I Think He Knows - Conrad Fis...

By LifeIsRand0m

5K 66 30

"The Cousins, my favorite place on Earth. It was my second home. Every Summer, since before I was born, there... More

Summer Dress
Summer Nights
Summer Heat
Summer Catch
Summer Tides
Summer Love

1//Summer House

1.4K 14 15
By LifeIsRand0m

The Cousins, my favorite place on Earth. It was my second home. Every Summer, since before I was born, there was a tradition that is very sacred to my family. The Fishers, the Conklins, and my family would spend our entire summer together in the Cousins.

My brother, Josh, is seventeen. He's thinking about college whereas I can't decide what cereal to eat in the morning. Josh and I used to hang out a lot as I was never very good at making friends. However, that changed once he started getting interested in girls.

Belly Conklin and I are the same age. We have always been close and have so much in common. Belly is my best friend. Although we live no where near each other we try to keep in touch as well as we can throughout the year. This year was different, however. We got busy. The last time we FaceTimed was probably around thanksgiving.

Conrad Fisher was also my best friend. It was a different type of friendship than Belly and I had but still just as good. Conrad's always been good about including Belly and I. He's always given me advice and helped me so much over the years. And it's possible that I've always seen him as...more.

But, there is absolutely no way that Conrad has ever seen me as anything other than a little sister. That's just how it is. And even if he did, I could never do that to Belly. Belly has been in love with Conrad since we were eleven years old. She has felt this way every summer since.

Another reason it's not going to happen with Conrad would be that I actually have a boyfriend. His name is Miles. Miles and I have been dating for eight months. What I love about Miles is that he likes me for me. He liked me before I started wearing makeup and before my boobs came in. Miles doesn't care about the superficial stuff. He likes me.

Anyway, this summer was going to be different than any before. I can feel it. I'm different. I've grown. This summer was going to rock.


*•*Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift*•*

I lean my head out the window and take in the breeze. My face is succumbed to the wind. My smile is big.

I wonder if they'll still see me as the little girl I've always been to them or if they'll see me for who I've grown to be. I wonder how Conrad will see me. I wonder if he'll see me. I mean, really see me.

I was excited to see Jeremiah as well. Jeremiah knows my feelings for his brother. He's the only one who knows. He also knows that I would never want that to get out to anyone. Not to Conrad and especially not to Belly. Jeremiah was my brother, my best friend.

We were all close that way. These people were my best friends and I would do anything for them. However, it's gotten a little weird as we got older. Steven doesn't want his little sister around as much and Belly and I have gone through changes that we can't exactly talk to the boys about. We're teenagers.

"Are you guys excited to see everyone?" My mom asked as we were on our way to the Cousins.

"I'm so excited. I miss Belly so much." I told her.

"Yeah, Jeremiah says there's this party tonight so I'm super pumped for that." Josh said from the passenger seat.

"Don't stay out too late, you hear me?" Mom said.

"Mom, what kind of teenager do you think I am?" Josh asked playfully.

"The kind that's into girls instead of curfew." Mom answered.

"How far are we?" I asked.

"About twenty minutes." My mom responded.

I returned my glance to the scenery outside my window. The closer we got the more excited I became.

Eventually I could see our street. I grew impatient in my seat as we drove down it. The house slowly came into view and I was beyond excited. My mom parked the car and I could see that everyone was outside still greeting one another.

"Belly-Belly butterfly!" I called as Belly and I had a greeting that we always did. It might sound cringy but we've done it since we were little. She turns around with the biggest smile and runs to greet me.

"Y/n birdie in the sky!" She responded. "Oh my god! I've missed you so much!" Belly squeals as she hugs me.

"I missed you, girl!" I say before we pull apart to look at each other. "Shut up. You have boobs!"

"So do you!" She said back. "And your hair!"

"I did this last week, do you like it?" I asked her.

"Like? I love it! You look hot!" She said as we hugged again.

"Me? Girl, have you looked in a mirror? You're glowing!" I said.

"Y/n!" Laurel greets now at our side. "It's so good to see you! Look how you've grown."

"Hey, Laurel." I said as we hugged. Laurel moved on to greet my mom.

"Okay, my turn." Jeremiah said going in for a hug. Jere picked me up and spun me mid hug.

"Hey, Jere-bear!" I squealed. "How have you been?"

"Great, now that everyone's here." He smiled. "Josh, my man." Jeremiah greeted my brother.

"Hey, Y/n." I heard as Steven joined us as well.

