Iron Hero (Iron Man X Blizzar...

By IronGodAuthor

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This is the story of 2 teens, Michael Stark (Iron Man) & Jack Rhodes (War Machine), the sons of the original... More

Iron Man Bio
Iron Man Bio Part 2
War Machine Bio
Chapter 1: The Nexus
Chapter 2: Iron Man
Chapter 3: Null Sector
Chapter 4: Saboteurs & Assassins
Chapter 5: A New Bodyguard & A New Enemy
Chapter 6: Artifact
Chapter 7: Raynor's Raiders
Chapter 8: The Lich King
Chapter 9: Gamer Mech & Drones
Chapter 10: The Angiris Council
Chapter 11: The Court
Chapter 12: Ghosts
Chapter 13: The Burning Legion
Chapter 14: Aiur
Chapter 15: Sanctuary
Chapter 16: Doomfist
Chapter 17: Worst Nightmare
Chapter 18: For The Horde
Chapter 19: Overwatch
Chapter 20: The UED
Chapter 21: Amon
Chapter 22: Diablo's Return
Chapter 23: Terratron
Chapter 24: Tal'darim Invasion Part 1
Chapter 25: Tal'darim Invasion Part 2
Chapter 26: New Life
Chapter 27: The Big Race
Chapter 28: Hanamura
Chapter 29: Blade & Iron
Chapter 30: The Dominion
02/27/2022 Delay
Chapter 31: Vigilantes
Chapter 32: Xel'Naga Artifacts
Chapter 33: Gaming Tournament
Chapter 34: Deathwing
Friday Schedule Delays
Chapter 35: Null Sector's Return
Chapter 36: The Golden Armada
Announcement For A New Future Fanfic
Chapter 37: Monks Of Ivgorod
Chapter 38: War Machine
Chapter 39: A Fistful Score To Settle
Chapter 40: The Death Fleet Descends
Chapter 41: Vishkar Corporation VS Stark Unlimited
Chapter 42: Demon Hunter
Chapter 43: Temple & Dragons
Chapter 44: Sneaking In
Chapter 45: The Xanthos
Chapter 46: Archimonde's Return Part 1
Chapter 47: Archimonde's Return Part 2
Chapter 48: Umoja
Chapter 49: Malibu Invasion Part 1
Chapter 50: Malibu Invasion Part 2
Chapter 51: Scourge Of Lordaeron Part 1
Chapter 52: Scourge Of Lordaeron Part 2
Chapter 53: Scourge On Lordaeron Part 3
Chapter 54: Scourge On Lordaeron Part 4
Chapter 55: 1 Month Later
Chapter 56: Truth Exposed
Chapter 57: The Tactigon
Chapter 58: Iron Men? Part 1
Chapter 59: Iron Men? Part 2
Chapter 60: Demons
Chapter 61: Kil'Jaeden's Wrath
Chapter 62: Dominion Truce
Chapter 63: Fight For The Horde
🎉 Celebration🎉
Chapter 64: Halloween
Kizuna Hida vs Iron Man
The Reasons Of Why I Haven't Published Anything
Chapter 65: A Date With Symmetra
Chapter 66: A Date With Alexandra/Alexstrasza
Chapter 67: Nexus Avengers
Chapter 68: 1st Team Fight & Thanksgiving
Chapter 69: Christmas
Chapter 70: Northrend Arc Part 1
Chapter 71: Northrend Arc Part 2
Chapter 72: New Beginning
Chapter 73: Heaven's Devils
Chapter 74: Dragons' Final Stand
Chapter 75: eScape Part 1
Chapter 76: eScape Part 2
Chapter 77: The Prime Evil Part 1
Chapter 78: The Prime Evil Part 2
Chapter 79: The Prime Evil Part 3
Chapter 80: The Burning Legion
Chapter 82: Overthrowing An Emperor Part 2
School's Over
Chapter 83: Sargeras Part 1
Chapter 84: Sargeras Part 2
Chapter 85: Sargeras Part 3
Chapter 86: Amon War Part 1
Chapter 87: Amon War Part 2
Chapter 88: Amon War Part 3

Chapter 81: Overthrowing An Emperor Part 1

24 0 0
By IronGodAuthor

A/N: Sorry for the hiatus guys, I had been busy with important stuff lately aswell as had some other ideas but now I might be back, although updated are gonna be slow since I failed me test & now me happiness has been taken away from me. Regardless I will do what I can so for that here is the new chapter.

