𝑻𝒉𝒆 π‘Ίπ’‚π’Šπ’šπ’‚π’ 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕...

Door XenoTakeo

7.3K 180 137

After an outstanding performance in the Tournament of Power, Son (Y/N) sets off with his adopted little siste... Meer

π‘©π’Šπ’ {𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 #1}
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717 20 24
Door XenoTakeo

[{Your P.O.V}]

[{Location - Classroom}]

[{Time - 09:00 am}]

Anxious. Scared. Worried. Call it whatever you'd like but that was all I could feel at this very moment as I sat in my new class with my leg constantly bouncing in place

Yukari and I had been placed in different classes and normally, that'd be okay... Except for the fact that most monsters here will hate her and could hurt her!!

My senses were sharp and I was keeping a close watch on Yukari's Yōki. I may not be able to track it or differentiate between them but I knew which was hers

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to try calming my nerves but before I could get a proper grip on myself, I could feel a hand being placed on my shoulder

My eyes snapped open and my head spun around to see that it had been Tsukune to place his hand on my shoulder. The realization of who it was calmed me again but not enough to not worry about Yukari

Tsukune: Hey (Y/N), you okay?

Me: Huh?

Tsukune: I've been calling you for a couple of minutes now. I walked in and saw we'd be sharing a homeroom but when I tried to call you, you just kept staring into space until you closed your eyes and I placed my hand on your shoulder

I stared at Tsukune blankly for a few seconds before I silently chuckled to myself at how ridiculous I was being. Yukari can handle herself, and if she needed me then she'd find a way to let me know

Me: Heh. Yeah, I'm alright. Sorry about that, I've just been very worried about Yukari. She's much younger than everyone else and I'm naturally worried as her big brother

Tsukune: Yeah, that's pretty natural, I have a question though

Me: What's on your mind?

Tsukune: Rumors have already spread around that you got here with another girl, something about pink hair and being incredibly beautiful

Once more, I stared at Tsukune blankly for a few seconds before actually realising who he was talking about

Me: Pink hair? Oh! You mean Moka!

Tsukune: Moka?

Me: I met her on my way here. She sorta rammed into me with her bike by accident but we hit it off quickly and then came here. Speaking of her though, I'll have to find her after class

As the old saying goes: "Speak of the Devil, and he shall appear." In this case, she appeared just as I finished saying that I needed to find her

The familiar silky pink hair came into view and her gorgeous green eyes immediately met my battle scared black ones. Her smile seemed to grow even more as she saw me and within the next five seconds, she ran right up to me and wrapped me in a hug

[{Moka Akashiya (Outer)}]

Tsukune looked on in shock while a smile broke out on my face as I hugged her back, although since I was sitting down, she had to bend to reach me

Moka: (Y/N)!! I'm so glad to see you!!

Me: I'm glad to see you too, Moka

Moka and I kept the hug but I had secretly placed my hand in a way that blocked the class from seeing her panties, which very much enraged the male population of the class

The guys all looked ready to kill me but without Tsukune or Moka noticing, I glared up at them all with my eyes shining and shifting from their base black to burning red, the glare itself holding nothing but pure and unrivaled rage

A smirk soon replaced my glare as each and every one of the guys backed down and were showing visible fear

Back to the hug, it kept up for another few seconds before Moka and I broke it and she turned to meet Tsukune

Moka: It's nice to meet you! I'm Moka Akashiya. Are you a friend of (Y/N) too?

