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By vanwinklee

44.4K 1.3K 374

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1| Granger Household
2| Fork
3| Arabic Name
4| Toad Hunters
5| Friends
6| Brooms
7| Ring
8| Stranger
9| Worry
10| Swallowing Snitch
11| Train Ride Home
12| Dinner's
13| Christmas Morning
14| Malfoy's Christmas Ball
15| Area of Peace
16| Twin's
17| Pranking 101
18| Late Night Punishment
19| Thinking by the Lake
20| Frantic Last Day
21| Full Moon & Conversations
22| Dad Fight
23| Mum's Magazine
24| Pixies
25| Imagination
26| The Chamber
27| Bludger
28| Snake Language
29| Behind Smiling Faces
30| Polyjuice
31| Uncovering The Truth
32| School of Sorrow
33| Last Day Joy
34| The Eight Roommates
35| Radio
36| Cheer Up, Malfoy
37| New York
38| New Year's
40| Black Robes
41| Dementors
42| Tea Reading
43| Hogsmeade
44| Stranger Reveal
45| Lupin's Story
46| Transformation
47| Tips for a Werewolf
48| Astoria Greengrass
49| Talk with Harry
50| Malfoy the Wise
51| Panicked Gryffindor's
52| Another Mystery
53| Map Malfunction
54| Sirius Black
55| Saving the Godfather
56| More Then Expected
57| Diffuse the Tension
58| Waves
59| Camping
60| World Cup
61| Stranger on Burned Ground
62| Trolley Lady
63| New Arrival's
64| The Three Curses
65| Goblet of Fire
66| Theo's Article
67| Hot Chocolate & Cookies
68| Albino Ferret
69| First Task
70| Ballroom Dancing
71| Dress Shopping
72| The Yule Ball
73| Happy Howlidays
74| Happy Howlidays PT.2
75| Barty's Threat
76| Late Night Reading
77| Second Task
78| Harry and the Pensieve
79| Night With Malfoy
80| Third Task
81| Barty Crouch Jr.
82| The Story of 1983
83| Baby-Sitting
84| 12 Grimmauld Place
85| Heart and Soul
86| Flavored Beans
87| The Pink Toad
88| Umbridge's Class
89| Run, Hide, Panic
90| Everything at Once
91| Thestrals
92| High Inquisitor
93| Possibly Impossible
94| Happy Memories
95| Dumbledore's Army
96| Severus Vs. Dolores
97| Sharing Secrets
98| Melodies for a Werewolf
99| The Letter
100| Reunite
101| Caught Red-handed
102| Apologies
103| Fireworks
104| The Ministry
105| Slughorn
106| Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
107| On the Racks
108| Amortentia
109| Now you Know
110| Cursed?
111| Dinner With Slughorn
112| Ron's First Match
113| Slughorn's Christmas Party
114| Ring of Fire
115| Won-Won and Daft Dimbo
116| Blood in the Water
117| Dumbledore's Downfall
118| Eight Potter's
119| Wedding Day
120| Regulus Arcturus Black
121| Ministry Infiltration
122| On the run
123| Godric's Hollow
124| The Three Brothers
125| Malfoy Manor
126| Lifeless
127| Battle of Hogwarts PT.1
128| Battle of Hogwarts PT.2
1| 19 Years Later
2| New Life
3| Back to King's Cross
4| Permanent Scars
5| Healing Process
6| Back in the World
7| Graves
8| An old Friend
9| Memories of the Past
10| Teddy's Return
11| Unboxing the Past
12| Manor Memories
13| Sleep Over
14| Muggle Cookies
15| Harry and Ron
16| The New Minister
17| A Gift
18| Old History
19| Ghosts
20| Back to Work
21| Dinner for two
22| His Mother
23| Brunch
24| Herbology Professor
25| Muggle Bus
26| The Market
27| New Plan
28| Plan B
29| Teddy's Findings
30| Chase her

39| Aunt Marge

291 10 1
By vanwinklee

''𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙡, 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣! 𝙇𝙚𝙩'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙞𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙬.''