(Date: 02/18/2507) (Time: 8:00)

Somewhere in the Koprulu Sector space was empty for as currently it seems that there's nothing going on. But that is until it moves to a planet under attack by none other than Raynor's Raiders aswell as accompanied by both Iron Man & War Machine wearing Iron Lantern Armour & Eidolon Warwear Armour as both are seen blasting through multiple Dominion spacecrafts & starfighters as with each shot destroyed several Vikings & Wraiths as they fire several different projectiles like repulsors, missiles, bullets, & many more. They fly & shoot into battle as they take down several Dominion Mandroids & Dominion Archangels as they lead the battle in space accompanied by at least 12 Behemoth Battlecruisers, 3 Gorgon Battlecruisers, several Fighter Crafts, & several Raider's Mandroids as they all shoot down any incoming hostiles as the battle has become a destructive 1. Meanwhile under the planet Raynor & his troops are seen shooting at enemy hostiles from the front & are currently pinned down yet still standing strong as Raynor & several Marines shoots on several other Dominion forces as they brave through the jungle planet. But what's difficult is that Dominion Mandroids are making it more difficult to push through as they fire their repulsors & other weapons as they shoot. Raynor knew that he wouldn't last long if they were to continue so for that he quickly took cover & went to his comms & said...

>Jim Raynor:
(While taking cover) Matt, call in the Hyperion, I'll send you my coordinates!

>Matt Horner:
(Through Comms) Affirmative sir, Hyperion is on its way in about 30 seconds.

And with that Raynor then went back to fighting as he starts shooting while Raynor's Marauders & Firebats fought back but to only be shot down dead while his Hellbats were being destroyed left & right. Thankfully his Vultures were able to swoop in as they ride & shoot grenades at Dominion troops & then rides away to cover the others. Raynor & his men were completely pinned down but that is until he sees 7 Dusk Wings fly over from behind him & past him as when they did they all then fired several missiles which completely obliterated several troops & vehicles, especially Dominion Siege Tanks & Goliaths. However, the Mandroids were the only problem but he didn't need to worry as The Hyperion then finally arrived as it then deployed several of its own Raynor's Mandroids arrived on the battlefield destroying several enemy Mandroids giving Raynor & his men the advantage & pressed on. Back in space Iron Man shoots down several Vikings & Wraiths left & right as he shoots his repulsors aswell as constructed several missile launchers out of his shoulders & fired them all as the missiles then followed their designated targets completely obliterating them into pieces. War Machine is seen shooting down several Liberators & Warhawks with his own drones which he produced form his armour as said drones then shifted into several range weapons as missiles & lasers are seen being fired by him dealing damage to any enemy hostile that were shot down infront of him & all over him. As the battle goes on several Dominion officers are currently in a state of panic as they see Iron Man & War Machine fighting against their larger fleet. What's even worst is that not only did they received reports about Raynor & his army overwhelming their ground forces but what's more was that their communications & way of recording the whole battle was cut off & no 1 knew of how but it just did. A naval officer then goes to General Horace Warfield who is currently leading the fleet as he is shocked to see Iron Man & War Machine fighting alongside Raynor as the officer then said..

>Naval Dominion Officer:
Sir, Raynor's Raiders are taking down both our ground forces. But what's worst is that both Iron Man & War Machine are breaching our defenses & has destroyed several of our Battlecruisers. At this rate we won't know until how long we would last.

>General Horace Warfield:
I know, officer. But we also can't evacuate for as we are cut off & our damn communications are jammed! I just don't get why Iron Man & War Machine would help the Raiders.

>General Horace Warfield's Mind:
That is unless... (Realizes something).

General Warfield then both realize & remembered what Raynor had said back when both the former & latter were on Char as the latter had told him that he is a liberator while Mengsk is the 1 meant to be behind bars. Remembering this then finally gave him the reason as to why the Armoured Heroes would side with Raynor.

>General Horace Warfield's Mind:
I see, so Raynor told them everything. Well, I guess I can't blame them for it.

And then General Warfield's thoughts were interrupted as an officer shouted...

>Naval Dominion Officer:
(Shouts) INCOMING!!!

And with that everyone then saw Iron Man throw a Behemoth Battlecruiser into their Gorgon Battlecruiser thanks to green hard-light giant hands that he constructed as he 1st started to spin it around before finally throwing it right at Warfield's location. Before Warfield could give the order to activate the Defense Matrixes the Battlecruiser then hits his Battlecruiser dealing heavy damage to both the interior & exterior as it nearly chopped the damn thing in half. Thanks to all that damage everyone tripped & fell to the ground as the ship shaked & because of this the force made them all fall. Warfield & the others were able to stand up but Warfield knew that if the fight continues they wouldn't last any longer. What's more is that he is concern about the safety of his crew as he then ordered...

>General Horace Warfield:
All troops, abandon ship & get to the escape pods immediately! This is a losing battle & we need to inform the Emperor right away!

