something. And, as luck would have it, I'm a man who trades some hard to find objects." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "Like a bean. A magic mean that can transport you between worlds."

"I've been told, they no longer exist in this land."

"Not in this land, no. But the ships that dock here often return from far off lands with treasures they don't always understand."

"And yet, you do?"

"It's my job. As is knowing the rumors of who might pay the highest price for said treasures."

"And what rumors could they be?"

"That you were once a great coward, but that you became the Dark One to overcome that and protect the, uh, son who you lost, despite all-"

Rumpelstiltskin held up his hand and magically constricted Smee's throat. "It's not nice to spread rumors. The bean – where is it?"

Smee wheezed out a response. "I don't have it. But I can get it, I swear." Rumpelstiltskin relinquished the hold on Smee's neck. "You haven't heard my price."

"I spin straw into gold. Price shouldn't be a problem."

"I don't want money. I want eternal life."

"Only the Dark One has life eternal. So, you want more, son. What I can do, what about youth? Spin the clock back till you're a little boy again?"

"Close enough. Deal."

"But remember – you fail to deliver, I spin the clock forward, and turn you into dust."

"Thank you. Thank you." Smee got up and left.

The barmaid came over to Rumpelstiltskin's table and said, "You sure you don't want anything?" There was a commotion on the other side of the tavern.

Hook and his crew entered and Hook asked, "Where's my scurvy crew?"

"Ah, here we be, Captain!" a pirate said.

"Where's my beer?"

"You know, I suddenly find myself quite thirsty," Rumpelstiltskin stated.



Ruby served Belle another iced tea. She was sitting alone in a booth.

"Thank you," Belle said.

"Are you okay?" Ruby asked. "That's your third iced tea this morning. Won't want to call you a cab."

"No, I... I've never had iced tea before. It... It's delicious."

"I haven't seen you in here before."

"Well, I, uh... I've been a kept woman until recently."

"Let me guess - bad breakup?"

"I think I may be headed there."

"Do you have a place to stay? Any family here?"

"I... I'm not sure. I'm still looking. But I... I'm on my own for now."

"I can ask Granny about a room here."

"Really?" Ruby nodded. "Thanks. Uh..."


"Belle. What I really need, though, is... Is a life. A job."

"Well, uh, what do you like to do?"

"I... I do love books."

"The library. It's been closed forever, but, uh, things are changing now. Maybe they need a librarian?"

Belle made her way to the library to find the front door locked. The windows were covered with newspapers and boarded up. Belle walked around to the back of the library.

A homeless-looking Smee approached her. "Excuse me, Miss?"

Belle jumped slightly. "Oh, you startled me."

"I... I was just wondering if you had any spare change?"

"Oh, no. Sorry, I... I don't have any money."

"What... What about a friend? Are you meeting anyone here?"

"Uh, no. Why?"

"I just wanted to make sure."

Smee grabbed Belle, covered her mouth with his hand and dragged her off.


Hook and his drunken crew had left the tavern and were walking through the streets. A disguised Rumpelstiltskin intentionally bumped into Hook's arm to get his attention.

"Hey, you," Hook said. "Stop! Even gutter rats have more manners than you just displayed."

"I-I'm so sorry, sir," Rumpelstiltskin apologized.

"Ah... I was wrong. Not a rat at all. More... More like a crocodile." Hook kicked him over while his crew cheered him on. "What's your name, crocodile?" Rumpelstiltskin got up and revealed his face. "You... I remember you."

"Always nice to make an impression. Where are my manners? We haven't been properly introduced. Rumpelstiltskin. Or, as others know me, the Dark One." Hook's crew began to back away. "Oh! I see my reputation precedes me."

"It does."

"Good! That's going to save us time during the, uh, question and answer portion of our game."

"What is it you want to know?"

"How's Milah, of course?"


"Only too happy to, uh, dig out the memory. But, it gets really messy."

"She's dead. Died a long time ago. What is it you want?"

"We didn't get a chance to finish our duel." Hook went to draw his sword, but Rumpelstiltskin stopped him. "Not now. Tomorrow at dawn. I am not a cruel man. Get your affairs in order. Also, you can spend tonight knowing, it will be your last. Maybe I am cruel. And don't think about trying to escape. Because I will find you, and I will gut your entire crew like a fish."