𝗪𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘂𝗽 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗜 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗛𝗼𝗴𝘄𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲. How the year would go and what would happen this year, because it seems something always has to happen. Yet, they are all because of something either I did or because I'm alive. 

Then it makes me wonder how many people want me dead. Tom Riddle - who was actually Voldemort the whole time - was close to killing me if it wasn't for Dumbledore's phoenix. I almost got killed in first year too, with Professor Quirrell and the Philosopher's stone. Hell, Ron almost died too. 

I've tried to go out and see Hermione, since she doesn't live far from where I do. Though I can't because my Aunt and Uncle always holds me behind to clean the house, do the dishes, fold the laundry, work in the yard or do whatever else needs doing. 

Dudley had been trying to visit Y/n, but keeps coming back rambling about how she isn't home. For all I know, she hasn't been home almost all summer, leaving Hermione at the house with her parents and Dudley in a restless state. 

''Harry Potter! Get up and make me breakfast, boy.'' Vernon shouted from the other side of the door, banging his fist against it. Surprisingly, my door hasn't fallen off it's hinges just yet. 

I begrudgingly get up and grab my glasses, slowly putting them on while sulking in bed, still under the covers. My eyes trail over to my bedside table, where a picture of my mum and dad are standing in-front of a fountain, twirling around. 

''Get up, Potter! I'm hungry!'' Dudley now shouted, making me flinch. 

''Because you burn everything you cook.'' I mumbled before throwing the blanket off myself and throwing my legs off the bed. Opening the door, I was greeted with a violent shoulder hitting mine, it felt like it was broken for about five seconds. 

When I walked downstairs, Vernon was at the door with a coat on. 

''Vernon, where are you going?'' Petunia asked. 

''I'm going to pick up Marge.'' With that, he left out the front door. Barely anything else was said. 


''Harry! Harry! Harry! Open the door.'' I open the door to see Aunt Marge on the other side, pushing me to the side to walk in. Vernon was behind her, getting soaked out in the rain. 

Marge brings her umbrella down, folding it and shoving it in my arms. Her dog - Ripper - was on a leash, before she let it go and he started running around the house. Dudley was in the living room, watching the Television. Something he's been doing a lot lately, I don't have the audacity to ask why. 

As Vernon passes by, I pull out a folded piece of paper from my pocket. Vernon takes his coat off as I come closer, holding the now unfolded paper in my hands. 

''Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form.'' 

''What is it?'' He asked, eyeing the paper. 

''Nothing. School stuff.'' Not an exact lie. 

''Later, perhaps, if you behave.'' Vernon waves his hand, walking down the small corridor where everyone else was currently located. 

''I will if she does.'' I seethed. 

''Oh, you're still here, are you?'' She turned around, finally taking notice of me instead of making me an umbrella bucket. 

''Yes.'' I responded in a monotone voice, it had some meaning behind it so it wasn't like Professor Snape monotone. 

''Don't say 'yes' in that ungrateful way.'' She mocks, handing over the dog leash to Aunt Petunia. ''Damn good of my brother to keep you.'' Then turns to Uncle Vernon, whispering in his ear - even though I could still hear. ''He'd have been straight to an orphanage if he'd been dumped on my doorstep, Vernon.'' 

Wish I was dropped off at her doorstep then, it's better then here at the moment. Dudley laughs from the lounge, Aunt Marge then turns her attention onto him instead of Uncle Vernon and I. As I make my way down the corridor, I see fat Dudley sitting on the couch with a napkin tucked into the hem of his shirt, snacks laid everywhere on the couch. 

I was about to make dinner, when Aunt Petunia came by and told me that she would do it and sent me up to my room. She only wanted to cook this time because Aunt Marge was around, she wanted a good impression today, I'm assuming. 

Up the stairs and through the door, I sit on my bed as I look out the window. Maybe I was hoping for a miracle, like last year when Ron and his brothers came and saved me in the flying car. Only, I knew that wouldn't happen this time. 

