Love So Unreal

By Missing_Fragments

273 10 6

[Discontinued] An empiressmp s1 story. Xornoth an evil demon who wants to destroy and corrupt the world. Ther... More

The land of empires

Chapter 1 - First encounter

103 5 1
By Missing_Fragments

I just wanted to tell you that most of the chapters would be similar to Gem's video but I would be changing some parts to fit it in the story but not all of the chapters would be similar.

The warm sun shone brightly, the sky was painted in a bright blue color with clouds spread through out the sky. It was just any other normal day for the ginger haired girl, would be this day any different?

Gem was chopping down some trees from a nearby village, she needs to gather materials for a future build of hers. By doing so, she heard her communicator beep in her pocket. Curious on what that's about, she took out her communicator out of her pocket and opened it. She saw her triplet, Sausage texting in gibberish which was unusual. She didn't really thought about it until he did it again.

She was starting to be a bit worried for her triplet, he had been involve with dark magic. She's scared that the dark magic is starting to affect him.

While thinking about Sausage, the demon appeared on her mind, the one that she had heard about but never seen before. That's when she remembered that he mentioned about summoning the demon before.

Is he summoning the demon? She ask herself with a hint of concern. She decided to text Sausage back to ask if he's alright.

After she sent the message, the clear blue sky quickly change into a grey color. She was surprised at the sudden change of the weather, she looked up to try and predict if it's gonna rain or a storm coming. She saw the clouds all became closer and merge together turning into the color of grey. Not even a moment later rain started pouring down, it took her by surprised, there's no way it would rain this quickly. She looked down, rubbing her eyes as her vision was starting to become blurry.

Is it storming? She thought. It was weird that it suddenly rain, she was sure that there is no storm or rain coming this day. Suddenly she saw a lightning stroke the ground somewhere in the village which she jumped in surprise. That only happens very rarely and that could also mean that a storm may come.

She wandered around the village, for some reason she could feel a presence of someone. She then realize that it could be the demon.

She thought about heading back home to dry herself because she's soaking wet and she may get sick that's the last thing she wants to happen.

She walk to her gatehouse rapidly and that's when she saw something, no, someone. A black person? She rubbed her eyes with her hands because her vision is starting to blur once more. It was standing on her gatehouse and it quickly disappeared before she can clearly see it. Was she hallucinating? Or it could be the demon, she hoped that the demon is not trying to mess with her or her empire.

"What was that?" Frightened, she walk pass the gatehouse and entered her empire. "Maybe that's the demon,"

She was walking around trying to look for the demon. The sound of the rain can be heard and nothing else. She still decided to wander around despite her being soaking wet in the rain. What else she could do? Curiosity took over her and this demon seems rather interesting.

She looked around, to her left and to her right but still nothing. Her gaze passed her house, she quickly look back. She saw the demon standing inside her house.

It's in my house! She thought. "Get out of my house it's mine!" She said loudly trying to scare of the demon though it probably wouldn't work.

She flew at her house using her elytra but before she could enter inside the demon had vanished without a trace. She hit her head in the lantern and fell down on the ground. She groaned in pain, a sudden realization hit her. The demon just disappeared but where did it go?

"It vanished," She said unsure also was fascinated at the sight. She pushed herself up and stood up. She noted to herself that the demon can teleport.

The demon spoke again and said something and laugh. "What do you want?"

Gandalf I got to see Gandalf! She quickly remembered her familiar, her cat, Gandalf. She didn't want anything to happen to her familiar. She went to her hospital build.

Her wet clothes are dripping down to the floorboards. Lucy, her cleric, was usually in this place but she was nowhere to be seen.

Gandalf unsit and she told her cat to follow her to somewhere much safer.

"Come here kitty, kitty," Said the demon in his distorted voice.

"Okay, don't touch the cat," Gem said, a bit surprised by the sudden voice speaking.

The ginger saw the barrels, she went near one of it and opened the barrel. It was full potions that she brewed her herself. She was searching for a good potion to bring and protect herself.

She took out some potion of healing, it could be useful if the demon ever hurt her. She was about to leave when she opened the door the demon was there, standing still.