Tsukune: I'm Tsukune Aono, and yes I am. We met on the bus this morning

Before anymore words could be uttered, a female walked into the room, although she lacked the school uniform, meaning she'd be our homeroom teacher

Noticeable features included cat ears on her head that matches her hair colour, magenta glasses, a cat bell tied to her neck as a necklace and the most noticeable feature being her cat tail that hung freely

[{Shizuka Nekonome}]
[{Species: Nekomusume}]

Nekonome: Good morning class! My name is Shizuka Nekonome and I'll be your homeroom teacher for your stay at Yokai Academy

Moka and Tsukune quickly sat down once our teacher announced this, after that the lesson began with some small history and information about the school

A little while later, some dumbass began ranting about how the monsters should just eat the humans. The dumbass in question was named Saizou Komiya and I was about to teach him his place

[{Saizou Komiya}]
[{Species: Orc}]
[{Human form}]

Me: I'd like to know how retarded you are

Saizou: Excuse me?

Me: I'm sorry, I just assumed you were retarded because of how dumb that previous statement was

Saizou: Enlighten me. What was so dumb about it?

Me: Literally everything. The humans may be physically weaker than we are but they make up for it with quantity and apparently intelligence too. I know all about your track record, Komiya. In fact, I've been at the scene of the crime a few times too, so I know what you're capable of. If you try anything of that sort here, or if you try to go after the humans then I'll teach you exactly what power means and how it's used

I finished off by turning to him and glaring, switching my eye colour from black to turquoise in an instant. The sudden glare and eye colour change made him recoil in fear. Most recoiled in fear. The only exceptions were Moka, Tsukune and Ms Nekonome

With all said and done, my glare dropped and I turned back to face our teacher, however I could feel my eyes getting weak so I eventually layed my head down and fell asleep

[{Timeskip - Lunch}]

The sound of the bell ringing is supposed to be the thing that wakes me, but instead, I'm woken to some light shaking from Moka

Me: Mhm... The lesson is already over?

Moka: Yup! It's lunch now! Tsukune went ahead to save us a seat in the cafeteria

I stood from my seat and stretched, audible pops being heard from my joints. Afterwards, I turned to Moka and tilted my head in confusion

Me: How long was I out?

Moka: It's been about an hour

Me: //Geez... The tournament must have really worn me out...// Right! Thanks for waking me, Moka

Moka: Of course! That's what friends are for. Are you okay though? It's not normal for people to fall asleep on their first day of school

Me: I'm okay, just really tired. I didn't get any sleep last night

Moka: Why not?

Me: {Chuckles} Don't worry about it. Let's get lunch

I waved my hand in a nonchalant way and began walking out. Moka followed immediately and we both kept some small talk as we walked. This peace didn't last long though as Saizou appeared just before we could reach the cafeteria

Saizou: Hey baby. I'm Saizou Komiya. Why don't you come hang out with me instead of this loser?

Saizou walked close and tried to pick me up by my collar, although he failed miserably as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath

Moka: No thanks. I'm happy spending time with (Y/N)

Saizou: Come on. This loser? Why?

My eye twitched and my hand shot up, grabbing his wrist and applying pressure

Me: She said no. Leave. Now

Saizou: Make me, loser

Me: //Sorry mom. Sorry dad// Happily! HHHHAAAAA!!!!!!

My eyes snapped open as a translucent aura burst from my body, pushing Saizou away but harmlessly covering Moka

[{Base (Y/N)}]
[{Ki aura}]
[{10% power}]

The appearance of my aura shocked everyone to silence, and some in fear. Saizou silently growled but I followed up with an even deeper and more audible growl, sounding very similar to that of an Oozaru. This action alone shut him up as he turned and left Moka and I alone

With the dumbass finally gone, my aura burst into nothing while I grabbed Moka's hand and began walking to the cafeteria

It took a few minutes but we finally arrived and found Tsukune waiting for us with three trays of food placed out on the table, each being no different than the last

Tsukune: Hey! There you guys are! I already got us lunch. Sorry that it's all the same but I wasn't sure what to get you both

Moka: That's fine! It was nice of you to get us anything in the first place

Me: Yeah, thanks dude!

