If our lives switched

By _OutsidersStories_

7.5K 72 45

"Plant me next to mom and dad for me, will you?" ------ Basically if Ponyboy and Johnny switched lives, like... More

~ Intro ~
Running Away
Abandon Church
Gone With The Wind
Medical Problems
Story Time
Not all heros wear capes
Mom & Dad
⚠️A/N ⚠️
Is this goodbye?
⚠️A/N ⚠️
Your alive...?
Holding Me Close
One Year Later
~The End~


157 1 0
By _OutsidersStories_

Hey guys! It's coming to an end soon :(. I would be so proud of myself one this is out and finished. Anyways I have a TikTok @ponyshairgel. So yeah go follow that. Anyways I am thinking of a new story so let me know. Anyways some parts maybe triggering so yeah! Also some parts were suggested by people on what I should do, and yeah some of their ideas are here so if you see yours here you go!

TW: death, self harm, suicidal thoughts, suicide, abuse, abusive parents, eating disorder

Anyways enjoy!


Sodas pov:

Just as I found pony like that, Darry carried him into our room. And laid him down. The gang followed like lost puppies.

Darry laid pony down. And I just looked at him...he looked dead...he was pale and burnt. And didn't have his color and his personality anymore.

"You guys have to wake up. You guys are gonna be late." Pony said and just them I sat up and I saw pony's purple jacket beside me.

It was a dream...? Why do I keep having those dreams...? I just want pony...

I felt tears coming up, and my body was sweaty. Just like how pony was when he got his nightmares. No, don't think about him.

I got up and I stood there i was really dizzy...I guess for not eating in a certain amount of days makes you dizzy.

I shuffled out of the room and I went down stairs. Darry didn't talk, he just made breakfast and went to his room. Not a single word from him.

He is working a lot more then he should. The death of pony is making everyone go crazy. Darry works to much, doesn't eat a lot, and never takes care of himself. I am the same, I picked up more shifts, never eat, and never take care of myself. Steve isn't Steve anymore, I know pony and him had there ups and downs but he did care for the kid a lot. Twobit won't joke anymore, not laugh, and if he does it's a fake one, and hasn't had a single chocolate cake since. Dallas...Dallas is going insane, he is getting in more trouble, and less caring about himself. Johnny, poor Johnny, Johnny is more miserable, Johnny is lost without my baby brother.

I shuffled my way into the kitchen and looked at the food...I don't want to eat it...I don't...but I have to...for pony.

I had a few bites and man did it feel good. I haven't eaten in a few days. And eating after awhile feels good. Like really good.

Just then Steve and twobit walked in. Not joking around and not wrestling each other. They all just came in and were gloomy.

Dallas and Johnny came in last, Dallas was taking cigarette after cigarette. One after another. No one dared to stop him, no one had the motivation to actually do anything.

I got my DX shirt on and Darry got his tools. He doesn't speak anymore to anyone. Just some stuff but not a lot.

Darry's pov:

I woke up again, wishing I didn't. I caused this! I did! Pony would be alive if I had just said "okay go to bed and we will talk in the morning"! But no I had to push him.

I cried softly into my pillow. I miss him, I miss mom, and I miss dad. Pony had a life a head of him.

I went into my bathroom that was connected to my room. And I grabbed a razor blade and went to my arms.

I don't care anymore...I lost him....I lost my little brother. I am such an idiot. How could someone do such things.

I got out of my room and put a shirt on. I don't speak anymore, I don't eat anymore, I don't take care of myself anymore.

I grabbed my tools and went to the kitchen and made some scrambled eggs. I am going to pick up more shifts so I could provide for my family.

I went back into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, and in the corner of my eye i see pony jumping on my bed.

I smile to my self and then it went away when some yelled my name that they are leaving for work.

I frown to myself. I want to see that picture on more time. Just one more time. Is that to hard to ask for in life?

I left my room and soda was already out the door and so it would be leaving two, Dallas, and Johnny.

Twobits pov:

I was just sitting down on the floor not even bothering to watch Mickey Mouse. It's not the same without your Mickey Mouse partner, and mine was pony....

"Guys, maybe we should yknow set up a funeral for him." I said quietly and Dallas and Johnny just looked at me and Johnny and Dallas agreed.

"Yeah...that kid...he deserves it..." Dallas said then zoning out again. Johnny just agreed, he looked like he was gonna cry again but did his best to keep it in.

"W-why him...?" Johnny said softly, like he was mumbling to himself, I heard him. But Dallas was too zoned out.

I just hugged him and he hugged me back and not letting go. He dug his face into my chest and I heard him softly sobbing. I started to get tears in my eyes but I had to keep it together.

Johnny and pony were the best of friends. Pony was basically the gangs pet, and Johnny loved pony so much. They were inseparable, they did everything together.

Just then Johnny soon fell asleep, and Dallas snapped back to reality. And looked at us and had one of his many faces.