Maybe Hermione would come by, visiting from the front door for my Aunt and Uncle to miraculously let her in. If they don't then she could just sneak up here from the window, then again, that's not a very Hermione thing that she would do. 

Y/n would do that though, climbing up the wall no matter how many times she would fall. She'd make it to the window just to catch her foot on the window sill and fall on the floor, then say something sarcastic before doing a dramatic hand movement. 

I knew that wouldn't happen either. Hedwig was trying to comfort me from her cage, which seemed to help a little. Uncle Vernon hates it whenever she is loud, but I don't think she cares anymore when she continues to be loud whenever he isn't in the room. 

Aunt Petunia called down for dinner, which I would be eating very little since she made only enough for them and Marge. Her dog was a pain though, a weird looking thing that slobbers all the time and only really listens to Marge. It's annoying. 

Downstairs, I watched from the kitchen counter as everyone ate. Dudley still watched the television - which was brought into the kitchen. Surprisingly Uncle Vernon was able to afford one, he used to always complain about how poor he is. Yet, he still has a lighthouse on an abandoned island in the middle of the ocean.

Ripper sits next to Marge's chair, looking up expectantly at her. 

''Can I tempt you, Marge?'' Uncle Vernon asks, standing from his chair with a bottle of wine in his hand. 

''Just a small one.'' He pours some of the wine into her glass. ''A bit more. . .'' More wine. ''A bit more. . .'' And more wine. ''That's the boy.'' Just a small one she says, the glass is filled almost to the rim. I don't fancy dealing with a drunk Aunt with her delusional dog. 

The dog sits down by the left front leg of her chair, still looking up at Marge expectantly. Though, she ignores him for the moment, turning to speak with Aunt Petunia. 

''Excellent nosh, Petunia. It's usually just a fry-up for me, what with twelve dogs.'' She then turns to the dog, leaning herself down to let the dog lap at some of the wine in the glass. Talk about hygiene. 

''What are you smirking at?'' She suddenly asked, making me shrug my shoulder and shake my head a little. ''Where is it that you send him, Vernon?''

''St. Brutus's. It's a first-rate institution for the hopeless cases.'' 

''I see. And do they use the cane at St. Brutus's, boy?'' Marge asked, turning back towards me as I scraped out the dishes I had picked up earlier. 

I turn a little to look towards Uncle Vernon, seeing that he's already giving my a dark look as Aunt Petunia does the same. 

''Oh, yes. I've been beaten loads of times.'' I sarcastically answered. They continue talking as I turn around to lean against the counter, with my back facing the table they were sitting at. I'm just glad that Snape didn't have a cane, otherwise that wouldn't have been a complete lie. 

It just makes me wonder more and more, what my friends are doing right at this moment. Maybe Ron really is thinking of a way to get me out of here, bringing along Y/n and Hermione too. Just wish Hogwarts was really my home, somewhere I could stay all day, every day, with everyone. 

''What is it the boys father did, Petunia?'' Marge asked, getting my attention. 

''Nothing. That is. . .he didn't work. He was. . . unemployed.'' She answered, sounding a little agitated. Though, I couldn't exactly blame her. 

''Of course. And a drunk, I expect-'' 

''That's a lie.'' I spoke through gritted teeth. 

''What did you say?'' She asked, narrowing her eyes on me as I turned around to face her. 

''My dad wasn't a drunk.'' When I glared at her, the wine glass in her hand had broke, glass prices flying everywhere. 

''Oh my goodness! Marge!'' Aunt Petunia shouted quietly. 

''Not to worry, Petunia. I have a very firm grip.'' He demonstrates with her hand, before waving off the whole thing with the wine glass. I stare at the left over glass shards, a little surprised. 

''I think it's about time for you to get to bed.'' Uncle Vernon let out, giving me a slight warning glare. 

''Quiet, Vernon. You, boy, clean this up.'' She gestures to the glass that had just broken, as I took a towel and went over to clean it all. She continued her conversation with the other two adults. ''It's not about the father. In the end it all comes down to the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch, then there'll be something wrong with the pup. . .'' 