We all sat down but that's when Moka and I finally noticed that I was still holding her hand. I let go immediately and we both blushed and then began eating. Tsukune tried to tease us but I managed to switch the topic off the embarrassing moment

Me: Hey Moka, you said that you're a vampire, right? How come you don't look like the ones that I've met? From what I've been told, Vampires are very prideful, have silver hair and blood red eyes

Moka: You see this thing on my neck? It's called a Rosary and it keeps my true form in check. If I were to remove it then my true form would be revealed, a powerful and terrifying Vampire

Tsukune got a nosebleed from looking and I just blinked and allowed the new information to register

Me: So basically it's like a limiter? It keeps your power in check but also allows you to still retain some of your original traits

Moka: Exactly!

Me: Heh. Not bad

Moka: What about you both? What type of monsters are you? Oh wait! It's against the rules to reveal our true forms

Me: You kinda already did. First to me when we met and now to Tsukune. It would only be fair if we revealed what we are, besides, we're friends

Moka: I-I suppose...

Me: I'm a Saiyan. Well, half Saiyan on my dad's side. Saiyans are a warrior race that used to conquer planets although there are only two pure bloods left because the rest were destroyed along with our home planet

Moka: That's...

Tsukune: Unbelievable...

Me: It's also very sensitive information. Only the principal and the bus driver know about our existence so you're the first that I'm telling. Most would consider it foolish but if I'm going to be your friend then you both deserve my full trust

Moka: You said that you're half Saiyan, right? What's the other half?

Me: Oh that's easy. My other half is the same species as Tsukune

Moka: What?

Tsukune: W-What?

Me: Sorry Tsukune but you can't hide much from me. Monsters use an energy known as Yōki, which your body doesn't emit, however I use an energy known as Ki, the energy in question which all races have deep within. Using my senses, I can also determine a race based on the level of power that I feel. I know what you are

Tsukune: I... Wait, so you're half Human?

Moka: Human?!?!

My aura burst back into existence although it was so translucent that it seemed invisible. Using my aura, I made sure that nobody heard Moka's shout, all while I kept eating

Me: Mhm. Tsukune is full human and I'm a hybrid

Moka: I... I...

My hand found it's way to Moka's as I held on and felt her squeeze mine back after a few seconds

Me: It's alright, Moka. I don't know what happened in your past with Humans but Tsukune and I aren't the same as them. I promise. We aren't going to leave you alone out of fear or anything. If we wanted to then we'd have already left, yet we're still here. Right?

Moka: R-Right...

Tsukune: I'm sorry for not being honest from the start...

Moka: N-No, it's okay... I'm just not used to this. Wait... What if someone else finds out?! You'll be killed!

Me: The only other person here that knows about me is my little sister, Yukari. As for killing, I'd like to see them try to kill us. Their puny attempts wouldn't phase me much and as long as I'm around, Tsukune is safe too

Tsukune: Wait, really?

Me: Warrior race, remember? I also possess a few transformations that amplify my power. Even without those forms though, they can't touch me. It would take the strongest monsters alive to fight me at once to force me to full power

Moka: That's incredible!

I smiled as my eyes grew heavy again. My aura dropped and I quickly finished what was in my bowl. I then moved it to the side and was about to lay on my arms when Moka grabbed my arm and lightly pulled me down till my head was laying on her lap

A massive blush broke out on my face but I was too tired to care much. My eyes slowly closed and I fell into a deep sleep

[{Timeskip - After-school}]
[{Location change - (Y/N)'s dorm}]

My alarm sounded off, thankfully waking me up with ease. I stretched my arms up in the air and then stood to stretch fully

I wondered briefly how I got here but figured that Moka and Tsukune dragged me here after I fell asleep

My eyes shut as I expanded my Ki out and began searching for my friends, mainly through Tsukune's Ki

They were pretty far out but I placed my right index and middle finger on my forehead as I concentrated enough to use Instant Transmission

[{Location change - Outside Yokai Academy}]

Thanks to Instant Transmission, I appeared just in time to grab an unconscious Tsukune from the sky. I looked forward and saw an Orc holding Moka with it's tongue and I'm assuming that he whacked Tsukune with the back of his hand

[{Saizou Komiya}]
[{True form (Orc)}]

A growl escaped my throat as I saw the fear on Moka's face. I slowly set Tsukune down and stepped forward

Saizou: Well well well... The weakling wants to fight now

Me: I knew from the start that your true form would be as hideous as your personality. Remember what I said in class, Saizou? It's time to pay for your crimes...

