Just One Kiss

By Tootsie_200

1.6K 30 12

Who would believe that just one kiss could change the course of your life! More

The Kiss
Need a Favor
In Two Weeks
Calla Lilies
Apology Accepted
Mr. Twinkie
Oh Poop
So Close
Rude Boy
Pina Colada
Little Longer
Really Bad Day
Trust Me
F**k You
The Truth
The Test
Good Luck
I Missed You
The Tog Up
Mow Down
Come With Me

The Boss Man

27 1 0
By Tootsie_200

Dr. Hunter knocked and then peaked his head into the room. Abby was sitting in her usual spot staring out the window. "Hey there, honey."

She smiled up at her dad. "Hi dad. It's a beautiful day."

"Yes, it is. I'm asking myself why you aren't out and about with your sisters or doing wedding stuff with the blonde model."

There was a pang deep in her heart. He was talking about Nick. "Well, the bride is back so they are going to finish up what they can this week."

Her dad shook his head and sat across from her and stared out the window too. "You look a bit sad. Do you miss home already?"

"Yes. I talked to mom and she's doing fine."

"I heard about Charlie. His parents called me today...I feel like I delivered him yesterday." Abby smiled, although she knew that she was somewhat of a failure to her dad. He always looked at her with proud eyes. "Maybe you should convince your mother to move back here."

"Dad you know she wont. Plus Annie has her students out there...it would be unfair to take mom from her. We all live together right now. Plus...I'm...I'm happy in Texas."

"Are you sure there isn't anything else bothering you?"

She smiled and shook her head, "Nope. I'm ok."

Dr. Hunter stood up and embraced his daughter and kissed the top of her head. "Alright. Oh...Tiffany said to get ready she'll be picking you up in an hour. You guys are going to see the band they might hire to play at the wedding." He shrugged and exited the room.

She sighed heavily and dreaded having to see Nick with Tiffany. This was going to be a very long night for her.


Nick felt like a woman with all his stupid excuses to keep from being intimate with Tiffany. He was afraid she would start to wonder and ask him what the hell was going on. What would he say? There wasn't an easy way to put it to Tiffany. A knock on the door startled him and he finished brushing his teeth.

The door opened and Tiffany peaked in. She smiled warmly and hugged him from behind. "I want to know what's going on, Nick?"

Nick turned around to face her and swallowed hard. "What do you mean?"

"You have been acting weird. You don't want to talk about the wedding and lately you don't even want to touch me."

"I'm just tired and stressed out, Tiffany. This is a lot to take in and you postponing the wedding doesn't really help. I just think that if you aren't ready to get married yet...with your career and all, then maybe we should wait."

Tiffany looked at him a bit puzzled by his request. "What? I never said I didn't want to get married. I just said I need a little more time." Her eyes looked him over and let out a pained laugh. "Wow...you've changed her mind. You are the one that doesn't want to get married. I'm so blind."

This was the chance for him to open his mouth and admit it. He didn't want to marry her. That he wanted the whole thing to be called off. Tiffany's big brown eyes looked up at him, they were filled with tears.

He walked out of the bathroom and towards the living room. "Nick...there is something I need to tell you."

"Alright...you said that the other day. I thought it was the whole work thing."

She bit the corner of her lip and nodded. "That was part of it. There is much more..."

Nick raised a brow.

"I did something..." Tiffany closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. Just as she opened her mouth Nick's front door opened and in waltzed AJ and Rochelle.

"What are you two still over here debating? Let's get going or we will be late."

Nick groaned and rolled his eyes. "Dammit AJ! Haven't I told you to knock."

"My bad."

Although Nick was curious to know what else Tiffany had to say, he was slightly relieved that AJ and Rochelle had interrupted them. It was cowardly of him to just let the whole thing slide, but the truth was now having Tiffany in front of him was making it really hard for him to do what he had to.

Tiffany grabbed her bag and let out a sigh. She was disappointed and relieved at the same time. It was disappointing to have to carry that secret with her for another day and relieving because she still had Nick by her side.


Annie pushed up her boobs and pulled down her sparkly dress as the twosome waited outside the house. Abby on the other hand looked at the watch and felt antsy. She didn't feel like herself tonight, Annie had helped her get ready. Now she was wearing a rather short dress with heels; she knew would be killing her by the end of the night. Her hair was a tussled mess and she could feel the heaviness of the mascara on her eyelashes.

