Marigold fell into the Yander...

By Fuzzyninjacat

104K 2.7K 179

Korean MTL, not my own story. If you like this kind of story please follow me Full and comprehensive Transla... More

Review Page For Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147 Ending

Chapter 40

673 18 0
By Fuzzyninjacat


"Actually, it's the first time you've seen me today, so of course you don't know me well. I will understand."

Strangely, the word 'first' seemed to have power.

"Then, will you give me a chance to get to know you?"

"I will tell you wisely. I will never spare anyone who goes against my heart."

The tone was light and mellow like petals fluttering in the wind, but his eyes were intense like a beast in front of his prey.

The Crown Prince was also smiling softly, but his eyes were deeply subdued.

"It's not an exception even if it's a woman."

When Edwin's sharp eyes met Lillian, she was startled.

Duke Shabini noticed this and quickly wrapped around Lillian and blocked Edwin's gaze.

"There is only one exception for me, my bride."

Edwin turned his head to me and smiled sweetly like marshmallows melted in hot cocoa.

I was the only one in those blue eyes like the calmly waving sea.


My heart was beating without warning.

Edwin gently stroked my hair and kissed my forehead.

As if to show that it is mine.


Again, the heart revealed its presence.

'It's not because I'm afraid.'

When I see Edwin, my heart always races. with tension and anxiety.

'This is different.'

I was embarrassed by the different feeling than usual.

I hid my flushed face with both hands.

I thought it was because I was embarrassed in front of a lot of people.


The atmosphere that had been tense with someone's elasticity softened slightly.

Then the prince's loud laughter resounded.

"Dong Crawford must be such a lover. Would you mind introducing me too? Who has captured your heart?"

The Crown Prince, who deftly accepted Edwin's threats, pinned me down.

At this point, I couldn't hide anymore.

I was about to ask Edwin to drop it off, but a low whisper fell in my ear.

"They are all your prey. There is no need to be afraid."

I remember when I met Raven in the West. Even then, Edwin encouraged me like this.

He also seemed to have decided that there was no way I could escape the Crown Prince.

I was trying to move my body with my mind firmly in place, but unexpected words followed.

"But if you don't like it, you can't do it."

I was stunned for a moment at the words I couldn't understand.

I was already rude to the Crown Prince.

Because he was hugged by Edwin without saying goodbye to the prince.

In addition to that, if you pretended not to know even though you specifically stated that you wanted to receive my greetings, it would be an blasphemy.

But can't you? Just because I don't like it?

Of course, Edwin did not greet the Crown Prince with courtesy, but he and I are different from each other in status and situation.

The Crown Prince would never let go. Still, will you take all the disadvantages for me?

My head was dizzy with doubts and confusion.

He raised his head to meet Edwin's eyes, and he smiled.

It doesn't matter. do what i want to do

As if they knew my heart, their warm eyes touched me deeply.


An unknown emotion arose.

"Are you going to vomit? I didn't run."

He tilted his head and looked at me anxiously.

Confusion disappeared at the ridiculous remarks that did not fit the situation, and laughter flowed out.

Thanks to this, the tension and anxiety have subsided.

"Take it down. I want to say hello."

Edwin asked if he was really okay.

As he nodded, he gently wiped his back a couple of times and lowered him.

After adjusting my clothes, I took a small deep breath and turned towards the Crown Prince.

He gave strength to the corner of his mouth and hid his trembling hands under the skirt of his skirt.

"I extend my greetings to His Majesty the Crown Prince, Little Aserian. My name is Angelina."

When I didn't attach a surname, the surroundings became noisy again.

It quickly became quiet, and it seemed that Edwin had done something. Then came a powerful voice.

"This is Angelina Crawford, Your Majesty."

"Yes, I understand your feelings."

When Edwin attached Crawford as if it was his own, the Crown Prince responded with a smiley voice.

"Wake up, Miss Angelina."

When he lifted his head with his slightly bent legs stretched out, the search eyes met again.

This time he did not avoid it.

He put his nails into the hands that were overlapping each other and held out.

"You must have been very surprised."

"I'm sorry. I was so surprised by the unexpected situation, so I was not in a good mood, so I am only now able to greet you."

"It's okay. Don't be surprised."

The Crown Prince smiled kindly while hiding his cunning intent.

"Please, I hope today's event will not be a bad memory for you."

"I have regained my peace of mind thanks to the generous generosity and consideration given to me by Your Majesty. thank you."

"You are beautiful and wise. That's why Prince Crawford can't help but win his heart."

When the Crown Prince smiled with satisfaction, the tense atmosphere naturally relaxed.

"Then, let's enjoy the fair as well."

As the conversation seemed to be over, I was about to take a breather.

I was startled by the unfamiliar warmth that touched my hand.

The Crown Prince gently grabbed my hand and smiled softly.

His face slowly descended as if he was about to kiss the back of his hand.

Even in a tense situation, the black jewel of the ring that was put on his finger caught my eye.

Because it was in close contact with the Crown Prince, discomfort ran up and down his body.

Reflexively, I forcefully applied force to the hand that was trying to shake it off, and while I was controlling my expression, my body was pulled back.

Thanks to him, he naturally moved away from the prince's hands.

"Sir, do not touch my woman."

For a moment, there was silence in the air around us.

The Crown Prince, who was looking at my left hand in the air, burst out laughing out loud.

"Hey, that savage!"

The Duke of Shabini raised his arms and shouted.

The nobles who were with them all murmured with astonishment.

"Your Majesty, no matter how Duke Crawford is, this is over the top. You must punish them and build the dignity of the imperial family."

The thick cheeks of Duke Shabini, who vomited ardently, were poodle and tremble.

In the meantime, the Crown Prince, who had captured the laughter, quietly raised his hand toward the duke.