Saizou: Oh yeah? And how are you gonna make me pay?

A cocky smirk found it's way to my face as I clenched my fists at my side while widening my stance. My translucent aura burst from my body as the weather changed and appeared to have brought forth a storm

Me: It's time for you to meet Super (Y/N). HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My shout was indescribable to say the least. The loud roar of an Oozaru could be heard echoing behind my shout as my translucent white aura changed to a golden yellow aura. My hair flared with golden particles for a second and then burst from black to brilliant golden yellow, followed closely by my eyebrows turning the same shade. A glare found it's way to my face as my eyes shined momentarily and then fully transitioned from onyx black to turquoise, with one final shout, I flared my aura to it's maximum at my current power level as an explosion of golden yellow Ki blinded everyone within the surrounding area

[{Super (Y/N)}]
[{Super Saiyan Ki aura shown}]
[{10% power}]

My two onlookers were speechless, but I wasn't done yet. I vanished from sight but appeared next to Saizou and instantly rammed my knee into his stomach, sending him flying off and thankfully dropping Moka

With my speed, catching her was no issue, what was the issue was that I had caught her bridal style so a massive blush broke out on her face. I then used Instant Transmission to quickly take her to the unconscious Tsukune and placed her down

I checked her over for any injuries but she quickly stopped me by pecking me on the cheek, which left us both with massive blushes

A groan of pain interrupted us though as Saizou limped back towards us. A cocky smirk found it's way to my lips as I turned around and crossed my arms

Me: I'm disappointed. I thought that you'd put up more of a fight by making me use my arms. This is such a disappointment that I might as well let Moka finish you off

Saizou roared with anger and charged towards me, but I merely blocked any punch he threw with my legs. This went on for a few minutes before I finally had enough and landed a kick to his chest once he was open

I followed up closely by spin-kicking him in the side of his head, followed by a knee to the groin, followed by sweeping his legs out from under him

A quick jump back to gain distance allowed me to front flip and slam my foot down on Saizou's head before I landed, the impact of said foot to skull left a massive crater in the shape of Saizou

My form flickered and then burst out of existence, leaving me in my base form. I sighed and then walked to join Moka, who was still standing by Tsukune. Tsukune was in rough shape but he would be okay and Moka was mostly scared than hurt

Groaning caught my attention as I turned to see Saizou still trying to fight. Honestly, this is quite pathetic

Me: Tch. This is getting on my nerves now. Hey Moka, why don't I let you finish this?

I reached out and grabbed her Rosary, gently pulling it so as to not damage the seal too much. The results of removing the Rosary would be something that I'd have never expected, not even in a million years

[{I'm already at 3000 words and I honestly have no fucking clue how to describe this transformation without it sounding fucked up. Sorry guys}]

While Saizou and Tsukune had to slightly cover their eyes due to the light, I was used to much brighter lights such as the Solar Flare so I was able to keep my eyes open the entire time with no issues

Me: //Note to self: Carry an extra set of clothes for Moka's true form so she doesn't get perved on. Side note: Kill anyone that pervs on her in general//

The new beauty standing before us could easily be classified as the exact opposite of the regular Moka. Her silky pink hair had completely changed to silver, although kept its silky nature. Her skin became slightly more pale and her gorgeous green eyes changed to ones of sexy yet scary blood red eyes with slits. She had grown in height as it was also very clear that her... Ahem... Assets had become bigger too