>Dominion Crew:
(All) Sir Yes Sir!

And with that everyone then rushed to the escape pods as some of them died due to either explosions or some debris falling on them but they all pushed through going to the escape pods. But as they make their way there they made it but they were too late as an explosion caused not only the escape pods to be destroyed but also create a hole in the ship's hull as now everyone is trying to hold on to something as they get sucked out of the ship. All hope seemed lost as the things they were grabbing on wasn't gonna hold longer so for that they were all sent flying out into space. But just before they could meet death they were all then grabbed by several green energy bubbles as they tried to find their saviour & when they did they see Iron Man using his Green Lantern Powers as he saves them.

>Iron Man:
(While using powers) General Warfield, I only ask 1 thing, surrended both the planet & this battle, & if you do we'll let you live. What will it be?

Everyone then waited for a response as both stared at each other while the crew were all terrified as to what's gonna happen next. Back on the ground Raynor & his men are currently gunning down every Dominion Soldiers & Mandroids as tanks are seen shooting at defenses like artillery while Mechs & Mechas are seen laying waste to every enemy hostiles they encounter. As they battle through the planet every Dominion comms then started to contact every Dominion Soldiers as everyone stopped firing when it is an order from General Warfield & thankfully Raynor & the others stopped as General Warfield then said...

>General Horace Warfield:
(Through Comms) Attention all Dominion Troops, our ship has been destroyed, both me & the rest of my crew are taken hostage, & the fleet is now losing the battle! We have lost! I repeat, we have lost! Sadly, the only thing we can do now... Is Surrender. (Turns Off Comms)

Hearing this made every Dominion Soldiers wonder as to how they lost & why but now seeing their whole situation they're at they did 1 thing... They dropped their weapons to the ground while the drivers pilots got out of their vehicles & robots while Mandroids on the other hand stood down & went offline as now there was only thing that Raynor has to say.

>Jim Raynor:
(To everyone) Boys, the planet is ours!

>Raynor's Raiders:
(All) Yeah!!!!!! (Celebrates).

And with that Raynor's Raiders then started to triumphantly celebrate their victory for as not only the planet is theirs but also General Warfield has surrendered & is now their prisoner. Hours after the whole attack Dominion Soldiers are seen putting their hands over their heads as they're being lead & escorted by Raynor's Men to their cells while Raynor's Fleet then started landing in the planet followed by Iron Man & War Machine. As they both landed they then armoured down & when they did they then see General Warfield being taken into custody alongside his men. After that the 2 then gathered around infront of the Hyperion where they meet Raynor & the others to proceed their meeting.

>Jim Raynor:
From our reports the last 3 planets that the Dominion claimed have been liberated & since this is the last planet we will then finally go to the last planet that needs liberating... Korhal.

Hearing this made everyone that were gathered all cheered as they are now finally heading to the heart of the Terran Dominion itself & are now finally going after Emperor Arcturus Mengsk himself.

>Mikey Stark:
And once we're done with him, not only will the people be free from his corruption but I'll also be free from his trying to attack me for my armours.

>Jack Rhodes:
Not only that but Earth won't have to worry about him anymore. (Looks at Valerian) Also, Prince Valerian, are you ready to dethrone your father?

>Prince Valerian Mengsk:
Well, considering that my father is so corrupted that he is beyond redemption then I am okay with him being taken out of his power. Even if it mean killing him then so be it.

>Mikey Stark:
Well, at least you're on our side. Although, I hope you can remake the Terran Dominion into a more democratic place.

>Prince Valerian Mengsk:
And once I do I would love to buy some of your peacekeeping & medical products, Mr. Stark.

>Mikey Stark:
Don't worry, your highness. I will.

>Jim Raynor:
Anyways, now that we have everyone here, let's get to the topic. (Shows a hologram of Korhal) Considering that the planet has several defense systems I think that their anti-orbital cannons can shoot down our Battlecruisers so for that going in there is gonna be a disaster.

>Gabriel Tosh:
Worry not, Mr. Raynor, I will take care of it as long as no 1 sees me. But if anyone wants to volunteer then I'm up for it.

>Jack Rhodes:
I'll come with since not only will I be able to sneak in & bypass scanners with my Chameleon Mode, but I'll also be able to phase through walls with Ghost Tech added so for that I'll get inside & sabotage the damn anti-orbital cannons while Tosh can follow since I have a feeling that Nova will arrive & interfere.

>Jim Raynor:
Good, once they're down the rest of the fleet will then enter & take on their force. But remember, even though we have taken down their forces from several planets they still outnumber us 30 to 1 so for that we need to think smartly.

