Don't Give Up (On Me)

By oyasquadmoxiegrlkt

31 0 0

She'd been taken away from him. He'd do whatever it takes to get her back. More



2 0 0
By oyasquadmoxiegrlkt

"We need to leave," Kyotani rumbled over his typical morning bowl of cereal. Yahaba glared at him from the side for a second before returning his gaze to the sunrise.
"Why do you say that?"
"Just a feeling. This place is too well known, and someone might recognize her."
"I needed a break."
"By going to one of the most visited places in the country?"
"It's the off-season."
Kyotani snorted. "It's the middle of summer, and we just managed to hit it at the right time. Doesn't negate the fact that we need to leave."
"You're just antsy."
Kyotani finished his cereal and stood up. Yahaba thought that would be the end of it, but his companion stopped before he opened the cabin door.
"If you want to get caught, that's on you. I'll be gone before that happens."
"As if they wouldn't find you later."
"Even if they did, that's beside the point."
"What is your point, then?"
"If we don't leave, and soon, you'll be caught. She'll be forever out of your reach."
"She loves me. She'll stay."
"Yeah. Right," the other said. "Keep telling yourself that."

Once he was alone, he sunk into his thoughts. He really didn't know why he thought coming here was a good idea, but they'd needed to stop for a little while. But after they'd holed up in this cabin, he'd seen how relaxed Yachi was. How much she enjoyed being here. She was even a little less prickly and more like the girl he remembered. Maybe staying here a little longer would work in his favor? Maybe staying here a little longer would make her see his love for her.

Still, Kyotani had a point. They couldn't stay too much longer. Even if they'd hit the park at the lowest visited time, there were still plenty of people around. It was part of the reason he hadn't wanted her to leave the cabin in the first place. But because she insisted, he'd made her disguise herself. Of course, she hated it. But to him, she looked beautiful.

Kyotani returned and grumbled something about her being awake now, and that he was going for a walk. He kept going, not stopping for anything. Guess that meant he'd be the one on guard duty. No matter, Yahaba thought as he slowly stood up and stretched. Maybe today she'd make breakfast for two. Maybe, after their visit to the shrine yesterday, she'd be a little more amiable toward him.


Eita ranged out around the grounds of the shrine with Hayato, keeping his eyes open for Hitoka. Or any sign of her. The attendants told them she was disguised as a hooker when she visited yesterday. Another reason, among many more, to punch this Yahaba guy in the face.

The rest of them helped as well, taking different areas to search, widening their range just a bit more with each passing hour. They'd split into pairs, wore ball caps and sunglasses, acted as if they were visiting and looked like tourists. Sometimes, one of the attendants would accompany them, and every other hour, they switched partners. By lunch time, everyone was exhausted, and some were laid out on the futons taking a nap.

Eita couldn't sleep, so he went with Tsukishima to see the torii gate. Since traffic on the highway was heavier than usual, they had to settle for a spot near the road to gaze out at it. They sat in companionable silence, not really having spent too much time together before, mostly due to touring schedules, on the part of both Kuroo and himself, and work schedules for Hitoka and Tsukishima. They knew each other, were in each other's orbits while with their significant others. But Eita couldn't think of a time when they spent time together like this. It made him wonder why Tsukishima had decided to come with him in the first place.

"Wanna talk?" the man beside him asked.
"About what?" he asked, sounding surly. He hadn't meant to. "I'm sorry," he said a moment later.
"It's okay. I'm just surprised you haven't completely lost your cool."
Eita chuckled. "I want to. You don't know how much I want to just... wail on someone."
"In that case, I'm glad you've managed your anger thus far."
That made Eita laugh. "Kuroo is right about you."
"How so?"
"Your snark is your way of being funny, sometimes."
"Sarcasm has its uses."
"I suppose so."

They were quiet again for a time, watching the gentle waves of the lake wash up on the shore. Soon, several people floated by on paddle boards, moving close to the torii gate. It looked like they were on some sort of tour, because after a time, they were floating off again.

"Did you two do that when you came here?" Tsukishima asked quietly.
"No. We wanted to, but on the day we were supposed to go, it rained heavily."
"Ah." He waited a few beats. "Bet you managed to find something else to do, huh?"
Well, yeah, they did. Not that it was any of his business, really.
"We watched a few movies, took naps. You know, normal rainy day activities."
"Oh, sure, sure. Of course."
"Okay, first, we've known each other for how long now, and you still use my full surname? You do know you can at least call me Tsuki, right?"
"We don't know each other that well..."
"Good grief. Hitoka was the same when we were in school. No wonder you two hit it off almost immediately."
"Okay. If that's what you want."
"Call me Kei. I don't mind."
"What about Kuroo?"
"He doesn't care which name you use. He'll answer to either one."
Eita grinned at Kei.
"Call him anything but late for dinner?"

They fell silent a little while longer, and then decided to go back. Upon their return, the others were snacking on some veggies and fruits, sitting around the building and discussing their next plan of action. Tori suggested going back up into one of the cabin areas; he had a hunch and wanted to verify if he was right. Oikawa was already on the phone to the local authorities, knowing someone on the force who might be able to help them out. Iwaizumi planned to go back out and search the temple grounds again. Tsuki... no, Kei had fallen asleep, curled up with his head in Tetsuro's lap; they weren't going anywhere for a while.

Eita had to admit he was tired, too, but knowing she was here, that she was so close, kept him awake. He needed to go back out there, search for her, find her. He was almost out the door when Oikawa called his name.

"I pulled a few strings," he was saying. Eita looked back over his shoulder, and Tetsuro gently shook Kei awake. "They'll be sending out a few people to help with the search."
"Helpful," Tetsuro said quietly. "When will they be here?"
"Unfortunately, not until after 5pm. They're sending over those who volunteered to work after their shift."
"Nice," Tori said as he entered the room. "Did they say how many?"
"No, but my contact said in the ballpark of ten, maybe twelve guys."
Toshi followed Tori, and minutes later, Hayato returned with Iwaizumi. Everyone except Eita gathered and sat down on the futons. His attention was more on the outside than what was being said in the group. But it was enough to ask a question.

"They aren't coming in uniform, are they?" he asked.
"I don't think so. Why?"
"It would attract too much attention, for one thing," Kei sleepily observed. "As would arriving in police cars."
"Good point."
"And it wouldn't be good for the priests or attendants," Toshi added. "We don't want to lose their assistance."
"Right." Oikawa was already on the phone.

Eita went back to watching the crowd, eyes drifting over the people visiting, a few priests, and attendants. He stayed there for a while, until he felt the need to sit down. Sighing, he started turning, when his eyes snagged on a peculiar looking buzzed haircut. Dyed blond hair, two vertical lines curved on either side of the head...

"Would you know Kyotani if you saw him?"
"He's really hard to miss. Slouched walk, looks like his eyes have heavy eyeliner around them, permanent angry expression. Tennis ball haircut."
"Come here. Now!"
Iwaizumi was up and standing right behind him, while Tori took up position on the other side of the door. Eita quietly told him where to look, and both of them took a few seconds before responding.
"That's him!"
"On it. I'll follow," Tori said and was gone before anyone could stop him. Eita was about to go with him, when Hayato held him back.
"I'll go with him."
"No, dude. You're recognizable and this is the one time you do not want to be recognized. The moment he sees you, he'll disappear, and so will Yahaba and Hitoka. Stay here." And he went chasing after Tori.

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