Voice-less, Not Useless

By telliy

94.4K 3.2K 575

Mackenzie "Tiny" Roman have all her life struggle with speech problem, but she made a life in the Marine with... More

Marcus Anderson
Jeramaine/ Snuggle-puff
Author Note
Chris Andersson
Colonel Clarence 'Cody' Clifford


467 14 3
By telliy

I'm feel Bear snuggle against neck and I'm looking at Cunt leaving after I fix this cheek and I know that Cunt is not done yet with him and I see Viking come back and he have a notepad with him.

"Sis do you mind telling us what the fuck he is doing here" Vikings ask and I take the notepad.

'He is hear to make sure that the house it wired right and He is the only one that I'm trusting to give me security in to the house, specially because what I'm having build in the basement' I write and give it to my brother and I see him read it.

"you knew what was going to happen?" Viking ask and I nod as I take the notepad again.

'Why did you think I push Bear against the Car, because I knew if I encounter Cunt alone I would have more trouble, I can deal with him alone but protect Bear from him, that I couldn't do, I need to have my brother's to have my back' I write to him and I see him read it and he nod.

"But you never warned us" Viking say and I see Fucker looking at him.

"She couldn't warn you more than what she already did, if you looked at how we moved, that would be a your first clue, sure we never leave our back unprotected but when we form a Circle that's when you need to be on your guard, that's when trouble is coming" Fucker say and I feel Bear rubbing his nose against my neck.

"Bear wake up, Lets get you to bed" I hear one off the Guys say and I'm trying to stand up but Bear won't let go off me and I'm gently get him to stand up with me and I fell him hold on to me.

"Follow me, Little one, I show you where his room is" Ink tells me and I'm following him and I feel Bear holding on hard to my waist and he is having his face snuggle thru my hair that was braided but now is unbraided and he snuggle thru it to my neck.

I get into the room that belong to Bear, I have only been in the Room that Wolf gave me when I was here on party and I'm looking around and I can see Bear in the room, it's not neat like I am, but it's neat. I'm gently get him on the bed, but he is not letting go off me he is pulling me closer.

"You want me to help you get free?" Ink ask and I shake my head as I'm trying but I feel him snuggle to me.

"Tiny" I hear Ink ask and I'm looking at him and I shake my head.

"Okay, just yell, if you need us to help you" he say as he leaving the room.

I feel Bear holding me so close and I know that we need to test him, because if he get like this when his half drunk, what if it's not me he think he snuggle up to, I know that my brothers have looked and check how he react. I'm pulling out my phone and make a group text to every dragon, and Dragonling but Psycho.

'Brothers and son's I need you help, not all of you know this but talk to the Dragon's closes to me, there is a Dick that need to be checked out, one dragon have started the test, Right now I'm taking care off his hangover, but what if? I trust you my dear Dragons and Dragonlings, Please help me see if this Dick is a true and straight with me, I don't want to be burned or get my heartbroken please brothers Help me' I send the text and I get answer from everyone that they will help me and I get a answer from Fucker telling me that we are going to a strip club first but they are helping me everyone can see him answering it.

'Psycho are you up for a party with the dragons, We are getting together all off us' I text him and I feel Bear snuggle against my neck and I feel him pull on my dog-tags and I feel him move them around my neck so that he can feel what's written on them.

'Yes I will join as long as you keep Cunt away from me, I know I broke my word to him, but I need to get my head right and I only got it back right a week before I made myself known and I did check up on Cunt a few times but I didn't talk to him' I read the Text from Psycho and I know that I need to help him and I send to him that I will keep Cunt off him.

"Hummingbird?" I hear Bear whisper and I turn my head to him and I see him smile.

"Shit, What did he gave me" Bear say as he letting me go and I know that Cunt used some strong alcohol.

"You heard him didn't you?" Bear ask and I nod as he pulling himself against the head board. I'm taking the Phone and I start writhing a text to him.

'I hear those boots and I need back up to keep you safe, I know that Cunt is protective off Me, more than Fucker do' I write and I hold up my phone to him and I see him smiling on me.

"I understand but I want you to use your voice and only type when I'm asking you, Please my little Bird I need to learn to understand you" Bear whisper to me and I sigh I don't like speaking but I understand him too.

"Please" I hear him whisper in my hear and I nod.

"enod ylno si tuokrow ym ffo flah, emoh kcab og ot deen I" I say and I see him smile as he place a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay, I don't want you to leave but I know that you have your work out to do" HE whisper and I feel him gather up my hair.

