WIRES ♱ apply fic

By siIksIuts

280 23 62

if he said help me kill the president, i'd say he needs medicine. original murder apply fic ... More


forms & ocs

165 9 36
By siIksIuts

— name ;; ( legal name )
— preferred name ;; ( what they like to be called )
— nicknames ;; ( what people call them )
— age ;; ( self explanatory )
— gender ;; ( their gender, asab, are they closeted? )
— sexuality ;; ( their sexuality, are they closeted? )
— pronouns ;; ( what pronouns they use [ neo/xenopronouns welcome! ] )
— face claim ;; ( self explanatory )
— backup fc ;; ( self explanatory )
— love interest ;; ( do they want one, if so are they open to love triangles / polyamory )

— personality ;; ( what are they like )
— background ;; ( summary of their life )
— family ;; ( members of their immediate family, what relationship do they have )
— mental state ;; ( do they have any mental conditions, if so what, what type of outlook do they have on life, how are they mentally in generally )

— likes ;; ( 3+ )
— dislikes ;; ( 3+ )
— classes + grades ;; ( what grades do they usually get, what electives do they take [ 3-4 ] )
— future plans ;; ( what they plan to do after high school, lifestyle, what they want from life )
— aesthetic ;; ( what aesthetic are they, can be symbols or vibes )

— why they decided to join ;; ( what issue do they have with the president, can be personal or general )
— quotes ;; ( important things they say )
— mixtape ;; ( songs they like / describe their vibe )
— extras ;; ( height, pets, do they have any body modifications or do they want any [ think tattoos, piercings ] , anything random, habits and hobbies, not required but recommended )
— password ;; ( listed in the rules )
— tags ;; ( 3+ please )

blank form here . . .

put your forms here <3 . . . 


— name ;; vera corrine davenport
— preferred name ;; vera
— nicknames ;; none really
— age ;; 17
— gender ;; questioning afab
— sexuality ;; abrosexual
— pronouns ;; she/any
— face claim ;; alana champion
— love interest ;; yes, open to lt/poly

— personality ;; vera is a rather stubborn person and when she gets her heart set on something she fights tooth and nail to make it happen. the way she gets things done tends to be brutal and rude but she usually has good reasons for things and when she doesn't, she simply just wants to do something, which is a good enough reason for her. she's not a very stable person and flickers between the moods of romance and romanticism of everyday life and extreme pessimism. she's an awfully sensitive person and criticism from people she cares about hurts her deeply. she tries to change herself to what others want from her - she's a social chameleon and blends in to fit whatever situation she finds herself in. veras worst trait is that she tends to be selfish in her life and motives - she does the thing that would end up working best for her and isn't terribly considerate of others
— background ;; growing up was hard for her - her parents werent there for her as her dad was often off trying to teach brooks the ropes so he could eventually take over the company and her mom was usually off getting wine drunk and shopping. asher usually picked up the slack and took care of vera - he made sure she was learning ( he taught her to read ) and made sure she was safe and away from her mom when she was drunk. Her dad finally started giving vera more attention in middle school when brooks was traveling around the world and she became his favorite quickly - he gets very overprotective of her and that was hard for her to adjust too. she never really had any friends until middle school when a bunch of the other rich girls befriended her. Vera found out that her dad had essentially paid them to be friends with her, and that really fucked her up - she began to think no one actually cared about her. she coped with that by pouring herself into her dad's business to 'repay' him. she flirted with all of the men and their sons her dad was trying to get contracts with to grease the wheels. this culminated when she was 16 when [ redacted ]. she still hasn't recovered from that, and that was the blowup of a lot of inner trauma and still haunts her.
— family + dynamic ;; [ FATHER - charles asher davenport, 56, resident rich person. His family made money for oil in the 1800's, he now owns a bunch of banks and corporations. her and her father have a rather unhealthy relationship. he coddles her and pushes her too hard to be like how he wants her to be and she takes advantage of how he spoils her. [ MOTHER - corinne allaire-davenport, 43, philanthropist. her and her mom arent very close. Vera absolutely resents her mom for not 'fixing' her and for birthing her and bringing her into a world where women are treated like property just because she wanted a daughter. Corrine is usually asleep in the day with migraines from her wine issues and when she isn't she's going to some fancy event to support her husband. [ OLDEST BROTHER - brooks davenport, 21, heir. brooks is a rather distant person, always off doing something for his dad to be prepared to take over the fortune. He was just never really around for vera and that was something he regretted up to the day that he [ redacted ]. [ OLDER BROTHER - asher davenport, 20, student. asher practically raised vera. he gave her attention and taught her life skills when her nanny was occupied with her other siblings. hes responsible and a softie. [ OLD BROTHER - henry, 18, student. henry was never nice to vera and resented her for getting their dads attention for just existing while he was practically ignored. [ YOUNG BROTHER - elias, 15, student. elias and vera are pretty neutral. they were a lot closer when they were younger but life moves on. ]
— mental state ;; shes very fragile mentally and tends to have mood swings often. vera struggles with a shifting self image and can never quite figure out who she actually is. borderline personality disorder implied!!! 

