By Taenniesbaby

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As I was about to go to sleep, two messages popped up on the screen of my phone. "I've planned a small one da... More

✨CHAPTER XII [ a little M ]✨
✨CHAPTER XX [ a little M ]✨
✨CHAPTER XXX [ M ] [ TW ]✨


1.1K 23 0
By Taenniesbaby


I was so happy to see my Dad after such a long time but all my happiness faded away when I heard his next words. He wanted me to have a divorce with Taehyung. No, I could never do it. I cannot live without him. I absolutely can't.

"No Dad. I can't divorce him. I love him more than anything else. I cannot just leave him behind like this.  Besides he's the one who helped me recover."I said trying to convince my father.

"He's the one responsible for you poor condition in the first place. I don't want to put you into any kind of danger from now on. I can't see you in this state, sweetie. It hurts my heart to even talk to you in a hospital."Dad said with a genuinely concerned tone.

"I know dad but the problem is now gone. That bastard is dead. And I can take care of myself. Nobody can ever replace Taehyung. He's my husband ,Dad and I want to be with him till my last breath." I said sincerely.

"Now you are being stubborn ,Jennie. Please understand that he is not good for you. Living with him will cause more and more trouble. They are Mafias Jennie. They are not normal people like you and me. They have a habit of engaging in dangerous activities and I don't want you to be a part of them." Dad said continuously arguing.

"I know they are Mafias. I already knew it beforehand. Taehyung also gave me an option to divorce him. But I didn't. My choice was to stay with him and help him in every way possible because I love him dad, unconditionally." I said.

Taehyung was just outside the room and he was silently listening to everything. After a while he came in.

"He's right, Jennie. You should go with your dad. I'm useless Jen, I can't even protect you. Dads always know best for their children and I think you should listen to him. I'll file and sign the divorce whenever you want, Dad. "Taehyung said while entering the room.

"Are you out of your mind, Tae? I am not leaving you. And I already told you that you don't have to protect me. We'll fight together, we'll face every hurdle together. We still have a lot of trips to go on and a lot of good memories to make,  you can't just leave me like that." I said and hugged him.

"I love you Jennie, I love you so much. But your safety is what matters the most to me." Taehyung said hugging me back.

"You are my safe place, dumbo. Apart from my parents and close friends, you are the only one who can keep me safe." I said completely forgetting that Dad was also in the room with us.

"Okay then, only because my daughter loves you a lot and her happiness matters a lot to me, I'll give you a second chance. But if my daughter gets hurt again, I'll be the one coming for you. So, Jennie are you sure you wanna stay with him?" Dad asked for the last time.

"Yes, Dad. 100% sure." I said and he walked out of the room.

The next one to enter the room was mom. We talked about many different things. She asked me about my health and also wished me a very happy birthday. Yes, it was my birthday today. Everything happened so fast, that I myself didn't remember that today was the day I was born, 24 years ago.

After completing all the medical formalities, I was finally allowed to go home, the place I was longing to be at.

"Take care, Jennie. Tell us if you need anything. Mom and Dad love you." Mom said giving me and Taehyung a final hug but dad just walked away.

"I love you Dad." I said and gave him a peck on his cheeks before leaving for Taehyung's house.

I also greeted Jungkook and thanked him for being there for Taehyung when he was in need. He is truly a very good brother.

In the car, Taehyung sat with me in the backseat, while Jungkook was the one driving. I laid my head on his shoulder. After a silent ride and travelling for 2 hours we finally reached home.

Jungkook and Taehyung went ahead and pressed the doorbell. I was just standing behind them.


As soon as I pressed the door bell, dad opened the door looking at us anxiously.

"You guys are back. What happened, Tae ? How is she ?" Dad asked and both of us just moved to the opposite sides revealing Jennie.

"Thankkkk gooddd." Dad said drawing mom's attention.

"Oh my god, JENNIE. Sweetie you are back. Happy birthday dear." Mom said and quickly hugged Jennie.

She pulled out and Jennie thanked her and flashed a faint smile.

"I'm so happy to see you again." Mom said with tears in her eyes.

"Me too, Mom." Jennie replied.

As the three of us went in,

"Jennie can I please talk to you for a sec ?" Dad asked.

"Yes, Dad. Ofcourse you can." Jennie replied.

"I'm really really sorry, dear. I made my son use you for his revenge. I really regret doing something like that. I shouldn't have tried to ruin your life like this. Please forgive me if you can." Dad said looking down.

