Sed de sangre {manxman}

By yossyx

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Sed de sangre - noun translates to blood-lust. Blood-lust, refers to a desire to see blood being shed. Jax's... More



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By yossyx

A/N: don't play song till I say so!
Chapter Three - Oops I did it again.

Moments after entering my room, I hear the door open and close.

"Just go away Jess, I'm not in the mood right now, I'll apologise later for being a bad host," when I was met with silence I turned to see that it wasn't Jess who came to disturb me but Valentino.

I watch as he locks my bedroom door and that alone is enough to get my heart racing.

"We need to talk." the way he said is was as if there's no room about it.

"There's nothing left to talk about." I reply trying to stand my ground and seem confident.

When in reality, I was shaking in my boots.

Call me Puss in boots.

"Did you tell your sister about what happened last night or anyone?" He asks charging towards me with a murderous glint in his eye.

Murderous glint, two in the bag baby.

I was so scared that I couldn't answer and I couldn't breathe properly because I was too busy choking on my fear.

I began to hyperventilate at the thought of him touching me. I've suffered from panic attacks for the past three years.

One of the things is being approached by someone in an aggressive manner, just raising your voice in the slightest could be enough to push me over the edge.

Dropping down onto the floor, I form a ball and try cover myself.

"Please don't touch me, I'm sorry I promise I'll be a good boy, I'll do everything you say just don't hurt me anymore." I scream choking on sobs.

My body begins to tremble as I try to calm myself down but nothing was working, all I could think about is him touching me.

"JAX, open the door! I'm here, Valentino open this damn door or so help me, you'll wish you never met me!"

Seconds later I felt arms wrap around me and Jess' hair touching my face.

"Jax, it's okay baby bro I'm here. Breathe in and out, in and out. Remember what the therapist said? No one is going to hurt you okay?" I began to feel myself calm down as she whispered soothing words in my ear.

This is why Jess was scared to leave me alone.

"-did you do?!" I hear Jess spit venomously.

"I didn't touch him, I just walked over to him, I didn't intend to hurt him, maybe scare him a bit but I would never hurt him," what does that even mean?

I zoned out again thinking about inviting Schmidt over to keep me company. He was really good at cheering me up when I needed it.
Maybe we could watch a few films together and just talk it's been awhile since we've done that.

Looking over I found Valentino staring at me and for once he wasn't glaring nor smirking, he looked ... worried?

Could he be worried about me? I felt my tummy begin to do flips at the thought of him caring for me.

This is not good, I need to stay away from him.

I watch as a smile appears on Jess's face as she looks over at me.

Being so deep in thought, I completely missed every word that had passed their lips.

The fact that Jess was suddenly smiling after what happened made me annoyed that I hadn't paid more attention.

"I'm sure Jax would be more than happy to help you with that!" Jess declares excitedly.

"Jax will be more than happy to what?"

Was she seriously offering my services to this bipolar, Spanish speaking, hot piece of ass murderer?

I sometimes think that when Jess was a child she was dropped on the head a numerous amount of times.

She lacks something called, common sense and lots of it.

"Are you being serious Jess? After what just happened you think I want to spend a second more with his ass?" I ask in disbelief jerking my thumb in Valentino's direction.

I watch as anger flares up in his eyes, obviously not liking the way I was talking about him but I could really care less.

My emotions are running haywire.

I'm scared of being left alone with Valentino because I find him attractive.

Because I know he has a temper.

Because he was just like him.

And that's not good for me.

He is the first guy to ignite this feeling in me after three years and spark my interest and this means I need to get away from him.

He's trouble, can smell it from a mile away and well, the fact he killed someone last night doesn't help.

"I'll be looking forward to your help tomorrow morning, osioto." I watched the smirk spread across his face and his eyes glimmer mischievously.

I'm currently waiting patiently outside Valentino's door after knocking.

'Get in, offer the food, help, get out' I chanted to myself.

