
By rinamari

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'Well, may. You know that's whet life is all about right? Neurosis, capitalism, war, death, face book and my... More

chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
did you know?
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine

chapter two

147 3 4
By rinamari

So this is chapter 2 please tell me what you think…>>

Chapter 2

Alex woke up with the sun in her face. The pale walls of the room lit up with a now pale gold color. She groaned and turned over to see what time it was when she noticed that someone had placed an alarm clock on her bedside table. Next to it was a note; she unfolded the crisp paper;

Dear Lexie,

Stopped by the store on my way home, and thought you needed something to welcome you home.

Love Dad

She threw the note on the bed and inspected the clock. Maybe he did mean well, but better safe than sorry. It was a nice clock, she was impressed, and it was exactly what she would have chosen. It looked like the face was stuck between rose vines and the hands were scattered with butterflies. She was speechless this was now convenience store pickup, Max had it specially made for her. He just said he went to the store to… why make her feel special or sad or … 'he did lie about it.' The little voice in her head said, it wasn't filled with resent, it just stated a fact. 'Yes, he did. And I want to know why.' She spoke to her bracelet. She got out of bed and rummaged through her boxes (not that she had many) for something to wear. It looked like it was going to be a rainy day so she settled for jeans and a turtle neck top that made her look like the fairy she really was. Although she looked different when her wings were displayed she still thought she was pretty. She kept her black hair just above her shoulders, and her violet eyes changed color with her mood, it suited her hair too. Her hair wasn't entirely black it had a shine of abnormal color now and then, and when it was wet it would capture water drops and make them look like diamonds.  She loved it when humans would look at it with envy; it made her feel that she was superior to at least someone. When she was in school she had lots of friends, yes, but they never really knew who she was. They were friends with her because she could get out of trouble even before she was in it.  Pull yourself together Lexthia! This is supposed to be a new beginning.  She chastised herself and turned to her dresser to apply some lip gloss. She didn't need any make up but she loved playing with the colors and making herself look like she just walked out of a fairytale story. Today however she didn't try it, one; she didn't know what her new parents would say and two; she wanted to blend in, in that wretched school. Why did she have to go through it all again if she already graduated from myth school? She already knew the answer to that, because the humans must stay ignorant. It was a mantra that was planted into her brain since she started school but she didn't care for that rule, she only followed rules that she understood, and this one was as confusing as most of the others were. She didn't really care about telling humans her problem was why her people was afraid of them, yes they were on earth to protect the humans, and some of the highest parliament members knew about their existence , but the laws seemed to repeat the fact that humans were dangerous. Maybe they hated things they didn't understand and maybe a secret world could throw the world economy of balance, but Alex's problem was humans made fun of the myth world because they thought it didn't exist.

With her thoughts in a jumble, she rushed down the stairs and came to a stop at the kitchen table and took her seat. 'Thank you for my clock,' she told Max, 'I needed a new one.'  He smiled at her and continued to read the newspaper. 'Please don't ever marry a man that is so engrossed in a piece of paper.' she told herself and started on her breakfast. 

He watched her get out of the car and nearly ran up to her. But the look on her face stopped him from any such thing. She looked like her heart had gotten ripped out. Her black hair was a dull gray that reminded him of the ash his father used to throw him in when he didn't obey his authority. Her eyes were dark empty voids, his heart tightened at the sight. Who dears to hurt her, who dears to break what he cares for? Before he could get any more infuriated a dark shadow came over the girl. She looked up slowly as if she wasn't worried at all about the horror above her. He watched in terror as the slimy coal like darkness picked up his world and slithered away. He waited for her screams to penetrate the air but she sat calmly in the palm of that thing's claw! His ice cold skin boiled and a roar ripped through his throat! NO! She can not do this to him; did she not love him back? Did she not care about him?  He saw as the monster dropped her into a crack that had formed in the earth, he saw as she dropped and fall farther and farther down. He dived after her down, down, away from the light and the air, into a new world away from the one where she had been his, suddenly he was not just diving for her, he was holding her, her eyes a strange blue and in her hair were the most beautiful pearls, her lips were the color of young rose petals on a spring morning. His heart rejoiced when her arms enclosed around his neck and she buried her face in his chest. He hadn't realized that he had shifted to the form between two species; he was gliding, escaping the treacherous cavern trapping them. As soon as he set his feet on the ground, he hugged her to him their tears mingling together as he kissed her as tenderly as the monster inside him allowed. The feel of her mind so close to his nearly made him faint but an annoying ringing sound kept interrupting his thoughts. His eyes flew open, for a moment he was disorientated

