TΚœα΄‡ ᴍΙͺα΄…Ι΄ΙͺΙ’Κœα΄› Κ™Ιͺᴛᴇ (TaehyungΓ—Y...

By Violetficsfor7

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" π–π‡π˜ πƒπŽ 𝐔 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 πŒπ„ π’πŽ πŒπ”π‚π‡! " "π‚πŽπ™ 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐄 πŽπ… π˜πŽπ” , π˜πŽπ”'𝐕𝐄 𝐏... More

Author's note


280 16 3
By Violetficsfor7

Next day...
Stella: David!!!!
She roams around the corridors of the huge mansion trying to find him..
Stella: David!!!!
David: WTH! why are u shouting!?
Stella: where had u been!!??
David: can't i just get some piece of peace in my own house!?
Stella: you had it enough already! Now I can't okay! I want my Taehyung Back!!!!
David rolled his eyes and spoke..
David: i can't with u Stella! If u want your Taehyung , then even i want to have Y/n! I can't live in this temporary body! I need a permanent one and that is only of Y/n! Before the blood moon comes again i have to get her!
Stella: then do what u want! But how will I live with Taehyung!? I want him all to myself! Like he was before..
David: stupid! He never was yours! He got to know about our plan way back then! And till the very date he kept acting in front of us!
Stella: Whatever! But i want him! What's your plan!?
David: it's simple , I'll get y/n and you change yourself into y/n and live with Taehyung..
Stella: what!? Are u out of your mind!?
Stella: I WILL! OFC I WILL! it's been forever since I've asked u to help me with Taehyung ! I want him! I love him alot! He's the only thing i want now! But you! None of your plan ever worked! Day by day both of them have started getting so close but what about me! I don't care about your y/n! I hate her already! Just give me back my Taehyung , David!!!!!! Or else -
David: what!? Or else what!?

He said walking closer to her while she started moving backwards..

Stella: D-David i-i
David: oh wow! Now you're stammering! I can't believe how selfish u could be! It was me who created you! And now you're thinking of going on my rival's side!? And opposing me!? You even dared to speak louder with me! How dare you!
His eyes started turning green! And he started radiating negative energy!

Stella: David! Stop! You're scaring me! I did everything that u asked me too! But even i should see some positive response no?
David: one more word and you'll lose your life! It's been so long that i took of your blabbering! I can't with you anymore!
Stella: *smirks * you!? Will kill me? Then do it! Cuz ik you'll never be able to kill Taehyung ! Y/n was chosen to get those keys. Ever thought even after getting trapped back in the locket how those keys got out of the museum when they should have been in there only? It was all destined ! The locket was still on earth! And u had to be thrown back away! You'll never win David! You're a loser! Negative planning of yours will do no good! Give up already! Kidnap y/n live in her body and stop thinking of killing Taehyung ! Try to think of living a good life with a good soul! Control your negative powe-

David had it enough, he grabbed Stella's throat and started rising her upwards! She was choked and wasn't able to breath properly! Tears of help started to stream down her cheecks , and on the other side green eyed furious David kept tightening up his grip around her throat!
Soon bloody tears started streaming down Stella's eyes , she struggled for help!
David: let me finish u up first!
Stella: D-d-david!

Suddenly David threw her on the pillar as she hit her back so hard and fell on the ground... Her body was trembling coz of the pain!
A creation of David, who wanted David to change himself, hated y/n that she even agreed on the thought that nothing wrong would happen if David takes over y/n's body , and why only hers is cuz she's the one who pulled him out of the locket... Stella is that powerful creation of David who wanted to be with Taehyung ...even after knowing the fact that David is planning to kill her love!
But whatever it was , she still had wrong thinking about something or someone, she was selfish, she just wanted to be with Taehyung and let David, that spirit that escaped from hell , to take over an innocent and kind girl's body and stay with both of them on Earth, just coz she hated y/n that wrong thinking for someone pure like y/n was giving her this punishment!

David walked over to Stella, and pulled her hair leaving her wining in pain! And pushed her on the other side to face her!
Her forehead was bleeding and she had no strength left!
Soon David took out his dagger and looked in her eyes...who was just taking her last breaths!

