Heartbeats 💕[Sebastian Stan...

By Unkommentiert

47.3K 1.8K 2.4K

"For only a fraction of a second she felt that their hearts were beating in the same rhythm - the world aroun... More

[1] The famous classmate
[2] Eyes never lie!
[3] It is his job to be 'the nice guy'
[4] She is probably engaged or married
[5] It's a wrap!
[6] New job opportunitites
[7] The trip that changed her whole life
[8] Captain America 4: New World Order
[9] Shivers
[10] The king of karaoke
[11] Date night?
[13] A weekend in New York (Seb's POV)
[14] Thunderstorm
[15] Naked bodies*
[16] The first official date ♡
[17] What are we?
[18] Concern
[19] Despair
[20] Welcome home!
[21] We need to talk...
[22] Recovery
[23] Home Dates*
[24] The curse of social media
[25] Consequences
[26] Christmas Miracles
[27] Christmas in New York*
[28] Happy New Year!
[29] Back to work
[30] Bine ați venit în România
[31] Between work and sightseeing*
[32] The roots of Sebastian
[33] Let's go back home!
[34] Positive
[35] You're going to be a dad!
[36] Gender Reveal
[37] Thunderbolts and Pregnancy*
[38] Yes*
[39] I do! ♡

[12] Daily work

1.1K 52 115
By Unkommentiert

[A/N] If you like the chapter please consider to vote and leave a comment. That shows me that you enjoy the story and motivates me to continue it. I hope you have a wonderful day!

CW: Talking about an abusive relationship that y/n had before. If this topic triggers you, please skip those parts. They are not necessary to read for the main story. It just gives us some background information about y/n.

End of November 2022 – Atlanta
Y/N woke up a few hours later, her head rested on a large pillow and she was wrapped in the big blanket. She was confused and looked around the room so see where Sebastian was. When she couldn't hear any noises from around the apartment she sat up and rubbed her sleepy eyes. It was dark outside - which was no surprise as it was almost dark when they started with the movie.

She continued glazing around the room when she noticed a notepad on the coffee table. Right where their wine glasses were - who magically disappeared. She realized that it was the notepad she usually had in her kitchen to wrote down the shopping list for groceries.

Good Morning, sunshine.
If you read this I've already cleaned our mess from dinner and went back home.
Didn't want to wake you.
See you on set tomorrow as I have a day off on Monday.

Did Sebastian fucking Stan wrote her a note with a hand-drawn heart on it?
Yes, he fucking did.

Y/n looked for her phone, but it seemed to be still in the kitchen. So she stood up and scuffed into her kitchen - finding her phone on the counter right where she left it yesterday. She turned it on and saw a few messages from Susan as well as some notifications from Instagram:

imsebastianstan is now following you.

imsebastianstan liked your photo

As it was only 4:30 am she decided that she should go back to sleep before doing anything on her phone lightheaded, so she went straight to the bedroom when she realized that her blanket was still in the living room. So she turned around, headed back into the living room and got back into her sleeping position on the couch. She could still smell Sebastian's cologne, which calmed her and made her fall asleep within a few seconds - a smile on her face.


The alarm was a brutal reminder that she had to get back to real life just a few hours later. It was Monday morning and they were about to shoot three different scenes with Anthony and Danny today. The last of the three scenes would be Torres first flight-training with the new falcon-wings. What meant that she needed to re-tame his hair after every attempt so that he always looked the same in the beginning of the scene.

„That will be a long day" she sighed while she filled a cup of coffee and some vanilla creamer into a thermos flask. There were not enough time to have a coffee on her own this morning - although she felt like she was hit by a truck.

A blue-eyed Romanian truck called Sebastian.

She was still not sure what happened yesterday. The only thing she knew was that she really enjoyed every second with Sebastian. The gentle touches, his laughter and the warmth from his body while she cuddled with him during the movie. She felt safe and comfortable in his arms - a feeling she hadn't experienced in the last years.

Her last boyfriend was very commanding and didn't let her enough space to even fucking breath. He controlled every step she made - making her feel more like a hostile than a girlfriend. But nevertheless she stayed with him for almost seven months - unsure why.
Maybe she didn't want to be alone or thought that „he would change for her".

