101 Mistakes | short series

By thatBLife

372 15 1

Everyone makes mistakes. But how many does it take for it to come crashing down? Once this story gets 100 vie... More

Forgive Me

My First Mistake

225 7 0
By thatBLife

 It's a beautiful morning at Bangkok University. The lovely couple Pond and Phuwin are peacefully sleeping in their shared dorm snuggled up against each other. At 8:00 a.m. they'r alarm clock blared through the morning.

"Morning handsome. You have to get up quick you have a big test today," Pond greets Phuwin with a kiss on cheek. He gets up and opens the windows and curtains while Phuwin grumbles and gets out of bed slowly. They both brush their teeth and get ready to head out to class.

Pond drives Phuwin to the Dentistry Faculty first to drop him off.

"Good lucky on your test, you studied really hard. You got this," Pond told him.

"I'll definitely let you know how it goes. How about we go to dinner in celebration?"

"That sounds amazing, I'll pick you up at 5."

They exchange kisses and Pond drives off to his faculty, Medical. He walks through the building to get to his class and sits in front of his best friend Mix. "Hey, did you study for the test today? I completely forgot and I never forget about tests," Mix says. Pond turns to Mix in shock. Of course he forgot, he's always preoccupied. "Don't tell me you actually forgot. I know you were doing your little devil's tango with your boyfriend-," "SHHHH! Not so loud." Pond exclaims at Mix. "But you at least should've remembered for the both of us."

Just then their teacher walks in and Pond turns back around in his seat. Their teacher announces their test and hands it out. Pond sits there not knowing a thing. Meanwhile, Mix actually did study and was prepared.

Back in dentistry, Phuwin is taking his big test confidently. This test was worth 45% of his grade so he worked really hard to do well on this test.

Phuwin finishes and waits for Luis outside. Not long after Luis joins him outside. "Oh my goshhhh, I felt like I was never gonna finish that test. I can't believe that teacher put 100 questions on that test," Luis said letting out a big sigh. Phuwin puts his hand on his shoulder and says," Please, let's just go get something to eat."

Phuwin and Luis go to their local food place to eat eat rice and omelets drinking ice tea.

"So how have you and Pond been doing recently?"

"We've been doing good, amazing actually. He's always cooking for me and getting me things. Some times I think he's trying to make up for something."

"What's going on~ Is he your sugar daddy or something?"

"No it's not like that at all. I wanna grow old with him and quite honestly, he would make a pretty cute dad."

"Oh wow so now we're talking families!? When did you grow so fond of him??

"I don't know, it's just love I guess."

"WHAT THE HECK? I'm going to throw up!!"

Luis and Phuwin laugh about it and finish up their meal. They head to their second and third class of their day. The two also head to the library to study anything that they need or have missed and finally, 5 p.m. rolls around.

Luis had already left because apparently he was too tired to stick around. That leaves Phuwin and about 2 other students in the library at this time since it's a Friday. Pond sneaks up being Phuwin and covers his eyes.

"Luis is that you? Stop playing games with me I thought you already left," he says while trying to peel his hands off. "It's me, now keep your eyes closed," Pond says softly. Phuwin slowly puts his hands in his lap as Pond puts a necklace around his neck.

"Open your eyes." Phuwin opens his eyes to look down at his neck. It's a rectangle shaped locket with a picture they took the day Pond asked him out on the bridge. It was a beautiful starry night. All Phuwin could do is look back at Pond in awe. "This is so beautiful! Where'd you get this?" Phuwin asked. "Don't worry about it, let's just enjoy our night. Okay?"

They make their way out of the library and into his car. The two went home and changed clothes because they will be going to a fancy restaurant Pond have planned to go to. Phuwin always wanted to go there but never thought he would be able to go. And finally, he was able to sit and enjoy this place he had been dreaming of.

At the restaurant, they laugh remembering past memories and enjoying luxurious food. One of the many highlights was Pong telling how shocked he was about the test.

"I thought Mix was messing with me, I just couldn't believe it until our teacher walked in and said it."

"If I would've known, I wouldn't have given you so many favors last night. I could've told you to study!"

"Oh come on, you wouldn't have at least given me one favor?"

"O shut up!"

Just then their waiter walked up and introduced their bill which was quite expensive. "Don't worry I'll pay my end. We can split." Before Pond could even respond, Phuwin was already handing over his card.

The card declined.

"Don't worry about it. I already planned. To pay for the both of us." Pond paid but in the back of his mind, he was thinking that Phuwin never had money problems. He was never stingy with money and has never had his card declined before in their 3 years of dating. Pond didn't mind paying but this kept bothering him the rest of the night. So when they got home, he decided to ask.

"Hey um.... Can we talk about what happened at the restaurant? I'm only curious because something like this has never happened before.

"Oh that? That was nothing. Just a bit of over spending that's all."

Pond wanted to believe him but he just couldn't. Even Phuwin himself had an off expression on his face. On the most expensive of days, it never looked like he ran out of money. So he persisted.

"I'm sorry but I just can't believe that and you can't either. Tell me what's going on."

"What the hell?! What's going on with you? I just had fun!"

"Phuwin! Tell me the truth now!"

"I LOST OK!! I lost."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I was gambling the other day and I bet almost all my money. I lost it."



"You could've told me. After our years together I would've thought that you knew you could tell me anything. I could've and would've helped and supported you, but you did this. I can't even look at you right now."

Pond grabbed his coat and shoes and left. He could hear Phuwin calling after him. There was some guilt that found him, but it was washed over by anger he felt. He didn't want to listen. He drove to the nearest club to drink away his feelings. Pond didn't even bother to call a friend to vent to or even just watch him.

He arrived and headed straight for the bar. He ordered drink after drink until there were 7 beer bottles sitting in front of him. Just then a girl walked up and sat next to him. "Hey, my name is Love. What's yours?" Pond drunkly said his name.

Love stayed next to him a began to flirt with him. She was touching his arms, his thighs, his face. But of course didn't understand, he was too drunk. Suddenly he passes out.

He's in Love's room the next morning.

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