"Yandere High with EVIL Step...

By AuthorK_0004

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The Yandere High School. One of the most Popular schools in the World And BTS, Exo, Black Pink and Red Velvet... More

"Yandere High with Evil Step Siblings". #Part 1.
# Part 2. "War on....!!".
#Part 3. "Third Wheel...?? "
#Part 4. "The Splendid Things..! "
#Part 5. "Happy New year"
#Part 6. "Before The Hell Awakes"
#Part 7: "I'm Awake.."
#Part 8 {1/2} : "The Game Begins"
#Part 8 {2/2}: "The Game Begins"
#"Part 9: "Missing Pieces"
#Part 10: "Unfolding Truth".
#Part 11. "Crime Partner".
#Part 12. "Untamed "
#Part 13: " Stay In Torn"
#Part 14: "Happy Marriage"
#Part 15: "Play with Fire"
#Part 16: "Rising of a Destroyer"
#Part 17: "Real Hyun Bin 1/2"
#Part 18 : "Real Hyun Bin 2/2".
#Part 19 : "Past Secreats"
#20: "Daydreams"
#Part 21:"Devil Eyes Come 1/4"
#Part 22: "Devil Eyes Come 2/4"
#Part 23:"Devil Eyes Come 3/4"
#Part 24:"Devil Eyes Come 4/4"
#Part 25:"Rivalry"
#Part 26:"Sweet But Psycho"
Part 27:"Y/n's Day"
#Part 28:"Profanities"
#29:"Harmony ??"
#Part30:"Stupid B!tch"
#Part 32:"Comfort"
#Part 33:"Little Drunk 1/2"
#Part 34: "Little Drunk 2/2"
#Part 35:"Deep End".
#Part 36:"Hold On,I still need You"
#Part 37: "The Yoon Fcking Y/n"
#Part 38 : "Naked"
#Part 39: "Insanity"
#Part 40:"Whatever it takes"
#Part 41:"Blood Tears".
#Part 42:"Warning Signs"
#Part 43:"She knows"
#Part 44:" They and I"
#Part 45:"On Mah Knees"
#Part 46 :"Reckless"
#Part 47:"She's a Monster ?"
#Part 48:"Promises"
#Part 49:"Blood over Flowers"
#Part 50:"Drifting Cars and Guns"
The Yandere Ending

#Part31:"Y/n's Culprit"

6.1K 481 76
By AuthorK_0004

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Your outfit

Author K POV......

Yerin: We didn't expect you be Here..!! And especially We didn't expect you to wear the dress we gifted You !! !

Exo: You're Looki'n really beautiful !! .........

As expected, Your dear Step siblings we're There , The set up was prepared for you , A bottal of red wine and candles With roses around......

Joy: We prepared this small date for you..! But You're injured...You can Go and have some Rest...!!

Y/n: Just Get to the point..! I'm here because I promised y'all if y'all go with Mom I will Give y'all a chance ...So Here I am..! Just speak up whatever y'all want..!!

They looked at each other and gulped....

Yoongi: This is our first time...we are on date With someone..! *Gulp*... Actually....We wanted to know if You Hate us...!! If there's any misunderstandings we can clear it...!!

Namjoon: Y/n..... Whatever You Saw in that footage is Right.. But We didn't Hurted You..!

Hoseok: And We can Never even think about hurting You...!!

Rose: Y/n.... please trust Hyungs...! We wanted to improve our Relationship With You...! We didn't. Anythin' Wrong ..!!!

Kyungsoo: Not just Me, But We all feel a Connection to You..!And that feeli'n can Never allow us to Do Anythin' that'll Hurt You...or Will make you sad..!!

You sat on chair and poured wine in glass for your self while They we're Looki'n at your moments But didn't minded......

Jimin: Y/n...Hope You understand what we're saying ok..??

Y/n: Look at these flowers..! I don't like....Roses..!! And these candles...! How unimpressive..!!

They again looked at Each other...

Wendy: Sorry....!! We didn't knew it..!! *Sad tone*. . . . . .

Sehun: Ohh c'mon...! How could you say it like That..!! Yours words are hurting us..!!

You Looked at em' With sharp look.....

Y/n Mind: And Your lies are hurting mah heart...!! Y'all Just put mah heart on Fire.. !

You clenched Your fist to hold the tears in Your Eyes, You Immediately sipped your wine and stood Up To Leave. . . . . . . .

Y/n: Are you guys Done... I'm leaving..!!

Rose: Wait Don't..! Do you trust us...!! We Explained you Everythin'..!!

Y/n: Y'all have nerve to Say That..?? Everythin' ...?? Really..??

Suho: Y/n.... please understand...!! We can't even think about hurting You..We Love~~

Before they could complete Their sentence You spilled the wine on the table....

Y/n: Trust and Love..?? ....This things actually don't exist... especially in This house...!!

You pushed a candle With your finger on table causing the table to catch fire, You didn't stepped back from the fire neither the step siblings.....

Y/n:I don't even remember what happened that Day..!! I just...want to know truth..! And whenever I try to remember...Mah head hurts...hurts like Hell..!! It's a torture for me to stay in this house...To stay around Y'all..!!