''Shut up! Shut up!'' I suddenly screamed, steam practically coming from my head. Throwing the towel to the ground, I turned on my heel and stomped my foot to the ground, seeing Marge with a smug face 

''Listen here-'' She starts, but stops when she sees her finger is inflating in-front of her. This will be a fun sight to watch. 

She inflates more and more, to the point where she can't even fit in her chair anymore. Even Dudley had looked away from the television that was set in the kitchen. Marge floated into the air, a button coming off her clothes and hitting Dudley in the forehead, making him fall back. 

Her clothes tearing down the seams, as her face puffs up. In the end, she becomes one huge balloon that flies into the observatory and out the door. Uncle Vernon chases after her, as Aunt Petunia and Dudley stand a little behind. 

''Marge!'' Uncle Vernon shouts, following the woman out the observatory. She bounces off the ceiling before making her way outside. Uncle Vernon jumps up and grabs Marge, trying to bring her down, only for Marge's dog to grab a hold of Uncle Vernon's ankle. ''Don't worry, I've got you.'' He tries to reassure her, though I'm sure it isn't working. 

When Marge sees Vernon is floating above with her, along with her dog, she speaks. 

''Vernon, don't you dare.'' She warns. 

''Sorry.'' He spoke with guilt, before letting go of her and dropping to the ground with the dog still on his ankle. Marge screamed as she floated away into the night sky, Vernon watching from outside as Petunia stood a little ways back. The dog was next to Vernon as Dudley was eating something from his napkin and watching the Television again. 

I didn't want to be in the room anymore, especially after inflating my Uncle's sister. Instead, I raced up to my room and slammed my door shut, plopping myself down on the bed. The picture of my parents were in-front of the fountain, spinning around as they looked at the camera.

If only they were still alive, then my life would be different then it is now. Maybe if be living in luxury, like the Malfoy's or other pure-blood families. I know, I know. That sounds greedy but it's only a dream. 

My next thought was to just move from the house, rather living on the streets then spending the rest of my younger years in this wretched house with an Aunt and Uncle who are crazy, along with a fat cousin Dudley, who can only think about Y/n. 

Would I tell her about that? Definitely. 

I grabbed my trunk and threw it onto my bed, opening it before stuffing some things inside of it. A loose floorboard is located near the bed, when I stepped on it, it came up enough to where I was able to pull it out without a problem. Inside the loose floorboard was my wand, which I kept there for safe keeping. You never know what muggleborns like these people would do with a wand. 

With my clothes, wand and other items in the trunk, I grabbed  the picture of my parents and my photo book I got from Hagrid at the end of First year before shoving them into the trunk, also. I had everything, now I just needed to leave.

Maybe I was going for the quiet factor of escaping, but that's had when the trunk makes a noise with every step it goes down. When I nearest the bottom, Uncle Vernon was there and had started yelling at me. 

''You bring her back! You bring her back and put her right!'' He stomped, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt. 

''No! She deserved what she got!'' I pulled my wand from my jacket pocket, placing it under Uncle Vernon's chin. ''And you. . .you keep away from me.'' He eyes the wand under his chin, before looking back up at me with a grin. 

''You're not aloud to do magic outside of school.'' He points out. I falter a little, before regaining my position. 

''Oh yeah? Try me.'' I defend. 

''You've got no where to go.'' He tried again. 

''Anywhere is better then here.'' With my final words, I shove my wand back into my pocket and take my leave out the door. 

It was dark out, I couldn't tell what time it was since I hadn't looked before I left. In the sky, a little dot rises upon the stars, a faint scream coming from it. Seems like she's having fun up there. Continuing my way down the street, I contemplate about my decisions. I could go to Hermione and Y/n's place, since they are just down the road. 

Though I didn't feel like walking all the way there and who knows if they are even home at this time. I sat on the curb of the sidewalk, an empty playground behind me with a line bench sitting across the street. Nothing could be heard or barely seen, which was a little creepy the first few seconds. 

I turn around to look at the empty playground, the swings are swinging back and forth slowly from the small breeze. The leaves making their usual noise when the wind comes blowing through, with some falling on the ground. 