[{Moka Akashiya (Inner)}]
[{Species: Shinso Vampiress}]

I. Moka: {Yawns} So, you're the worm that wanted to use me, correct?

The amount of visible fear of Saizou's face was comical. I knew that from this point, Moka would be okay so I walked to Tsukune and secretly pulled a Senzu Bean from my pocket. I placed it in Tsukune's mouth and forced him to chew and swallow the bean as his wounds healed, now he just needed to wake up

I cracked my neck and turned just in time to see Saizou being kicked away by Moka, who had also let out a shout that could rival my own


I walked past Moka and gently handed her the Rosary as I then walked to Saizou's location. It took a few seconds but I stopped once I was right in front of him and glared as a translucent white aura burst into existence from my body. The earth shook as my aura grew. Rocks raised into the air and the oxygen became thin. Sparks of bio-electricity surged across my body and the weather actually began to drop lighting down from the sky and rain to fall

[{Ultimate (Y/N)}]
[{Ultimate form Ki aura shown}]
[{50% power}]

Me: I'm going to say this once and only once. Stay. The. Fuck. Away. From. Us. If I even catch you looking in our direction then I'll show you exactly how much pain those girls you raped went through, and I'll do that by beating you to the ground, ripping your arms off, ripping your legs off, beating you with your own arms and legs and then blending them and shoving that Orc smoothie down your fucking throat. Do you understand me?

Saizou's pupils dilated as he saw my sinister smirk. He nodded rapidly and I reverted to base form as my sinister smirk switched to cocky

As I arrived to check on Tsukune, I saw that the other Moka had been waiting for me. I tilted my head to the side as she walked up to me and grabbed me by my tie. She pulled me close and moved to bite into my neck

A husky breath left my mouth as she drank. Her left hand held me by my tie while her right hand rested on my shoulder. I rested my arms on her hips and we simply stood there as she drank

Moka and I had to have stood there for 10 minutes as she kept drinking my blood. It finally came to an end as she held the Rosary close to her chain

I. Moka: Keep the other Moka safe for me, will you? I'd rather not deal with clowns like that Saizou idiot on a daily basis

Me: You got it. As long as I'm around then nobody will touch her and get away with it

I. Moka: Thank you, (Y/N)

Moka reattached the Rosary to her chain as she changed back to the Moka that I have known up to now. She seemed unconscious so I quickly caught her and her in my arms as I thought of how to get both her and Tsukune back to their forms

Yukari: Big brother!!

Just as I began pondering, Yukari ran towards me with worry very evident on her face

Yukari: The entire Earth was shaking, meaning that you went Ultimate. Where's the villain?!

Me: Calm down, sis. I transformed to spread fear, not fight, not like anyone at this school could push me that far. Hey, now that you're here could you help me out?

Yukari: Does it have something to do with the girl that you're holding?

Me: Yup! See that guy that's unconscious by the tree? His name is Tsukune Aono and he's human so he was knocked out by Saizou. The girl that I'm holding is Moka Akashiya and she's a Vampire, she's just unconscious now though because she used too much Yōki. I was hoping that you could carry Tsukune for me and help me lay him down in my dorm

Yukari: Alright, I don't mind helping! I can't wait to meet them when they wake up! Maybe they'll accept me for being a witch, I mean, Tsukune is human, right?

Me: They will accept you. They both accepted me for being a hybrid


Me: It was only right. Moka told me about herself. Tsukune had no way to hide it. They're my friends too... If I'm gonna be their friend then they deserve to know everything about me, including my heritage. They took it well too, which is why I know that they'll accept you too. Now let's get them to my dorm so they can rest

Yukari nodded and grabbed her wand and cast a levitation spell to float Tsukune to my dorm. As she did this, I walked forward and led her to my dorm so we could lay Moka and Tsukune down and finally call it a day. Hopefully tomorrow will be less stressful and I'll actually be able to get through the day without sleeping through it

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