Mr. Gold arrived at Mary Margaret's apartment carrying a piece of paper. David, who was the only one home, answered the door.

"May I have a word, Sheriff?" Mr. Gold asked.

"Uh, acting Sheriff," David corrected. "And I'm already late on another busy day, cleaning up the mess you made."

"My apologies. That was poor judgment on my part. And it's not lost on me that I'm now here to ask for your help."

"Well then, it shouldn't be lost on you when I say no."

"Hear me out first. I'm here to report a missing person." He handed David the missing person poster. "She left my home early this morning, her name is Belle."

"Back in our land, you mentioned you loved someone once. Is-"


"You also said she died."

"I'd thought she had."

"Well, why don't you just use the tracking spell you gave me to find Jefferson?"

"It only works if you have something the person owned. I don't."

"How can you be sure she's gone missing and not... Runaway?"

"I can't. Look, the townsfolk are less than sympathetic to my plight. But you... You're in the rather unique position to understand exactly what I'm going through. Will you help me?"


Hook arrived at the designated dueling spot.

Rumpelstiltskin threw a sword down in front of him and said, "Pick it up, dearie, and let's begin."

"There's no need," Hook told him.

Rumpelstiltskin appeared behind him and took Hook's sword. "Sorry, but killing a man with his own sword was just too delicious to pass up." Hook picked up the sword on the ground. The two began their duel. "Ships that pass in the night. Well, at least one ship." The two of them continued fighting until Rumpelstiltskin got the upper hand. Hook ended up on the ground, swordless. Rumpelstiltskin held his sword against his throat.

"Go on. I'm ready for the sword."

"No... Do you know what it's like to have your wife stolen from you? To feel powerless to stop it? It feels like having your heart ripped from your chest. Actually, let me show you." Rumpelstiltskin magically stuck his hand through Hook's chest in an attempt to tear out his heart. However, a voice yelled out to stop him. The voice turned out to be Milah.

"Stop!" Milah cried.

"Milah..." Rumpelstiltskin trailed.


Smee dropped Belle in a room in an unknown location.

"Who are you?" Belle asked. "What... What do you want from me?"

"I'm just a man who procures hard to find objects," Smee replied. "In this case, the object was you."

"So then who put you up to this?"

Moe French entered the room. "Belle..." The two hugged. "Oh, I've missed you, Belle."


"I'm so sorry this is how we had to be reunited. Please understand. I had no choice."

"But to kidnap me?"

"After the curse broke, I searched all over for you and discovered the Dark One still had you captive."

"He wasn't holding me captive. I chose to be with him."

"Are you saying you fell in love with him?"

She nodded. "But I fear it may be over now."

"It must be. Promise me you no longer love him. That you will never see him again."

"No, no. I'm not a child!"

"You don't understand what that man will do to you. What he's already done."

"No, you don't understand. It's my life!"

"Then I don't have a choice. I'm sorry. Do it."

Smee grabbed Belle again as she called, "What? Father. Father, what... What are you doing?! Stop!"

Smee dragged Belle from the door as her father said, "Goodbye, Belle. I love you!"



David questioned one of the townspeople while Mr. Gold watched from a distance. David finished and rejoined him.

"Do you remember turning a butcher into a pig?" David asked.

"Can't say that I do," Mr. Gold replied. "Why?"

"Well, he does. Apparently, it was his father. I'm beginning to understand why nobody wants to help you."

"W-Well has he seen Belle?"

"Afraid not."

"Okay, so what's next?"

"Granny's. We can see who else you terrorized there."

"Look, uh... Can I ask you a question? A-About you and Mary Margaret? H-How... How does that work?"

"Are you asking dating advice?"

"'Course not, no."

"Honesty. That's how we did it. Hard work, and being honest with one another."

"Well, I don't lie."

"There's a difference between literal truth, and honesty of the heard. Nothing taught me that more than this curse."


Rumpelstiltskin, Hook and Milah were still in the street.

"Milah..." Rumpelstiltskin said as he finally removed his hand from Hook's chest. "How?"

"Milah, you have to run," Hook told her.