But then he remembered it was just a dream. He walked to the dresser and pulled on his clothes. Turning back to the bed he sighed, another bedspread ruined. He should really file his talons, but it was a nuisance he did not have time for at the moment. He had to see her again, she seemed so sad, hurt and vulnerable, and when she looked at him it was without any judgment, but that would change, as soon as she realizes what he really was, who he was and how heartless he is. She would hate him forever, and ever. He would never get the chance to show her that she was giving him back what he lost, and so much more.

Alex closed the door to her locker and gasped as she saw the waiting figure behind the door. She was so deep in thought se didn't pay attention to the little things around her, or the big things for that matter. A short girl was standing in front of her with a scowl on her square, yet pretty, face. 'So you're the, oh so highly chosen on?' she asked with mockery evident in her high voice. Suddenly her face softened and she held out her hand to Alex. 'I'm Ghalia. I know you're Alexa blah, blah, hang out with Mister I'm-too-good-for-the-blonde-bimbos.' Alex couldn't help it, she laughed, so hard that her throat felt sore when she gained control again. This girl was something of another kind Alex was used too. Her mind was pure and honest and she also said what she thought, she doesn't care if she was getting in trouble for speaking, she did what she saw right in the moment. One look at her mind and Alex adored the girl. It was clear the girl liked her too. 'So please tell me you're not also moaning over his bedroom eyes, or his luscious abs, or his sexy voice.' She pulled her face into a dream like state but her eyes held all the mockery in the world. Alex replied, 'nope, I just moan of his disgraceful manners and his cruel way of looking at the poor nerds that offer to carry my bags.' Ghalia's eyes widened. 'Really, he usually smiles at them and pays for Jordan's lunch.' Alex nearly suffocated at the, oh so impossible news. 'Who is Jordan?' she asked finally. Ghalia pointed a black finger nail and Alex followed with her eyes. There in the corner between the wall and a beat up locker, stood a girl. It was clear she tried to shield herself from the cold that came through the open window from across the corridor. She only wore a thin T-shirt and a pair of tattered jeans. Her shoes looked worn out and her hair had a greasy look. Inside of Alex a storm was raging, her heart started to pound and her eyes tried their best not to water it wasn't right! Before Ghalia could stop her Alex was moving towards the girl, while pulling of her leather jacket. When she reached the girl she handed her the jacket and ordered her to put it on, while she toed of her shoes. The girls eyes sparkled and she babbled on about how she would repay her someday, but Alex just shook her head. 'You should wear the shoes too, it'll keep you warm and help build up your immune system.' She stated and walked away barefoot. 'Hello, why did you just do that? I'm sure that jacket cost you a fortune, not to mention the shoes.' Ghalia huffed. 'Yes but so will her hospital bills when she ends up getting frostbite.' Alex's voice seemed to be cold enough to give someone in parka frostbite so Ghalia just stared at her. 'So you and the tall, dark and murdering glare dude have golden hearts. That is so interesting, you both look like super assassins ready to kill anybody that threatens you… whoa.' Alex whipped around staring at the girl. That was it that was what had bothered her that first day she met Bruce, he moved like she was trained to, he evaluated situations like she was trained to. He was trained to… she corrected herself. 'Uhm, do you want me to....' Alex shook her head and composed herself, later, she promised herself. She would force him to tell her later, she really wanted to see what he was hiding behind that act of his. 'No it's fine I just thought of the six hounded dollars I left in the pocket of my jacket.' Ghalia's eyes nearly shot out of her head, she made to turn back but Alex stopped her. 'I don't need it, are you going home now or am I going to catch my ride all by my lonesome?' she grinned at the girl as her blood red lips pulled away from her bright teeth. 'Thanks, I usually catch the bus but I wouldn't say no to the fresh smell of leather seats and driver cologne' Alex smiled another of those talk don't think comments. They got into the car and greeted Cam, who raised a brow at Alex who winked at him. A quick glance at Ghalia showed her that the other girl was worried about something, as if she regretted getting in the car. It wasn't like Alex to come to conclusions so she allowed herself a brief look at the girls thoughts, her thoughts were so strong Alex didn't even have to concentrate very hard on them to know what was wrong.  She glanced at cam who gave her a curious look. 'Cam, can we take a side trip before we take Ghalia home please?' she asked him as he shifted the car into gear. 'Sure, where do you wanna go?' he smiled at her. 'Mary- Lee elementary.' Ghalia's eyes shot up but she didn't say anything.  When they got to the elementary campus of Mary-Lee, Alex motioned for Ghalia to get out. They got out and Alex looked for the face of a young boy she saw in her friend's mind (although, she wasn't sure she could call Ghalia her friend, yet.). 'So where is the kid, I thought you picked him up every afternoon?' Alex smiled at Ghalia. 'Dude, are you some psycho stalker? And there he is, but I'm not so sure I wanna get back in that car, I might end up in a ditch.' She pretended to be thoughtful but then shrugged and smiled at Alex. 'Thanks, I think I'll get used to your golden heart. Hey Maxi, this is Alex. She's giving us a ride home.' A little boy about the size of a large shopping bag wrapped himself around his sister's legs. Something about his name made Alex feel like she should pay attention and look closely at the boy but she was too busy smiling at him, while taking his backpack. "Ghal, why is you friends eyes pink?' he asked. Alex blinked and looked at him in confusion. Why would her eyes change color now? 'Uhm, I don't know. It's been that way the whole day now.' Ghalia answered frowning at Alex in question. Rule one: deny! Alex thought to herself. 'Well, I am wearing color contacts.' She improvised a lie. 'Nice, they look so real, I didn't know you get such unique colors.' Ghalia said as she took a better look at the "contacts". Alex didn't know what to say, so she gave a relieved smile when the car came to a stop. They thanked her politely as they got out of the car. A man that looks like a slob opened the door of a rundown house yelled at the two children. Maxi hid behind Alex, and Ghalia's face reddened with embracement. They answered him in Spanish and thanked her once more, and making their way to the house. Alex got back into the car and murmured too herself, 'hmm, something smells way to much like poop in a rose garden to me.' Cam laughed at the statement and sent the car in the direction of her house.

