Elden ring lord of Arcadia

By Talulah_935

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jaune wanted to be a hero just like his old ancestors was but it all changed when his transcript was revealed... More

jaune bio
jaune wife bio
bio bosses
waking up from a nightmare
the white mask varre
margit the fell omen defeated
godrick the grafted
fighting the gate keeper
jaune meets lady ranni
exploring Siofra river
rennala defeat
I'm back

radahn glory death

2.1K 58 10
By Talulah_935

Jaune POV:so I made it to ranni although the trip from Caelid and here took me a couple of days despite how big the area is in this place I seen alot of dragon lately but I'm not sure where they came from still I don't know if I'm ready to fight them yet knowing them all they do is breath fire and what not and also scream which gives me a low increase of my damage built up I made for this class I'm using now

Well not only that haven't been a real issue yet I been having strange dream lately even that creature from before at stormveil followed me all the way here sigh maybe Is because I'm not really ready to face my demons yet but followed me all over the lands Between

I'm not sure what it is but I'm getting worried about it seriously this is the type of shit I have to deal with people follow me around like a creeper like on god fuck off and leave me alone but anyway it's time I face radahn head on

I won't run,or give up even if that means I have to die multiple times to get rid of him then so be it after all he is in my way can't have that to happen yet but seriously I don't even know how he looks like yet and I'm already feeling nervous about this shit my luck couldn't get any worse then this.

Ranni:Good, then I ask we proceed with haste.
There is, in my service, a half-wolven warrior by the name of Blaidd.

Jaune thinking:really that's blaidd huh honestly I don't think I ever met him before but half wolven not really a shocker here but I'm use to it although he seems strong on his own hmm

Ranni:I would have thee join him in searching for the hidden treasure of Nokron, the Eternal City.
I have called for Blaidd to greet thee below. Take from him the particulars

Jaune thinking:really just like that she was able to get him here and nokron the eternal city I'm curious how big the place is well looks like more work for me then sigh I just hope that I don't have to fight another of my kind again did they really comeback but they saw the golden grace and yet they turn their back on it why

It's been on my mind for quite sometime still............honestly it's still hard to believe some are alive to this day even now I can feel death truly lingers everywhere the spirits aren't at rest I can tell but if I truly need to find a way down their but how maybe in mist woods damit

Their so much on my mind I can hardly choose but its already to late radahn first then nokron the eternal city sigh just another person blood spilled on my hands why can't any of this other tarnished warriors talk rather then fight ahhhh fuck it I'm to annoy to deal with it well here we go second shard bearer im taking what's mine rahdon

Ranni:Ah, and there wilt thou find Iji, my war counselor, and Seluvis, preceptor in the sorcerous arts, also.

Jaune:lady ranni I never knew he was into sorcerous arts to me it felt like he was more into his books rather then his own interests for weapons despite his lack of expression.

Ranni:I see well he tends to love his own books more then his weapons besides the point tarnished he's also the very few I care about in this world full of sadness,and darkness the path I will take once everything is in place.

Jaune:I see you truly do have a kind heart lady ranni their hasn't been many others who show kindness towards people like me but even so I'll help however i can you don't have to worry about it.

Ranni:Speak with the three who await thee below.
Thou needst not indulge them unduly, but they too wish to appraise thy worth.
It hath been a passing long time since a newcomer entered my service, after all.

Jaune:....I understand lady ranni I'll talk with them if that's what you want I do want to know them better but I have to ask what made you think this way if you don't mind me asking?

Ranni:sigh your asking to much question tarnished I'll leave it at that for now theirs not much time left and listen well, allow me to forewarn thee.
I shall soon enter my slumber.
And it will be some time before I wake.
This doll's body is not without its hindrances...
Still, I have high hopes for thee.

Jaune thinking:so I was right she definitely has some power in her body but a doll that's really new to me I wonder what happened to her real body but she acts a little cold towards me is it because I'm a tarnished if so then I'm use to it by now

Jaune nodded his head and understood what she meant

Ranni:I look forward to the good news when I arise

And like that jaune left the upper floor of the tower and went down the stairs and look over the foggy mist towards the horizon and saw the dragon that was roaming around looking for food to eat jaune went straight down stairs only to meet iji again but in spirits form

Iji:i am Lady Ranni's war counsellor

Jaune:o well we did meet again so it's no surprise for me then I have to say this is completely new to me on how your doing this but then again maybe this incantations might be useful for long distance conversations to places I need to go

Iji:I am told that you are searching for Nokron with Blaidd. I will give you whatever guidance I can

Jaune:I see then can you show me how this projection works I'll probably be using this for something else depends if the enemies are stupid enough to hit this projection

Iji:well I did say i would offer any guidance so I will teach you this projection is not really that hard but against enemies o this will work finally not only will you fool your enemies but you will have it easier to sneak into places not others know about

Jaune:welp I'm really looking forward to ur teaching iji

Iji:i pray for your success. My apologies for the misleading words of warning.