"It's okay, Dad. All of us make mistakes in our life at some point or the other. I forgive you. Let's have a good fresh start now." Jennie said smiling.

"And I'm proud of you, sons. You both always did what was right and not what was told to you. I failed to see your love. But now I do. May all three of you and Lisa too be always happy." Dad said making me and Jk smile.

"Enough of talking now. C'mon all three of you come to the dinning table. I made your fovourtie food, Tae and Jennie." Mom said inviting us to have lunch.

We all sat at the dinning table and were about to start eating when the doorbell rang. Jk quickly got up and opened the door as he knew who that could be.

As soon as the door was opened, He hugged Lisa.

"Finally you are here, I missed you." Jk said not pulling out from the hug.

"I missed you to but I missed my sister more." Lisa pulled out and ran towards Jennie.

Jungkook then greeted and welcomed Kai and Krystal who had also come to visit Jennie, inside the house.

"Hey brother, are you okay ?" Jk asked Kai.

Kai just nodded but all of us knew he was far from okay. He just lost his mom. That's very hard to cope up with.

"Jennnieeee......... You are back.... I'm so happyyyy. Happy birthday lovee." Lisa said tightly hugging Jennie and crying out loud.

"Hey Lis... Are you crying ? C'mon stop crying you baby. I'm fine." Jennie said comforting a crying Lisa.

"I can't see you all pale and silent like this. Please be careful and safe, sister. Don't makee me worried." Lisa said caressing Jennie's face.

"Yes Lisa. I promise, I will." Jennie said assuring Lisa.

"C'mon all of you, join us for lunch." Mom said calling everybody back to the dinning table.

All of us sat and talked about a lot of things. Dad noticed Kai still being silent and sad.

"Kai, you don't have to worry, okay ? You are our son and you are gonna stay with us from now on." Dad said patting Kai's back.

"But...." Kai was about to say something.

"No ifs and buts, Joghin. You don't talk back to your parents." Dad said cutting him off.

"Thank you so much Uncle." Kai said hugging Dad.

"It's Dad, not Uncle you moron." Dad said causing everybody to laugh.

"Jennie, I wanna say sorry to you. But I don't know how to do it. Whatever I did was very wrong. I'll always carry the guilt of being the cause of this state of yours. I wanted to plan something special for your birthday but I couldn't. " Kai said looking at Jennie with tearful eyes.

"You've always been the sweetest person to me Kai. Earlier, you used to do so many things to make me feel happy. You were a very important and happy chapter of my life. I want it to be that way. Whatever you did, I know there must have been some reason behind it. I'm not mad at you, I'll never be mad cause I still love you even though it is as a friend. So let by gones be by gones. And about my birthday, you can plan something the next time. We have so many years to do that." Jennie said hugging Kai.

"Finally, all of us are safe and will live happily togehter without the dangerous Mafia stuff." Dad said raising his glass of water for a toast. All of us did the same.

The room was filled with tears and emotions. But this time they were tears of joy and happiness. I am so glad that Jennie came into my life. She surely is the best part of it.

After we finished having lunch, Jk showed Kai and Krystal their room. Mom and Dad went to their respective rooms and I took Jennie to ours.

"Are you feeling all well, Baby ?" I asked making sure that she was feeling good.

"Yes baby. Now that you are with me, I feel much much better." She said holding my hand.

"Okay then, come lets get you cleaned. You haven't had a bath since yesterday and to be honest you stink." I said picking her up in a bridal style.

"What do you mean by 'LETS get you celaned up' ? I can do it on my own, Tae. You don't have to worry." She said rubbing her thumb at the back of my palm.

"Let me do it, Jennie. Let me take care of you. Atleast give your husband a chance to serve you." I said locking the door of our room and gently laying her on the bed.

"Wait here. I'll get your bath tub ready." I said and went in the bathroom.

It took approximately 5 mins for me to make the tub ready. After finishing, I went out, picked her up again and carried her into the bathroom.

"So my dear princess, are you ready ?" I asked and she nodded.

I slowly put her down and asked her to remove her clothes. My eyes were hurting by seeing the bruises on her body which she had covered with clothes a while ago but I tried my best to remain calm. After she was done, I picked her up and gently laid her into the tub.

She hissed as soon as the warm water touched her bruised body.

I removed my clothes and got in behind her.

"Does it hurt too much ?" I asked being concerned.

