Don't Give Up (On Me)

oyasquadmoxiegrlkt tarafından

31 0 0

She'd been taken away from him. He'd do whatever it takes to get her back. Daha Fazla



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oyasquadmoxiegrlkt tarafından

"I thought it wasn't supposed to rain until later," Eita said as he closed the door to their cabin and they both shook off excess water. "We look like a pair of drowned rats."
"I was hoping it would hold off long enough to go paddle boarding, but I guess it'll have to wait 'till next time," she added, rummaging around in their bags for warm clothing and towels. "We need to get out of these soaked clothes and get warm and dry. Neither of us needs to get sick."
Eita gave her such a heated look that there was no mistaking his intentions. He slowly came to her, took the clothes from her hands, and dropped them on the bed.
"It's not like our day is completely ruined," he said, brushing a lock of wet hair from her face. "Come on. Let's go take care of that 'getting warm' part."

Hitoka sat by the window and daydreamed happier times. The weather was beautiful: clear blue skies, warm and sunny, and the leaves on the trees rustled with a bit of a breeze. Today would have been a good day to go paddle boarding. In fact, she noticed several people out on the lake enjoying the activity.

She had the cabin to herself, which would have been an excellent opportunity to escape... if it hadn't been for Yahaba ranging around the cabin like Kyotani normally would. He was growing impatient, stopping every so often to look around for his henchman. Unfortunately, Kyotani hadn't returned for hours, and even she was beginning to wonder where he'd disappeared to.The man was almost never gone this long. Not even for running errands.

Whatever. She got up and stretched, moving to the mini fridge to see what they had for food. Considering she only made her own meals, she usually had enough to last a few days. What she could find now was enough for a light meal, but nothing substantial. She grabbed a can of soda and started for the door to tell Yahaba she needed food, when he burst in the door, with Kyotani right behind him.

"We've gotta leave. Get your stuff together."
It took her a minute to process. They were already going through everything, making sure no trace would be left behind, before she could even think.
"Wait! I thought we'd be here for a week! You said..."
"Plans have changed, my love..."
"Don't call me that!"
"Sorry. Plans have changed, Yachi. We're leaving."
"Oookay," she slowly went to her bag and started folding her clothes. Think, Hitoka!
"I want to visit the shrine again."
"Why not?"
"I said so. Hurry up."
He'd never been this anxious leaving anywhere. Could this mean...? She moved a little slower.
"Hurry up, Yachi, or I'll pack for you."
She gave him a nasty look, took a shirt, and folded it at the same speed she'd been going. He stared back at her, for once looking less than the smitten man he'd been this entire time.
"Why are we in such a hurry, anyway?" she asked, hoping she might shake an actual answer out of him. For once. "It's not like we're on any sort of deadline."
"Why are you even asking?" he countered. "It's not like you were curious before."

She couldn't think of a reply. He was right; she never asked, just did what she was told. Hitoka could kick herself for that. Still, the situation now was several times more urgent than anything. Finished with packing, she tightened the drawstring on her bag and checked the time on the bedside clock: 5:27pm. While Yahaba took her bag, and gave it to Kyotani to put in the car, she walked over to the window.

And nearly fainted.

Leaning against a tree, half hidden in the shadows, she spotted a familiar face. His auburn hair was a mess, but that didn't matter. Tendo was watching them! Tendo was here! Which meant that Eita had to be here! She crowded the window, hoping he saw her, and looking for anyone else. Within moments, someone appeared behind him, and Hitoka had to keep herself from reacting. Hayato was here, too! She put her hand on the glass and Tendo gave her a peace sign before backing up and disappearing completely, and Hayato with him.

"Come on. We're ready," Yahaba said as he brought over the blindfold he made her wear when on the move. Kyotani held her hands behind her in a firm grip she was never able to break. "Don't worry, Yachi. Where we're going, we'll be able to spend as much time as we want there."
"I don't want to spend any time there."
"Oh, don't say that until you've seen it, my..."
"It doesn't matter where you take me, Yahaba, I won't like it. It's just another part of the coastline, east or west, that I would never want to see again. Because of you."
"Well, at least you'll remember we were together."
Hitoka growled. "Actually, you know what? Give me names. I want to know everywhere you've taken me," she said as he tied the blindfold and her world went dark. "That way, I can come back with the man I love and make even better memories."
"The man you love?"
Hitoka didn't miss how dangerously low his voice became. She didn't care anymore.
"What part did you not understand?"
"You say it as if there's someone else who loves you."
"Well, you say that as if you didn't already know. Considering you took me from the apartment complex where we live."

Yahaba snorted and led her out the door, kept hold of her arm while he locked the door behind them, and then carefully led her off the small landing and down the walk to the car. Kyotani had the car running, that much she could tell. No! Not this time! I know he's here! I can't just go easily anymore!

For the second time during this whole ordeal, she fought back. She struggled against Yahaba's hold, trying to break it. Digging her heels against the concrete walk, refusing to move forward. She grunted with the effort, cried out when he tightened his grip, but she still fought him. It wasn't until she felt another pair of hands roughly grab her arms that she screamed bloody murder. As long as she could; as loud as she could. She screamed again and again, biting hands as they attempted to cover her mouth.

"Shut up, Yachi! You'll scare the other campers!" Yahaba tried using reason to shut her up. She didn't care. Maybe someone will come help her get away, so she could find Eita herself.
"Yachi, please!"
"Yahaba, we can't let her keep screaming like this," Kyotani growled. "She'll attract more attention than we need."
"I know, I just can't hurt her."
"I can knock her out," Kyotani said. "It might leave a mark."
Yahaba sighed. "Do it. We need to leave."

Hitoka struggled harder. She couldn't be knocked out. She couldn't scream anymore; she was too busy fighting. Lashing out, she stepped on toes, used her body weight, such as it was, to knock them off balance. She managed to break one arm free of their grip, and she swung as hard as she could. She felt her fist hit something solid, and a pained grunt from whoever she managed to hit. Good.

But during her fight, she took a step back, and slipped, her ankle bending awkwardly. There was an audible snap, pain shot up her leg, and she cried out in agony. That gave Kyotani the opening he needed, and he brought his hand down hard on her neck, right on a pressure point.

Stunned, she felt her body stiffen before she slumped to the ground, knocked out.

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