"No," Milah argued. "I'm not leaving without you."

"Oh, how sweet," Rumpelstiltskin commented. "It appears there's more to this tale than I know. Tell it to me, Milah."

"Please, don't hurt him. I can explain."

"Tick tock, dearie. Tick tock."

"That first night, when Killian and his crew came into the tavern, he told stories about the places he'd been. And I fell in love with him. I didn't mean for it to turn out this way. I didn't know how to tell you the truth. I'm sorry."

"And so, here we are. You've come to save the life of your twoo wuv – the pirate. I didn't realize the power of true love before. It is impressive. I'd hate to break it up. Actually, no. I'd love to." He pushed his sword into the side of Hook, until Milah stopped him.

"Wait. I have something you want."

"Well, I find that very difficult to believe." She pulled out Smee's red hat. "Where did you get that?"

"You know who I took it from. I may not know what the Dark One wants with a magic bean, but I have it."

"Oh, I feel a proposal coming on."

"The magic bean in exchange for our lives. Deal?"

"I want to see it first."


David and Mr. Gold questioned Ruby.

"Belle, huh?" Ruby said. "Sorry, doesn't ring a bell."

"Ruby, listen to me," David told her. "If you've come across her, you've got to tell me. I'll make sure nothing bad happens."

Her eyes flicked to Mr. Gold. "Yeah, but what about him?"

"I've got him. Trust me."

"She was in earlier. She was looking for a job. I pointed her in the direction of the library."

"Well, you think she went there?" Mr. Gold questioned.

"Don't know. But, when you find her, give her this. She left it in her booth." She pulled a sweater from under the counter.

"Well, that's mine. She didn't have anything for the cold."

"You sure you'll watch out for her?"

"Yes," David answered. "Why?"

"I think... I think I can find her. Lately, since things changed, I've been, uh, a little more sensitive to odors."

"Well, you can smell her?" Mr. Gold asked.

"I guess it's 'cause of the wolf thing."

Using the scent of the sweater, Ruby led Mr. Gold and David to Moe's Flower Shop.

"What's wrong?" David inquired.

"I had her, but, uh... I lost her trail," Ruby told them. "It must be the flowers. I... I can't track her anymore. I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Mr. Gold said. "This is her father's shop."

The three entered and Moe confronted them. "You again. Out! This is a private establishment - you're not welcome."

"Where's Belle?"

"I won't anything happen to her, Moe," David reassured.

"We're just worried," Ruby added.

"Don't be," Moe said. "She's safe. So you can stop looking."

"Look, if I could just have the chance to talk to her," Mr. Gold reasoned.

"You will destroy Belle like you destroy everything else. Well, I won't let that happen."

"What have you done with her?"

"There's only one way to get her-"

Mr. Gold jabbed him in the chest. "What have you done with her?"

"I have to make her forget about you. No matter the cost. Even if it means she forgets me, too."

"He's sending her across the town line."

The three exited the shop with Moe in tow.

"Where are you sending Belle across?" David demanded. "You know we have patrols on the town line to make sure no one crosses accidentally. So, how are you planning to pull it off?"

Mr. Gold lunged at Moe and pinned him against the truck with his cane as he asked, "Where? Where are you sending her across? Tell me!"

"Stop it! You're going to kill him."

David pried Mr. Gold off Moe and looked down at Moe's hands, seeing that they were covered in mine dust.

"You've been down in the mines," David noted. "The tunnels - they lead out of town."


Supporting Hook on her shoulder, Milah and Hook boarded the ship.

"Milah, what happened?" a pirate asked.

"Fetch some water," Milah ordered. "And get me that prisoner below deck, along with the goods that he carried. Now!"

"Bring up the prisoner!"

Rumpelstiltskin boarded the ship and said, "Well, well. Seems like you finally found a family... You could never have with me."

"All right, get your sorry arse up there."

The crew dragged Smee up from below deck. Milah took the satchel from him that contained the magic bean. She took the bean out of the bag and held it up as evidence for Rumpelstiltskin. He went to take it, but Milah threw the bean over to Hook, who clenched it in his hand.

"You asked to see it, and now, you have," Hook said.

