Just One Kiss

By Tootsie_200

1.6K 30 12

Who would believe that just one kiss could change the course of your life! More

The Kiss
Need a Favor
In Two Weeks
Calla Lilies
Apology Accepted
Mr. Twinkie
Oh Poop
So Close
Pina Colada
Little Longer
Really Bad Day
The Boss Man
Trust Me
F**k You
The Truth
The Test
Good Luck
I Missed You
The Tog Up
Mow Down
Come With Me

Rude Boy

42 1 0
By Tootsie_200

"Wow, this place is nice, but what are we doing here?"

Nick looked down at Abby, whose eyes were puffy and red from all the crying. She didn't seem herself today and it was really getting on his last nerve. He greeted a short muscular guy that had salt and pepper hair and introduced Abby. Then they headed towards the punching bags.

He grabbed some boxing gloves for Abby and himself and got to work helping her put them on. "I thought you could blow off some steam here."

"I don't even know how to box."

He'd finished up with her gloves and was now tying up his own. His tongue was peeking out from the side of his mouth as he concentrated. Which made Abby giggle a little.

"What's so funny?" He looked up and smiled. Abby felt a hot rush through her body as she looked deep into Nick's eyes. "Alright this is how you do this. Just stand here in front of the boxing bag." He stood closely behind her and took hold of her arms and commanded her to punch.

She threw a soft punch that didn't even move the bag. Nick laughed. "Uh...you have to do it hard, like this." He stood one foot in front of the other and one arm in front of his face and the other further away. He then punched and the bag swayed from one side to the other. "See...like that. Try again. I know you can do it."

Abby bit her lip and punched, the bag swayed. She smiled proudly and punched again and again. Nick watched as Abby punched the bag harder every time. His eyes traveled all over her body as she went crazy punching the crap out of the bag. Nick was in a trance, until Abby spun around to ask how she was doing.

"You were doing great. I think you are ready to box me!" He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows.

She shook her head. "No way! You are gonna knock my teeth out and sometimes I think that's all I have going for me."

"You're butt...I mean...I'm gonna kick your butt. But I'll give you a chance to get me too. Come on!"

Abby was skeptical as she took the salt and peppered-haired man's hand and crouched under the rope. She felt so high on the platform and all eyes seemed to turn their way. Her heart was racing, more because of the attention they were getting, than the thought of boxing Nick.

Nick found Abby's face amusing. She seemed nervous and like she might throw up all over the ring. He jumped around like a real boxer and hit his gloves against each other. They'd put on helmets and mouthguards so speaking was a bit challenging.

The bell rang and they met in the middle. Nick was still jumping around and Abby was busy looking around the place. Nick waved her down and motioned to punch him. She nodded.

"Hit me first."


"You are a wuss!" With that said Nick carefully punched her. His gloved hand landed on her boob and she yelped.

"That's my boob, Nick!"

His eyes sprang open and got close to her to apologize. "Shit I'm so--"

She swung and punched him on the side of the head. "OW! That's cheating!"

Then the swinging started. He'd punch. She'd punch. But no one would go down.

"Dude! You're letting a girl kick your ass!" Someone shouted.

Nick turned to glare at them. He hadn't fully turned when he felt the breath knocked out of him. He keeled over and groaned.

"Shit..." Abby took to steps towards him, watching as he fell to his knees. " Are you alright?" She bent down to his level. "Nick, say something."


"Ok...I need you to straighten your body and just try to inhale. I'm so sorry."

After a couple of breaths Nick was up like nothing. Now, he was recovering from all the eyes staring at him, for being knocked down by a girl. They were out of the ring and taking off their gloves. He helped her with one and then busied himself with his own.

"Dude! She got you good. I didn't know Abs had it in her."

Nick looked at the overly muscled man he saw every time he came to the gym. He wasn't too fond of him, he was a cocky guy and walked around the place like he owned it.

"Hey Mat. You know Abby?"

Abby turned at the sound of her name and her stomach coiled. She stared at the familiar guy. She was tempted to throw a punch at his big head.

"Of course, I know Abby really well. You didn't leave hot ass Tiffany for her chubby sister did you?"

Nick's jaw clenched and he glared at Mat. "Come on man!"

"I'm just askin. Anyways Abs...you aren't as fat anymore. You look pretty sexy..." Mat grinned knowing he was getting under Abby's skin.

"I'll take that as a compliment. I see you are still the asshole you were before."

He laughed and pointed at Abby, "That's why I screwed this girl. That attitude gives me a boner."