Stella: N-No...
David: oh babe...you forced me to! Infact you're a disgrace !

Without even thinking anything he pushed the dagger into her chest! As she screamed in pain, David laughed like an evil that he was, watching Stella in pain he was having alot of fun! Yes some can even say he's a psycho, well which bad spirit ain't a psycho!?

Stella cried in pain and soon her eyes got closed , her red pendant became black showing no sign of soul in her ... But did her soul leave her body so quickly?
David trapped her soul into the locket that was around Stella's neck!
He looked at that pendant who's bulged out side became red , as Stella's soul was now trapped in it!
David: now you'll help me in getting Y/n...and it's y/n who'll kill Taehyung herself..not me .

He laughed evily ...

David: GUARDS!!!
at his one command the guards came running...
David: clean this trash up!
He said indicating Stella's dead body...

2 weeks later...
It's been a week since the boys went out for their import work...
I was missing them alot, but yeah i missed Taehyung more ...first day it felt so lonely, and in these days i have missed him so badly! ... I was sitting in the garden while making a garland while remembering Taehyung...
Ms. Holly the caretaker , whom i was scared of in the beginning was plucking some flowers for her flower shop in the village near by...
She's really a sweet lady, she takes care of me and Nancy, like our mom...
I and Nancy share the same room as , idk but i do have this fear of David , still ... U see it's all so new i never thought I'll get to face such a thing in my life , ever! Super powers, spirits , vampires , mafias , witches, witchcraft and what not! I've seen all of this in movies only ...but this was reality! It was happening with me...
All these days idky but i had a strange feeling as if someone was watching me , someone's presence and it made the environment cold ... Ignoring such thoughts i thought of concentrating on my work, i had a talk with Taehyung before he went , he said they will come back after a week , and now maybe this is the day i was waiting for , they might come today or maybe tmro! But i just can't wait for my baby to come back! A smile formed on my lips as i thought about that...when suddenly, i heard sound of wheels and horse's clop...

Curious to see what was going on , i stood up and briskly walked towards the main gate of the castle to see what was going on...when suddenly i heard my name being called ...it was Nancy!
Y/n: over here unnie!
Nancy: y/- haash! Thank god i found u! I knew u must be in the garden making this garland of Tae's fav flowers..

I giggled...

Y/N: btw why are u dressed up as such? And what's that carriage doing outside?
Nancy: yeah about that, Y/n I'm going to my sister's place for a few days ! Just today in the morning she gave birth to a baby girl...
Y/n: awww!! Congratulations!
Nancy: hehe thanks, but the problem is , only her husband and her old mother in law are there with them, so I guess i should go to help em with their stuff for a few days , I'll come as soon as everything settles... Okay...

I was able to understand her situation, but does that mean i have to live all alone all by myself in this huge castle?
Idk but a strange feeling went down my stomach! But i ignored it ...i smiled at her and nodded..
Y/n: u should go Nancy ! Don't worry about me I'll be fine okay..
She smiled and hugged me ..i hugged her back..
Nancy: take care okay!
Y/n: i surely will, btw will u go to your sister in this carriage?
Nancy: ah~ no no , it's just till this forest's entry, after that I'll remove my gown under which I'm wearing my casual wear and then I'll book a taxi , that i will take once I reach the forest's entry!
Y/n: good plan i see! Alright then, I'll miss u unnie, take care and give my love to your niece!
Nancy: I'll miss u too! Surely I will ..
Y/n: wait ! What about your safety?
Nancy: dw about that, I'm taking some guards with me there ...okay ..
I nodded and smiled at her assuring her .
Nancy: now I'm getting late i should leave! Good bye y/n!
Y/n: ...byee unnie! Have a safe journey!
We waved eachother bye as i watched her carriage going away from me .

After she went out of my sight, my lil smile faded away as i let out a sigh...

Y/n: be strong Y/n! You have to be strong for everyone! Make Taehyung proud of u! Don't give him worries!
I showed myself a fist showing i will do this! And i can! Then i turned around and went inside the castle...