"Do we have a deal?" Milah asked. "Can we go our separate ways?"

"Do you mean, do I forgive you?" Rumpelstiltskin corrected. "Can I move on? Perhaps, perhaps. I can see you are twooly in love."

"Thank you."

"Just one question."

"What do you want to know?"

"How could you leave Bae?" Several ropes anchored along the ship began magically coming undone. "Do you know what it's like, walking home that night-"


"Knowing I had to tell our son-"


"That his mother was dead?"

"I was wrong to lie to you. I was the coward, I-"

"You left him! You abandoned him!"

"And there's not a day that goes by that I don't feel sorry for that."

"Well, sorry isn't enough! You let him go."

"I let my misery cloud my judgment."

"Why were you so miserable?"

"Because I never loved you." Rumpelstiltskin magically stuck his hand through Milah's chest.

"Milah!" Hook cried as he attempted to save her, but Rumpelstiltskin used magic to bind him to the mast. He pulled out her heart. "No!" Hook managed to break free from the ropes, causing one of the hooks to fall to the ground. He ran over to Milah and gently laid her down onto the deck.

"I love you."

Rumpelstiltskin crushed Milah's heart to dust in his hand.

"You may be more powerful now, demon, but you're no lesser coward," Hook said.

"I'll have what I came for, now," Rumpelstiltskin replied.

"You'll have to kill me first."

"I'm afraid that's not in the cards for you, sonny boy." Rumpelstiltskin drew his sword and sliced off Hook's hand, which he thought was still holding the magic bean. "I want you alive. Because I want you to suffer like I did." Rumpelstiltskin turned to go, but Hook grabbed the hook on the deck and stabbed Rumpelstiltskin with it. Due to his armor, no harm was done. "Killing me's going to take a lot more than that, dearie."

"Even demons can be killed. I will find a way."

"Well, good luck living long enough." Rumpelstiltskin disappeared in a puff of red smoke, leaving behind the hook. Hook picked it up.


Smee handcuffed Belle to one of the mine carts.

"Please!" Belle begged. "Please, please stop. What are you doing?"

"Sending you on a little ride under the town line," Smee replied. "Once you cross, you'll forget who you were in the other realm and who you loved." He handed her a flashlight. "This, should help you find the key. I left it at the bottom of the cart. Good luck."

Smee released the mine cart and it began speeding down the tack.

"No, wait!" Belle cried. "I'm begging you! Please don'! Don't do this! Please!"

Belle searched for the key at the bottom of the cart. She found it, but accidentally dropped it on the ground. The mine cart continued down the track until suddenly, it stopped. A stream of magic produced by Mr. Gold pulled the cart back up the track until it reached the starting point, where Mr. Gold, David, Moe and Ruby were waiting. The handcuffs were magically broken.

"That is seriously... Wow," Ruby commented.

"Belle, are you all right?" Mr. Gold asked.

"Yeah," Belle replied. "You remember who I am?"

"I do, Rumpelstiltskin. I... I remember."

Mr. Gold hugged Belle, but she didn't reciprocate. "Belle, what's wrong?"

"Thank you for what you just did, but that doesn't change that you're too cowardly to be honest with me."

"Well, Belle, that's just-"

"I tried to tell him that, Belle," Moe said. "Come with me, darling."

"After what you just tried to do to me?" Belle shot back. "You're no better, Father. You don't get to decide what I do or how I feel. I do. If either of you cared about me, you would've listened. I don't want to see either of you ever again. Ever."


Ruby served Belle a plate of food. "This one, is a classic. The syrup, goes on the pancakes. It's, um, round things... But I kind of like it when it gets on everything."

"You know, um... Thank you," Belle replied. "I-I mean not just for this, but... For everything."

"No worries. And stay here until you're on your feet. Granny will be fine with it. Oh! I almost forgot. Someone, dropped this off for you at the front desk." She gave Belle a small box. Belle opened it, revealing a key labeled 'library'.

Odette stood next to Belle's booth. "May I?"

Belle held up the key. "I was just about to check this out. Would you like to come?"

Odette nodded. "Sure."


Belle used the key to open the front door of the library and entered, followed by Dmitry. They looked around until Mr. Gold revealed himself.