I decided, being the kind person I am, to bring Valentino a box of 'welcome to the neighbourhood' goodies.


Jess forced me into bringing over the goods as she just so happened to 'conveniently' need to leave and meet Simon for a last minute breakfast date.

God knows why she's making me do this, he doesn't deserve them.

What he does deserve is a 'leave the neighbourhood' box of goodies.

The box included some macarons, muffins, red velvet cookies and some cinnamon buns.

Seeing as I own a bakery it's no biggie.


The door opened to reveal a sweat covered Valentino in nothing but his Calvin Klein boxers that didn't leave much to the imagination.

I feel my cheeks start to heat up when Valentino catches me checking him out.

His body was chiseled to perfection, does he even know what a flaw is?
His chest, arms, neck and even hands are covered in tattoos.

I've never really been a fan of tattoos but now, I didn't mind them so much. He just makes them look so good.

Valentino is easily the best looking man, I've ever had the privilege of laying eyes on and I could tell by the way his eyes are watching me, he knew that too.

My eyes hungrily follow a bead of sweat down his defined abs and watch it disappear into his snail trail.

Snail trail, what a horrible name for it.

Did I mention how amazing his V lines are? Oh my, forgive me Lord for I have sinned.

Even his meat looked well packaged.

"Good morning osioto, I see you brought me a gift, how touching," my eyes snap back up to him to see him giving me a proud smirk.

Clearing my throat I try to ignore the current state of Valentino.

"Here, I er-baked you some stuff welcome you to the neighbourhood." damn it Jax did you have to mess it up?

I watch as his face turns from cocky, to confused, to genuinely surprised.

"Gracias osioto, I am touched, come in we still haven't finished our talk,"

I stepped into his apartment, fearing the consequences if I tried to runaway.

He locked the door behind me and my heart began to race slightly. Why do I keep ending up in situations like this?

"Sit," he orders.

I quickly take a seat on the sofa not wanting to get on the wrong side of him.

I'm too nervous to take in my surroundings, I'm too scared that if my eyes leave his for a single second he might take advantage of that.

"So Jax, what do you do for a living?" He asks as he pours himself a glass of whiskey.

Really whiskey at this time of day?

"I bake." I had no intention of finding out what he does for a living, I just want to go home.

"Do you want to know what I do?" He sits down across me in an armchair, watching me with guarded eyes.


He picks up the glass, his eyes watching intently as the whiskey sloshes around in circles like a mini tornado. As soon as the tornado halts in the glass his eyes snap up to me.

I can't help but suck in a breath when his eyes lock with mine, is eyes are so captivating. They pull you in and hold you captive, taking control over all of your senses.

"I kill people." He answers taking a sip of his whiskey.

I gulp not liking his answer, does this mean he's going to kill me? Or maybe he was sent to kill me?

Did he send Valentino here to finish what he had started?

"I'm what they call, 'El Capo' isn't that a nice title? Doesn't it just reek of power?" His eyes are glazed over with pride.

"Did h-he send you here to kill me?"

I wouldn't put it past him to do such a thing.

"Who's is this 'he' you speak of? Who the fuck are you working for?!" I watch as he throws the glass against the wall and it smashes, the whiskey running down the walls.

Oh shit, shit, shit.

Way to fucking go Jax! You set him off once again.

"I don't work for anyone! I promise! I'm the boss of my own bakery if that's what you mean. I meant my ex Timothy," I cry out in fear as he begins to stalk towards me.

I leap up and begin to backing away from him and with shaky hands I grab the vase behind me when he backs me in a corner, praying that he didn't notice it behind my back.

"If I find out you're lying I will kill y-" before he can finish his sentence I take the case and smash against his head.

A feeling of relief sweeps through me as I watch his body fall to the ground and his lack of movement lets me know he is out cold.

Seeing as my heart was beating so loud in my ears, I failed to hear the door open until I hear a voice shout,


Shit, what have I done?

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