>Mikey Stark:
Don't worry Raynor, not only will I arrive with an army of my own but I'll help you guys get there faster with my portal tech. What's more is that I've already check the planet & currently they are preparing more weapons against us so for that we all need to becareful if need be.

>Jim Raynor:
Excellent, now that we have everyone ready me & my boys from the ground will take care of Mengsk & if he ever resist then we'll have to kill him.

>Mikey Stark:
I guess you're right about that. Although, we're gonna need to expose more of his crimes & thankfully I have this. (Picks up a USB in his pocket & throws it at Raynor).

Raynor then caught it as when he did he then saw it while Mikey continued...

>Mikey Stark:
During my free time I was able to hack into several medias & videos aswell as gathered a lot of info about Mengsk's war crimes & corruptions so for that we can reveal more of Mengsk true colours & then we're good. But remember, I need you to upload that on a UNN Building & send it to the entire universe if need be.

>Jim Raynor:
Thanks kid, you know, if you were part of my Raiders I would gladly partner you up with Swann & Stetmann. Hell, you can even become 2nd-In-Combat & be partnered up with Matt. What's more is that if Rhodey also joined then he would be part of the most elite soldiers of my forces.

>Mikey Stark:
Thanks for the offer, but I prefer sticking into being a hero.

>Jim Raynor:
Fair enough for me.

And with that they all then resumed the plan for as Mikey then said...

>Mikey Stark:
Although, I have a feeling that Mengsk has something up his sleeves as if like he has some powerful war machines just in case his plan fails. And once we do encounter them then we need to becareful for as they are gonna be using said war machines & destroy us all.

>Jack Rhodes:
To bad for them we're not gonna let them have the chance on using them since once they do use them then imagine how many innocent lives could die in this battle?

>Mikey Stark:
It will be catastrophic but thankfully I can hack into their satellites to tell everyone to evacuate but I can't upload the USB nor the videos into them thanks to some security added to the damn satellites. Hence why I need you guys to upload them on a UNN Building as much as possible.

>Jim Raynor:
Don't worry, kid. That we can do.

And then the holographic body of Tony Stark then appeared as he said...

>Tony Stark:
Well then, let's go put our game faces on.

And with that everyone nodded in agreement as everyone then started to prepare for the worst as they grabbed their supplies aswell as their weapons to be ready for war.

(Date: 02/19/2507) (Time: 9:45)

Meanwhile in Mengsk's palace in Augustgrad Mengsk is seen sitting down on his throne while listening to some music on his record as when he listened he had nothing else to do but sit back as he seems to be thinking on what to do with Raynor's Raiders & Iron Man. What's more is that he has never heard from General Warfield as he starts to think that he is still either busy taking care of Raynor's Raiders, captured, or killed as so many thoughts ran through his head trying to think on what the hell is currently going on with Warfield while looking at several tv screens infront of him. As he sits & ponders 2 Dominion Marines & Reigel then arrived inside of Mengsk's Throne Room (Or office) as he then faces the tro & said...

>Arcturus Mengsk:

Your Majesty, I am here to report to you about the secret project you have been asking.

>Arcturus Mengsk:
What about it?

The project has been finally finished & our Terra-Trons have been finally manufactured to the point that we have at least 9 of them in total. What's more is that several Mandroids, Odins, Archangels, Eradicators, & Xanthos' have been finally manufactured & are all combat ready.

>Arcturus Mengsk:
Good, with this number we have truly become unstoppable.

But with all due respect your Majesty but why do you need so many?

>Arcturus Mengsk:
Because with this army, we have become the most unstoppable force throughout the universe. So much so that no 1 can get in our way. We can defeat not only both The Protoss & The Zerg, but also conquer every world in The Nexus if we wanted to. Earth, Azaroth, Sanctuary, & so much more.

Very well then, I understand.

But just before Reigel could leave he then noticed something behind Arcturus Mengsk as when the latter saw his face he then faced back to see his screen are all in static. Not only that but every single screen on Korhal started to go static as no 1 knows what the hell is going on until suddenly the screen shows Iron Man in his Iron Lantern Armour alongside War Machine & Jim Raynor on his side which made everyone all shocked & confused as to why Jim Raynor is with them both. Iron Man then said...

>Iron Man:
Attention to all citizens of Korhal, you all know me as Iron Man, & today there is something you should know. Raynor's Raiders are making their way to your planet & have prepared an entire liberation force to liberate Korhal of its corrupted dictator, Emperor Arcturus Mengsk. So I can only tell you this, evacuate the area as much as possible, go to somewhere safe for as Liberation Day is coming & I have decided to join this war! And Mengsk, be prepared for as I have also come to take back what you copied & stole from me! We'll see you in the battlefield!

