Neo Gear

By thedoctorgonepale

7.2K 364 189

The Year is 6022... 1000 years since a planet-sized supercomputer was stolen by an A.I named Aiba. For all th... More

(Prologue): A Neo Era
No rest for the best
Calm before the games
Let The Olympics Begin
Let The Olympics Begin: Act 2
Threat Confirmed
The Error
Range Of Uranus
Range Of Uranus: Act 2
Famed Backlash
Duel Break, Saturn Race
Duel Break, Saturn Race: Act 2
Everything Is OKAY!
Spa The Spy
The Jupiter Power Move
It's About Teamwork
The Mars Stand
The Big Bang Over
The Big Bang Over: Act 2
The Nomadic Gear
Reluctantly Unwanted
The Deadly West
Coalition Of The Manipulated
Coalition Of The Manipulated: Act 2
Hot Topics
Brothers Through Space
Guess Who's Back
Fight Night
Red Moon
Red Moon: Act 2
Red Moon: Act 3
Brawl Of The Brotherhood
Dark Matters
Dark Matters: Act 2
Dark Matters: Act 3
Countdown To Genesis
(Bonus): Stars On The Mind
(Bonus): A New Moon
Countdown To Genesis: Act 2
Countdown To Genesis: Act 3
(Epilogue): The Gears Alway Turn

The entry battle

217 9 10
By thedoctorgonepale

"She toys with me..."

"Is it a test?"

"These orders, these lines, it's as if I'm supposed to be an actor in a show."

"But I suppose I do have a role to play... My only wish is that mother takes this more seriously."

3rd Person POV:

Summoned by their sponsor, Bella, Yn, and his team watch the elevator open to find the CEO of Nexstar Industries fencing with a laser blade against a robot.

She defeats it with ease.

Felicia: Hello Miss Nexstar. You wanted to see us?

Bella: Hm? Oh yes. I wanted to discuss the entry battle with you all.

Bella: Hey, Yn. Come fence with me!


Without a word, he walked up, grabbed a laser blade, and took a stance.

Bob: Question. Is this appropriate?


The blades clashed with fierce force.

Bella: You know what they say... The rich can do anything.

The two fight casually whilst talking.

Bella: So... Have you gotten used to your Gears?

Mick: Yeah. I say I've all but mastered it.

Bella: Oh? And what's stopping you?

Mick: Uhm, well... I need a real battle to actually push me.

Bella: Hm? Yn, didn't I tell you to push your little friends?

Yn: You said if it was necessary. It wasn't.

Bella: In what way was it not necessary?

Yn: If you doubt our skills, sponsor someone else.


Jabbing her sword, Bella manages to scratch Yn's arm.



Bella: Don't get me wrong... I believe in your skills.

Yn: Then why haven't you sponsored us like this before?

Bella:(smirks) Because I see it.

Lisa: See what exactly?

Bella: What he's become...

Mick: You mean Helix?

Bella: They all said he was probably the greatest pilot around...

Bella: But that was just talk. In all honesty, he was one of the greatest... Until now...

Yn: Stop trying to feed my ego.

He manages to hold up his blade near her neck.

Yn: It sickens me...

Bella:(smiles) Do you all see it?

Felicia: See what?

Bella: That look in his eyes... Pilots like you should understand it.

Mick:(scratches head)

Bella: Must I spell it out?

Smacking his blade away, Bella and Yn exchange many clashes, until Yn caught the low-intensity blade with his free hand to get in close to hold his sword up to her neck.


Yn: Are we done with these games?


Dropping her blade, Bella rubs Yn's head.

Bella: There it is!!

Bella: Proof.

Mick:...(mumbles) They're both crazy...


Lisa: Proof of what exactly?

Bella: That Yn has truly become the ultimate Pilot.

Yn: Enough.

Tossing his blade aside, Yn walks away.

Yn: I'm sick of this. Next time, do not summon us unless it's important.

Bella: But I can still summon you whenever I want, right?


The team leaves.

Bob: Can summon explain what just happened?

Yn: An annoying, bored, rich woman wanted to entertain herself by messing with us.

Felicia: That much is obvious... But I have no idea what she meant by you're now the "ultimate" pilot.

Mick: Stardust... I almost forgot what it was like being worthless, while next to you.