Lily: miss y/n! Lunch is ready ...
I nodded and went towards the dining hall after keeping away my garland in my room..

After lunch , i went in the library to divert my uneasy mind...

Like this the whole day went by, it felt as if my life had become so dull... It showed how important these ppl have become to me... I miss them so much...
Rn i was sitting in my room, it was 9 pm ..after dinner ...
Hugging my knees and sitting on the bed while looking outside at the rain ...
The flashback came in my mind ...

Y/n: is it really important to go? I mean for so many days?
He smiled a bit with a pout and nodded...
Taehyung: it is ...
Y/n: ...oh..
I was a bit disappointed, not at all coz he was going away and I'll be left alone, but coz i had a connection with him that i couldn't stay without him for a week! And that too when we can't even call eachother! Coz he's in city and i am in here in this castle! Where everything is old.... My heartbeat was so different rn, as if my heart was worried, a different worry was there inside me which i couldn't figure out what it was!
But soon Taehyung cupped my cheeck and made me look up at him ....
He smiled and placed a soft kiss on my forehead...
Taehyung: don't worry okay, I'll come back soon , and nothing will happen wrong okay ...trust me .
I held his hand that he had on my cheeck ...
Y/n: i trust you Tae~ ...
He smiled ...
Y/n: but ... I'm sorry..
Taehyung: for what?
Y/n: for asking such a dumb question, ik how important this mission is for you, and not only this , but your every mission, i know how much dedicated you are in your work, and this question sounded like...as if i was pushing u away from your work... I srsly didn't mean that ... It's just a different feeling that i can't explain... Idk but staying away from you for one whole week , it's just a matter of 7 days but it feels like 7 years... Maybe it's coz i won't be able to talk to you even! I'm not forcing u and i never will! You've got this Tae ! All the very best for your next mission! Ik you all will come up as winners again! And don't worry about me , your pabo is strong!
He chuckled and hugged me ! As he rested his head on mine and stroked my hair...
Y/n: I'll miss you Tae...
Tae: I'll miss u too...
He hugged me tight and kissed on top of my head...

Breaking the hug, he puts a strand of my hair behind my ear..
Tae: now listen carefully, ik you're my strong baby ...so now you take this..
He handed over a gun to me..
Taehyung: keep this in your pocket everytime, it's for your safety...even though you'll be safe but still i want u to be protected no matter how many guards there are..
I slowly took the gun from him and looked up at him..
He was looking into my eyes..
I nodded ..he smiled..

We reached downstairs where everyone was waiting for us...
Taehyung : okay now listen everyone! Especially you both (Nancy and y/n)... we'll be going out for one week for this extremely important mission of ours , stay inside this castle's boundaries only! Don't even dare to step out! I've doubled the security for you both, if somehow any emergency comes which i don't think so will come , Take guards with u and then leave okay! But it would be great if u don't, especially u y/n!
Taehyung: Ms.holly pls take care of em ..
She smiled and nodded, assuring him that everything will be fine.
Taehyung : hmm everything is set now...,.. so we should leave ...
He said the last line looking towards me ... Who wasn't able to make any eye contact with him coz he might be able to see my tears that were being formed in there....
Nancy: alright guys , wish u good luck ! Good bye!
They all thanked her and walked away...
Taehyung slowly turned while looking at y/n who waved a bye to him with teary eyes but a big smile on her face , not making obvious to him that she was crying .. but her acting was so good that Taehyung doubted , but he knew she was upset regarding it ... He gently waved bye to y/n with a slight smile on his lips ... While wearing a leather strapped watch and his blazer held in another hand wrapping his arm , he slowly walked out of her sight ....

And now her tears started rolling down her cheecks...
Before anybody could observe this she wiped em off ....

