By Taenniesbaby

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As I was about to go to sleep, two messages popped up on the screen of my phone. "I've planned a small one da... More

✨CHAPTER XII [ a little M ]✨
✨CHAPTER XX [ a little M ]✨
✨CHAPTER XXX [ M ] [ TW ]✨


511 20 2
By Taenniesbaby


The sound of a gunshot was heard. Taehyung was too scared to look up as he won't be able to see his love lying lifelessly in front of him. He just kept on crying while keeping his head down when another sound of gunshot was heard. This time he slowly looked up to see Jennie covered in blood. But she was still breathing and shivering. The bullet did not hit her. But, JUNHOO who was standing besides her had collapsed to the ground. The bullet hit him. It was like the time took a pause. Taehyung wasn't able to process to process everything when the sound of bullets now filled the room. Somebody was continuously firing from behind. All of JUNHOO's men including JUNHOO died on the spot. That's when he finally turned and saw his dear brother along with his dad's comrades with guns in their hands.


Jungkook was about to follow Taehyung but his dad called him. His phone vibrated at the very moment. It was a message from Taehyung saying that Jennie was held captive by code NRF and he's going to get her back. After reading the message Jungkook started speaking to his Dad.

"Dad, please let me go. It's very urgent." Jungkook said nervously.

"What's wrong Jungkook ?" His Dad asked trying to calm him down.

"Code NRF has Jennie. She needs help. I have to go." Jungkook said.

"So what ? I don't care what happens to her but I'll not let you get into danger. You are not going anywhere. Protecting her is none of your business." His Dad said blankly.

"Taehyung already left for code NRFs house to save Jennie. He is alone, Dad. He is in danger too." Jungkook said making his Dad have a quick expression shift.

"Whattt ????? Is he out of his mind ? He is putting his life into danger for some idiotic girl ? What the hell is wrong with him ?" MR KIM said shouting .

"He loves her, Dad. He was never following any plan of yours. He already had a completely different plan prepared. Whatever he ever said to her, whatever he ever did for her, it was all true. He was never acting. His love was absolutely real." Jungkook said not taking a single pause.

"I knew it. I knew you guys never stuck to the plan. I already told you love is bullshit. It'll not get you any revenge. It'll just put you in danger all the time. There is still time now. Go and bring him home. There's no need for him to go act like a hero." His Dad ordered Jungkook.

"I can't do that, dad. He deserves Jennie and Jennie deserves him. Love is not bullshit, what Taehyung has with Jennie and what I have with Lisa is not bullshit. It's pure, it's real, it's magical. Love is what heals people, Dad." Jungkook replied immediately.

"So now you are also in Love. Wow, I never expected this from both of you. You've disappointed me." His dad said not looking at him.

"He sees Lia in her. Imagine if it was Lia being held captive and you had a chance to save her. Would you just let her die ? Then why let Jennie die ? She's just a sweet little girl like Lia was. She has no business in all this Mafia stuff. She already knew we were Mafias. Still she chose to fight with Taehyung and help him take his revenge even when she had the chance to leave him. She truly loves him, Dad. Please listen to me." Jungkook said now tearing up.

On hearing his daughter's name. MR KIM was moved a little. He thought about every word Jungkook just said. His emotions were real. His care for his brother and sister-in-law was real. Realisation quickly struck him.

"Okayy, I'll help you out. I'm coming with you. JUNHOO has to be killed today at any case. We have to save Taehyung and Jennie too." MR KIM said ready to fight.

"No dad. You please look after mom. Make sure she's safe. Trust me, I can do this." Jungkook said.

"But..." His dad was about to speak

"Do you trust me, Dad ?" Jungkook asked.

"More than anything." His Dad replied.

"Then let me do it." Jungkook said assuring his Dad.

"Okay, Son. Please take care. Bring Taehyung and Jennie home and please be safe." MR KIM said with tears in his eyes.

"I will dad. I'll bring both of them home and also kill that bastard. You'll be proud of both of us." Jungkook said wiping his Dad's tears.

After some time, Suho along with his comrades assembled at the basement. Jungkook and the gang then left for their mission without wasting any more time.


"Suho, Untie them. And make sure that both of them don't get hurt." Jungkook said signalling Suho to free Taehyung and Jennie.

Suho quickly went in and uncuffed Taehyung. Taehyung's hands were heavily bleeding but he didn't care. Suho quickly went and uncuffed Jennie too. He gave her a jacket to cover her exposed body. She was super terrified. She took the jacket, quickly ran away and sat in the corner of the room. The first thing Taehyung did after being released was that he took a gun out of Suho's hands and started shooting JUNHOO. Even though he was already dead, he kept on shooting him till the gun was all empty. He threw the gun on his face and started kicking him hard.

"Tae, calm down please. He's already dead." Jungkook said trying to pull Taehyung back. But he still kept on beating him like a mad person.

"Tae stop for god's sake. You are scaring her even more." Jungkook shouted pointing at Jennie who was now covering her ears and burying her head in her knees.