"Hey, Stevie boy." I greeted as I gave him a hug. Nicknames were kind of my thing. Who do you think Belly got hers from?

"Y/n! Oh my, how you've grown! Come here." I heard Susannah from behind our little reunion cluster.

"Susannah!" I left the group to embrace the woman. Our hug was tight and warm. Susannah was like another mom to me. Laurel was too, but Susannah was so different than anyone else I knew. She was a free spirit.

"Oh, I am so happy to see you. You are just gorgeous, you know that? You've grown so much." Susannah gushed. I laughed. "No, y/n, I'm serious. I mean, you've always been gorgeous but you've really grown into such a beautiful young lady. You and Belly both. Which, I want to talk to you both about something but we can do that later."

"Okay." I smiled. Compliments were weird for me. I've never really gotten them much until this past year if I'm being honest.

"Okay, I'm gonna go see your mom. We'll talk later." Susannah smiled placing her hand on my cheek before leaving to find my mom. I look around and take in the environment. All year I wait for this moment. The moment I get to come home.

As I look around I lock eyes with someone across from me.

*•*I Think He Knows - Taylor Swift*•*

He's tall and handsome yet so mysterious. I was looking at Conrad but he was...different. His stature, his eyes. Something was off. Then it happened. He smiled. I returned the action as he made his way towards me.

"Hey." I said as Conrad now stood in front of me.

"Hey." He said. "Your braces."

"I'm sorry?" I asked confused.

"Your braces. They're gone." He said.

"Oh, yeah. I got them off in March." I let out a small chuckle.

"I liked them." He said.

"Yeah, well, I'm happy they're gone. I can chew regular gum." I said. Why did I say that. Who cares about gum. "Plus, my teeth are pretty straight." I smiled to show the boy.

Conrad laughed. Just then the boys and Belly joined us. "Hey, so, I don't know about you guys but I-I think it's time for a..." Steven started.

"Oh no..." I said looking over to Belly.

"Belly flop!" Jere and Steven said together. Belly flop was something we did every summer for the last five or so years. The boys throw Belly and I into the pool and call it a "Belly flop". It's a play on words that they were so proud of themselves for coming up with.

Steven and Jere carried Belly, arms and legs. Conrad and Josh did the same with me. They cheered and cackled as they carried us.

"Wait, wait. At least take my phone out of my pocket." I said remembering it was there. Conrad grabs my phone and tosses it to the chair behind us.

"Three, two, one..." The boys counted down before in we went. Belly and I came up for air and we shared a look.

"It just gets funnier every year, doesn't it?" I asked sarcastically and they laughed.

"Guys, I hurt my ankle." Belly said.

"The least you boys could do is help us out." I said. Jere reached for Belly and Conrad for me. Belly and I looked at each other before sharing the same thought. We pulled them in with us.

"Oh! Girls come back for the win." Belly says as we shared a high five.

"Yeah we did. Did we just create a new tradition, Belly?" I asked her.

"I think we did." She joked as we laughed.

"Ha, ha, ha." Jeremiah teased splashing us. Belly splashed him back as Conrad came after me.

"You're going down." Conrad teased as he dunked me. I went under and so did he. Our eyes were opened and locked on one another. When we came up for air our faces were merely inches apart.

Conrad moved some of my hair out of my face and we stared at each other a moment. I felt eyes on me so I glance over to find Belly watching the two of us. I splash Conrad to break the moment and let out a small laugh when he splashes me back. We all then make our way out of the pool.

I sit on the edge of the pool wall while everyone goes inside. I smile at the experience we just had and am so happy to finally be back.

"Hey." I heard from behind me.

"Hey." I said seeing Conrad approaching me.

"Here." He said bringing me my phone as well as a towel. I stand up to meet him.

"Thanks." I smiled taking the two.

"Are you glad to be back?" He asked as I wrapped the towel around myself.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course. I've missed Cousins." I told him. "What about you?"

"Yeah." He said faintly.

His demeanor was off. It was like earlier when I first saw him. Conrad is different.

"I um, I like what you did with your hair." Conrad had told me.

"Thanks. Its new. I just wanted something different, you know?" I explained.

"Remember the summer that you and Belly gave each other hair cuts?" He asked causing me to laugh.

"Ah, I could never forget the summer of head bands." We laughed. His laugh made me smile. That was the Conrad I knew. His laugh gave me comfort.