The same day...
They were having dinner ...that is the third meal of the day... But all these meals she had in silence, she didn't knew what was going on around her , everyone were laughing and talking , but y/n just kept quiet and had her dinner , lost in her own world , totally zoned out, she felt so incomplete today... Nancy was all fine , as before y/n came , she had faced this too! But now she has gotten into this habit ... She does miss Minho too, but u can say being unnie she's matured enough to control her emotions....
After dinner y/n went to her room and layed on the bed... Cool wind from outside blowing around in her room giving her chills...but unfortunately rn she didn't have that one person who would cuddle her up and give her warmth... Her whole body was cold , not coz of the weather but coz of the missing self ... All of this behaviour of hers showed how much she had fallen for him , how much she loves him! In this strange world this was the first time Taehyung was gonna be out of her sight for 7 whole days, she won't be able to see him in the evening or even in the morning laying beside her ...she won't be able to even talk to him, hear his voice that rises up her heartbeat.. missing his hugs and kisses and his presence she didn't know when a tear rolled down her eye....and soon being alone in the room , her hidden insecurity that was building up inside her since mrng after he went ...she cried out her tears while hugging her pillow ...
Getting tired of crying, her nose all red and eyes a bit puffy , she took the pillow that Taehyung takes and hugged it, assuming it was him... She missed his presence, she needed his warm golden sometimes purple eyes that are caused coz of y/n's presence around him... His scent his night hugs, that warmth of his she gets to see em again , she missed everything....it all had coloured y/n's life so beautifully , but now it seemed as if the colour named "Taehyung" had gotten out of her world...
He was still in her heart but he wanted to see him and meet him physically...it was just a day and she was going through all this, no wonder how she would spend 7 days without him...
Thinking about all this she went to sleep while hugging Tae's pillow.
Flashback ends...

Somehow she managed these 7 days , everyday she kept counting only these many days are left rather than counting its been these many days when he went or she last saw him... Counting the days of his arrival she gained confidence and was able to support herself and be strong to tackle the difficulties ... But no wonder, every night when she went to bed , when she had nothing to do and just sleep, her mind reminded her of Taehyung , she even started thinking she's being childish! That she can't live on her own , she thought being like this she was not giving Taehyung his own space ...and that gave her a feeling that she should stop being this way...she became strong a bit but still missed her love ...but she tried being positive....

2 days later

Y/n's pov..
It's been a week and 2 days up! Why isn't he back!!! I started feeling a bit worried about em, we can't even call eachother or talk ! Where is he!!!??
Freshening up myself i started walking down the stairs towards the dining hall, but to my surprise i didn't see even a single person around, neither Lily nor Ms. Holly, no guards and not even our chefs! There was no body around..it felt so eerie!...
Y/n: ms.holly!?
Y/n: lily?
Y/n: hello? Is anybody out there?
Y/n: lil-
I stopped coz that's when I heard some noise from the living room area , i quickly went there and that's when my eyes fell on a figure in the living room...the only figure i was dying to see!

Y/n(whisper): Tae~

My eyes filled up a bit, i never knew i was so weak at this point , or i could be this emotional...
I smiled a bit and started walking towards the living room, where he stood facing his back towards me and looking outside the big class window...

I slowly walked over to him...

A/n's pov..
She walked over to the figure while tears shining in her eyes...
Y/n: Taehyung~
He turned around and smiled at her ...
Y/n: you came back...
He nodded and opened his arms ..
Tae: come.
She giggled and went near him .. she wrapped her arms around his body and hugged him tightly , while he also hugged her back.... But soon her smiled faded away..

Y/n's pov
Why do I feel so weird? Why is he not having the same warmth of love? I felt extremely uncomfortable so i pulled away only to see him smirking?
Y/n: T-Tae-Taehyung...um.. w-what's wrong?
I said wiping off my dried up tears...

He smiled and leaned towards my ear and
Taehyung: it's David for you babygirl, more like your escaped spirit from hell or your shadow man or ...

He leaned in more and whispered ...

David: more like your worst nightmare... *Smirks *

My eyes widened in shock and i instantly pushed him away from me. He laughed loudly like a maniac , making me scared..