They never change. If they are assholes - the stay assholes.

A lesson she learned the hard way when she was finally brave enough to leave him after he broke her wrist in a fight - making her unable to work and earn money to pay her rent for six weeks.

Unconsciously she held her wrist and rubbed her left thumb over the scar on her right wrist. The fracture was so complicated that she needed to have surgery to replace the bones in the way they had to be. The doctors were beyond shocked when she explained that her at-that-time-still-boyfriend did that to her.

Her parents paid for the surgery and helped her to sue her finally-ex-boyfriend. He was not allowed to be near her anymore and thank god he never appeared again.

Since that „relationship" she never felt safe and comfortable again. Of course she had a few dates and even a few guys the fucked. Some of them a few times. But she never had an emotional connection to them.

She thought after that abusive experience with her ex-boyfriend she was not even able to feel something different than lust when it came to men. Until she met Sebastian.

A man she barely knew, but already fell head over heels for him.

She grabbed her phone, purse and the keys and made her way to set. The set-area was loaded with halls and other buildings, so she needed around 10 minutes from her car to her trailer. Before entering it she turned around and went to the trailer right next to her.

She knocked on the door and heard a familiar „Come on in!" from the inside. When she entered the trailer she saw Emily sitting on a chair in front of a mirror - Susan right behind her with a curling iron in her hand. Susan turned her head to face y/n, smiled and said „Good morning. Did you had a nice evening yesterday? with a little smirk on her face.

Y/n gave her the not-now-there-is-someone-with-us-in-the-room-look before answering: „Yes, very uneventful but still nice" what made Susan smile even wider.

The three ladies talked about the upcoming scenes and some other trivialities before y/n excused herself to go back to her own trailer. Anthony should show up in a few seconds.

It was 6:55 am and he was scheduled for 7:00 am this morning. She took a sip from her coffee and grabbed her phone out of the pocket on her jeans. If Anthony would be here in time there was not much time left to send a message, so she opened the chat with Sebastian an started to type:

Thanks for cleaning our mess tonight.
I was sleeping like a rock - haven't even realized that you left until this morning.

As it was still very early and he had a day off she didn't expected him to answer right away so she put her phone on the counter - screen showing up.

Anthony entered her trailer in a very good mood a minute later. They laughed a lot over different things while y/n prepared Anthony for his scenes today. For the first one he needed to have some bruised around his eyes, a cut on the eyebrow and on the lips.

Marvel tried to hold back as much of the story as possible but Anthony told her a few details about the first scene today. It was another meeting scene after Sam, Torres and Bucky were on a mission abroad and got their asses kicked by members of the organization „New world order". Or as Anthony would call them „the evil guys' boyband".

Of course the movie wasn't shoot in chronological order, so the mission itself would be shoot when they are in Bucharest in a couple of months. Today's scene would be a briefing after the mission to discuss how to handle the organization. That's why y/n needed to create some fake-wounds and bruises on Anthony's and Danny's face this morning.

The only thing she wondered about was the fact that Sebastian aka Bucky wouldn't be in the scene today. She thought that he would be part of the briefing as well, but wasn't confident enough to ask Anthony. It was already very kind that he told her more about the story as she got to know from Marvel itself. Those movies were always top secret to make sure that nothing leaked before the first trailer.

And to be honest: y/n didn't need to know the plot to do her work. But she liked to know as much as possible. She was a curious person. And it didn't help at all that the Captain America movies were always her favorites.

Anthony seemed to notice something when he told her about the scene so he simply added: "You're gonna find out what's going on with Buck next week. I promise!" and winked at her. She smiled back in response, but was still curious what the hell that meant.

While she was preparing the fake-cut on Anthony's lip she heard her phone buzz on the counter right in front of them. From the corner of her eye she could see that it was a message from Sebastian which made her jump a little and grab the phone in a hurry.

She wasn't sure if Anthony had read anything but he didn't want him to know that they were texting. Even if she didn't had a chance to read WHAT Sebastian had texted her.