Every summer for our entire lives Belly and I have shared a room, our room. I enter the bedroom and admire the nostalgia that consumes the space. The white curtains with the blue diamond design. The Polaroids of Belly and I taped to the mirror. Junior Mint sitting on the dresser. I picked up the bear and gave him a small squeeze before placing him back.

"Hey roomie." I heard as Belly had entered the room. "Oh, Junior Mint!"

I watched as the girl raced around the bed to grab the bear. "I'm so excited for this summer." I told her.

"Me too." She smiled. "I want to do more this year."

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I mean, more than just hanging out around the house or with the moms, you know?" She explained.

"Yeah, I get that. Let's make that our goal this summer." I said. "We're gonna go out, we're gonna meet people. Maybe you could even have a summer fling."

"Yes, yes. I am so down." She said. I couldn't help but wonder if she was thinking about Conrad when I mentioned the idea of a summer fling.

"Well if it isn't my favorite duo ever." We turned to see Jeremiah hop on the bed. "I can't believe you guys still have that bear."

"Duh, we would never throw away Junior Mint." Belly said as we made our way towards the boy.

"Come on guys, we should swim before dinner." Jere said.

"I can't." Belly said. "I have to go with my mom to Whale of a Tale."

"I was gonna go with so Belly's not completely bored." I added.

"What? I've been waiting to go in the ocean all day but I've been waiting for you guys to get here." Jeremiah whined. "Please? Pretty please?"

"Okay, yeah. I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind if we skipped." Belly looked over to me. "Let's go swim."

"Yes! Okay, we'll meet outside." Jere said getting up.

"Okay." Belly and I laughed.

"I can't wait to show you my new suit. It's my first bikini." I told Belly.

"Ooh, I can't wait." Belly said intrigued.


We all sat around the table for dinner and all you hear is Steven and Jeremiah laughing.

"Steven, I swear to god, if you look at that phone one more time I'm putting it in the screen basket." Laurel warned.

"We just want to see your beautiful faces." Susannah said. "Can dinner be a screen free zone? Like the olden days?"

Steven still had his phone in his hands. Just then, Jeremiah took the phone and threw it to the corner chair as if it were a basketball and a basket.

"Dude, are you kidding me?" Steven complained.

"Boom! Nailed it." Jeremiah said making me laugh.

"Alright, alright we get it. You've been working out." Steven said.

"Oh, you're just jealous because Jere has a better body than you." Belly said.

"Actually, it's all about the lean look now." Steven said.

"Ain't that the truth." Josh said high giving Steven.

"Hey man, you're barley in the lean group anymore since you've decided to go all wrestling on me." Steven told Josh.

"What can I say, the girls love wrestlers." Josh said.

"Oh yeah, leotards and head gear. I'm sure the girls are all over that." I said, roasting my brother.

"Oh!" Jeremiah said to my roast.

"Actually they're called singlets, get it right." He said back.

"My man, we've gotta work on your comebacks." Jeremiah said patting Joshes shoulder.

"Singlets." Conrad laughed as we all were.

"So, when do you leave for training camp?" Steven asked Conrad. The table went silent.

"He quit football." Jeremiah informed.

"Wait, really?" Steven asked. Conrad nodded. "Are you kidding me? I'd kill to play college ball."

"He can always change his mind." Susannah said.

"But I'm not going to." Conrad said. "I would've just sat on the bench all season anyway."

"Well, if you're not playing football anymore, what are you gonna do all summer?" Laurel asked.

"Dude, you could work at the club." Steven said. "With Josh, and Jere and I."

"I'm not gonna work at the club." Conrad said.

"Wait, you guys are working this summer?" Belly asked.

"Yeah, Josh and I are life guarding and Stevens working at the snack shop." Jeremiah said.

"Oh, girls, I almost forgot. I have a surprise for both of you." Susannah said grabbing a couple envelopes. She handed them to us.

"So this is why you had to stop by the country club." Laurel said.

"Why? What is it?" My mom asked leaning over my shoulder.

"I wrangled up a couple invitations for our beautiful girls to be debutantes this summer.

"Okay, w-what is a debutante?" I asked.

"Isn't it the thing where the girls wear white dresses and curtsy?" Belly asked.

"It's when a girl comes of age and is presented to society." Susannah explained. "I know it sounds silly, but I swear it's fun. Girls from all over New England come to Cousins just to be a part of it. You guys will make so many new friends."

"I cannot believe you're still holding on to this archaic dream." Laurel says standing up.

"Laurel..." my mom sighed.