David: shocked? *Laughs *
Y/n: no ... *Steps back *

I saw his gaze darkening and in an instant , he changed him back to his self!
His appearance was so different! His eyes were green , and his skin was pale!
But soon he started walking near me , i took my steps back...he sniffed the air and exhaled a relief sigh....while closing his eyes as if he sniffed smthng so calming....
David: no wonder how Taehyung didn't drink your blood up yet!? Your scent is insane!
He quickly opened his eyes and to my surprise his eyes were Ruby red! Veins started appearing below his eyes , it felt like he wanted to drink my blood so badly!
My hands and legs began shaking with fear!
David: ready to die? *Smirks *
Y/n: n-no.... TAEHYUNG!!!!!! *yells *

Taehyung: why didn't you tell me before Minho!!!
Minho: she just reached yesterday , her phone was dead so she wasn't able to call me... And she can't even call me from another no. U know it's for safety!
Taehyung: argh!!!! It's fine but Y/n is all alone in that castle now!!! U know it's not safe for her-
Felix: hyung!
Taehyung: what!
Felix: someone has cut the rope that was there in the forest which marked our castle's boundary.. it doesn't have any barrier of ours anymore!
Taehyung: oh no...!!!
Jin: Taehyung i can't contact our guards even!
Jhope: but how is this possible!
Suga : who could do this!???
Taehyung: David..
Everyone looked at him in shock..
Taehyung: we can't wait for Mr. Song ! Ask him we'll schedule the meeting afterwards! We should've been back home till now but this meeting made us late!
Without saying anything else , but fuming in anger he stomped out of their private Villa , he took his bike and drove away!
Suga: Tae wait!
Minho: guys we should take the car ! Yeonjun did u call mr.song?
Yeonjun: i did! Let's go !

*Back at the castle*

Y/n: n-no.... T-Taehyung!!!!! (Yells)
David: ah ah ah it's of no use sweety, he isn't here to save you.. *smirks *

A/n's pov..
She put her hand in the pocket and pulled the gun out which Taehyung handed her for her safety. Y/n stopped going backwards and pointed the gun towards David!
Y/n: s-stop right there ...OR ELSE I WILL SHOOT U! *Cries and yells *
David stopped on his track but soon a smirk spread across his lips seeing her hand shaking in fear.
David: u don't even know how to hold it babygirl *chuckles *
It's not that she doesn't know how to hold a gun, but it's just that rn she's so scared that her hands were shaking... David is the only fear she has now! The way he had tortured her before, in her dreams and stuff , it all felt so traumatic , and ofc for whom will it not be .
David continued walking towards her ..
David : do whatever you can *smirks *
Y/n gulped and without thinking twice , she pulled the trigger. And it hit him... He hissed a bit in pain , but that's when she saw the wound caused on his chest due to her shot healing up again! Suddenly she remembered that the shot can't affect him! Even Taehyung shot him long ago! But it was of no use!

He laughed loudly like a maniac...
And then smirked ...i gulped harder and started sweating...

David: aww u can't do anything babygirl *smirks *
David: but now , it's my turn. *Smirks wider *
Y/n: d-don't come ne-near m- AAAAAHH!!!
Her gun got dropped from her hand, she fell on the ground on her back as her scream echoed in the castle!
David had his hand forwarded while a huge smirk was spread on his lips, rays of green light were coming from his palms and were directly getting into y/n's heart!
She cried in pain as gradually she started lifting up!

Y/n's scream echoed aloud in the castle and the rays of his powers pierced into her heart! She tried hard to get away but she was too weak infront of his powers!
David's powers had made her pinned to the wall!

David: rest in peace *smirks *

But suddenly his powers weakened and she fell on the ground with a thud!

David: what just happened?
Y/n's eyes were closed , she slowly opened her eyes just to see her pearl bracelet around her wrist shining a bit ..

Witch: it will protect you...
(From the dream in which she hands over this bracelet to u)
Flashback ends...

But lil did they know it was the magical powers of the castle too that David can just give her pain but can't harm her or kill her! Even if he entered the boundaries of the castle..

Spike: David!
David: what!
Spike: you can't use your powers in here to kill her or take her body! It's coz of the castle's powers that you're not able to give your whole!