Jaune:no it's fine iji u don't have to I'm practically use it by now I know people don't like tarnishes is because we came from the past sometimes I don't get appreciated enough for the things I do for people but that's besides the point your kind words are enough to tell me that your a genuine person...

Iji:I never imagined that an audience, let alone service to Lady Ranni was in your fate.. I, for one, should have seen it, but I did not. Do forgive me, my fellow. Let us give all that we can of ourselves. Together, for Lady Ranni.

Jaune:Definitely for lady and that's the spirits iji I know my failure won't come not until I settle the score with him first their are things in this world that truly matter to me is saving this world from its despair.......and another question I want to know more about blaidd

Iji:very well listen closely then Blaidd is Lady Ranni's stepbrother. Ranni's mother, Queen Rennala, approved of him, and they played like siblings from childhood

Jaune heard him say siblings he thought about his past again did he really have any interaction with any of his siblings then he came to realize he never did his family barely pay any attention to him after all he was always alone facing the world no one really understands him in that type of level and depression

Iji:They were always happy to have me tag along, as well. When Lady Ranni renounced her flesh, and chose the dark path of the Empyrean,Blaidd and I swore allegiance as vassals, but none of us will ever forget our earliest days together.

Jaune had a sad smlie but fake his smlie to show nothing was wrong with him

Jaune thinking:yea must of been great to have sibling interactions I wish my world was different not with all of the pointless bullshit things that I had to go threw at a young age or in beacon

Iji:Promise to look after Blaidd for me, will you? The man is honest to a fault. But fortunately, now he has you.

Jaune:I....will don't worry about blaidd I'll watch over him to as long he have my back then where good.

And like that jaune left iji alone he disappeared and went back to what he was doing reading his books again he went down stairs to find blaidd standing near the bookshelf close to the next room across

Blaidd:Glad to have you in the service of mistress Ranni.Well. Getting right to business... I'm still in Limgrave. The eternal city of Nokron lies somewhere at the bottom of this land. I'm planning to go below through the well in the Mistwood.

Jaune thinking:so their is a way to get to the eternal city of nokron at the bottom of this lands hmm that's interesting but why does it feel like he's giving off negative aura Is he hiding something from me if so then I can't let my guard down

Blaidd:Hmm... So Ranni's fate is kept in stasis by Starscourge Radahn... That reminds me of something I heard.There's a festival being held at the castle on the southern edge of the Caelid Wilds, east of LimgraveIt's a festival of combat. And I heard... that you can fight Radahn himself

Jaune thinking:so the news travel fast huh I knew their was something up with that old man but to this scale just like that I wonder how many more tarnishes are coming to this festival of I remember correctly I seen a few but most of them tried to kill for no apparent reason

Blaidd:He who was once called the strongest of all the demigods... Maybe it's just a coincidence, but I think it's worth investigating

Jaune thinking:now that's something interesting a demigod huh very dangerous if you ask me blaidd if that's really true then I really have no choice but to fight him head on damit I thought I have enough time to make up a plan shit looks I'll have to come up with a plan on along the way

Blaidd:I'll be on my way to this festival of Radahn then. You're coming too, right? To Radahn's festivities

Jaune:um yea I was planning on heading back their anyway

Blaidd:I'll meet you at Redmane Castle in Caelid. The way ahead is pleasingly simple. We fight, sword and fang.

Just like that jaune walk down the hallway towards the next person let's just say he won't like him at all jaune will probably kill him if he pisses him off until he said something

Seluvis:I don't know what it is the mistress sees in a provincial Tarnished like you, but since we have the misfortune of serving the same Lady, I ask that you kindly try not to drag us all down with you.