She opened the door to her new home for the second time this week, and delighted laughter greeted her. Frowning she walked to the family room to see why her parents would laugh like there was just no tomorrow. The sight that she saw made her freeze in wonder. There on the love seat sat her parents, and facing them, was Bruce, in the armchair smiling a smile that she had only seen him use when he talked about his mother. It was a smile that told her he was not the snobby royal he made himself to be, or the dubious playboy who wouldn't give the high school girls a time of day. She liked that smile, but not more than the smile he always smiled for her. That was a smile that told her she could trust him and that he actually cared about what she had to say. She loved that smile, no one ever smiled at her like that before, maybe not even now. She was, after all the little basterd who didn't know her father and whose mother gave her away. Her heart beated at the thought of the woman, but Bruce turned to her and smiled the aforementioned smile. 'Allie! I was just going to leave thinking you weren't coming home tonight. I would have sent out a search party by now if I were them.' He said to her motioning for her to sit down. She did, and she took the time it took to get to her seat to arrange her thoughts. When they were in formation again she closed her eyes and then she said; 'hi guys, sorry if I seem out of it but it was kind of a long day,' she noticed Bruce frowning and quickly added, for fear he might leave before she could drag him to her room and beat his secret out of him, 'but as soon as I've got my head on straight I'll join in the conversation.' She motioned for them to continue talking. Then she sent him a mental message.

Before you leave, like you did earlier today, I want to talk to you!

I won't leave until you tell me to.  His voice was gentle and she could feel the honesty in his words.

Well, I won't tell you to leave! They will and then I won't be able to ask you something.

Then I'll have to sneak in or, you will have to sneak out. He winked at her.

Time flew by and soon Bruce excused himself, saying that he had to get home. Natalya had already started making dinner and had asked him to stay, but he declined. Alex saw him out. 'Don't worry as soon as I see your bedroom light go on and theirs out I'll knock on your widow and I'll answer all your questions.' He looked rueful for agreeing to tell her his secret but she had to know if she could really trust him with hers. So she didn't feel too guilty about it.

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