"It used to be about finding a husband, but now it's about networking." Susannah said. "They teach you leadership skills, how to market yourself and it benefits charity. It's like a bat mitzvah."

"It is not like a bat mitzvah." Laurel laughed re entering the room. "There is nothing religious about a debutante ball."

"The whole deb scene is bullshit." Conrad spoke up. "It's for sheep.

"No, It's not." Susannah said. "It's when a girl has a coming out, it's a formal recognition she's reached maturity." Steven started laughing which caused Josh to laugh as well.

"I'm sorry." Steven laughed. "Mature?"

"Yes." Susannah replied.

"Belly? A couple months ago you had a cat funeral. You made us all wear black." Steven said.

"Shut up, Steven." Belly said. "I saw you crying in your room."

"Wait, Mochi died?" I asked.

"What? I'm sorry, Bells." Jeremiah said.

"Well, y/n still says sorry every time she eats meat." Josh teased.

"Josh!" I scolded at my brother. "It's been a while since I've done that."

"What, like two days?" Josh laughed, Steven as well.

"Don't you girls want to get all dressed up?" Susannah said.

"I think it would be cool to show these idiots that Belly and I are mature." I stated.

"I'm not really one for this kind of scene but if you girls want to I say go for it." My mom added.

"I just don't think it's Bellys kind of thing. She's our feral little alley cat." Laurel said causing the boys to laugh.

"I'll think about it." Belly said.

"I'm down." I said.

"I've literally never seen you in a dress." Josh said.

"I've worn dresses." I said trying to think of the last time I wore a dress.

"One down and one thinking about it. That ought to deserve a cheers." Susannah said taking a drink.


"What are you so ready for?" I asked as I saw Jere, Steven, and Josh walking out the door. I followed them.

"We're going to a party." Jeremiah said. "First bonfire of the summer!"

"We are totally taking my car." Steven said. "You're not driving. Either of you."

I look to see Belly in the pool and Conrad outside of it. Conrad was smoking.

"Come on, man, we're leaving." Steven said.

"Wait, can y/n and I come too?" Belly asked.

"No." Steven answered.

"Yeah, that's a definite no." Josh said as he and Steven shared a hand shake.

"The moms are getting everything ready for your movie night." Jere said.

"Movie night. Right." I said remembering the yearly tradition that Belly and I had with the three moms. The boys began to head out.

"Have fun with the moms!" Josh said as they left.

"See you later." Conrad said brushing my arm as he walked by.

"Movie night?" I asked Belly as she looked just as upset.

"I know. I'm just as bummed as you." She said as she went under.


I laid on Belly and Is bed scrolling on my phone when she had finally come up from swimming.

"Hey. Is the movie ready?" I asked.

"No, but I told them that we were too tired and would rather not do the movie night tonight." She explained.

"Why would you-" I started before I realized her plan. "Belly, you sneaky bitch." I laughed.

Forty five minutes and a phone call to Belly's best friend, Taylor, later and we were off to the party. We snuck past the moms all in the living room and were out the door.

"You're sure we don't look over dressed?" Belly asked me. Taylor had packed her two different dresses to choose from. Belly insisted I wear one.

"I honestly don't know. I've never been to a party." I said. "But, we definitely look hot."

"Are you sure? Cause I feel-" She started.

"Belly, you're spiraling. Just own it." I told her.

"Right, yeah. We look hot." She said.

"I can't believe our moms didn't hear us sneaking out." I laughed.

"I know. Who knew it was that easy." Belly laughed as well. "Are we sure we know where we're going?"

"Well, it's a bonfire so I'm assuming it'll be on the beach, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, it should be right over..." she started before we saw it. "Here."

"I'm gonna kill Taylor." Belly said. Everyone was dressed as casual as possible.

"Hey, hey. It's fine. We look fine, okay?" I told her.

"Look at everyone here, y/n. We are way over dressed." Belly ranted. "We should just go home."

"No, no, no. Belly, we're already here, okay? So what if we're over dressed. We just came from another party." I explained.

"A party? What are-" she asked.

"If anyone asks we just came from another party. You know, a party where everyone was dressed like us." I told her and she agreed.

"Hey, gas station girl." We heard from beside us.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"The guy from the gas station." Belly said. Belly had told me that this guy at the gas station had told her about tonight and was basically flirting with her.

"Hey, where you coming from? Who's your friend?" He eyed me up and down.

"This is y/n. We're like sisters." Belly explained.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Sweet. Hey, take my beer." He offered.