And with that the feed then cut as every screen turned back to normal but only this time every citizen started running to safety as they try to find the evacuation center. Meanwhile, Mengsk is seen walking back to his chair before finally sitting back down as he then ordered...

>Arcturus Mengsk:
Prepare all forces & special teams to defend this palace now!

And with that they all then started running to their stations to prepare for war as Mengsk then thought...

>Arcturus Mengsk's Mind:
So Iron Man, you & that terrorist have finally joined forces to fight me? Good. Not only will I be able to kill those terrorist but also coerce you into building more highly advanced armours for me. And once that happens, I will be delighted to see the defeat in your eyes.

And with that Arcturus Mengsk then started to laugh maniacally in his own office/throne room as he has confidence in winning the battle. Meanwhile in space, Sky Shield is seen all armed & ready as everyone are prepared for the battle that is to come as they even have some Mandroids & Archangels stationed in Sky Shield as they all aim their weapons on what is to come. As they waited the 1st 1 to arrive in blinding speed is Iron Man for as they see him all alone & is now hovering infront of them as they thought he was alone. But what's more strange is the fact that Raynor's Raiders weren't there with him when he literally said they were coming & he would bring them. But they cared not anymore as they just aimed their weapons at the armoured hero & when they did they then started to open fire as several bullets, lasers, & missiles are seen being fired out of their weapons while Iron Man seemed to be just standing there with no intentions of dodging as he just saw all projectiles & stood there without even moving an inch. As the missiles finally reached him they all then made contact as several explosions are seen in space as they all just watch the whole thing happened. As they all did they thought they had won but only to be proven wrong as when the smoke cleared Iron Man is seen surrounded by a green bubble force field around him as if the damages never even scratched him & true to that he is fine with no scratches as he seems to be all fine to which he is. After that Iron Man then used his armour's power & not only made several weapons out of hard-light but also sent several projectiles at his enemies on Sky Shield & with each shot landing on everyone as so many had to try & escape but only a few succeeded while the others failed as several explosions are seen on Sky Shield for as several organic & mechanical hostiles all blew up into bits & pieces leaving nothing but blood, organs, scraps, & destroyed metal. But when Iron Man shot them he was careful on where to shoot for as the engines of Sky Shield were not hit but it did however left only at least 25% Dominion Forces occupying the platform. A few seconds later several starships & starfighters belonging to Raynor's Raiders suddenly appeared in great speeds but what's more is that Iron Man's army has also joined in the fight with several drones flying into battle.

Seeing so many made every Dominion Soldiers that were stationed were all losing hope but even with that they all still prepared for the worst as they all then started to shoot at every Raider & Drones they could encounter but even with their weapons it was still proven futile for as their starfighters are seen being destroyed left & right by Raiders starfighters while some of their starships & Battlecruisers are seen being shot down by drones & Raiders Battlecruisers as the fight went on. The whole battle continued for as several War Machine drones are seen shooting at every ground & air forces as easily overwhelm & overpower them with their superior firepower as they kept shooting & shooting as they engage in combat. Several Iron Sentinel Drones started to easily shoot down Battlecruisers while gigantic Iron Man drones easily destroyed Gorgon Battlecruisers as the fight has become more than a war zone as the battle raged on. A few minutes later Sky Shield has been successfully taken over & when it is everyone then started to proceed to the planet itself for as when they arrived they were met with Dominion Forces shooting at them but thankfully they were able to brave through them aswell as shoot down several Dominion Forces for as War Machine is still seen in his Eidolon Warwear Armour as he started produce more drones & turned them into several weapons as he starts to shoot down several enemy hostiles while Iron Lantern not only shot down several other enemy hostiles but also constructed several weapons & replicas of the main forces for as he & his Lantern Constructed Armour all then started to shoot down every enemy hostile for as they kept shooting & killing their enemies from left & right. Not only that but Korhal is being attacked all around the planet thanks to Iron Man being able to not only construct more than enough forces but also for deploying more drones than usual for as he & his forces started to take down several enemy hostiles with ease while the Raiders have killed their own fair share of enemy hostiles for as their ground forces are seen in combat against ground Dominion Forces but thankfully the Raiders are being assisted by both drones & constructs as they shoot down & push back several Dominion Soldiers. But even with that The Dominion is still formidable but it became more so when they started to deploy several Mandroids, Odins, Archangels, Eradicators, Xanthos', & Terra-Trons into battle to which also killed a fair amount of Raiders & Drones but the constructs were more than that as the battle raged on. Meanwhile on the ground Sgt. Hammer is seen shooting down several Raiders while leading several Siege Tanks & Siege Breakers as they act as artillery taking down several other Raiders & Drones as they shoot ontop of a high ground with a ledge infront. But as the fight Sgt. Hammer then thought to herself...