Jaune glared at him

Jaune:what hell is that so post to mean you fucker keep your mouth shut if your gonna talk all that bullshit towards me let alone have the guts to say it in front of my face

Seluvis smirk

Seluvis:o~did I made u mad tch tarnished like you should know their place when I'm talking to you but in reality you are nothing more then a simple meat shield for those who have nothing going for their lives you are replaceable

Jaune was extremely piss off

Jaune:alright then if that's how you feel then so be it once I'm done with my fight I'll be coming for you basterd talking all that shit fine let's see if you are this cocky when I find you ILL KILL YOU DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME FUCKER I DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENES TO ME BUT ONCE I KILL YOU ILL FEEL MUCH FUCKING BETTER!!! After all their won't be a save checkpoint to help u this time around

And like that jaune left seluvis alone and went to the grace to relax for a bit to clear his head after all jaune already been threw enough people who thought of tarnished to be nothing more then trouble I mean seriously it's like they always find a excuse to make people look bad on purpose

Jaune was able to read some of the history around tower he also look for ways to make antidotes for any type of curses or sickness the only problem he had is that he needed a needle to make it work but also had to make more use of them he look in his map to pin point the places he already went to so far he was able to level up again

His health greatly increased over time now he's able to take on more hits then he lets on and the fact he wrote down notes on certain type of Ingredients he needed to use for the antidotes yes that's right only because their are enemies who have elements to hurt jaune in his journey

And like that jaune got up and look at his weapons durability it's still at a hundred percent then he started to walk out of the tower to look for some wild hide to mix it with his arrows to get elements out of them like that jaune went back to the grace and spawned near the bridge of the fortress and saw a teleporter that will change everything

He walk up to it

Jaune:sigh so this is it huh theirs no turning back I'm not sure why I feel nervous about facing him or it had something to do with queen marika words that still lingers But even so no matter what I'll move forward

Jaune touch the teleporter near the bridge and spawned inside the fortress of radahn he look around and saw no one their no enemies Either or the guards so he walk back up to the entrance where he fought those two bosses and saw more tarnished warriors waiting for a few more people to arrive

He walk inside and saw how crowded it was during this time of night all the stars are align tonight jaune walk up to the front of the crowd and waited for jarren to announce the festival to begin

Tarnish warrior:I heard from that young one over defeated two bosses in one go

Tarnish warrior2:your probably right that is if he hasn't lied yet still it's rare to see such a child to be a warrior

Tarnish warrior3:well you shut up and listen he just a child let alone not strong enough I really doubt he killed this two guardian on his own it could be a lie

Tarnish warrior4:hmp I doubt he would do much in battle he looks weak I'll probably find some entertainment from this it's not everyday u see someone die from this battle its gonna be a massacre the other warriors are this stupid to claim a shard bearer that's nearly impossible to get were talking about someone who fought during the shattering ring

Then jarren show up and now announces the festival to begin shortly

Jarren:Champions, welcome! The stars have aligned! The festival is nigh! General Radahn, mightiest demigod of the Shattering, awaits you! A celebration of war!

Then every warrior was excited to fight radahn and some other people from different villages show up to see the fight begins this is a new day for those who are able to survive his attack to live another day

All warrior:YEAAAAAA!!!

Then the warriors from the other groups started to walk up the stairs to fight radahn to claim his shard bearer before jaune could he met up with blaidd

Blaidd:Ah, there you are. Took your sweet time. The other group of warriors have already started their advanced on radahn so Let's give them a show to remember, eh. Just don't you go dying on me. For Ranni's sake, too.

Jaune smirk

Jaune:I did promise iji I would always have your back as long you have mines then again let's give them the fight this people want I'll show them I'm no coward or fraud

But before he could walk up to the stairs and let jarren know he's ready someone with a negative power was flowing threw the air it's like the life of a few plants died out from one person who had a black armor and red eyes looking like he's ready to unleash the beast

That's right guts from berserk is in elden ring like why not he will also be another partner jaune will have on his long journey

Jaune stop walking and look back at him he started to feel uneasy again it was like another person inside his armor he just wanted to forget that feeling but he knew at some point another person would take his life again

He walk up to jarren

Jarren:ah so you did show up like you promise just make sure to give us something to remember brat still I don't like you one bit

Jaune:like hell old man I won't die that easily yet but I'm ready anyway see ya I'll show you all that im not weak or scared I'll always keep moving forward no matter what

Jarren thinking:don't go dieing on me brat it's not everyday I seen those determine eyes before many that have past beyond this point never made it back even now I can still here my comrades screaming I hope radahn dies a miserable death by the chosen one

And just like that jaune went to the elevator and look out on the view he still had a nervous feeling but he also needed to concentrate on his task to beat radahn his heart was beating quick but also took a breath to calm himself down