Yn: Stop complaining, you want recognition, then shine brighter than me.

Lisa: Yn, Is your hand okay?

Felicia: Right, that was a pretty stupid move of yours.

Yn: I barely felt it.

(Opening theme)

In a massive field spreading out to be the size of a large city, surrounded by a hard light dome. Multiple teams who wished to represent the Earth in the Gearlympics were spread across this field.

One team was, of course, Yn's, his Neon stood stoically as his team members, Lady G, Zeta, and Core looked up at him, due to being slightly larger than them, especially core who sat on a vehicle.

(Modular Core armor: Earth)

Mick:(coms) So, the usual?

Yn:(coms) No. Felicia, you'll go around from the west, Lisa, the East.

Yn:(coms) Mick, you'll go straight above, taking on anyone you find.

Yn:(coms) I'll be going straight across. Any objections?

Felicia:(coms) Why are we splitting up? There's strength in numbers.

Yn:(coms) If you want to continue living in my shadow, stick with me.

Yn:(coms) However, if you want to prove yourself. Then now's your chance.

Yn:(coms) We most likely possess the most advanced Gear on this planet. So the strength in our numbers is overkill.

Lisa:(coms) But... What if something happens...?

Yn:(coms) You'll be fine. Trust in Bob.

Bob: Just leave it to me! I got this.

Lisa: O-okay... I trust you.

Yn:(coms) Let's get going.

Mick:(coms) Say... before we go, does anyone want to make a bet?

Mick:(coms) Whoever has the smallest smash count has to buy dinner at whatever restaurant the winner decides.


Neon walks away as the announcer initiates the game.

Yn:(coms) Do whatever you want.

Felicia:(coms) Sure. I'm in.

Bob:(coms) We accept.

The two walk in opposite directions as Zeta transforms into a jet, flying far ahead of everyone.

(With Felicia)

As she walked, Felicia saw hard light constructs of hills and forest form to give more personality to the arena.

Felicia: A bit late on the mark...

Walking around Felicia was conflicted with her new gear "Lady G".

She knew this would definitely get her noticed, however, how it would do that, wasn't something Felicia had settled on whether it was in a good or bad way.

Felicia:(sigh)... Just put up with it. It is what it is.


On her radar, multiple Gear was approaching her.



A notification saying "Training Wheels protocol deactivated".

Felicia: The Stardust...?

Seeing the enemy Gears, Felicia ignored the notification and dashed to battle.

The Gear's "hair" slightly parted, revealing them to be thrusters that allowed Felicia to speed across the battlefield.

Felicia: Stardust...

She circled the enemy who tried to lock onto Felicia.

Felicia:(mind) So that's what that notification was about... That crunching woman... Hiding the true output of this machine.

Felicia: Whatever, I can adapt.

Out from her ribbon, Lady-G pulled out a beam whip, which she used to attack the other Gears, putting them in place for her to convert the whip into saber mode and chop them up.

(With Mick)

Getting the same notification as everyone else, Mick began speeding back and forth across the sky, gaining many people's attention.

When a few began shooting at him, he finally found his targets, charging head first into them.

Upon arrival, he transformed Zeta into Gear mode, sliding across the ground, and firing at the enemy Gears.

With his shield, Zeta stabbed through a few Gears.

Mick: Heh. At this rate, my win is guaranteed.

(With Lisa and Bob)

Lisa: This feels wrong...

Bob: It's fine.

Lisa: I'm happy you get to do what you want... I only wish this could be more official.

Bob: It will be if we win.

Bob: People find out an A.I is doing all this cool stuff and they'll wanna see more.

Bob: Besides, you already broke the law, making me. What are a few more harmless rules?

Lisa:(sigh) Alright... But no more rule-breaking. Okay?

Bob: Yes ma'm.

Surfing on its quick field modifying vehicle, the little Gear searched for enemies, quickly finding a team.

Pilot:(coms) What the stardust is that?

Pilot 2:(coms) It's so cute~.

Pilot 3:(coms) Yeah... Let's blow it up.

Bob: Hehehe... Let's do this!

"Earth Mode"

The vehicle came apart and combined with Core, creating the full Gear Bella didn't have that much time to make at first.

(Core: Earth mode)

Pulling two beam sabers out, Bob recklessly charged into battle.