David: then what are we waiting for? *Smirks *
David: bring her with us!
He laughed like a maniac, while y/n heard everything but couldn't react as she was too weak for it!

Meanwhile back with Taehyung.

He was driving the bike while breaking all the speed limits and laws! The only thing that mattered the most to him was y/n and only y/n! While the others who came behind him were worrying coz of the way he was rushing away!

Time skip...
Y/n's pov..
I slowly opened my eyes and saw myself tied up with ropes on a wooden chair !
My hands hurted alot! I struggled to get rid of the ropes but it was all useless! I just got more rashes on my wrists and nothing else! My feet were tied up too! And my dress was torned and looked so messy, it's sleeves were off and the gown had turned into a frock , which was unpatterend . It looked so worn out ...
When suddenly the dark room in which i was kept , it's door opened revealing David, spike and some of their guards!

They switched on the blue lights of the dark room , i blinked my eyes a few times to get a clearer look... David smirked and walked towards me ..
The guards stood on my side and Spike behind David!

His hand reached my fingers as he traced em up to my arm then shoulder then neck and up to head , i yanked away his hand by shaking my head...

David: easy babygirl * fake calmness *

He laughed like a maniac then!

But suddenly he held my hair tightly and i cried in pain!
He took a look at my face while i kept struggling, suddenly he held my cheecks in his other hand ... That stopped me from struggling further as i looked in his eyes ...
David: no wonder , you look so pretty even in the dirtiest attire of yours...
He let go of my head ...
I glared at him!
David: but i don't even feel sorry to say this beautiful face of yours a good bye , as now you're gonna lend me your heart! So that I can live on this earth forever!
My eyes widened! He laughed like a maniac!
David: shocked again!? *Chuckled *
David: well that's what I do babygirl, i love giving surprises! And taking too!
He spoke the last sentence by leaning near my ear!
He stepped back like he was frightened! I glared at him while breathing heavily!

But soon he started laughing loudly like a maniac! His laugh echoed in the room, and soon the others joined him too..
David: you've got alot of guts to speak- oh wait, to shout at your own fear huh! Have you forgotten about my powers?
He said raising up his palm which glowed green showing the power of his!

I gulped...

Y/n: what do you want!
David: well alot of things, but first I need a permanent heart! That is of yours ! Coz you're the one who got me out of that tiny place that's the locket! And no other body is a permanent one for me except yours!

He leaned closer to me..
David: thank you y/n..for helping me coming out from there!

He backed away quickly..

David: Now with your help i can become more powerful and own this world! We spirits from hell will reside on earth and make all of you earthians who talk so wrong about hell and call it a swear word will work on our fingertips! That's what we enjoy! And that's what we'll do!

Y/n: you're doing wrong! Very wrong! Do u know about its consequences!
David: oh we don't care about that, until and unless we have our powers !
He laughed..
David: now enough talking! It's already night! The blood moon night has begun! I can't waste my time at all!
When all of a sudden he placed his palms in front of him facing me!
David: let's continue~ (smirks)

Taehyung quickly parked the bike and ran inside...
Taehyung: y/n!!!!
Taehyung: Ms.Holly!!!
Taehyung: lily!!
Taehyung: y/-
Before he could continue checking around , he saw a gun on the floor!

Watching it his fear grew more! He ran towards it and held it ...
Soon the others ran inside...
Yeonjun: what's with the smell!
Felix: it's like someone's super power!
Taehyung: it's David's! He came here! And took y/n away!
Everyone gasped!
Felix: no way!
Jhope: what will we do now Taehyung! It's blood moon tonight! He'll surely get more powerful if he takes over y/n's heart!
Suga: calm down Tae , let's find em together!
Taehyung: but we don't even know where he resides! There are so many castels in this forest with different powers ! Where our powers can't work to their fullest!
Minho: don't lose hope Taehyung , but where are others! Our guards , ms. Holly, lily and chefs?
Taehyung : i don't know!

They kept talking when Yeonjun's eyes fell on a pillar , he saw a shadow behind it, as if someone was there!
He slowly starts walking towards that pillar, as he slowly took out his gun and pointed towards that Direction..