Dallas was some what hard to read. You could tell when Dallas is about to explode. But when it comes to sadness and depression. It's so hard to feel how he feels.

Is he mad? Is he angry? Is he depressed? Is he okay? He is probably all of those expect the last one. No one is okay, and no one is okay after the death of the kid.

Narrators pov:

Darry's boss calls him over and Darry hurries over to where his boss is at.

"I heard about your kid brother. You should of told me and I would of have you a week off. I know what it's like. Anyways are you setting up a funeral." Darry's boss said and Darry was stunned. He didn't expect to get hit with that this early in the morning but had to tell him the truth.

"I-I have been pushing away on the funeral..." Darry said and looked down.

"Hey hey it's okay, if you don't want a funeral that's fine but if you do. Do one like soon. Like really soon." Darry's boss said and walked away. Darry was to stunned to speak.

Soda and steve were working where there boss came up to them, since it wasn't a busy day they were sitting and then the boss named Dave went up to them.

"S-sorry sir...I will get back to work now..." soda said and sat up and Dave sat him back down.

"No no it's okay, it's not a busy day." Dave said and looked at soda with a sympathetic face.

"I heard about your kid brother...and was wondering if you guys were planning a funeral." Dave said and soda was taken back and Steve was shocked he knew and thought about a funeral.

"I-I don't know...I guess we are saving money...and we have enough now...but the thought of it..." soda said as shivers went down his spine.

"Well plan one soon, okay. And tell me the date, I want to pay my respects, he was an amazing kid." Dave said and stood up and left.

Steve and soda looked at each other. And just then a customer came in. And they rung them up and Steve got them, and soda didn't have the motivation.

What his boss said made him wonder about pony and the funeral service. Soda sat there and went to the bathroom and saw pony with a coke drinking it.

Soda looked at him in awh, and smile. And pony went away when Steve came back in the bathroom to check on him.

"I-I saw him..." soda said and soda hugged Steve tight and Steve never let soda go.

"Shhh buddy, it's okay, pony is in a happier place right now." Steve said and soda nodded and wiped away his tears.

Johnnys pov:

I lost him. I lost my best friend. I lost my pony. I lost him. My only best friend is dead.

He saved me more then once. He saved me physically and also mentally. I cried in twobits chest until a fell asleep. I have a tendency of crying myself to sleep.

I keep on having dreams of pony. I know he is happy cause he is with his parents but...but I miss him to much.

And when twobit said, "let's set up a funeral for him" I already have. Well mainly for me, when I was low and I was going to kill myself.

Maybe that money can go towards pony. Cause he deserves it like Dallas said. I miss my friend who would walk to me to my house, even though my parents would abuse me. He was there.

He was always fucking there! Damnit I am so mad at myself for not realizing that the beam was falling. How could I.

I notice that I should probably go home and get some money, I have been saving for a long time, for either my funeral, or for me to move out.

I got up and twobit was watching some cartoon, not even laughing at the jokes and Dallas was downing another beer.

"I have to go home for something I will be back." I said and before they could speak I left. I didn't bother dealing with all of that.

Once I got home I noticed my parents were gone! wohoo! I went to my bedroom and I hid it behind my bed frame.

I grabbed my money, and I went outside and left. I saw pony smile and having ice cream. I smile, I had tears in my eyes. And just then a car drove by and pony was gone.

Pony was gone, I walked to the house and Dallas and two shot up and saw how much money I had.

"Woah that's a lot of money are you, a stripper?" Twobit said and Dallas slapped in the back of the head.

"I saved it. I was planning on moving out once I turned 18." I said and Dallas's eyes widened and was shocked.

"M-move out...?" Dallas said shocked and so was two. Well what were they gonna except.  I get abused on the daily and lost my best friend in the same town.

Just then the rest of the gang came in and they were all talking about something about pony.

"Guys we are planning a funeral for pony...he will have one in a week." Darry said, and it broke me honestly.

One week later:

I rented out a tux, and the gang did too. I was fixing my hair, and soda was sitting at the kitchen table just sitting there.

Steve has tears but wipes them away quickly. And Dallas is drinking but only one today since it's pony's service. Darry is trying his best not to cry. Two isn't the same he is having a beer but only one today since it's pony's service. And I...I don't even know anymore.

We all got up and we went to where we buried pony. It was just us, and soda, Steve's, and Darry's boss's showed. Pony would love to go over to them, and since it was such a small town, everyone knew everyone.

They buried pony right next to his mom and dad. Words couldn't do it. I loved him so much, and now he was gone. Ponyboy michel Curtis is dead.

We all said a speech and I knew pony would be proud of how far we came without him.

I went to the back and I was about to lose it. I lost my best friend, the one who carried my weight, the one who stood by my side through the toughest times in my life. Ponyboy Curtis was my best friend and will always be.

Darry and soda really lost it. They were just holding onto each other. Man I miss my best friend.

Hey guys! How are you! I published this on 8/05/22! Anyways have a nice day/ night! And before I go I am going on vacation soon so I might not post as much!

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