"Ti diarbnu uoy od yhw?" I ask and I feel him stop gathering my hair and he turning me around and he place a kiss on my nose.

"Because you hair feel different then from the whores, you hair feel more real, more soft, I love the scent of your hair, and the feeling off your hair. It's my way of knowing it's you" Bear say and I'm nodding as his braiding my hair and then he twist it up in a bun for me.

I smile at him as I get up and we are walking out and I see Fucker and my other brothers are there but Cunt is up at the house, and I walk over to my brothers with a hand signal that we are going for our run.

"Are you not forgetting something" I hear Bear calling and I turn to him and I see that he is looking at me with a soft look and I walk up to him and rap my arms around his waist and give him a hug and once I'm letting go I feel him place his fingers under my chin and he place a kiss in my lips and I see him smile at me.

"I love you" He whisper and I feel the surprised in my body once he say those words, I know that those work don't come easy of a biker or a Marine, and I see him looking at me.

"You don't have to say it back, but just so you know how I feel" he whisper and I smile at him and I nod, and with that I walk away and I know my brothers knew what words he whisper so low to that only I heard it, because off how I reacted.

I smile as I'm leaving him and the Club behind but the Questions will be asked once we are away from here, and also they know that I send a request to him be tested this means I'm want this to be true, I start my training with my brothers and we are working hard, I really miss the way we used to live, We are running like we always did, I need to talk to the land owner around here to be allowed to make my obstacle course, I need to feel useful again. I can't feel useless again it's the worst feeling of them all, We have returned to Tools house and I see Cunt sit outside on the porch and he looking at us.

"Good you guys are here" He say as he get up and I'm looking at him with a frown.

'Did you really have to fight my brother? He have been showing me that he care since I go here, he was helping me with my speech, after he found me in the basement working myself to a nosebleed, He made sure that I never over did it. Viking is my brother but he have the same Code as We. We are Loyal to family but Our Brothers In all but blood always come first, ALAWYS, now tell me why I should for give you for hurting my brother' I tell him and I know that Cunt can read me like any dragon or Dragonling can I see him looking at me.

"I didn't want to fight him but he became offended when I called one off his brothers a Whore, would you have liked it better if I called him a Barack rat" Cunt say and I get in his face as good as I can because like every other Dragon he is taller then me

'I may not know, if he is true to me but you are not calling him that, you are not calling him a Barack rat, or a Whore, they are not like us. They may be harden outlaws, Cunt but they see my nickname Bitch as a insult, They almost jumped Pussy once he said his name like he always do, they were ready to Fight Sarge of Sea dragon, when he ask how our Dragons was' I tell him and I see him look at me and he lean against the support beam

"We call them Dicks rather then Whore or Tanya, But Cunt we are testing him, you saw the Text that Tiny send" Fucker say to him and I see Cunt smirk.

"Yeah and so did the Workers up at the House got it all and I smile when I read it. Trust me sister I will make sure he stay true, but I have a question, why him?" Cunt say and then he ask me and I think about it.

'I don't know, but there is something around him that make me feel safe, not Marine safe but like all the demons become quite for a second' I say to them and I see him looking at me, I see that he look worried first and then he smile.

"you mean like the downing them out?" he ask and I shake my head.

'no it's like you can hear the storm around you and you can feel the wind of the hurricane winds but once you are in his arms you are in the center off the storm. In the eye of the storm where it's quite and calm but you can still feel the storm' I tell him and I see him looking at me and he nod.

"I know the feeling, Hanna is the same for me, but I didn't want to ask her out since we are working together" Cunt say and this make us look at him.

'Why not, you deserve happiness too' I tell him and I feel Asshole step closer to me.

"Yeah, What's Wrong with her?" Pussy say from where he standing.

"Nothing only that she is a single parents with a 10 year old and a two year old child, and I don't think she would go for someone as Psycho as me, The fathers of the Children are not their life, One is pilot in the Airforce and the youngest one is in prison, she never was married" Cunt say and he run his fingers thru his hair.

"You are not as Psycho as us, What will you do if someone take ger from you" Fucker ask and I see Cunt look at me and I see him smile sadly.

"You are right, but Sister have called for the test first" Cunt say and I hold out my hand for his phone and he know what I'm about to do.

"I will text her myself, ask her to come up here for a weekend I tell her to bring her children, she often have asked me about my family, I said I only have my Marine brothers and sisters left" Cunt say I see him send the text and I know that he will question me about Bear later and also about Viking.

"So Wolf is the Father to him?" I hear Cunt ask and I know that Fucker and Asshole will answer him, as I walk down stairs for the shower, I really miss my own bathroom that I always had in the nest after we left the Barack's.