Soon he reached there and saw someone hiding behind the pillar who was looking at the boys, he looked scared ! But soon he felt something strange behind his head and he quickly turned around! And to his surprise it was...

Yeonjun: Jackson?
Jackson: i-i haven't done anything! Pls leave me!

He got more scared after being caught! But how come!? He joined his hands and begged Yeonjun to leave him!

He pulled down the gun and pulled him out of his hiding area!

And suddenly Yeonjun pushed him towards Taehyung !
Everyone were confused, shocked and angry by seeing him there!

Taehyung grabbed his collar and shook him..
Jackson: i-i'm sorry..
Taehyung: WTH!! TELL ME WHERE SHE IS OR ELSE I WON'T LEAVE U! *Yells and cries *
Jackson: D-David t-t-took her with h-him!
Taehyung: WHERE!!
Jackson: behind the 4 hills lies his castle , t-there...
Jackson: i-i'll sh-show u!

Back with y/n..

Y/n: No!
David: oh yes I will ... babygirl (smirks)
And soon his green rays pierced in y/n's heart again!
That gave her the same pain in her heart that she faced from so long!
David: remember this pain? It was all me! I had already marked u mine babygirl! (Laughs again like a maniac)
Y/n was in pain! In so much pain! It felt as if he was taking out her heart from her body! The veins and all connected to her heart that kept it in it's place were being stretched out giving her immense pain in her chest!
And on top of that her hands and legs were tied up!
She screamed in pain, tears rolled down her cheecks , the pain caused her veins to show up! Her blue veins ! She struggled harder which caused nothing but more scratches and rashes on her wrists! And soon they started to bleed badly!

David kept piercing the rays inside her heart but suddenly stopped!
His green emerald eyes started to change its colour to red!
David: why didn't I think of this before? If Taehyung didn't then i should right?
Y/n was panting heavily while still being in pain!
David: lemme taste your blood a bit , babygirl...
My eyes widened in shock as i looked up at him , i saw his gaze darkening as he pulled up his gun!


But luckily y/n turned her head on the side and it got missed! it got pierced in the wall behind her .
Y/n panted heavily!
David: impressive, u acted the same way i thought u would..
I got confused and slowly brought my head back to face him, when suddenly I felt an immense pain in my neck! The bullet passed behind touching the neck as it ripped a part of her neck, blood came out of it unstoppably ! Y/n was in pain, she cried for help.

David smirked watching her state! Infact he was a maniac so he would enjoy while watching others in pain, that's what ppl from hell do!
He took steps towards her , as the guards and spike backed away...
He held her right side of the neck that wasn't affected , he pushed the hair on her other side which were getting dipped in her blood, behind her ear .. he looked at y/n who was looking at him with her weak but furious eyes! He smirked and inserted his sharp canines inside her neck!
Y/n screamed her lungs out in pain! Soon he started sucking the blood out of her neck , she was getting weak!

A/n: i know many of you would be thinking what exactly is David, his eyes are green but his eyes changes its colours to red whenever he sniffs y/n's blood, he has canines but not fangs!
So basically the thing is that David is a spirit from hell as we know , but like every superpower has their identical animal, like Taehyung has bats (vampire)! The same way David has hyenas! And in initial parts i told u that hyenas and warewolves drink blood too just like how vampires does. And spike and jackson are one of the hyenas too even Stella was!
And every hyena having that red pendant around their neck indicates they're on David's side! Ie David created them.
Now let's get back to where we were...

David kept piercing his canines more deeply inside her neck as he ripped it more than before!
Y/n constantly screamed out loud! Her screams were the only thing echoing loudly in the whole castle!

Y/n(thinks): Tae~ ... where are you..
She cried...

When suddenly!
David stopped...
Y/n's head fell on one side as she panted in pain..
Spike: what happened?
David: he's here! Bring me Stella's pendant right now!
Y/n slowly opened her eyes as she looked down on the ground and saw her pearl bracelet on the floor... that's why he was able to drink her blood causing her harm , coz her pearl bracelet fell off!

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