(Later on....)

Lady-G, Zeta, and Core made a massive scene across the arena. The power they showed off was nothing the teams could match alone.

Thus, the other teams had a temporary truce amongst one another to defeat the Nexstar-sponsored Gears.

With their combined power, they managed to push the three Gears together.

Mick:(coms) Well this is a pickle...

Felicia:(coms) We have the power if we stick back to back, we should be able to make it through.

Lisa:(coms) Hey, wait. Where's Yn?

Mick:(coms) Good question.

Mick:(coms) Helix, where the stardust are you?!

Yn:(coms) Watching.

Felicia:(coms) Watching what?

Yn:(coms) My plan going better than expected.

Felicia:(coms) Plan...? Wait, did you make us into bait?

Yn:(coms) I wanted you all to draw in a crowd, but combining them like this is a pleasant surprise.

Yn:(coms) I can take it from here.

(Yn's theme)

The panels which made up the Golden Neon's wings surrounded the team, creating a field that deflected the beam blast at them.

Neon then flew close to the ground, creating a sonic boom that knocked the nearby Gears to the ground, making them easy pickings for Yn to destroy.

Finding a lineup of Gear's, Yn has the wing panels surrounding Neon's arm.

They fold into a two-pronged fork shape before firing beams that focus on one point and destroy the remaining Gears.


Mick:(coms) Let me guess... You got the most kills.

Yn:(coms) No. I'm one short from Core.

Bob: YES!

Yn:(coms) The battle is over. I'll meet you back in the lobby.

Core and Neon fly off towards the hanger, as they were there only two manned Gears in the arena.

Nowadays, most Gears, whilst having a cockpit, are mostly piloted remotely, especially in events like Gear combat.

This is so more dangerous stunts can be performed without risking one's life. However, there is a range limit which makes it more useful in a tournament than for police patrol Gear.

Lisa:(coms) Yn, why didn't you tell us your plan? We would have helped.

Yn:(coms) You never know who could be listening.

Lisa:(coms) A-are we being spied on?

Yn:(coms) Like I said... You never know...

(Uranus Gearlympics nomination battle)

Like the other planets, Uranus was having its best groups of pilots battle it out to see who would go represent them.

Currently in the lead in this competition was an experienced pilot who had competed for many times.

(Hero of Uranus: VUL;22 AKA Vulture)

Zooming around at great speed, grabbing Gears with its feet talons, crushing them, and dropping them in the air, the Vulture was wracking up points like no other.

And being the old-fashioned person they were, the pilot was in the Gear.

Vulture Pilot: Hahahaha! This is a nice warm-up...

Vulture Pilot: I'm glad Helix is back... I get to see if I've sharpened my talons enough to destroy him.


Vulture Pilot: Hm?

He noticed a Gear walking towards Vulture.

Lucifx: I'm afraid the only thing you'll be meeting... Is death.

Lucifx: Jerry Oswaldo. You will be the first life sacrificed by the government's incompetence to heed a simple demand.

Jerry: Isn't that... Heh. Things just got interesting.


(NEO's theme)

Vulture tried his usual technique of trying to pick up his opponent Gear.

This was extremely predictable, Lucifx saw this coming a mile away.

He grabbed Vulture's leg and slammed the Gear into the ground.

Lucifx: "Live Modify: Buster claw formation."

Lucifx: Let's see who's claws are sharper. I'll go first.

Grabbing the Gear, Lucifx begins crushing the Gear, until....



Lucifx:(Mind) Has the glee of finally being able to do something meaningful worn off?

Lucifx:(sigh)... Then again, what's the point in me having joy...?


The gang ate at a restaurant, chatting and such, whilst Yn kept to himself, glaring up at the stars.

Yn:(mind) What's the point in me doing this...? It's meaningless in the end.

Mick: Earth to Helix. Come back to us.


Felicia: What are you thinking about?

Yn:(mind) I suppose keeping them in a stable condition to optimize their performance will be useful...

Yn: I'm thinking about why we came to a fast food restaurant for a victory celebration.

Yn: Then again... This victory isn't worth much compared to what's to come.

Mick:(sigh)... So do you, or do you not want fries with your burger?

Yn:(looks at A.I waitress)


Yn: Surprise me.

(Ending theme)

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