Dmitry went to look at books and to explore the library.

"We may sit in our library, and yet, be in all corners of the earth," Mr. Gold said.

"You gave me the key," Belle realized.

"I heard of your interest, and I, uh... I made some inquiries. There's an apartment for the caretaker if you want it."

"If... If this is some way to win me back after everything you-"

"No, that's... That's... That's not why I'm here. I came because you're right... About me. I am a coward. I have been my entire life. I tried to make up for it by collecting power, and the power became so important that I couldn't let it go. Not even... And that mean losing the most important person in my life."

"Your son."

"Baelfire, is his name. After he left, I dedicated myself to finding him. I went down many, many paths. Until I found a curse that could take me to the land where he'd escaped."


"And I found myself in this little town with only one thing left to do - wait for the curse to be broken, so that I could leave and find him."

"But instead of looking for him, you... You brought magic."

"Because I'm still a coward. Magic has become a crutch that I can't walk without. And, even if I could, I now know I can never leave this place."

"Because, anyone who leaves, forgets the people they love. So, when you go to look for Baelfire, you won't know him."

"Magic comes with a price. Belle, I have to break this new curse. That's why I was using magic. That night you saw me down in the basement... I have lost so much that I loved. I didn't want to lose you again... without you losing everything. Goodbye, Belle."

He went to leave, but Belle stopped him by asking, "Do you, uh... Have you ever had a hamburger?"

"Yes, of course."

"Well, uh, I haven't. But I hear that Granny's makes a great one. Maybe... Maybe we could try it sometime?"

Mr. Gold smiled. "I would like that."


Rumpelstiltskin placed Hook's severed hand on his desk, on which there were several vials and a picture of Baelfire. He slowly pulled the fingers open one by one, but then realized that the hand was empty.

"No... He tricked me!" Rumpelstiltskin cried, pushing the desk over, spilling the contents onto the floor.


Aboard his ship, Hook held the magic bean in his hand, while the crew tossed Milah's wrapped body overboard.

Smee, who was still bound and gagged, attempted to speak. "Hey! Hey!"

"Allow him to speak," Hook ordered and one of the pirates removed the gag and untied him.

"I want my bean."

"Let me tell you how it works on my ship – I make the demands, you follow them. Bean's now mine."

"You have to give me something for it."

"Oh, I will. Your life. A chance to join my crew."

"So, instead of the promise of eternal life, I get to scrub blood off your decks? How is that right?"

"Well, what if I was to tell you I was about to set sail to a land where none of us will ever grow old? Where I can discover how to get my revenge on Rumpelstiltskin."

"Guess I could live with that."

"Good. What's your name, sailor?"

"William. William Smee. Can I have my hat?"

Hook gestured to the pirate with Smee's hat, who then tossed it over. "Well, Mr. Smee, welcome aboard." Hook took the magic bean and threw it into the ocean. A giant whirlpool opened up. "Hold on and get ready to set sail, mates. There's bumpy seas ahead!"

"What's the name of the place we're headed, Captain?"

Hook attached the hook to his hand and replied, "Neverland."


Mr. Gold interrogated Smee. "You're probably wondering why I brought you here. I found this in the mines, Mr. Smee." He held up the red hat.

"I am so sorry, I didn't-" Smee was cut off.

"I'm not interested in apologies. I'm interested in information. About the man you work for."

"I'll tell you nothing you want to know about Moe."

"No, no. Not about Moe - your captain. Where is he?"

"I've never seen him in Storybrooke, I swear. For some reason, when the curse hit, it... It didn't take him."

"Then, where is he?"


Hook peered at the haven from a distance through a telescope.

Cora joined him and greeted, "Hello, Hook."

"Hello, Cora," Hook answered, closing his telescope. "You told me you had something important you needed to show me." She held up the vial of wardrobe dust. "Sparkly dirt. Wonderful."

"Just the remains of a magical wardrobe that can travel between worlds."

"Is there enough to get us where we need to go?"

"Not quite. But it's a start."

"We're almost ready to set sail. What's our port of destination?"


"Hm, curious name."

"And so are they."

"Excellent. You'll be able to see your daughter, and I can skin myself a crocodile."

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