>Sgt. Hammer's Mind:
This doesn't make sense? Why is Iron Man, fighting for a terrorist group when he is supposed to be hero? Was his heroism all a ruse? Or did he have some kind of reason?

As she ponders she was then snapped back to reality when a Siege Tank pilot shouted...

>Siege Tank Pilot:

And with that she then saw several projectiles being rained down to her location for as thanks to this it wiped out most of the Tank Division but fortunately for her she was alive but her tank however is now grounded for as not only has it taken several damages from the attack but the tracks are all but seemingly destroyed & nearly broken & with that she is now stuck in Siege Mode & can only use the tank's cannon to fire. But before she could fire some missiles came in which caused the ground to shake since she & her tank division are in a high ground with some ledges for as her tank started to shake & was ready to fall if not careful. What's more is that the ground is about to give in as it will drop similar to a landslide so for that she tried to get out of her tank but only to see that it was futile for as the hatch is stuck & she could never get out alive. The tank then fells with the ground for as she embraces death as she closed her eyes awaiting for her death until suddenly... The tank stopped falling which made her open her eyes as when she did she then sees that the Tank is somehow stable & stationary. She tried to think on what had happened & questioned herself if is she already dead because if she is then how come it was painless? Her thoughts were then interrupted when she sees her hatch being forcibly opened by some kind of welding gear until the hatch finally opened & when it did she sees that her tank is in some kind of Green Bubble & is about several feet higher from the landslide. As she tried to wonder of who saved her she then heard a voice form above & said...

Hey there Sgt. Hammer. Need a hand?

When she heard that she then looked up to see Iron Man using his armour's power as he is currently holding her inside a green bubble to which saved her as when it did he then flew her to safety, deactivated the bubble, & landed down on the ground while Sgt. Hammer got off her tank & is now face to face with Iron Man & asked...

>Sgt. Hammer:
Why did you save me? I thought you were our enemy?

>Iron Man:
Just because I am an enemy to The Dominion doesn't mean I can't save you. Not only that but I did it because it was the right thing to do.

Before she could respond Lt. Morales then arrived which gotten their attention for as when she arrives she quickly pointed her grenade launcher arm at Iron Man but Sgt. Hammer then got in her way & said...

>Sgt. Hammer:
Wait, he may be our enemy but he saved me.

>Lt. Morales:
(Scared) If he did, then why is he attacking The Dominion.

>Iron Man:
Because of this. (Constructed a green screen which showed all of Arcturus Mengsk's war crimes & the times Mengsk attacked him aswell as the time when Iron Man interrogated the same "terrorist" who "hijacked" the same Dominion Terra-Tron that attacked Earth).

After seeing this they both then learned the truth about their Dominion as they said...

>Sgt. Hammer:
(Confused) Hold on? Is this true?

>Iron Man:
Is sneaking inside Korhal to get evidences & proof true? And besides, I will make sure that Mengsk pays for his crimes & thankfully Jim Raynor fights for the same thing.

>Lt. Morales:
(Curious) How are you sure?

>Iron Man:
Because I've seen it 1st hand & I have more proof. (Did the same thing as last time but only this time they are shocked to see Prince Valerian Mengsk with Raynor's Raiders planning to save his people).

And with that they both were then shocked for as they were fighting for the wrong side this whole time. And with that Iron Man then said...

>Iron Man:
Listen, I need you both to make sure the civilians are safe. And make sure they are all evacuated from the war zone because this will be ugly.

>Lt. Morales:
Right, I'll inform my medics right away.

>Sgt. Hammer:
I mean, why not? And besides, I do owe you kid. But right now you're right, we'll get them all out of here right away.

>Iron Man:
Good, I'll be off now. And make sure you guys stay alive.

And with that Iron Man flies back into battle as he starts to aid both his forces & allies while the duo looks at him with some blushes on their faces.

(Date: 02/19/2507) (Time: 13:31)

Meanwhile at Mengsk's palace he looks outside of his window to see that his most Elite Royal Guards & Forces guarding outside as he looks to see no 1 showing up. But as he watches he then saw several Raiders & Iron Man Drones charging in for as they have their weapons ready. Back in the battlefield the battle on Augustgrad has begun for as several soldiers & drones are seen shooting at each other as they trade shots with bullets, missiles, & lasers being shot back & forth as this whole thing went on & on. The fight rages on for as several Dominion & Raiders are seen being killed left & right as they fight through the battlefield. As this went on Jim Raynor leads his forces aswell as The Heaven's Devils while Tychus is aboard The Odin & when he is he sees at least some other Odins & when he did all he did was smile in excitement as he then says...