Jaune walk off the elevator towards the teleporter to the other side before he could do that jaune a found a check point incase died again so touch it and save it from their jaune look at his weapons so he took out a light weapon to hit faster the moonveil sword yes that's right he was able to get it from the giant lizard inside the caves from caelids

And like that jaune put on a incantations to take on hits on his first try but also does great deal damage to the opponent back by the double damage of his moonveil sword then he teleported to the other side of the map where radahn is at

Jaune stared at radahn and took his moonveil out with his right hand he saw the amount of swords in this lands he couldn't believe it to be true radahn did get rid of the warriors who died from fighting him


Radahn took out his bow and shoot a straight arrow at jaune which he barely dodge in time jaune got back up and ran towards him with torrent along with blaidd and Alexander the pot and the other warriors to

Jaune thinking:damit he's focusing on me rather then the other warriors is he really after me shit I can't dodge his weapons throws at me shit I'm already low on health he's strong like hell I'll do what I can to win whatever it takes


Then guts appeared before jaune he use his giant greatsword like blaidd both of them stagger radahn down to the point of jaune getting a hit in or two he cut radahn horse and leg before the others warriors could do anything radahn uses his gravity magic and pulls in the other warriors in

Tarnished warriors 1 was slam to death and couldn't get any help at all the gravity was to much and it end up crushing his bones to death

Tarnish warrior1:AHHHHHHH-

Jaune was push back by radahn gravity magic on to the ground and tried to slam him only to be on torrent again and running around with his arrows shots at him only to be shoot off of torrent again and was also slam guts show led up again and started hitting him with a berserk combos of heavy attacks along with blaidd and Alexander the pot

And like that all the warriors charge at all together only for radahn to use his gravity magic again swipe the heavy hitters alway he was looking at jaune ready to kill him with all of his might only for one of them to use incantations on radahn which piss him off even more

Electricity where coming off of radahn swords jaune was able to get close enough slice his back unnotice and keep on hitting him only for him to jump off his horse on to jaune only for him to get hit by him hard


Until Alexander the pot came to stagger him once again jaune got up and use his flask to heal up he ran up to radahn sword to get up and personal then he uses his moonveil sword slash on him towards his face only to be push off of him with his jump

Tarnish warrior2 was caught up in his line of arrow shot a bunch of spears came out of no where and killed him right their jaune look at them for a quick second he felt bad for them even so he uses his lighting incantations on radahn only for it to nothing he dodge it with his horse

He ran around and clash both of his swords rocks and lightning where on radahn weapon and slams his sword to make a big crater on the ground then the entire fighting area was shaking like crazy


and like that blaidd was push back with the incredible force radahn of jump and guts came from behind and staggered him again only for him to be hit really hard on the ground then he got back up

Guts powered up again his buffs increase drastically a shadow monster was seen behind guts who scream loud enough to buff the other warriors

Guts scream:RAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Blaidd and jaune got increase buff so did the last two warriors who did little damage on radahn yup they barely did anything to him

Jaune thinking:so that's his other ability to buff other people with his scream I can tell he's on another level then me his aura is giving off the scent of death creepy if you ask me but then again I rather have less enemies on my trail shit radahn gonna jump off his horse

Blaidd look up and saw radahn and Alexander the pot was unconscious during the fight and jaune also guts stayed far alway from rahdon he jump up really high up in the air they couldn't see him not until two idiot warriors where in the line of his mark on the ground

Tarnish warrior3:so did he ran alway like coward hmp I knew was nothing but small talk I mean he just jump in the air like what is that so post to do

Tarnish warrior4:dude we just lost are two friends from this fight why are you acting like he did nothing this whole time as you can see we lost more then half of the other group against him not that long ago

Jaune look up and saw the sky turn red and saw a meteor coming in fast to the ground to kill both of them


Tarnish warrior3:hey do u hear someone screaming something and way is the ground red for some reason and I can't see him in the air where did he go

This is honestly 100 percent true everyone fails this part of the boss read the text in the gif warrior3 look up and couldn't find him

Tarnish warrior4:I'm not sure but if I had to guess look up in the air DUMBASS WHERE BOTH DEAD FUCK RUNNNN!!!