You said in frustration and tears in your Eyes....

Jin: But We really didn't did Anythin' to you..!

Y/n: Prove me..!! That stupid Lily Showed me that footage to prove her herself... And If Y'all really didn't did Anythin' than prove it to Me..!!

Sehun: But Howw..?? Y/n.... Can't We just forget everything and start Over again..??

Wendy: Yes please....We should Start over Again..! We know Ya love us Too...!!

You Rolled your eyes.....

Y/n: Love..? Y'all don't Even deserve Mah hate..!! Y'all are nothing just some Loosers..!!

You didn't Wanted to Say Such things, You didn't mean any word But Your frustration and Anger made You to Say it and you could see how Much angry and hurt they were because of your Words . . . . .
You Were about to leave But you Turned around...

Y/n: Trust..?? Y'all Asked me if I trust Y'all ..Right..? Do y'all trust each other first..??

Jennie: of course.....We trust Each other..!!

Y/n: Ohh really..?? Than BTS must have told Y'all What They we're Doin' at terrace that night..!! They did Right..??

BP, Rv and exo Looked at BTS Who we're Havin' expression like they're caught red handed.... You saicasticly sighted and turned around....

Y/n:.......Since Y'all are so determined to prove your innocence..I give Y'all one week...Prove your innocence or Else...*psychotic Smirk*. . . . . . .Be ready for Me..!!



Step siblings pov. . ...

We're really hurt by Her words, even mad because she insulted us and our Love...

Seulgi: Fckkkk..!!

Lily: Yes.. Fck..!

Suddenly That Bitch Lily Walked to us while showing Her fake fcking sympathy. . . . .

Rose: The Hell You're Doin' Here..??

Kyungsoo: Get lost Lily...! Otherwise You'll be killed By us for no reason..!!

Lily: come on.... I'm being nice to y'all and Y'all are threatening me..? And That wenc~~..I mean Insulted y'all ~~~

Taehyung: Shut up..Will You..?? Just get Your ugly ass out of Here..!!

Lily: *rolled eyes*.... that's Not a way to Talk to a Girl..!!

Lisa: Just spit it out..what you want..??

Lily: I don't want anything...I just want Y'all to see she doesn't respect y'all..!! She doesn't care about Y'all..!! .... and that's why She don't deserve y'all...!!

Chanyeol: Thanks for your kindness Miss Son Lily..! Now Leave..!!

Lily: I Will leave..! But remember..... She's Goin' to hate y'all..!! She really Doesn't deserve Anythin'..!

We Looked Down because that stupid lily was Right....Y/n deserve Everythin' But After Whatever Happened she's going to hate us....

Lily Left us alone and....

Irene: Just Fcking Tell us .....What Ya guys (BTS) aree hiding from us..??

Baekhyun: Yes,. . . ..Just tell us what y'all we're Doin' at terrace that night..?? Could it be... y'all really Tried to kill y/n..??

We all looked at BTS suspiciously , Waiting for em' to speak but somehow We failed to notice Lily hearing our conversation from afar. . . . .

Jungkook: Enough Hyung..! I can't tolerate Y/N's Hatered..! Please let's just tell em the truth..!!

Lily Mind: What truth they're Talki'n about..?? Just say it already stupid ..!!

Namjoon: No...We can't be selfish...!!

Irene: Selfish...?? .. . . . . . Y'all (BTS) have caused this Everythin' Stupids..!!

Suho: Fck Y'all...! Seriously... Can't y'all just Spit it out...!!

Yoongi: We Can't ..! If We'll reveal this truth' this Will hurt everyone... especially Y/n..! She Will surely Lose her believe in Everythin'...!!

Jennie: If it's Goin' to hurt Her..then don't tell Her but Tell us..! We Have right to know every Secreat between us.....!!

Baekhyun: And Hyung...If this is Goin' to hurt her..Then maybe we can Help ya to Hide this from Y/n

Lily mind: Fck...this is Gettin' worse...! Just say it what y'all know..!!

BTS Looked at each other because looki'n down at floor With scared expressions...

Rv, Bp and exo noticed it, They Group hugged BTS so they can Calm and to let em' know That they can trust em'...

Jisoo: Hyung...We are always With Y'all..!

Yeri: Remember...our promise to each other..."we will be together in Our every Highs and lows"...so please..Tell us Everythin'...!!

Jin: Fine.... We'll tell ...!!

BTS looked at each other and nodded...

BTS: it's true We we're there at terrace when that accident happened with y/n...!

Everyone was Shocked to hear em'....

Lily mind: They we're There..!! Could it be..they really pushed Y/n off..??

BTS: But We didn't pushed Y/n.....But we...~~We know Who pushed because We saw That person..! We know Who caused that accident..! We saw Everythin' that night with our Eyes..!!

Step siblings and Lily who's hiding but listening Everythin' they all were curious to know the culprit's Name. . . . . . .

Yeri: Who is it..?? y'all knew it who's that bloody Dog that Hurted our Y/n..!!

Seulgi: Now Tell us.... Who's that fcking Wench...??