When I turn back around, I suddenly stiffen, sensing the feeling that someone is watching me. I didn't like it whatsoever, I looked everywhere, nobody was in sight. Not down the street, not at the playground and not at the bench. Turning back to look forward, a large shadow stepped out of the bushes.

Slowly rising to my feet, I draw my wand from my jacket pocket and point it at the shadow. Maybe it wasn't a shadow, even if it was, I didn't like it. It's eyes were gleaming within' the night, making it seem all more scarier then what it should've been. 

The shadow, barks? 

It shouldn't have scared me so much, but it did. Scared me so much that I tripped over my forgotten trunk and fell onto the sidewalk again. A honking sound comes from down the street, my attention now turning towards the lights that were attached to the now appearing vehicle. 

The vehicle is a triple-decker, purple bus with a plate over the windscreen that says 'Knight Bus'. With a screech, the doors to the bus opens and a man comes stepping in the doorway, in a full-out purple outfit that fits with the bus.

''Welcome to the Knight Bus. Emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor for this evening.'' He flashes his name tag before he finishes reading, then looks down at me. ''Wha' choo doin' down there?'' 

''Fell over.'' 

''Wha' choo fall over for?'' 

''I didn't do it on purpose.''

''Well, come on then! Let's not wait for the grass to grow.'' He urges, stepping off the bus. I take this time to peer around the back of the bus, trying to spot the thing from earlier. Nothing was there. ''Wha' choo you lookin' at?'' Stan asked, perring around the bus with me. 

I shake my head and crouch down to grab my trunk, only for Stan to wave me off. 

''No, no. I'll get this. You get in.'' He then crouches down and picks up the trunk, looking like he's having a hard time moving the thing. When I get on the bus, there are beds on the left side with some people sleeping in them. 

Above a floor, hanging from the ceiling, was a chandelier. Why would a bus have a chandelier? Wouldn't it just break all the time, even with magic? I sat on the bed closest to where the driver was currently sitting, Stan followed behind and leaned himself up against the wall. 

''Take 'er away, Ern.'' Stan instructs. 

''Yeah, take it away, Ernie!'' The shrunken head repeats, as the driver takes a bite of his sandwich and starts the bus. The bus zooms down the street, almost making me fall off the bed. ''Fasten your safety belts, clench your buttocks! It's going to be a bumpy ride!'' No kidding. 

As we drive off, Stan stares at me with a questionable gaze, seemingly thinking about something. 

''What did you say your name was?'' He asked. 

''I didn't.'' I had clarified, keeping a grip on the bed post before I flung off. 

''Where is it your headed?'' He asked another question. 

''The Leaky Cauldron. That's in London.'' 

''You hear that? "The Leaky Cauldron. That's in London."'' He repeated towards the driver, who didn't seemed to be fazed about the information. That shrunken head started to speak, though. 

''The Leaky Cauldron. If you have pea soup. . .make sure you eat it before it eats you.'' The shrunken head started laughing hysterically, watching the road and turning around every now and then. 

I look outside the window, seeing cars and people - sometimes on bikes - pass by. It just made me wonder.

''But the Muggles. Can't they see us?'' I asked. 

''Muggles? They don't see nothing, do they?'' Stan replied. 

''No, but if you have them with a fork, they feel.'' The shrunken head added, making Stan laugh a little. I didn't know why, but I didn't want to question it. ''Ernie, little old lady at twelve o'clock!'' 

The driver had made the bus come to a sudden stop, making me fly off the bed and hit my face against the window. I really wish I had kept my grip onto the bed tighter, otherwise my face wouldn't have been hurting right about now. 

''Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Three and a half. Two. One and three quarters. . .yes!'' The bus started again, as I made myself comfortable on the bed. 

I looked up at Stan, seeing that he was completely unfazed by how fast the bus was moving and the sudden turns. In his hands was The Daily Prophet, the front page was a man that was screaming towards the front with a sign in his hands. 