"No, no, I'm okay. Thanks." Belly said.

He offered it to me. "Oh, thanks but I'll get my own."

"So, uh, you got a boyfriend back home?" He asked.

"Um..." Belly started.

"I, uh, I actually was asking your friend." He said placing a hand on my arm.

"Yeah, I do, actually." I said trying to pull my arm away.

"Is he here?" The guy asked grabbing my wrist. I tried to pull away again just before I heard Belly shout.

"Steven!" Belly called out.

"What are you guys doing here?" Steven asked. I saw Josh come up behind Steven as well. "W-what are you guys wearing?"

"What the hell?" Josh said approaching us.

"I invited them. Who the fuck are you?" The guy said.

"We're their brothers now get your hand off of my little sister." Josh said grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the guy.

"They're fifteen, you pedo." Steven said.

"I'm sixteen, actually." Seeing as I had just turned sixteen last month.

"I mean, I'm almost sixteen." Belly said.

"My bad." The guy said walking away.

"Why the hell are you here?" Josh asked as he walked with me and Steven with Belly.

"Because I can be. Why do you care?" I asked.

"I don't." He said. "But I don't want guys looking at you the way that guy was just now."

"Josh, I'm sixteen. I'm allowed to talk to guys." I said.

"Where'd you even get that dress?" He asked.

"Belly." I said and he gave me a look like he didn't believe me. "Okay, it's Taylor's." I said.

"Stop! You're embarrassing me!" We heard Belly whine as she and Steven were arguing. I looked just in time to see her fall.

"Belly!" I made my way over to help her up. As I'm helping her up I look to see Conrad with some girl sitting right in front of us.

"Y/n?" He asked as we stood up. Belly turned to see him as well.

"Come on, Belly." I said trying to get away from Conrad.

"I thought you hated the Red Sox." Belly said, pushing past me.

"Who are you?" The girl asked.

"Who are you?" Belly asked back.

"Nicole. Conrad and I went to the Deb ball together last summer." She explained.

"It was after you guys left to take Josh and Steven to look at colleges." Conrad explained.

"Conrad, I thought deb balls are bullshit and all Debs are sheep." Belly said.

"Belly, let's go." I said not wanting this to get any worse.

"I didn't...you're such a brat." Conrad said.

"Well you're an asshole." Belly said.

"My girls! You guys are here! We can all hang out, you guys." Jeremiah said running over.

"I'm about to take them home." Steven said joining the group.

"What? No." I said.

"Yeah, we're leaving." Steven said.

"Steven, chill out." Jere said. "Go hang out with Shayla or something.

"What, no. Come on, Josh agrees with me." He said.

"Actually dude, I don't really care. They're just hanging out." Josh said making me smile.

"Let's go." The girl who must be Shayla said grabbing Stevens hand.

"Fine, but stay here. Don't talk to anybody." Steven said.

"Okay, okay, chill." Jere said.

"Fuck you!" Belly yelled after Steven as he left.

"I'm gonna be over there. Try and stay out of trouble." Josh said as he ruffled mine and Belly's hair before leaving.

"Okay, listen. I am really happy that you guys are here." Jere said before someone called his name. "I will be right back."

"Hey, Belly?" I said grabbing her hands.

"Yeah?" She asked finally calming down from being fueled up.

"We're at our first party." I smiled widely. She reciprocated my action.

"We're at our first party." She said happily.


Belly ended up talking to some guy and I found myself on my own so I ended up calling Miles.

*•*This is Me Trying - Taylor Swift*•*

"So, other than the drunk dude who your brother scared off, how's the party?" Miles asked over face time.

"It's alright, I guess. I don't know anyone here so it's kind of awkward." I told him.

"This is your chance to make new friends." Miles encouraged knowing I don't have many friends back home. "Preferably not ones that insistently hit on you."

"I wish you were here." I smiled to the phone.

"Why? So I can deal with drunk assholes?" He teased.

"Partially." I joked. "You would love cousins. Also, you are looking at a future debutant."

"What the hell is a debutant?" He asked.

"It's a young woman being presented to society as mature...or something like that. Basically I get to dress up, dance, and raise money for charity." I explained.

"You? In a dress?" He laughed.

"I do where dresses, you know. Why does nobody think I wear dresses?" I laughed.

"Maybe because I've never seen it." He said.

"Did we not go to homecoming four months ago?" I asked just as my attention was averted to a scene across from me.

"You're not taking my fucking beer, dude." Conrad said, shoving the guy.

