Innocent Devil

By ArchuG1412

42.5K 3K 830

A cliché story about a devil who end up meeting an innocent angle. This is not a supernatural story. Characte... More

Ch 2
Good News & Bad News

Ch. 22

1.4K 77 21
By ArchuG1412

Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

A/N: I reached 1k followers yeay!!!! THANK YOU ALL!!

Tae’s POV

We finally decided to call Dun to deal with Wayo. We knew the chances of Wayo opening up with Dun and telling him anything were slim but we have no other option but to do this. Dun was currently at Wayo’s house, I don’t know how he convinced Wayo to give his address but I was glad that he did. Beam has known Wayo for a few years already but even he doesn’t know where Wayo actually lives.

“You think he will tell him anything? I mean he did invite him to his own house. You get my point right?” Ever since Dun left, Beam was pacing all over the house. He was getting agitated every now and then. I totally understand Beam’s condition, even though I have known Wayo for a few months only and that kid has managed to make a sweet spot in my heart.

Can you imagine? Me, a mafia leader having a sweet spot for someone who is not family or Beam. So you can guess how sweet and important Wayo is to both of us. Yes, I was also getting worried sick wondering about Wayo but I am a master of remaining calm even when a gun is pointed at my head.

It was now late at night which means Dun will be here any minute now.

As if reading my mind the doorbell rang. Before I could even lift my foot, Beam was already opening the front door. How the hell did he run so fast?

“Dun did you find anything? Did he say anything? Did he…” Before Beam could finish his interrogation, Dun flopped down on the sofa looking all worried and lost like he had seen some kind of ghost. He was whispering something and kept running his fingers through his hair. His breathing was abnormal too and one of his legs was bouncing continuously. 

I know why he was acting like this.

“What did you see there?” I didn’t beat around the bush and directly ask him. I know I should calm him down first but now I was super curious about the reason why Dun was acting like this.

Dun is not very good when it comes to violence, blood or abuse. Once when he was just a teenager, he saw me torturing one of my enemies. Dun fainted on the site and was down with fever for the whole week. Ever since that day dad decided to send Dun away from all this and let him live a happy and peaceful life.

After that day whenever he sees blood or anything like that then he will start hyperventilating, like he was doing right now.

“Dun, calm down okay. Take deep breaths first and relax. You are totally safe here and if you want to rescue Wayo from whatever he is going through then you have to give us the details bro.” Hearing Wayo’s name managed to snap him out of his state of hyperventilation.

“I..I..We…we need to…rescue him.” I can totally see panic and fear in his eyes while he said this. I don’t know what he saw and if he will be able to tell us but one thing was sure that I need to save Wayo from whatever he is going through.

“It's okay buddy. Just relax. You don’t have to force yourself from telling us anything. What you said is enough information.” Dun couldn’t say anything after that and went back to his room. I know it will be better to leave him alone right now because whenever he is like this he gets more panicky if someone tries to calm him down.

"So what are we going to do now that we know Yo is in grave danger?"

"Are you forgetting that my sweet little boy is who I am?" Beam shook his head saying no.

"Then leave the rest to me. I will rescue Yo from whatever hell he is in today only. I don't want him to suffer for one more day." While saying that I gave a peck on my Beam's forehead and called a few of my men.

"Are you sure this is the address Forth?" Jay asked me with a worried look on his face.

"Never been so sure Jay." I gave him a smirk and decided to go inside the hell where they've kept an angel as their prisoner.

I can understand why Jay was worried. I never imagined that Wayo could be related to one of my biggest rivals in this country. We both were never on a good term and have lots of unresolved issues. Now I think it is one of the best chances to resolve everything.

I signalled Jay to come inside with me and asked others to keep an eye outside.

"Where do you think you are going without permission?" One of their "security" people tried to stop me from entering the house. I am sure this person must be new in this otherwise he would never have dared to stop me.

"You must be new in this field, kid. " I patted his cheek gently and told him my name. As if he has seen some ghost the color from his drain away and he apologized immediately.

"It's alright, I forgive you since you are new or else you would already have gone to the afterlife." I gave him a deadly glare and entered inside.

"Who thought The Forth could be this handsome?" I heard that kid whispering under his breath which managed to bring a bit of pride in me. Beam should be lucky that he got such a handsome boyfriend, right?

"Well, well ,well… who do we have here?"

"Cut the bullshit and let me directly come to the point Dean. I don't want to waste my time on you. I have come here to make a deal."