— likes ;; silk, black red and cream, rainy days, lazy days, matcha, tea, dresses and skirts
— dislikes ;; sharpies, spinach, hot weather, coffee, most jewelry, audio books, people who don't seem to stand for anything, being pushed to talk abt something before ready,
— classes + grades ;; she takes everything required and her electives are theater, creative writing, business and french. she has quite good grades, usually a's and b's.
— future plans ;; her dream job is to become an actor in the theatre. she wants to move to either new york or paris and join a traditional theatre. the only issue is that her dad is staunchly against her joining an artistic career and her leaving. he wants her to help with brooks' company when he eventually takes over and has threatened to write her out of the will if she pursues a theatre career.
— aesthetic ;; coquette witchcore preppy old money eclectic baddie
— why they decided to join ;; she has issues with him personally because of what happened on [ redacted ] and as a politician.
— quotes ;; 'why cant we do anything about it? thats stupid.' / 'girls have the power to change the world, mister president, and your ignorance will be your fatal flaw' / 'before we get too much into the details about murder i would like to have my morning drink please' / 'i am dirty and ugly and fucked up but hell if that means i get to do something about the world we live in' / 'ive always wanted to be famous. to make history.'
— mixtape ;; wires - the nbhd, nightmare reprise - halsey, killing boys - halsey, monica lewinsky - upsahl, w.d.y.w.f.m. - the nbhd, all the good girls go to hell - billie eilish, washing machine heart - mitski, daisy - ashnikko,
— extras ;; shes 5'5", she has a bird named dolphin and her family owns a bunch of dogs. She has an ear piercing and a hidden thigh tattoo of a butterfly. when shes nervous she taps her foot.


— name ;; jackson abbott
— nicknames ;; jack
— age ;; 63
— gender ;; cis male 🤮
— sexuality ;; straight
— pronouns ;; he/him
— face claim ;; dennis quiad
— love interest ;; no.

— personality ;; jackson is by no means a good person - he's abusive, he's controlling and likes being in power. he's the epitome of a corrupt politician, doing what he thinks is best for him and pretending to be a good person to keep being the president. hes arrogant and thinks hes the center of the universe and is incredibly charming and charismatic. He has 'conservative' values, i.e. thinks women are less superior, gender and sexuality is a choice, wants smaller government, hates bipoc, classic gross man who thinks the 1950's was the ideal decade and we should go back to that.
— background ;; his father was an abusive fucker and treated him horribly growing up. His dad was a politician also, which led jackson to dream to be one to make his father happy. He met his wife, cassie in college and she helped him get closer to his goal. she sacrificed everything for him, and when he decided to marry her, his dad died the same day. that was confusing obviously. he ran for governor of virginia, his fathers position, and won twice before becoming a senator. When he was 59, he ran for president and won. his intent was to make the us a country his dad would approve of - a conservative nightmare. His reelection campaign was going good until [ redacted ], but he's still trying to save face and push through.
— family + dynamic ;; [ WIFE - cassie abbott, 54, flotus. She's a good person and is way too good for jackson, having sacrificed her career for him and she regrets it. [ SON - asher hugo abbott, 18, student. They have a strained relationship since [ redacted ] fucked up his chances for re-election but thinks its funny [ MISTRESS - amber celeto, 31, unemployed. If someone made an oc as her child ill love you forever mwah ]

— likes ;; money, women that listen to him, yellow
— dislikes ;; children + young people, spices, science
— aesthetic ;; evil capitalism conservative ugly man summer republican-core
— quotes ;; 'i work here to make this country a better one!' / 'listen here you brat' / 'do it.' / 'every girl needs to have a bit of fun with a man.'
— extras ;; 6'2", has a bad smoking and drinking habit, womanizer 

notes . . . hello sluts, whores, and hoelings! idk rlly know what to say but i needed something so here this is. ill probaly be closing in late august but ill keep updates on my mb. also ill be deleting this chapter when it closes and i pick my ocs and stuff so i can have a proper cast chapter so please take screenshots of your ocs mwah! have fun applying <3

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