Lesson in Love

By caspian-eats-guitars

5 1 0

Two bros, doing a guitar lesson, 5 ft apart cause theyre not gay! Mike Campbell x masc!reader fic from a requ... More

lesson in love

5 1 0
By caspian-eats-guitars

Holding a paper with an address messily scrawled across it, Y/N stood at the front door of an old beige house with a slightly overgrown lawn. He took a deep breath and finally rang the doorbell. His heart was pounding in his chest and he was sure if anyone came around they'd be able to hear it too. "Why am I so nervous?" He wondered, but as much as he hated to admit it, he knew the answer. He was here to see Mike, and Mike made him feel...something. Did he know what that something was? Not really. Did he have an idea? Well, he had a hunch.

Just that morning he'd asked Mike if he would be able to finally get him a guitar lesson. Hell, he'd been wanting to ask for the longest time. Something had stopped him every time. Something in the pit of his stomach, weighing him down. Mike was his friend. He wasn't supposed to be nervous around him. He didn't feel funny around his other friends, why was Mike so different?

"Maybe it's his eyes." He thought.

"No, that's weird!" He scolded. Truth be told, he'd been having thoughts like that practically since he first met Mike earlier that year. How soft his hair looked, how nice it was when he'd smile, his quiet laughter...it was all too much to understand. He could see himself feeling like this about girls. He'd done that before! That was easy! But with a guy? He wasn't opposed to it, but it was so different. So new. And what were the chances Mike could possibly feel similarly. Probably very low, he figured.

Before Y/N could get too deep into his pining session, the door in front of him finally opened, revealing Mike with his guitar hanging haphazardly from his shoulder.

"Hey! You made it!" He said, smiling, "Wanna come and get started then?"

"Yeah that's why I'm here," Y/N laughed, half-joking. He followed Mike through to his bedroom and the two took their seats with their guitars on the carpet.

"So where do you want to start?" Mike asked, tapping the fingers of his right hand over his guitar.

"Well, the beginning would be ideal I think."

"Oh, right. Here, I'll come over and sit next to you," Mike said, getting up to shift his seat, "That way you can see it the same as me."

"Huh, that's a good idea," Y/N said, secretly becoming increasingly nervous about Mike's close proximity. They stayed rather close for most of the lesson, possibly a little more than usual. Y/N would lean to his left to get a better look at Mike's fretboard, and Mike in turn would lean to his right to get a better look at Y/N's. Each time it seemed like they'd lean in just a fraction closer. Almost not enough to notice, but Y/N noticed. He noticed how Mike's hair would brush his shoulder just slightly, how he'd look up at him and hold eye contact just a bit longer than necessary, how he'd look over at Mike only to find him already looking back.

For a while everything was small enough to pass off as something friendly. And for a while this seriously got on Y/N's nerves. He was itching for something he could pin as more than friendly. He was dying to know if he was alone in his feelings or not. Until something finally caught his attention.

Mike was showing him how to play a C chord, and no matter what Y/N did, he couldn't manage to get it quite right.

"Fuck. Mike it isn't working," he sighed, "I think my guitar's broken."

"It's not broken, here lemme show you." Mike showed him yet again how to place his fingers for the chord. Y/N tried again to replicate it, and once again he couldn't.

"Here, Y/N, can I help you?" Mike asked.

"Be my guest," he replied. Mike took Y/N's fretting hand in his own and moved his fingers to the right places on the strings.

"And uh...that should be good," he said, bringing his gaze back up to Y/N. Y/N met his eyes and then glanced back at his hand, seeing Mike's was still there with his own. He looked back up, the gears in his head working overtime. "Is this something? What is he doing? What does it mean? Does it even mean anything?!" He wondered.

"I, uh, can" Mike started, "Can I erhm..."

"Mike can I kiss you?"

"Yeah that," Mike breathed. Y/N smiled before leaning in all the way and finally closing the gap between them. He brought a hand up and tangled it in Mike's hair, gently bringing him closer. When they pulled away to catch their breath, Mike couldn't help but flash his best smile back at Y/N.

"I think I could use another lesson, I'd hate to get rusty, " Y/N said.

"Can do," Mike responded, understanding what he was implying and leaning in once again.

The two spent the rest of the day together, but the guitar was long forgotten.

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