Marigold fell into the Yander...

By Fuzzyninjacat

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Korean MTL, not my own story. If you like this kind of story please follow me Full and comprehensive Transla... More

Review Page For Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147 Ending

Chapter 25

1K 21 3
By Fuzzyninjacat

In the end, she could not stand it any longer and had no choice but to accompany Edwin.

"Take class comfortably. I'll be there to protect you."

Edwin said proudly.

If it's like you, can you focus on class with Gwangryong by your side?

I was more worried about whether the etiquette teacher would be able to teach than me.

When I resigned in the hope that everything would go well, Edwin suddenly hugged me.

"Come on, let's go."

to go like this? He groaned and patted Edwin on the shoulder.

"Take it down."


Edwin asked sternly.

"Today is the first day I met the teacher. As a teacher of etiquette, I have to greet you properly."

"I don't need to say goodbye. My bride just needs to be greeted."

There weren't one or two things to point out, but I just kept my mouth shut.

Because I have already experienced many times that persuasion is impossible.

When I entered the drawing room with Edwin, a well-dressed lady was waiting for me.

The lady who saw us widened her eyes, forgetting to get up from her seat.

His face flushed with embarrassment, but he couldn't turn his head. I'm afraid it'll look like I'm ignoring you.

"The etiquette teacher doesn't even know the basics. Only then can I teach properly."

The wife, who was awakened by Edwin's stern tone, got up from her seat, startled.

"Honey, I'll see you soon. My name is Maria Ashlyn."

Even though he was embarrassed, it was an elegant gesture without a single fuss like a etiquette teacher.

But he couldn't hide his trembling fingertips.

Edwin nodded and headed to the sofa.

Meanwhile, I smiled awkwardly and greeted the lady with my eyes lightly.

Fortunately, although she was embarrassed, she accepted my greetings.

I was worried that Edwin would put me on his lap here too, but luckily he got me down on the seat next to me.

"Baroness, do you know why you are here?"

"I heard that you are looking for a etiquette teacher for the pre-duchess."

The baroness did not make eye contact with Edwin, but tried to speak as calmly as possible.

"This beautiful woman is my bride."

"You are such a beautiful person. It's nice to see you like this."

The baroness looked at me at Edwin's introduction and smiled softly.

"My name is Angelina. Please."

As I said goodbye to the baroness, Edwin jumped in.

"Classes are held every day, but only one hour a day. My bride is weak."

"... ... Yes."

"My bride is weak and often startled, so she should always conduct her class gently with praise."

As Edwin's urging continued, the baroness's expression became more and more vague.

Meanwhile, with my parents, I felt like a child who came to kindergarten for admissions counseling.

In embarrassment, I felt like I wanted to find even a mouse hole.

"Finally. my bride will soon be me Do you know how to deal with it?"

The smile with the corners of his mouth raised to the max was dazzling, but his blue eyes shone sharply as if a warning.

The baroness's face turned pale in an instant at that look.

'I knew it.'

It seemed as if the baroness couldn't do it and ran away.

Even coming to the Duchess House is usually not courageous, but I wonder if it will be possible to save the teacher only from this.

A sigh came out.

"If I satisfy my bride, I will pay double the previously suggested tuition."

The pupil of the baroness, who had been terrified as if to run away at any moment at Edwin's unexpected suggestion, trembled in a different way.

And after a while, her eyes shone to the point of being burdensome.

"I will never be rude. I will do my best to teach you."

I was relieved to see the baroness who turned into a passionate teacher in an instant, but I wondered how much the tuition was offered in advance.

"Well, then, when can the class start?"

"From now on."

"All right."

After the baroness's reply, there was silence for a moment.

The baroness's expression, who had relaxed a little, gradually changed to bewildered.

Edwin's face also changed in the same way.

"Why don't you start?"

"Ah... ... Is your Excellency with you as well?"

"My bride is here, where am I going?"

"then, ... ... Are you observing every class?"

Edwin nodded, as if for sure, and the baroness's face drained of blood.

'I'm sorry. I tried to dry it, but to no avail.'

He expressed his condolences to the baroness at least from the bottom of his heart.

"I hate people who try to eat my money raw."

When the baroness was still distracted, Edwin deliberately pulled out his pocket watch and grinned.

"Bah, let's get started. First of all, let me tell you how to greet. Would you like to see me?"

The baroness got up and asked me to come by her side.

"I don't think there is a need for a personnel law."

The baroness panicked when Edwin narrowed his brow as if he didn't like it.

I whispered softly to Edwin because I thought I wouldn't be able to learn how to greet even if I went on like this for the rest of my life.

"Don't you have to learn how to greet so that other people know how to greet me properly?"

You might make me in trouble by saying hello against the etiquette.

When I added those words, my eyes became ugly as if there was such a person in front of me.

"Let's start with the personnel law."

The baroness looked at me bewildered at the changed attitude like turning over her palm.

"I wish you all the best in the future. I don't know much about etiquette, so I'd like to know the basics."

As soon as I approached the baroness and talked to her, she found some peace.

But after a while, the baroness's face turned white again.

"You can't see my bride's hand trembling. I must have told you that my bride is weak."

Even though a posture is something you need to repeat several times to get used to, Edwin stopped it with an absurd excuse even if I did the same posture twice.

Thanks to this, at the end of the hour-long class, the baroness was blown away and I was blown away.

"Twitter, that's why I told you to be careful."

Edwin looked at the baroness coldly, holding me as I lay on the sofa.