Abby's cheeks burned with anger and embarrassment. She was pretty sure Nick knew she wasn't a virgin anymore, but the last thing she wanted was to have some guy talking about her like she was a slut.

"Popped her cherry in the back of my car. Remember!" He had a cocky grin when he looked at Abby.

She didn't give it a second thought and flung her arm forward. She felt her gloved hand connect with his face and he went down like a sack of potatoes. Nick looked up at Abby who was wincing with pain as she quickly took the glove off.

"I think that's our queue to get out of here." He grabbed her and waved at the older man who was in a fit of laughter. They both exited the gym and hopped into his car. The car was silence for a while, then Nick spoke up, "With him, seriously?"


"You lost it to the meat head?"

Abby sighed, "He wasn't a meat head back then. Plus, I was only sixteen."


"Yes...what did you think I just lost yesterday!"

"Something like that."


He parked the truck and they both hopped out. Abby walked around the car and took out her keys. "Alright so we are catching a flight to Vegas tomorrow."

"Yeah I have a photo shoot at Bellagio around noon and Tiffany decided that we should check out Caesars ballroom." Nick rolled his eyes at the idea. "Why can't she be simple?"

Abby winced again as she played with her wrist. "Cause she's Tiffany and she wants things to be extravagant and perfect. Ouch."

"True." He placed his hand over hers and she yelped. "You should get some ice."

"Um...I think I should just go home." He gave her a serious look. "Alright, just to get some ice and I'm going home. I don't want AJ and Ro to get the wrong impression of me. I have enough meat head and the whole popping cherry thing."

Nick grinned as they made their way to the apartment. Once they entered they were greeted by an overly excited ball of fur and lots of squeaking. Pixie hopped on the furniture waiting for anyone's attention. Abby excused herself to the bathroom and when she came back Nick was sitting on the sofa with Pixie in his lap.

"Found a bag of peas. Don't ask me why we have peas..."

He motioned her to sit on the coffee table in front of him. She took a seat and he scooted to the end of the sofa letting her legs rest between his. Nick took her hand and placed it on his knee and carefully placed the bag over her wrist

"Does it hurt really bad?" His fingers traced over her hand. She looked up at him a bit startled by his actions. "Abby..."

She started to panic, feeling the tightness in her stomach and the excessive pounding in her ears. She stood up quickly "Nick don't!"

"You don't even know what I'm going to say!" He stood up too. They're legs were almost intertwined and their bodies pressed together. She held onto his shirt to keep her balance.

"I know...but the way you said my name..." She looked up into his eyes and felt her heart drum against her chest.

Nick could feel his palms sweating and there was a strong feeling in the middle of his chest as he looked into Abby's hazel eyes. He wasn't even sure what he wanted to tell her. One of his hands rested on her hip and the other one cupped the side of her face. Slowly his face inched towards hers.

She could see his face getting closer, but she was hypnotized and she didn't want to move. The warmth of his hand on her body sent a current of desire through her. She felt his warm hand on her face and his thumb grazed her lips.

Suddenly he crashed his lips against hers, he felt her hesitate at first and then the struggle stopped and her mouth welcomed his. Their kissing was deep and his hands had moved on to other places. Carefully he took a seat again and pulled her along. She fell against him and straddled his legs. Nick got rid of his shirt and then helped her remove hers. Quickly his kisses moved to her neck and over her shoulders.

"Nick...wait..." She was breathing hard.

He didn't stop his kisses fluttering over her breast. "What?" He moaned.

"It's just that...this is...oh jesus...this is so wrong. Plus, aren't we going a little too fast? This isn't the way I pictured this."

Nick wasn't trying to think if what they were doing was good or bad. Too quick or slow. He wanted to be with Abby so bad, her hesitation was irritating him. He huffed and rolled his eyes, draping his arms over the couch's arm rest. "What did you expect Abby? A bed of roses and some champagne. You are my fiancés sister and we are half naked. I mean pretty clear indication that we are about to screw."

Abby's hands fumbled around for her shirt and she started to get up. "How do you know if I was going to even let you screw...me." She was surprised at the anger in his voice. Hurriedly she struggled to put her shirt back on and he still sat with a straight face. "This is not right...I'm not like that."

"Riiiight...you're just that girl that gives it up in the back seat of a car."

Her mouth dropped slightly. "Wow...fuck you, Nick."

Nick instantly regretted the words that had flown out of his mouth. He was angry. "Abby!" He tried to grab her hand, but she pulled away. She grabbed her bag and stormed out of the apartment. Fuck...now you really did it. Nick told himself as he smacked the couch, whacking Pixie in the process. SQUEAK.

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