She just closed her eyes tightly and nodded.

"I'm so sorry baby but don't worry you'll be fine, you are very strong." I said hugging her from the back.

"You used my favourite bath bomb." She said trying to distract herself from the pain.

"Yes I did." I said slowly caressing her arms.

"Shall I use the soap ?" I asked.

"Yes. You can." She replied.

I picked up the bath gel and took a small amount of it on my hands.

"It may burn a little. Just focus on what I say." I said applying the soap to her arms, she winced as soon as the soap made contact with her body.

"You are so beautiful Jennie. I have never seen a woman like you in my entire life. You are strong, powerful, loving, caring and what not." I said while gently applying soap to her other body parts. She stopped wincing after some time. Her pain turned into slight smiles.

"I love you baby, so so much." I said while slowly scrubbing her body.

"I love you too." She said panting.

After we were done having a bath, I quickly grabbed a bathrobe, helped her dry her body and wrapped it arround her. I took another one and wrapped it around myself.

"Thank you Tae." She said while staring into my eyes.

"You don't need to thank me. This is my duty and I'm ready to do it lifelong." I said winking at her.

"So pervy." She said giggling.

It was the first time I saw her smile so soulfuly after the incident. Seeing her smile made me smile too.

I picked her up and gently laid her on the bed.

"Medicine time." I said handing her a few tablets and a glass of water. I helped her take her medicines.

I then brought a tube of antiseptic cream and sat besides her.

I slowly went on top of her.

"You feeling good ?" I asked and she nodded.

"Goood girl." I said giving her a peck on her forehead.

"Now that we have cleaned your wounds, lets treat them." I said and her expression quickly changed to a scared one.

"Don't be scared, darling. I'll be very gentle." I said caressing her cheeks.

I then untied her bathrobe, took a little amount of cream on my hands and began applying it on her wounds.

As soon as I touched her bruise, she held my arm, closing her eyes tightly.

"Shh...breath. Relax baby, just a little more pain and it'll be done. You got this." I said calming her down.

I kept talking to her the entire time to reduce her pain.

"And it's done." I said finally keeping the cream away.

"Now you are going to take some rest. I'll just go down and bring some food for you to eat after you wake up." I said pulling a blanket over her body and was about to leave when..

"Don't leave me please. I'm scared, Taehyung. I'm not that strong. I just tried to act brave the whole time. I can't do it anymore. I still feel like somebody will come and torture me. I can still feel their touches on my body, I can see their dirty faces whenever I close my eyes. I need you. I need you to make me forget everything about them. I need you to erase every touch of theirs from my body. I want you." She said making me surprised.

"But baby, don't you think it's too soon? What if it gives you more flashbacks? I don't want to hurt you." I said sitting besides her.

"I won't get any flashbacks. I just want to feel your hands on my body. I want you to be the only one having right over my body and soul. Please claim me." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Okayy, baby." I said and leaned in to kiss her lips.

The kiss was soft, sensual and emotional. We took our time exploring each other's mouths. I pulled out after some time.

"So sweet." I said looking into her eyes.

I swiftly removed the blanket covering her body.

"You are so hot baby. You are mine and only mine. I would break anyone's hands if they ever try to get close to you." I said gently kissing her neck.

She moaned a little giving me permission to continue.

I remembered the scene where those bastards tried to touch my wife. I began kissing and touching each part of her body passionately.

My only goal today, was to make her feel good, feel safe and feel loved.

She kept moaning and her body kept reacting positively to my touches.

After some time I laid next to her pulling her into my embrace.

"Sleep well baby. I'm right here. You don't need to worry." I said pulling the blanket over our bodies.

Soon after, the sound of her little snores filled the room. She fell asleep on my chest, listening to the rythm of my heartbeat and I fell asleep to the sound of her steady breaths.

An hour later, I felt her move a little. She was sweating hard and murmuring gibberish. Suddenly she got out of my arms and screamed.

"No.....Nooo don't touch me pleasee. I beg you." She screamed while still being asleep.

She was having a nightmare. I quickly took her back into my embrace slowly rubbing her back.

"Relax baby, calm down. You are just having a bad dream. I'm here, nobody will hurt you." I said and after giving a few loving strokes on her back she went back to sleep.

I reached the drawer besides our bed with the other hand and pulled out a gift wrapped box and kept in on the table.

"Happy Birthday, Love. I hope you like my gift." I said while caressing her back.

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