Radahn came crashing down in caelids after all they don't call him starcourge for no reason and he killed the next warrior who was to stupid to react in time

Tarnish warrior3:AHHHHHHHHHH- then he was cut off short and died from burning to death of meteor crash on the hill


Radahn was enrage by his words then he scream loud enough for everyone to hear and this time radahn wasn't on his horse anymore he was taking things more seriously this time he wasn't just playing around with his enemies

He had the eyes of death himself he was desperate to rip them apart especially jaune he saw his fighting spirit he wanted to die in the hands of a true warrior for this battle that's what radahn wants he walk up to them slowly looking at them with his hands gripping on his sword fire were on his shoulders and he didn't care for it


Jaune smirk


Guts was laughing darkly

Guts laughing darkly:HAHAHAHA~

Just like that radahn ran at the other tarnish warrior who was running in their blindly with rage and not thinking about his safety he tried to cast a incantations spell only to be push back by his force jaune use torrent to get his attention with his bow and use but radahn wasn't paying any attention to him at all



Then the warriors fired his incantations of arrows only to be stop by his shock wave of lightning coming his way and jaune was riding torrent only to be staggered by radahn slam with his sword

The shock definitely kick jaune off of torrent and then the warrior died from his shock wave with one hit unlike jaune he can take it head on with his full health and incantations he uses to buff himself up

Tarnish warrior:I rufuse to die like this AHHHHHHH-


Then radahn slam both of his weapons and created rocks out of the air with his gravity magic he shot all of them at jaune which he dodge in time but he needed to get closer to hit him more


Blaidd:Fine you better not die from his attack then I'll block with guts sense we both got heavy weapons to block him from hitting the ground

Guts grip his heavy weapon hard and scream loud enough


They all charge at him one more time and yea look at the picture on top of this chapter you will know what I mean by charge at him

Radahn tried to thurst his whole body with his weapon only to be block by blaidd heavy weapon and guts who staggered him to the point of not moving jaune was bake to use explosion incantations that's uses up all of his fp meter

Jaune lifed his hands up to radahn faces who look piss asf


*Explosion to radahn faces*

Radahn who was in pain


Before radahn could react jaune took out his moonveil sword

Jaune:moonveil third form destruction slash

Jaune use his third form move on radahn that hit his chest which left his armor falling apart turning into golden dust before jaune could say anything radahn said something to him before disappearing for good

Radahn weakly:..................tell malenia that I'm sorry warrior..

And like that radahn disappeared in golden particles and became one with the erdtree guts also Alexander the pot survive the fight but was also picking up the warriors parts into himself to get strength from them

Jaune look up in the sky to see alot of stars traveling in one place then a big bright explosion happened across Caelids which covered jaune faces and turn dark then bright again jaune woke up and saw blaidd waiting for him

Blaidd:Ah, good. I was waiting for you. What a sick way to fight, eh. The glory of the clash is shared, by Radahn and you.

Jaune:no I couldn't done it without you or that other guy so its are win in the end but still I felt like I couldn't save those other guys at all bu in the end it's over now

Blaidd:I see then will talk about this later for now let me finish Did you see that, afterwards? A falling star, right before our eyes! I can't fathom how Radahn was holding back something of that scale. He was a living legend, if ever I saw one. And, the path has now been cleared

Jaune:yea............I did saw it but your not wrong either radahn did really held back alot of strength the first time we came here and now all that strength gone I can't help but feel a little jealous of that amazing strength but in the end he just wanted to die a honorable death

Blaidd: but To Nokron, where Ranni's fate will be decided. Let's meet where the falling star bit the earth. We'll take up our swords once more

Jaune:right to nokron then I guess I'll gets some rest after this

Blaidd:For mistress Ranni.Let's meet where the falling star bit the earth. And we'll go into battle again, side by side My only purpose is to fight for Ranni's fate, sword and fang. The curtain's rising... on the final act

Jaune:I see then for now I'll go rest for a couple hours blaidd I need to replenish most of my energy back before we head to nokron

Blaidd:that's fine I'll do the same I'll head back to the tower and rest for couple hours to until then take care of urself warrior and guts will come with me aswell their is something I do want to ask him personally

Jaune look at guts he gave him a fist pump to the hand and he did the same and left along with blaidd to the tower for some rest he was able to travel back to the roundtable and sleep on the bed but his mind was also on radahn last words

*Flash back*

Radahn weakly..................tell malenia that I'm sorry

*End of flash back*

Jaune thinking:do I feel any different then before at first radahn had that so much strength compare to me it was like I got hit by a fucking truck Still it just shows how much I need to improve on myself although alot of things been bugging me lately I'll figure the rest out the next day I'm.........just so tired

Next chapter exploring Siofra river

Jaune next target

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