Dean's brow raised in the sky as if he never expected anything like this happening to him. I mean I never expected this but things can change.
"Hmmmm ..  That's interesting. What's the deal?" He signalled us to take a seat in front of his desk while taking a seat in our opposite direction.

“I won’t beat around the bush and will simply state the reason why I am here. I know you have been trying to take that southern part from me for a while now and you have done many things in order to snatch it from my hands. So, how about I give it to you without any fight and In return you will stop bothering me.” Jay gave me the look saying if I have lost my mind or something. I gave him a reassured look .

Actually I didn’t plan anything when I said I will bring Wayo with me. I planned all this on my way here. I know I should have discussed it Jay but my mind was way too conflicted to plan anything that time.

“I know that that’s not all that you want in return since that area is one of the most profitable areas for you. So what else do you want Forth?” As expected this guy is smart as I have heard so far. No wonder he was able to reach this high in such a short amount of time but too bad that he is more of a monster than a human.

“I want Wayo in return.” I was firm in my statement so that he will get the message that I am dead serious.

“Wayo?” By the looks of his I can tell that he has no idea who Wayo is. I was actually not surprised with Wayo, or whatever his real name is, hiding his real name from everyone else out in public. I wonder even if he knows that he has a lil brother who needs all the love and caring in the world, but what less can I expect from this monster.

“This guy.” I showed him the pic of Wayo.

“Oooohhhhh you mean Bas? So this is what everyone outside this place knows his name as? Well you can take him away, it’s not like he is of any use. I am done playing with and he did not give anymore pleasure as he used to. You can have him. I was gonna throw him away anyway.” He asked one of his bodyguards to bring Wayo down as soon as possible.

Me being furious at his statement would be an understatement. I wanted to kill this guy right then and there only but I have to play my cards nicely to save Wayo, I mean Bas. But I swear to God that I will kill this person very soon. How could he rape his own brother? And a brother like Wayo? If I ever had a brother like him then I will do anything in my power to protect him from the evil of this world at all cost. I couldn't even see Dun panicking in front of me. I don't know how… I wish I could be this person right now!!

“Here is your thing.” Wayo was thrown away at my feet like he was some kind of garbage. He was skinner and paler compared to the day before yesterday when I last saw him. I wonder how a person could lose so much weight in two days?

“You can play with him as you like but let me tell you, he has nothing left in him. He can’t even get hard now. Poor thing. I don’t know why that friend of his came to see him yesterday but he left as soon as he arrived. I am sure he got disgusted by…”

“ENOUGH!! WE ARE LEAVING!! I will send you the contract papers by tomorrow morning with my sign in it, make sure you sign it too. And aso, I will be adopting Wayo as my family legally so that a monster like you won’t try to snatch him away from me. I will give him all the love and care that he was supposed to get from his elder brother.”

Me, Jay, Wayo and my other men left that place as soon as we could. I couldn’t let Wayo be in this place for a sec now.

Wayo broke down as soon as he got seated in the car. He hugged me and cried his eyes out. I didn’t stop him crying because I know he needs this. He needs his pain to go away with tears. I promise myself that from now on all Wayo will ever witness in his life is love and happiness.

Wayo fell asleep in my embrace after he got tired from crying. Honestly I have never seen Jay’s eyes getting teary for someone who is not close with him but while hearing Wayo’s cries his eyes got teary too. He tried super hard to fight back his tears and he managed to do so too. I was glad that he didn’t give me a look of disappointment when I willingly gave that southern part away in exchange for Wayo. He was happy that I did.

“What are we going to do about his monster brother? I know you won’t sit still after learning what he has done to this innocent soul here.” I didn’t reply to him because I also had no idea what I was going to do with him. Killing him seems way too easy . I need to find a way to make him go through more pain than he has given to Wayo.

“I still don’t know bro. But we need something worse than death. But first of all I need to doubt Wayo as my family so call the lawyer and prepare whatever is needed for the adoption. Also, I don't want this information to get leaked out. He has suffered enough and I don’t want him to suffer anymore because of me. After Wayo is stable enough, I will send him to the states with Dun so he can live there freely.” Jay gave me a nod in understanding.

We reached Beam’s house after our long drive. Wayo was still fast asleep, clutching to me like his life depended on it. I stroke his cheek gently and promise myself once again that I will make him the happiest person on this earth.


A/N: Hello my lovely readers. I am back with this story again after a long Hiatus. Now I will be updating this story on a regular basis since now I know what to write ahead. I will try posting 2-3 chapters per week. Also, thank you for staying with me and not leaving me while I was away. Love you all.


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