The baroness's body trembled at the young eyes.

As I left the drawing room, I looked back and saw the baroness slumped in her seat.

'Don't bully my teacher! It's all because of you!'

He secretly glanced at Edwin, pouring out a grudge he couldn't let out.


I sat under the gazebo on the white roof and relaxedly held my teacup.

The warmth of the teacup reached my fingertips, and the subtle scent of tea rushed in.

As I took a sip of tea and looked up, I saw crimson and crimson crimson crimson clusters forming a cluster under the warm sunlight.

The strong scent of marigold and roses as well as chrysanthemum stimulated the sense of smell, but there was no room for intoxication.

I put down my teacup and fell in thought.

'By now, Evelynn must be suffering from the aftereffects of a fever.'

Because of the glare, it was virtually impossible to climb to the ecliptic because it was not free indoors.

Nevertheless, Evelynn persists and ascends to the zodiac.

As Evelynn's illness became known and a series of mine accidents took place, rumors arose that she was harming Peyton.

After arriving in the Yellow Island with difficulty, he chooses the Garden Fair as his first outing, but he cannot get off the carriage and return.

After the first failure, he tries several more times, but in the end, Evelynn is unable to attend any events held in the zodiac and returns to the estate.

Fortunately, the symptoms are getting better, but they are not recovering enough to return to work in California.

In the end, Evelynn sheds tears and gives up her dream.

In fact, Evelynn's illness wasn't a fever.

It was an acid disease with symptoms similar to fever, but with serious sequelae.

Accra is a rare disease caused by ingestion of poisonous plants, and very few people knew about this disease.

Although it is a poisonous herb, if only a small amount of the leaves are consumed, symptoms such as fever appear, but no poisoning.

With fever treatment, symptoms such as high fever, spots, and body aches can be treated, but serious sequelae remain.

The sequelae appear differently from person to person, but once it occurs, there is no cure.

According to the original story, it was no coincidence that Evelynn fell ill.

It is not until the second half of the original story that Duke Peyton learns about Evelynn's illness and the culprit that made her ill.

This was also according to someone's thorough scheme.

After reading the original, I already knew who the real culprit was, but I had no intention of getting involved in their fight.

Right now, it's hard for me just to survive. However, he was planning to cure Evelynn's disease.

'Because Sephiroth's sword is in Payton's estate.'

In order to obtain the sword, the cooperation of Duke Peyton was required.

'How can I cure Evelynn without being caught on jewelery?'

Just then, a good idea came to mind and I asked Jenny to bring Seth.

"Madam, did you call?"

After a while, Seth came to the room.

"I'm sorry for calling you, I'm busy."

"no. Do you need anything?"

Seth asked politely.

When I first met him, he was a hard and cold person who couldn't see a single crack, but from some point on, he felt warmth in his brown eyes.

"There is one thing I want to ask you."

"Please make it easy for me."

Jenny is younger than me and she spends a lot of time with me, so she got used to it, but it was still difficult for Seth.

Edwin wasn't there, so I tried to say whatever I was comfortable with, but I couldn't be stubborn when I spoke like that.


"What can I ask you for?"

"I want to give Ed a present, but I can't prepare it by myself."

Seth's eyes seemed to widen a little at the word gift, but he couldn't be sure for a moment.

"What kind of gift are you thinking of?"

"I want to make something like this."

I handed him the design I had drawn while waiting for him.

There were two design patterns and the types of jewels to be used as decorations were specifically indicated.

In fact, words are a gift, and Edwin's money was used to make things for him.

"I wish I could make one for each design."

"Are you going to present them all?"

"No, only one."

Seth looked at me suspiciously.

"The other one is for testing. I plan to use jewelery, so I need to check in advance how effective it is."

The test was actually for Evelynn.


"Is it possible?"

"I don't think it will be difficult."

"I wish I could be ready before going up to the zodiac."

"Don't worry. I will prepare it for you."

"thanks. Oh, keep it a secret from Ed. I want to surprise you."

"All right. If there is anything to discuss while we are working on it, I will let you know."

Seth nodded and politely said hello and left the room.

As soon as he left, he leaned against the backrest.

I was drowsy in fear that it might not work, but I was happy.

To be honest, I don't think Seth will keep the secret.

Even though I saved Edwin, he's loyal to Edwin, and he'll have to spend his family's money to get him a gift.

Nevertheless, I dared to share the secret because I thought that Edwin would allow it in the hope that it would be a surprise gift.

"If this is the case, are you ready to go to the Yellow River?"

My heart was already heavy when I thought of going to meet the main characters of the original.


"Sir, are you okay? I should have stayed by your side."

Black hair resembling darkness, gray eyes shining brightly like the moonlight, and even a pale face.

It was truly bizarre to see a man with the appearance of a reaper hanging down with tears in his eyes.

Edwin looked down at the man with cold eyes.

"Hey, get your hands off me. If you don't want to be cut."

"How could you say such a scary thing? You don't know how much I cared for you."

Huey slowly stepped back and lowered the tip of her eyebrows as if she was sad.

"You must have heard the news that everything is okay, so what are you worried about?"

Edwin walked over to the desk with a puzzled expression on his face and sat down.

The bright sunlight shining through the large window made her blonde more dazzling.

"I was really worried. I wanted to run right away, but I couldn't come because the kids grabbed me."

"I'm fine. As you can see."

"Are you really okay? really?"

"Because it is."

"I'm really happy."

Huey sat down on the sofa as if her legs had loosened up.

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