>Tychus Findlay:
(While piloting the Odin) Time To Ragnarok & Roll!!!

And with that he then started to fire a barrage of artillery as he started raining & bringing hell upon his enemies including some other Odins despite it being from a distance twice more farther than the other Odins. So many were shocked seeing this minus Raynor's Raiders & The Armoured Duo for as thanks to some modifications from both Rory Swann & Mikey Stark they were able to not only upgrade the Odin's armour but also it's firepower as he starts to rain even more hell on his enemies as he started raining more & more shells at them as he shoots. Meanwhile, the Dominion Odins are seen either trying to take cover or even eject but most of them failed miserably for as both the range & firepower was more than they had ever thought as if they were being rained from above rather than on ground. As Tychus kept shooting he then saw several Archangels & Xanthos' being deployed into battle & with that he then started to shoot several missiles from The Odin & surprisingly they not only hit their targets but also pierced through their armour & destroyed them all in a single shot similar to Iron Man's Tank Missile but bigger. What's more was that even the Eradicators were no match & The Odin is still far from the palace since Tychus acts as artillery while Raynor & his forces pushes on with War Machine's assistance but even if they attack the whole palace is the most heavily fortified so for that they had to press on & Mengsk on the other hand thought he he had the upper hand. Unbeknownst to Mengsk however was that Tosh & his most elite Spectres are seen killing several guards but making sure that every innocent people are spared for as several employees started fleeing while others stayed in fear. Tosh's role is that he is the 1 who's gonna upload the USB to the UNN Building as he & his Spectres are currently doing a good job so far as they run through the halls as they kill Dominion Soldiers as they go but thankfully for them their stealth capabilities is the 1 thing that made them invisible to everyone & they didn't need to worry about their energy since they have an infinite amount of them. As they go on they then made it to the top building & sees the 1 place they have to upload it to as they all then de-cloaked & pressed on. But when they were about to break the door & enter the other Spectres are somehow taken out in an extremely fast way while Tosh looks around but only to see nothing as if the ones that killed his Spectres was nothing but air until he then figured it out so for that all he did was jump back & do a backflip & when he did he is then a few feet afar from whatever he dodged for as when he is finally a few feet away he then said...

>Gabriel Tosh:
Hm, I guess you have improved a lot more than last time, little girl.

Saying this the unknown attacker soon revealed herself to be none other than Nova as she holds her Monomolecular Blade in hand as she then pointed her blade at Tosh & said...

>Nova Terra:
And I never would've thought I'd face you in this place, Tosh.

>Gabriel Tosh:
Too bad for you I plan on bringing down Mengsk, 1 way or another. And with Stark's help, I can finally do that. However, I will not let you get in the way for as today you will die here.

>Nova Terra:
We'll see about that.

(Credits To: John Williams - Duel Of The Fates)

And with that both stood still as they look at each other until Tosh suddenly pulled something out as when he did he then pulled out what seemed to be Nova's Monomolecular Blade but rather it's color is red rather than blue. As both got ready they both then charged at each other as when they did they both started to swinging their blades at each other as when they did they 1st started in a lock but when they locked for a while Tosh then used his strength to push Nova away as the latter is then sent sliding back a little until stopping. After that both then started charging once again as they then started to swing blades once more & when they did they were parrying each other's attacks as they swung & swung with their blades making sounds. Tosh does a downwards swing but only for Nova to block it & did a sweeping kick both only for the former to jump back & dodge. After that both then charged at each other again as they rapidly swung their blades at their adversary as when they did they both started to make sparks as they either dodge, parry, or block the attacks as when they did they both went on & on as with each swings only made Sparks fly until both then did a powerful swing as Nova swings her blade to the right while Tosh swings his from the bottom. Both blades then connected as when they did they did another lock as they were both stuck in another lock once again but only this time none of them had the upper hand as they do. When they tried to push the other there seemed to be nothing until Nova then used her psionic abilities to control Tosh's mind as this force him to hold his head in pain while Nova focuses her power on his mind.

(While hypnotizing Tosh) Good, now you belong to me!