I'm getting in others cloths and I dry my hair and then I put it up in the bun and I know that I have to get use to not have my hair like this, but I have put it up like this for seven years, Seven years of military. For me it was never any question what branch I was going to it was always and forever the Marine Corps, and once I got to training, Colonel Clifford started testing everyone and soon he started to train a few off us different and I was one of the first and I became the leader for the Dragons Clifford became Cody after one drunken night, We learned how to overcome anything he throw at us, Christopher Andersson, was our closest office he was our Father, his son Marcus Anderson was our office, but never a dragon like us. I became a proud Dragon and Marine. I was not just a Marine in the word and work I became a marine thru and thru. Just like many before me for me the uniform was my verify of my use with a speech problem that I overcame, The Marine corps gave me a voice to use and they helped me develop it. I'm looking in the mirror as I get my hair done.

"You are so much more Mackenzie" I hear Cunt say and I see him stand behind me and I shake my head.

"No you are darling listen to me. I made a Promise never to speak about this but you need to know this. Most of the Delta hated you not for you be a women in their beloved corps, but because at one time every Marine had a crush on you, I was no exception to that, Remember the day we did the Crucible?" Cunt say and I nod as he speak I know that everyone hated me but then they accepted me.

"I held on to my crush longer then the others, I admired your Strengths, your dedication, I won't lie I did enjoy looking upon you, but the more I got to know you, I knew that We would never work, but I made a promise, I would never allow those feelings to affect how I worked with you, and they never did, you became a mold off how I wish my women to be, I wanted them to be strong in mind and heart, I wanted them to be dedication, to family and to their work, but not with a mind like you" Cunt say and I know that have hold his in for so long.

'That's why you accepted DARPA?' I ask and I sign DARPA so that he would understand it.

"No I accepted work at DARPA because you told me to" he say and I'm looking at him.

I remember that day when I found out he had turned down DARPA for months, I knew that he was good with Computer and I asked him to take It, I told him think of what he could do and what he could make to keep us safe, and I asked him for a system that could track us, and injury we would have, I even said I would be his first volunteer of the project.

"Mackenzie you are my sister, I promised myself that once I knew that we would never work, that no Man would hurt you, and once you found your Ember, I would make sure he understood what Treasure you are, and if you want this Biker, we will test him" He say as he smile at me and I nod.

'He told me that he loved me today' I say to him and I see him looking at me and he nod.

"If he do he will stay true" Cunt say and I see him walk away.

"I" I say but the rest of my words get stuck in my mouth and I see him turn around and he smile.

"Mackenzie, You are my sister, you are my family, you are the mother of us Dragon and I do love you but not as a lover but as a sister, Don't say You are sorry for being you, Be proud as you always have been, you never hurt me, you stayed true to who you are, and for that I love you" he say and he smile as he leave.

I stand in the bathroom in the basement and I watch one of my closest brother walk out, I knew that he always keep me close but at a distant at the same time, I never understood why until now, Cunt was a brother I could count on and he made the system that would keep us safe, it was only a few member that will have this program in their body but the Tracker will be used for any soldier so we always will be found, I walk upstairs and I see Cunt nod to me, I normally don't answer to my given name for that name wasn't give of love, Tiny Crazy Bitch, or Tiny Bastard was given out of Love Tough love but love. Mackenzie was a name spit out by my birthmother, no connection to her or anyone in the family, I see my family standing there.

"I have start planning the Wiring for the house, but I think we should do a second basement, leave the Fire range as it is and then under it we make the panic room, it will be more work but, it can take a bomb hit" Cunt say and I nod, because I will teach any children that is under 16 or 18 years old to run for my home and down there if there is trouble, they will have a place where no one can touch them.

"I talked to the men working there, they are all Marine, and they know you Guys, so they did dig deeper than what was planned because they knew that you wanted the panic room" Cunt say and I see the others looking at us.

"We need to make sure that it's secured enough, and Keep a Dragon out" Fucker say and I nod.

"Also we need a air system, We don't want to die if we need to use the panic room" Pussy say and We are all nodding.

We are getting it all on paper as we start cooking the dinner and as we are cooking I hear the Bikes coming and it sound like Tools but I'm grabbing my gun and I see Cunt looking at me and he take his place in the living-room, Fucker take his place to my right, the side I now have only 15% hearing on trusting him to protect me, the others take their place and Tits and Duck-Duck are ready, They don't have their weapon out only ready to use them if needed. I'm looking out of the window and I see Tools and I do the sign for Tools and My brothers are all relaxing and I see Tools park his bike.