Her phone disappeared in her pocket and she continued working on that fake-cut - unable to see the little smirk on Anthony's face as he indeed saw that the message was from Sebastian. He didn't saw exactly what he had texted her, but his eyes recognized the emoji at the end of the message.

When she was done with Anthony's make-up she quickly took some pictures to be sure she was able to re-create the wounds again for the connection scenes. It was important that she was able to portray the healing process of those bruises and wounds throughout the movie to make it appear realistic.

Anthony stood up from the chair and left the trailer with a smile on his face. He was ready for shooting and y/n had half an hour left until Danny would come over to get his fake-injuries.

She grabbed her phone to read Sebastian's message:

I have to thank you for this wonderful evening. I am still shocked that you can taste the difference between a red and a green bell pepper. Maybe this is your superpower.
I would offer to cook for you the next time but I can only do an avocado-egg-sandwich. But I can 'cook' that for us one day, if you want to. Have an amazing day, see you tomorrow! ♡

Y/n couldn't help herself but smile. About his offer to do an avocado-egg-sandwich and about the little heart emoji at the end of the message. She even ignored the itching feeling in her chest that him offering to make breakfast for her, would indicate something different as well...

I would love to taste your avocado-egg-sandwich someday. And I have to be honest with you:
I don't know anything that happened in „Notting Hill".
I am so sorry.

I kind of figured that out as you were falling asleep five minutes after the movie had started.
You looked adorable sleeping, by the way.
So we need to watch that movie again, right?

Yeah, I think we have to.
Really want to know why this is one of your favorite movies. 😜
Maybe next weekend?

I am in New York next weekend for some interviews and a photo shooting.
But maybe the weekend afterwards?

Sounds good!
We can have lunch and then watch the movie afterwards.
Less risk for me to fall asleep!

Then we have a date. Can't wait. ♡

Wait a goddamn minute. A date? A DATE! With Sebastian fucking Stan. Not a we-don't-know-what-this-is-Meeting? He called it a date. A fucking date.

She could feel her heart gallop underneath her rip case and she was just able to take shorter breaths than usual. Was she having a panic attack?

No this was not a panic attack. This was excitement. Huge excitement. Because Sebastian fucking Stan kind of asked her on a date. Two more weeks left. She can't wait for them to be over.

The buzzing of her phone crashed her back to reality and she saw another message from Sebastian. Six minutes after the first one (was was trapped in her own mind for six minutes!!):

Sorry for calling it a date. Hope it didn't make you uncomfortable.

She wasn't really the most brave and self-confident person - although people told her that she appeared like that most of the time. So it took her a while to convince herself to text the next words to Sebastian:

I would love to have a date with you. 😘

Then it's a date. 😘
December 3rd - 1:00 pm
I'm gonna pick you up at your apartment.
Hope you like Japanese food!



It was indeed a very long day yesterday because they ended up doing the scene with Danny learning to fly with the wings 15 times. That meant that y/n had to adjust his hair 15 times as well - leading to her being at home around midnight.

That's why she was very angry when her alarm woke her this morning. She scuffed around her apartment while whisper grumpy things to herself. She needed a few more hours of sleep. And it was only Tuesday. She hoped that the rest of the week wouldn't bring any surprises like working all night.

The only thing that was enlightening her mood immediately, was the reminder that Sebastian was on set again today. Danny and Anthony had a day off so y/n was only working with Sebastian. Thinking of it made her smile when she left her apartment.

Sebastian was already waiting in front of her trailer with two cups of coffee on a tray in one and a brown back in the other hand.

„Good Morning, Sunshine!" he said to her while she was heading in his direction. She smiled at him and tried to hide the blush and heart-eyes that she was giving him.

„Good Morning. What's that?" she asked while pointing on his carriage.

„I brought you a vanilla latte and some pancakes. Heard you like that." he answered while winking at her. That wink made her feel butterflies flying around in her stomach.

„Oh that's so sweet. Yeah I love it!"

She entered the trailer by slowly taking the three steps - well knowing that he would have a perfect view on her ass in the meantime.

What she couldn't see was the fact that he was indeed staring at her perfect little round ass while biting his bottom lip.