Taehyung finally stopped. He went towards Jennie.

"Hey baby. He's gone. The bastard and the monsters are dead. You are safe now." Taehyung said trying to touch Jennie.

"Don't touch me. Go away. I don't wanna die. I really don't." She said pushing Taehyung away and bursting into tears.

"He's gone baby. Nobody will hurt you now. I'm here. See Jungkook saved us. Come here baby." Taehyung said trying to get close.

"I said FUCKING GO AWAY or I'll kill myself." She said picking up a knife and placing it on her wrist.

Taehyung was about to say something but Jungkook quickly went behind her and injected something into her body which made her faint. Taehyung quickly caught her before she fell to the ground.

"What did you do to her, Jk ?" Taehyung asked screaming.

"Don't worry Tae. It's just a normal injection to calm her down till we take her to the hospital." Jungkook replied.

"Suho go out and get the car. We have to go to the hospital. Be quick." Jungkook ordered Suho and he rushed out.

After some time he came to Kai's house gate with a car. Taehyung went and sat at the backseat. Jungkook place Jennie's head on Taehyung's lap and went and sat besides the driver's seat.

"Seoul National Hospital . Now." Jungkook instructed and and Suho quickly drove off.

After a while they reached the hospital. Jennie was quickly admitted to the emergency ward. All of them were waiting for the doctor to come outside.

"Don't worry Tae, she'll be okay." Jungkook said comforting Taehyung.

"It was all my fault, Jk. I should've never involved her into this mess. I promised to protect her. But I failed, miserably." Taehyung said falling to his knees and breaking down.

"Get a hold of yourselves brother. I promise she'll be fine. Let the doctor come out first." Jungkook said tightly hugging Taehyung.

After some time Taehyung and Jungkook's Mom and Dad reached the hospital.

"Tae, what happened to you ?" His mom said hugging him tightly with tears in her eyes.

"Mom, she's inside. She went through a lot. I couldn't do anything to save her from the torture. The doctor won't come out. I wanna see her." Taehyung said breaking down on his mom's shoulder.

"Stay strong Baby. She'll be fine. She's a strong girl. But first come with me. You have a lot of bruises too. Let's get you treated." Taehyung's Mom said pulling Taehyung into another room. She called the doctor and instructed her to treat him. She cleaned all his wounds and bandaged his head and hands.

"How terrible was the abuse ?" MR KIM asked Jungkook.

"It was pretty bad Dad. She had bruises all over her body. She wasn't even completely dressed. I can't imagine how Taehyung witnessed all of this. He must be shattered, Dad." Jungkook said looking down and silently sobbing.

"He'll be fine, Son. I am so proud of you Jungkook. You did an amazing job today. You killed the monster and you even saved both of them. You also opened my eyes. I could see it in his eyes, the love he has for Jennie. I have never seen him so devastated since his sister Lia died. I hope Jennie recovers soon. I promise I would never try to break them apart. They are made for each other and they deserve to be together." Jungkook's Dad said lifting his chin and hugging him while crying.

After Taehyung was done getting treated, he came out and sat in the corner waiting for the doctor to come out and she did.

"How's she doctor ?" Taehyung quickly went towards the doctor and asked her with a cracking voice afraid to listen whatever she was about to say.

"I must say your wife is very strong MR KIM. The abuse was brutal, she has bruises all over her body. She also lost a lot of blood. But you don't have to worry about the bruises, they'll heal within a weak. What you should be afraid of is......" The doctor said.

Taehyung was starting to get a little relieved but the next sentence that came out of the doctor's mouth, left him shocked.

The doctor continued......." What you should really worry about is her mental health. She's in shock. She doesn't know what is happening. She still thinks she's in the basement and people are trying to hurt her. We tried to speak to her, to calm her down, to tell her the reality that the monsters were dead but she just won't let anybody come near. She is stuck in her mental trauma. She gets extremely scared everytime someone tries to approach her. The incident has left a big impact on her mind. She won't easily come out of it. She would require time, a lot of time to be precise." The doctor finally stopped speaking.

"Can I see her ? Just once please." Taehyung asked.

"Yes you can but she's on sleeping pills, make you sure you don't wake her up. Firstly, can you come meet me at my office, MR KIM ? I want to have a little chat with you." The doctor said going in her office. Taehyung followed.

"I am going to ask you a serious question. I know you guys are going through a very hard time. But please try to be completely honest." The doctor said and Taehyung nodded.

"To what extent was she abused ? Did that monster......"

"I understand what you are trying to say doctor. No it didn't go that far. He just touched her body and beat her." Taehyung said looking down.

"Don't worry MR KIM. She'll be okay. Thank you for being honest. You may go see her now." The doctor said leading Taehyung inside the emergency room.

And there he saw his love lying on the hospital bed helplessly, with a syringe attached to her brutally bruised hand, with small bandages covering her body. It was a saddening sight. Taehyung gathered all his courage and finally went in. He sat on the chair besides her hospital bed.