Abby hadn't really protested to the almost hooker look, since she wanted Nick to eat his heart out. Plus she was feeling brave after the two tequila shots Annie had suckered her into having. Her legs and arms were feeling tingly and her lips were slightly numb.

"Shit those shots are making an effect!" Annie smiled.

"They sure are. I need to be brave enough to hit on the boss man."

A limo pulled up. The door opened. Abby's stomach flipped. The driver got out of the car and opened the back door and motioned them to enter.

Annie rushed to get in, while Abby contemplated running back into the house and changing. She stood at the door and took a deep breath, then bent down to get in. The first thing she saw were a pair of green eyes staring at her.

"Hello." He greeted her with his strong and manly voice. She'd seen him before and quite frankly he was on her shit list. He was the famous 'boss'. She had to admit the man was easy on the eyes, especially the way he was smiling at her.

"Hi. I thought Nick and the gang would be here?"

He smiled again. "Yes. They are next. You must be Abby."

"What does that mean?"

"Tiffany said you were a bit uptight and the way you are clutching your purse lets me know you are really nervous."

"I am not." She looked down at her little gold purse; which she had in a death grip. Quickly she loosened the grip on it and glared at the handsome man. "You are the famous boss, right?"

"That's me. Kevin...Kevin Richardson to be more exact."

"Annie...Annie Hunter." Annie threw her hand between Abby and Kevin.

"Hi Annie. Nice to see you...AGAIN. Would you guys like a drink?"

"I would love one." Annie grinned.

But Kevin's gaze was trained on Abby as he waited for her response.

"Sure!" She finally gave him a fake smile.

By the time the threesome stopped by to pick up the rest of the group; they were in a fit of laughter. AJ and Rochelle greeted them as they entered the limo followed by Tiffany; who was delighted as she scooted in to see Kevin having a good time.

Her plan had worked, or it was working. Nick was last to enter and his stomach coiled when he saw Abby's new look and the way she threw her head back with laughter while talking to Kevin.

Abby couldn't help looking over at Nick as he took a seat. He ran his hands down his black slacks and his eyes met with hers for a second. A knot nestled in her throat as she watched Tiffany's hand slip into his. It was a confirmation that he hadn't said a word yet; then again the whole outing was a reminder that he didn't have the balls to say a word. He probably never would.

The ride to the bar was quick and they all got out and headed into the bar. Where the band was barely setting up. Kevin bought a round for the group and everyone broke into conversation.

Tiffany was gushing about the wedding and how much Nick and Abby had helped her out. Kissing and hugging him every other minute, which was making Abby feel sick to her stomach.

"I'll be back..." Abby excused herself and walked to the back where the restrooms were. The hall was dark and she could see a table and chair at the end. The alcohol had definitely settled in, everything was a haze and she couldn't walk completely straight. After what seemed like eternity she made it to the table. Then the unexpected happened.

Abby began to cry.

"Abby? Are you crying?"

She recognized the male voice and quickly began to sniff back the tears and wipe away the ones in her eyes. "No." Abby turned around to find Kevin standing in front of her. His interest in her was a bit annoying. "I'm fine. I got something in my eye..." She rubbed at her eyes and was startled when Kevin took her chin in his hand, moved her hands out of the way and blew in her eye. It was an out of the blue action, but he was so gentle she didn't protest.

"Did that help?" Although he'd been drinking his breath had a sweet scent to it.

She wanted to tell him that it had worked, that she was fine now. But the knot in her throat seemed to grow and the tears filled her eyes all over again.

"It didn't help. Nothing will probably help." She looked down at the floor as she began to cry again. "Look Kevin you don't have to pretend to be interested in me to play all this off."

"What do you mean?"

She looked up and gave him a glare. "Oh come on. I know about you and Tiffany."

Kevin let out a bark of a laugh. "Where in the heck did you get that idea?"

"Well..." She caught a glimpse of the group mingling in the background and then noticed Nick standing at the hall entrance. His eyes were fixed on them. "That doesn't matter. The question is...is it true?"

Kevin stared at her for a moment and then in a weak attempt to make Nick jealous. Abby grabbed Kevin by the shirt and pulled him towards her till their lips locked.

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