BTS: It's......*hesitates*.... It's~~~~

Step siblings even Lily's eyes widened at the name BTS revealed. . . . . . . . . .


Y/n POV....

You we're walking through the corridors towards your class Since you're in yandere High school ....

You We're already listening to music With the headphones on , suddenly three guys blocked Your way . . . . .

Guy 1: You're Y/n...Right..??

You rolled eyes and didn't cared to remove your earphones....

Guy 3: You really have so much attitude..!! Do you know you're really famous in this school..! And you can be more popular if you agree to became our girlfriend...! *Smirks*....

A guy Walked towards you, He licked his lips and Reached his fingers towards your ears to remove the earphones But....

Kai: Why in hurry.. Buddy..?

Before his Fingers can Touch You kai grabbed his finger and painfully bended it....

Guy 3: Ahhhhh~~......How dare you MF..?? It's hurting..!!

Y/n: I didn't needed Your Help..!!

You Rolled your eyes and removed The earphones....

Kai: You needed it..!! *Cute smile*...

That guy was about to Punch kai but You kicked his balls Makin' him to kneel in pain while screaming....

Y/n: I said...I didn't needed Your Help...!!

Kai Smiled , You just flipped your hair and Walked away without noticing the other Two guys running towards you to hit You but Rv, BP, BTS and exo Appeared between you and those D!ckheads .....

They walked towards Those guys With death stare on Their faces , those idiots stepped back in fear while you didn't Noticed anything behind you and Walked out towards your class. . . . . . .

Lily POV....

I saw Everythin', The way they Protected Y/n, Nobody did for Me....

Lily: Why..? Why y'all are doing everything for Y/n...!! I'm the one Who deserve this Love at Everythin'..!!

I was burning with jealousy,I want Everythin' That Y/n already have....I fcking Hate Y/n....But then I Smirked... because I know the biggest truth, The truth That will destroy you Y/n, Soon I'm going to make cry .....

Lily: sorrow, Misery and Pain........ Insane Pain is what you deserve Y/n....*Smirk*... And You'll Get What You deserve..!!

I crushed the flower under mah shoes and Walked away. . . . . .


Author K POV . . . .

It's 3 am in midnight, Everyone in this house is asleep except The step siblings who are Secreatly entering into Y/n's room in darkness....

Chanyeol: It's good thing.. that's she's not home ..!

Taehyung: Yeah... Thank god to her meeting...!!

Suho: Shhh....Now Will you guys shut up..!!

Yeri: Now lemme switch on the Lights.. it's really dark..!!

Irene: Yahh...! What switch on lights..?? We are not Here for party but to steal something..!!

Yeri: Ohh... Sorry..But it's too dark how we'll search That...!!

Lisa: We don't need to search Anythin'... that's Why We brought this stupid Eun woo with us..!!

Eun woo: Yahh...If Y/n will get to know that I was also in this shitty plan... she's Goin' to set fire on Mah Body..!! *Gulped in fear*...

Chanyeol: Don't Worry... We'll rescue you With water..!!

Kyungsoo: Shut up y'all... and You relax.. Who's Goin' to tell Her That You and us stole her passport anyway ...!!

Eun woo Rolled his Eyes on their Nonsense plan....

Eun woo: But Why y'all Need to steal Y/n's passport..?? Don't y'all have Your own one..??

Jungkook: Okay... You're more stupid than we expected...!

Eun woo: YAHHH...!!

Rose:shut up You dorks...! We can fight later...now First get her passport..!

Lisa: Yes........ We'll steal her passport and imp documents so she won't be able to leave this house and This country...!!

Eun woo:*rolled eyes*.......What a Pathetic plan...!!

Sehun: And You're Goin' to be part of this pathetic plan..!!

Eun woo: Seriously...! I hate Y'all

Suho: Now Tell us...Where she keep her documents and all..!!

Eun woo: Her passport and documents are There...In that drawer near Her Bed ....!

Jimin checked the drawer and found the passport and other imp documents, But He failed to Noticed Y/n's recent hospital reports There, the report Which content somethi'n that Y/n's hiding....

Jimin closed the drawer and They all we're happy to get what They Wanted...

Eun woo:*yawns*... Now I'll be Goin' to Bed...!

Step siblings: Yeah... You should...! Because Your face is grossing us out..!!

Step siblings Smirked at eun woo while Eun woo sighed in annoyance...

Eun woo: Mean A$$es...!

Eun woo stomped his feat and Walked out of room while step siblings followed him. . . . . . . .

To be continued. ... . .

Author A/n
So I hope I did well in this chapter, well I wanted to Tell y'all That..our Baby K's dad need our prayers, After K's death, Her dad is really Broken, He Still can't accept the truth that he lost his lil Daughter, K.J told me what's Goin' on in There house. I'm going to Pray for K's Dad so he can accept the Truth, seriously, I'm feeling so Bad for Her Dad, He lost his wife and now His Daughter, I just hope He get some strength to fight Back for His and our Alien Baby. I miss you soo much K, It is really aching in my heart. Idk When You became such a imp part in my life. I seriously want you Back K.

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