All hoped seems lost to the Spectre Leader until suddenly... Tosh then somehow broke from the mind control which made Nova hold her head in pain but what's more is that the former then quickly used Mind Blast to the latter to which made Elite Ghost stunned & hurt as she could feel her head being dizzy & in pain. Before Nova could recover Tosh used this chance to send a powerful haymaker at her face as when she felt it she is then sent flying back & her body spins as when it did she then landed face 1st on the ground while also dropping the blade & was quickly destroyed when it did. Nova then finally recovered but Tosh is seen slowly walking to her with killing intent as he readies to finish her off with his Monomolecular Blade. But when he was about to ready the blade Nova then used her Cloaking Ability to become invisible & before Tosh could react he is then met by several punches & kicks from the cloaked Ghost as he tried to kill her by swinging everywhere until he is then sent flying to a wall. After that Tosh knew that he needed to scan her but unfortunately for him his goggles were destroyed when he crashed back 1st into the wall. But his blade was still in hand & the only thing he had to do was use his Trump Card. Before an invisible kick could connect to him despite not seeing Nova he then quickly used his cloaking ability & when he did he then disappeared & somehow Nova's invisible foot just kicked the wall as if it just phased through the Spectre Leader. Nova then decided to de-cloak too & said...

So what, you used your cloak to dodge my attack? Oh please, I destroyed your goggles & now you can't see. Now show yourself!

>Gabriel Tosh:
And you don't have to tell me twice, little girl.

When she did she then saw Tosh just standing there wide open for an attack as when Nova saw this she then used this opportunity to do another series of punches & kicks but when she did she was shocked to see that her attacks only phased through him as if she was hitting nothing but air. When she stopped she was shocked beyond belief.

(Shocked) What the?!

>Gabriel Tosh:
You like that, little girl? (Cloaked).

When Tosh disappeared out of sight once again Nova tried to find him as she then started to use her goggles to scan him but when she did she found nothing, as if the former had bypassed her scanner until hearing someone behind her but before she could even react she then felt a blade slice her neck as when it did it meant 1 thing, she has been decapitated. Before death she then said her last words...

(Music Stops)

(While dying) You... Spectre... Bastard!

And then after that her head falls to the ground while a shit ton a lot of blood starts to shoot out of her neck as when it did her body falls to the floor while Tosh de-cloaked & was victorious.

>Gabriel Tosh:
Hmph, looks like I need to thank Stark & Swann for letting me use both Chameleon Mode & Ghost Tech.

After that he then started to make his way to the door & when he did he then entered as he scared & warn Donnie Vermillion & Kate Lockwell as he then told them not to do anything funny while he uploads the USB & when he did then reported to his superiors & told them everything. Meanwhile ontop of the same building a Medivac is seen landing in a helipad until it's hatch opens up & inside is Prince Valerian accompanied by 2 of Iron Man's Trojan Guards for as Prince Valerian Mengsk has a role in the whole war & he will be in the media.

>Valerian Mengsk:
Looks like Tosh has succeeded? Very well then, I must prepare for the report.

Back in Augustgrad not only has the Mecha Zergs arrived to accompany & assist Raynor & his boys while in the air we see The Hyperion in combat against Gorgon Battlecruisers but thankfully for the smaller ship it had been upgraded by an even more highly advanced shield & more powerful weapons for as The Hyperion has currently took down several Dominion Gorgon Battlecruisers while it's other Battlecruisers started assisting it as they all kept fighting. As the fight went on Raynor's Raiders then saw several nukes being rained down on them for as they knew that Mengsk was more than crazy enough to unleash this many & when they were about to reach then they all lost hope as they could feel their ends coming. But that is until the missiles never made it but instead they were all blocked by a certain green hard-light forcefield to which not only stopped them from reaching Raynor & the others but also stopped its explosion from spreading for as a green bubble then contained the explosions. After that the bubble then shrinks & when it did the explosion disappeared into nothingness. Everyone looked up to see who was responsible & when the did they then saw Iron Man being responsible for it & because of that they all celebrated a little until finally attacking once more while Iron Man regroups with War Machine as both then started to fly into battle & started destroying enemy hostiles infront of them as they pushed through with their allies & were nearing the palace. Meanwhile inside the palace Arcturus Mengsk then decided to walk out of his palace & when he did he started to head to somewhere that seemed like a secret entrance & when he did he is then met by Reigel & said...

Your majesty, the new weapon is ready I believe that you should--

>Arcturus Mengsk:
Stay in a safe bunker? Bah! I would rather deal with them myself. Give me access to this new weapon immediately!

But your majesty--

>Arcturus Mengsk:

And with that Mengsk then started walking to the giant war machine infront of him as he readies to kill his enemies. Meanwhile outside, the others are seen fighting through several Dominion Forces but fortunately for them they were winning for as not only were the most Elite Dominion Forces taken out but also because the cannons meant to guard the palace were all destroyed. Not only that but the Terra-Trons were all taken out as they fight their way to the palace. Victory was near & they were all about to make it to the building but before infiltrating the building itself the ground then shook & when it did something huge came out underneath of the palace to which forced them ran back while it rises since the ground is getting destroyed. After that they all then saw what it was & when they did Iron Man can only say 1 thing...

>Iron Man:
Holy Shit!!!

To Be Continued

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