They sat down in the trailer on a built-in-couch next to each other and started to share their pancakes for breakfast. It was a quite time - both of them munching and sipping some coffee. But they didn't need any words. Sitting next to each other was enough to make them feel comfortable and safe.

After breakfast y/n started to prepare Sebastian for his first scene. It was a scene that required just Bucky's casual-daily-look so it wasn't much work. She decided to take her time and massage his head just a little bit - making him close his eyes and enjoy. Her massage was even more gentle and lovely than last time, as she enjoyed touching him after all that happened between them on Sunday.

„What have I done to deserve that massage?" he asked with a quiet voice - his eyes still closed.

She put her mouth right next to his ear and whispered: „You brought breakfast and coffee. That's enough to deserve a massage."

She could literally see the shivers that her whispering gave him and she wondered if that was too sexual. This wasn't her intention. Well, of course she could imagine having sex with Sebastian. I mean: look at him. Who wouldn't?

But this wasn't her main goal. She was finally ready to let somebody in her life that could have boyfriend-potential.

One unofficial date, an scheduled official date, a few messages and that was all she needed to think that he might have boyfriend-potential?

Oh Lord. She was completely lost.

Christina's reminder that he was always a playboy and liked to flirt a lot came back to her mind. What if he was doing this with a lot of people?

She decided to ask Susan later if she had heard anything that he had done things like that with other crew or cast mates before. Susan needed to know about Sunday anyways. They were not able to talk about it yesterday.  

After massaging Seb's head a few minutes longer (making him purr a few times as he was really enjoying it) she started to fix his hair with hairspray. Then she was applying some natural make-up that prevent his skin from glowing and sparkling like a vampire in Twilight with all the lights on set.

Before he left her trailer she thanked him again for breakfast and coffee and he grabbed her arm and took her into a tight hug. She could smell his cologne and took a few deep breaths. He smelled very good.

He then let her go from the hug, but was still holding her wrist while locking his eyes with hers. The tension between them was sparkling and all she wanted to do is to lean in and place her lips on his. And he wanted to do the same.

But none of them were brave enough so after a few awkward moments he let go her wrist, turned around and left the trailer to shoot his scenes.


It became kind of their ritual that he brought her coffee and breakfast in the morning. They enjoyed hanging out in her trailer before work and sometimes he was even with her when Anthony or Danny were there.

She never laughed so much before in her life when Anthony and Sebastian made fun of each and throwing cupcake-pieces at each other while y/n was trying to work. The two of them together was hilarious to watch. She learned a lot about their inside jokes - more than she wanted to know.

Sunday, November 27th - Atlanta
The week went by very quick and even the weekend was amazing as y/n spend a whole day with Susan. Talking about what happened between y/n and Sebastian as well as having pizza and watching Netflix. It was perfect.

Susan told her that she never realized that he did something similar with other crew and cast mates and that she thought that they were both falling head over heels with each other.

But y/n wanted to take it slow - as they were still in the beginning of dating. Although it felt like they knew each other for years.

She was happy to see him again on Monday after he was in New York that weekend. He posted some behind the scenes videos of his photo shoot on Instagram and it was amazing. He looked more than just gorgeous. He was very handsome and hot and made her wet just by looking at those videos. Holy shit. That escalated quickly.

While she was cleaning her kitchen after preparing some lunch for the upcoming days, she scrolled through Instagram once again - hoping to find some more footage of his photo shoot.
Yeah, she became a stalker now.

Y/n stopped scrolling at the moment she saw a post from Christina.

It was picture of her and Sebastian in a bar or something - he had his arm around her shoulders and both of them were laughing. On their eyes she could see that they probably had a few drinks too much. But the photo wasn't the reason why she was so shocked. It was the caption:

Rutgers reunion: tonight my university crush confessed to me that he was in love with me as well. 👫🏽

Tagged: imsebastianstan


AN: I thought I give you another chapter this weekend. I am on my way to Brazil and have 14 hours of flying in front of me. Gonna write a few chapters for sure. Have a good weekend.

Oh and: Happy Birthday, Sebastian. You will never read this, but you changed my life in a positive way. Enjoy celebrating your 40th birthday with all your friends in Greece (:

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