"Heyy baby, I know you are listening to me. You are completely safe now, Jennie. That fucking Bastard is dead along with all his men. Jungkook and I made sure of that. Please Jennie come back. I miss you. I can't live without you. Every moment, I go through a lot of pain seeing you like this. I can't keep doing this for long. I want my baby back. We still have to go on many trips, we'll have lots of fun. There will be no villain in our story from now on. There will only be you, me and love between us. I love you, so so much" Taehyung said taking her hand into his. The sudden action disturbed Jennie's sleep. She opened her eyes, quickly got up and sat straight.

"Go away.... Don't touch me please.... I can't take it anymore... Please don't come near me." She started panicking again.

"Jennie, Listen to me. I'm Taehyung, your husband, the love of your life. I would never hurt you. All the people who hurt you are already dead. Beleive me baby." Taehyung tried to get near and console her.

"I SAID GO AWAY.... I'LL KILL MYSELF IF YOU COME NEARER..... I DONT WANT TO LIVE.." She screamed picking up a pair of scissors from the medical tray next to her.

The doctor quickly rushed in hearing Jennie's screams.

"Nurse, please hold her." She instructed.

The nurse somehow caught her and the doctor injected a chemical in her body which made her faint again.

"Why do you keep drugging her ?" Taehyung asked the doctor irritatedly.

"It's just a temporary solution MR KIM. We are running certain tests and figuring out a permanant solution. I told you not to disturb her sleep. Now she has to take the consequences because of you." The doctor said straight to his face.

"I'm sorry Doctor. I just lost control. I won't do it the next time." Taehyung said while looking down.

"You better not. Now can you please leave so that we can proceed with our work." The doctor said and Taehyung quickly left the room.

"How's she Tae ?" Taehyung's Dad asked him.

"She's not okay, Dad. She doesn't recognise me. I tried talking to her but she threatened to hurt herself." Taehyung said hugging his Dad.

"Shhh.... Give her some time Tae, she'll be back. I'm sure she'll get the missing smile on your face back. Very soon." Taehyung's Dad said rubbing his back.

After some time Lisa, Kai and Krystal reached the hospital. It was evident that Kai had cried a lot. His face was very pale.

"Where's she ?" Lisa asked panicking.

"Calm down baby. She's in that room." Jungkook said pointing towards Jennie's room and hugging Lisa.

"Is she okay ?" Lisa asked tearing up.

"For time being, She's not. She was brutally abused and she's still in shock. It'll take some time for her to heal." Jungkook said comforting a crying Lisa.

Kai went straight to Taehyung.

"I'm sorry Taehyung. I'm so sorry. I didn't know my dad was such a beast. I'm so glad you killed him. Everything happened because of me. I was so selfish. I did Jennie wrong." Kai said falling to his knees and crying loudly.

"It's okay Kai. It's not your fault. I know you are innocent, you don't have to say anything more. All of us have to be strong for Jennie, okay?" Taehyung said lifting Kai up and giving the poor guy a hug.

"Why is there so much blood on your hands, Kai ?" Jungkook asked noticing the blood on Kai's hands.

"He killed her. That bloody monster killed my mom. I tried my best to save her but I couldn't." Kai said making everybody around him shocked.

"Whatttt ????" Jungkook said not believing what he just heard.

"As soon as I got out of the basement, I searched for Krystal and found her all tied up in a room on the second floor. I saw my mom lying on the floor soaked in blood in the same room. I tried reviving her but she was in her last moments. She couldn't breath anymore and closed her eyes. I couldn't beleive my eyes. I cried a lot but Krystal finally comforted me, that's when Lisa came to our house. We all came to the hospital as soon as we got to know that Jennie's here. I hope she gets well soon." Kai said wiping his tears.

"You don't have to feel sorry Kai. You are such a nice guy. You did all you could. And never feel like you are alone. We are there with you. You are our son from now on. We'll take care of you. We have three amazing sons now." Taehyung and Jungkook's mom and dad said spreading their arms and taking all three boys in their embrace.

After some time MR KIM came to speak to Jungkook.

"Jungkook, I want you to do something." He said.

"Yes dad. What is it ?" Jungkook asked.

"You and Lisa go and inform Jennie's parents about everything." MR KIM said blankly.

"But dad, they don't know about us. If they get to know the truth, they'll never let Taehyung and Jennie be together." Jungkook said arguing with his dad.

"I know. But they have the right to know what's going on with their daughter. We can't hide such a big thing from them. You try your best to make them understand. Taehyung is not in a state to speak to anybody. You are tbe only one who could do this. Please don't say no." MR KIM said caressing Jungkook's hair.

"Okay Dad. I'll try my best. Me and Lisa will take a leave now and go to Jennie's place." Jungkook said giving his Dad a final hug and leaving the hospital along with Lisa.

After he came in front of Jennie's house, he was terrified. He knew that her parents were gonna be super angry. But it was the right thing to do. They should know what's going on. He took a deep breath and finally pressed the door bell.

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