''Who's that? That man.'' I asked, getting Stan's attention as he turned to look at the front page again. 

''Who is that? Who is. . .?'' He asked in disbelief. ''That's Sirius Black, that is. Don't tell me you've never been hearing of Sirius Black.'' I shook my head. ''He's a murderer. Got himself locked up in Azkaban for it.''

''Well, how did he escape?'' I ask, sliding a little from the bed. 

''Well, that's the question, isn't it? He's the first one that done it. He was a big supporter of You-Know-Who. Reckon you've heard of him.'' 

''Yeah. Him I've heard of.'' I agreed. 

''Been here only a day and even I know more.'' He mumbled, shaking his head as he folded the newspaper in half. What did he mean by being here only a day?

''Ernie, two double-deckers at twelve o'clock.'' The head spoke again, turning itself around to face the driver. ''They're getting closer, Ernie.'' We're going to crash into those buses, then I'll be dead. ''Ernie, they're right on top of us!'' The shrunken head turns back towards us. ''Mind your head.''

The driver pulls a stick and the bus seems to slow for a minute, before a weird sensation flushes over the vehicle. Out the window, I saw that we were now between the two buses, stretched. This will surely give me a headache. 

''Hey, guys? Guys? Why the long faces?'' It then laughs, making the joke. I didn't know how to react, so I sat there and stared. ''Yeah. Yeah. Nearly there. Nearly there.'' 

The bus came to another sudden stop, making me jump from the bed and hit my face against the same window again. It hurt even twice as much as last time, no surprise there. 

''The Leaky Cauldron.'' Stan gestured outside the bus, a bored expression on his face. I stood up to be met with another person stepping into the bus, a pale looking man with a hunch and black robes on. 

''Mr. Potter. At last.'' I stepped off the bus with my trunk in hand, Stan not saying anything when I had stepped off. 

''Take it away, Ern.'' He waved off. 

''Yeah, take it away, Ernie!'' With that, the purple bus zoomed away and out of sight. 



''Look, Malfoy. Stop complaining about it and just go to bed.'' I groaned, rubbing my hands down my face as I walked through the corridor to find the room I had rented in The Leaky Cauldron. 

''There isn't anyone else to rant to.'' He simply replied, before he continued to mumble rants about his stay. 

He was supposed to go home after we had got back from New York, though at the last minute his parents sent a letter saying that they had important business to attend to. Saying that, he couldn't go home and had to stay with me. That's what his parents said at least. 

Rant after rant, the boy wouldn't shut up about being in the company of a muggle-born. Though, he should be thankful that it's just me and not some random Muggle. It just confuses me why his parents didn't let him off with any other pure-blood family that was willing to watch him for a couple days before school started. 

''Go to bed, Malfoy. I'm done talking.'' I waved him off, opening the door to my room.

''Disappointing, really. I thought you were a Granger.'' He spoke, leaning against the opposite wall that my door was located.

''What does that mean?'' 

''I thought you were able to withstand any annoying thing in your path.'' 

''Glad to know that you think your annoying, yourself.'' I replied with a smirk, turning around to lean against the door with my arms crossed. He sent me a glare before continuing. 

''Fine. I get it, your weak. I don't get why I'm in the presence of a muggle-born.'' Pushing himself off the wall, he walked a door down to his, unlocking it and opening it. ''Just because we went on the same road trip, doesn't make us acquaintances.'' He clarified, before stepping inside and closing his door. 

''I wouldn't want it any other way.'' I mumbled before turning around to enter my room. It was cold and dark, Hermione asleep in the bed across from mine. 

I really wish she had gotten her own room, because she snores. The snores aren't the best of things either, they usually keep me up all night which then leads to me being a moody person the next day. Either that or I'll fall asleep within' the first few seconds. 

The blanket was pulled up to my chin as I cuddled myself up further against my pillow. With familiar sounds of Hermione's snores, Faris' small cooing noise and the cracking of the Knight Bus, I had fallen into sleep. Awaiting tomorrow when we'd all be on the Hogwarts Express, starting our third year. 

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