"CRAZY ONES" I hear Tools call out as he open the door.

"KITCHEN TOOLS" Fucker yell as he place his gun away and I have my Gun laying on the counter next to me and I see Tools glaring at Cunt.

"HE is not staying in my house" Tools growls as soon as he see Cunt.

"Don't worry he is not staying, he just here for planning security for the house, also he is doing something that We can't do" Fucker say as We are getting the dinner on the table and I see Tools glaring at Cunt and I sigh as I pull out a notepad that I know Tools replaced after Bear throw them all out.

'Tools Cunt is a dragon, He is doing the same as Fucker, Asshole, Pussy and lollypop have been doing. You see when someone is trying to get into a relationship with a Dragon they are tested. We don't like people playing with our brother's heart, Once we leave on deployment we need to know that our heart and home is protected. We may be extreme in our way of making sure off this but remember Chaos' I write down and I give him the notepad and I see him take it. We are all watching Tools read the notepad and once he understands what I'm talking to.

"You meaning what happen between him and Viking was meant for Bear?" he ask and I shake my head.

"No, it was meant for Viking, I can get into any computer in the world, once I knew where My sister was, I hacked every System and searched every filed, to find out what I could about The Black souls. You see Your President made one mistake, it was the mustang" Cunt say as he standing in the door.

"What do you mean?" Tools say and I see Cunt smirk.

"The Car was parked at a Hotel that was to fine for that type of car, The Motel down the road would have been better, if he wanted to hide what he was doing, so I checked it up, Lead me to the owner nickname Knuckles, that lead me to black souls, and once I had the name off each member I started to check your Criminal record, see what you guys was up to, then I found Viking and he had a new In case of Emergency, a name I knew well, and it was listed as Sister" Cunt say and I see Tools jaw drop and I see that he look surprised at my Brother.

'Cunt I picked the Hotel, I didn't want to get In a fight, you know that I would have got in a fight, so that's on me' I say and I see Tools frown when he see my face move and it move so fast and I know that Cunt and Dragons can read me.

"Okay, that's explain it, he said PSTD and Safety was why he pulled out into the dark space right by the elevator" Cunt say and I nod at him and I know I have to speak more.

"What you understood that?" Tools say just before I'm going to speak to Cunt again.

"Yes any dragon or Dragonling would understand that, Delta would understand some off it, Any marine will stand at attention what this" Cunt say and I smile at I remember how Marine react to me.

'The Elevator was crowed, to point of breaking, and no room to fight, once he felt me stiff up, he pull me in and place my hand on his weapon, he made sure that I knew where the weapon was and gave me first access to it if something happen, I told him the night before that I didn't feel safe in the elevator, and he told me that he carried one' I tell Cunt and he nod as I speak.

"This weekend, You know where sister, I'm getting the drivers" Cunt say and he leave and I see Tools looking at me and at the others.

"What just happen?" Tools ask and I know that we are getting Drunk as skunks this weekend. I know that I'm getting Drunk and So are every dragon and every Black soul Member, Fucker and Cunt will be sober, for this.

"Let's just say Bear manage to do something that no one have been able to do, at least not without broken bone or got shoot at, stabbed and remember what Tiny wrote, We need to know that our Heart is protected, meaning We need to know that" Fucker say and We sit down as we start to eat.

We are eating the dinner together, Tools have got use to us meaning our dinner is quite and we are eating still to fast, but Tools have learn the trick of making us slow down in our eating, it's eat even more slowly, because we are trained to finished our meal before the senior man in the house. Meaning that we are eating slower because Tools is eating slowly, and We are not doing more tonight, and I'm still counter down the days until Skyla is coming home and Fucker, Asshole, Lollypop and Pussy is working on me to say her name right, as soon as we are done eating Tools phone calling and we are pushing him to hurry to the Club, I freeze at this I turn to Fucker and my brothers and I know that one day that they will go back to war, and leave me behind, I know that once that day come I will have Skyla and I will have I hope Bear and the Club to stand by me at that time. I smile at my brothers, and they smile back they know where my mind is and they will stand with me. We are starting to Clean up the Dinner and once The Dinner is cleaned up, sure Tools have a dishwasher but we are not using it because we don't feel it clean enough, So we do It by hand after that we start cleaning the house once again, and once it's done We all feel sleepy so we are heading to bed, and I know that we will be up early next morning, but it's nothing new for us, and Tools have go use to our sleep hours and we all have our key, well not Tits or Duck-duck but we who live here.

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