"It's one beer, dude." The guy responded.

"Hey, I'll call you back later, okay?" I say as I start to stand up.

"Everything okay?" Miles asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Love you, bye." I said hanging up the phone.

"Guys, guys. Enough." I said trying to go around the two before I got elbowed right in the face. I should've known. You never go near a fight.

"Y/n!" I heard Conrad say after I had fallen backwards. He turned back to the guy. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Y/n." I heard as Belly and Jere helped me stand up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." I said, holding my head. Conrad's fight grew more intense but I wasn't really paying attention. My head was throbbing. Jeremiah left us to try and break up the fight.

"Is it bad?" I asked as Belly looked it over.

"It's definitely gonna bruise." She said just as we heard cop sirens and everyone scattered.


Well, we had to get escorted home by police officers. Conrad was very drunk.

"Officers, thank you. I promise that this will not happen again." Laurel explained.

"Tell Mr. Fisher that the chief wants to set up a tee time when he gets back in town." The police officer said.

"Of course. Again, I am so sorry for all of the trouble." Laurel said as the officers left. "Have a good night."

Laurel turned to us. "How could you guys be so irresponsible?" She asked.

"Mom, it really wasn't a big deal." Steven said. "I mean, the cops were just looking to break up the bonfire."

"Not a big deal?" Laurel asked. "I would say that getting picked up by the cops for underage drinking is a pretty big deal, Steven."

"Wait, w-we're you guys smoking?" Steven asked.

"What?" Laurel asked. I then smelled what Steven was talking about. "Keep your voice down, Susannah and y/m/n are both asleep on the couch."

"I wasn't yelling. You were the one yelling." Steven argued.

"Just so you know, Laurel, I didn't drink. I was the DD, I swear." Jeremiah said.

"You're the oldest." She turned to Conrad. "What the hells gotten into you. And when did you two leave without telling anybody. What the hell are you wearing?"

"They're Taylor's. Why are we the only ones not allowed to go out?" Belly asked.

"You should have told us that you were going." Laurel said. "How did you even get there?"

"We walked." I said.

"Belly, you know better than to walk that far alone, and at night." Laurel said.

"Mom, there were two of us. And can you stop treating me like a kid?" Belly asked.

"If you want to be treated like an adult, start acting like one." Laurel said.

"Maybe you guys should too." Conrad said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Laurel asked. "I hope you realize that if your family was not your family, this night would have ended a lot differently."

"We're sorry, Laur." Jeremiah said.

"Just, go to bed guys." Laurel said.

Belly and I were sitting on the bed before I spoke up. "I saw you talking to that guy." I smiled.

"His names Cam." She gushed.

"He's cute." I said.

"He is." She agreed. "I'm sorry for just leaving you, by the way."

"Oh, no. I was fine. It gave me a chance to call Miles, so that was nice." I explained.

"That's nice! You know, I wish I could meet him." Belly exclaimed.

"Me too. You guys would love him." I told her. "I'm gonna go get something for my head." I head downstairs to the kitchen. In the freezer I find a bag of peas. I take a seat at the island and place the bag on my head and wince at the pain. I look up to see Conrad in the entry way.

"Hey." He said. Something so simple, so short, and yet my heart flutters when he speaks to me.

*•*Cornelia Street - Taylor Swift*•*

"Hey." I said.

"I'm uh, I'm sorry about..." he pointed to his forehead.

"Yeah, well, that's the last time I'm that close to a fight." I said. "W-why were you fighting anyway?"

"What's it matter?" He asked.

"It doesn't. I was just curious." I said. "Curious if my bruise was worth it or not." I tried to joke.

"It wasn't." He said walking towards the counter, opening a drawer.

"So, i-is that girl your girlfriend?" I asked.

"I don't really know." He said.

"What do you mean you don't know? Don't you think you'd know if she were?" I asked.

He came over and took the peas from my hand. He wrapped them in a cloth as he moved hair out of my face and placed the bag on my head. I reached my hand up to take the place of his but instead my hand rested on his.

"I'm gonna head up." I said causing him to take his hand off. I stood to move past him.

"Y/n?" He called, stopping me at the entry way. I turned to face him. "I'm, uh, I'm sorry." I looked at him a moment before turning back around. After I wasn't facing him anymore I let a small smile creep onto my lips as I head up to bed.

I know I have a boyfriend but Conrad was just a crush. I love Miles so nothing would ever happen, obviously. I just can't push away something that's been around for this many years that easily.

It was Conrad.

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