It meant no more.

"I want to pass on my lenient. I don't want the garden fair opening to be delayed. It seems that the officials are still restless."

"I'm sorry. My thoughts were short."

The Duke of Shabini bowed his head toward the Crown Prince, even though he could not hide his displeasure.

The Crown Prince recognized him and approached Lilian with a deep smile.

"Lilian, you must have been very surprised by this too."

Lilian, who was tired of the blue sky, faced the Crown Prince and straightened up his clothes.

"You have a lot of respect for Duke Crawford. I've only lived on the border all my life, so it's a bit rough. I'll sting you later, so won't you ease your mind?"

The Crown Prince rolled his eyes and smiled, and Lillian looked at him with hazy eyes.

"Instead, I will escort you today. How is it?"

"... ... It's an honor, my lord."

Lillian blushed and didn't know what to do, and then gently placed my hand on the hand the Crown Prince had reached out.

A satisfied smile appeared on the face of Duke Shabini, who was young in dissatisfaction.

The prince's gaze lightly passed the peacock, and the corners of his lips rose slightly.

As if he knew the peacock would react that way.

When the Crown Prince led Lilian to the front of the stage, people's attention was focused on the two of them.

"Oh my, the Crown Prince said that he was in love with Princess Shabini, so it must be true."

"What will happen to Princess Peyton?"

"Iknow, right. There were rumors that one of her two princesses would be chosen as the Crown Prince."

"Did Princess Payton not attend today? She was told that she had ascended to the zodiac."

"I heard that my eyes haven't been cured, is it okay to do outdoor activities?"

"Since the Crown Prince expressed interest in Princess Shabini over there, he couldn't have stayed still."

His interest in Lillian quickly shifted to Evelyn.

Meanwhile, as the Duke and Duchess of Shabini followed the Crown Prince, the crowds began to scatter one by one in search of their place.

Then I relaxed and leaned against Edwin. His hard chest pressed against his back.

"Well done."

He stroked my hair and hugged me tightly.

"Shall we go see the show garden now?"

As I had already decided not to watch the opening ceremony, I nodded my head slightly.

Show Garden was a mini-garden that actually embodies the garden design exhibited at the fair.

The Rubirn Garden Fair was organized by the Royal Horticultural Society and sponsored by the imperial family, so it had considerable influence.

If a work is selected, not only professional garden designers but also young artists often participate because it provides support for production costs and an opportunity to work in the Imperial Palace.

The show garden was the highlight of the fair because you could come in contact with new and diverse gardens.

Edwin wrapped his arms around my shoulders and quietly walked out of the opening ceremony.

If the opening ceremony was closer to the entrance, the show garden was installed inside the park.

Because everyone had attended the opening ceremony, the place where the show garden was located was quiet.

The chirping of birds and the smell of grass wafted in, calming my head and calming my mind.

'It must have been really bad.'

What if Edwin even killed Duke Shabini or Lillian on the spot?

It was terrifying just thinking about it.

As he rested his head on Edwin's arm, he tilted his head.

"tiring? Shall I give you a hug?"

"it's okay. I want to walk. When are you going to walk in this beautiful garden?"

"A garden like this can be made for anything."

Edwin furrowed his eyebrows as if he didn't like it.

"If you have a favorite show garden here, tell me. I will decorate the estate as it is."

After spitting out the words, he pondered for a moment whether something was not appealing, and then he added.

"no. I will decorate the Haemil Forest connected to the sponsorship in the same way. Then we can walk together every day."

He muttered that it would not take long if construction starts now.

As always, I was embarrassed by the scale with no middle ground, but a little laughter flowed out.

"Even now, the peacock's garden is pretty enough. You know. I like marigold flower beds."

"That's why he said he didn't like it when he said he would plant a lot of marigolds."

Edwin rubbed his mouth slightly.

"When various flowers bloom according to the season, you can feel the different beauty."

"... ... okay. Because Lina will live with me for the rest of my life. You shouldn't be bored."

Edwin nodded his head and smiled brightly.

'... ... For a lifetime.'

Suddenly, the word came to me in a particularly loud way.

Not long ago, it was thought that spending a lifetime with Edwin could not happen, or should not happen.

Because even thinking of the possibility made my head stand still and shudder.

But why?

It doesn't feel as repulsive as it used to be.

I suddenly remembered the time when I was looking in the mirror wearing the same sunglasses.

The moment when the two of them together seemed natural.

"Everything here is round."

Edwin's gentle voice awakened me from my thoughts.

Before I knew it, I was in front of the first show garden.

When I looked down, there was a sign in front of the garden with the garden name, designer, and sponsor written on it.

"The name of the garden is 'Mother's Bosom'."

The garden built around a small pond was as warm as its name.

Edwin's eyes sank deeply as he looked at the show garden.

He was probably thinking of his deceased mother.

Not wanting to disturb his appreciation, he turned slightly to turn his gaze to the other show garden when a crowd caught his eye.


The person who recognized me screamed loudly and ran towards us.


As soon as he responded happily to the friendly face, he was immediately taken to Edwin's arms.

"Why is that little boy here again?"

Edwin muttered in a voice full of dissatisfaction.

"Sir, long time no see."

Benjamin, who was running with a bright face, faced Edwin and stopped walking and was nervous.

Still, it wasn't the first episode, so I wasn't as nervous as before.

"Benjamin, are you okay?"

I had only heard from Edwin, but couldn't see him awake in person, so I asked him how he was doing.

"Yes, it is fine. I am healthy."

Seeing the blushing cheeks and lively eyes, I was relieved.

At the same time, when I remembered that I saved this child, I was filled with pride and emotion.

'I have no regrets.'

Even if the same situation comes again, I will make the same choice.

Because I want to see Benjamin smiling brightly in front of me like now.

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