Taken a back, she quickly backed away in fear and he disappeared again. Gem thought for a moment on who can help her but everyone is too busy today, she didn't want to cause any disruption.

She walked outside thinking, her thoughts were interrupted when the demon said, "Run!" That word made her even scared. Was the demon now trying to kill her?

She flew using her elytra up in the sky, unsure where to go. The cold wind was around as she flew, she shivered at the coldness.  Should have change clothes before I went off, She thought.

She was high up in the sky but not too high to reach the clouds. It was a little dark, fortunately the rain stopped. She looked below her, the terrains she passed by looks so small. She was just going on a random direction, where her guts told her to go.

She could just go to her other triplet, fWhip or Pearl, her ally. But instead she went to Sausage's empire the one that she thought that summoned the demon. Could she trust him?

She could feel her clothes drying up as the wind pass her. She was starting to see her triplet's buildings on his empire. She was starting to hesitate whether to go there or not.

She started going down and landed on the ground safely. She's already at Mythland, she could just turn back any time she wants to. She stop and realized she had brought a demon to her triplet's empire which isn't good. She hoped that the demon didn't follow her as much as she thinks that it's him, she still doesn't want her sibling to get hurt.

"Sausage!" She called out, walking around his empire, trying to find him.

While walking she found a tavern made by Sausage. Gem thought that the tavern could be safe and a thought appeared in her mind. Is Sausage doing this? Is Sausage summoning it? Questions filled her head and she thought again Sausage wouldn't do that, Sausage don't summon things. She hoped that the last thought is true.

She was walking and finally she found Sausage.

"Sausage!" Gem said, she felt relief to know that he's safe though the feeling of uneasiness is present in her.

"Hey Gem, are you okay?" Sausage greeted and ask her with a worried look on his face. Gem realized that she must have look scared but that doesn't matter.

"No, I'm not okay," She still doesn't feel safe, even with her sibling. Well, she already think he's the reason why the demon is here.

"Sorry, Oh, I was just hanging out at the blood circle,"

"The blood circle?" She repeated slowly, to make sure she didn't misheard it. She look at him and he nodded. Her mind quickly went back to the thought that she thought about a while ago. She pushed away the thought, she shouldn't think things about her triplet besides he wouldn't do that, right?

Sausage and Gem started walking somewhere. Gem just followed Sausage because it's his empire and he knows the way around.

"I know the spirits around, I didn't cause it I was just chanting," Sausage explained though it didn't help in the situation at all.

"Chanting what exactly?" Her voice trailing of to the question.

"I was reading this book over and over again," Sausage took out the book and pass it to Gem.

"It's a huge, long autobiography of elvish times and I just got lost in the trance," Gem was listening, she decided to open the book to see what was written on it and what she saw made her feel worried.

"Sausage the pages are blank," A worrying feeling was in her. She had always thought the dark magic is bad for him but now she thinks it's affecting him.

Gem and Sausage were walking around again and talking about the demon. Gem was worried about the demon. She had told Sausage a few times but he didn't care nor believe her.

It's like having a demon in the server is like not a big deal to him but to Gem it was.

"Don't worry, it's daytime the demon can't hurt you," Sausage said trying to reassure Gem.

"Can't die," The demon said, both Gem and Sausage were surprised.

"Maybe, don't challenge it, maybe don't tell what it can and can't do," Gem said, a bit unsure though she still feels scared. She thought about leaving right here and right now but she couldn't just leave her sibling with the demon. Maybe even if he did summon it, maybe the demon could still hurt him.

"Gem you're a wizard, you're the most powerful wizard here in the whole empires, you'll be fine," Sausage said, Gem felt happy at the sentence though she's still somewhat scared or worried.

"I still don't have my wizard staff on the meantime I'm worried," She couldn't help it but still feel scared, especially that there's a demon roaming around.

The two siblings started walking again, going somewhere. It was quiet no one had decided to start a conversation nor say anything. Gem has been cautious and made sure that she has distance away from her triplet for safety measure.

"What are you scared for Gem, you know it's not me!" The brunette suddenly exclaimed. Gem was taken a back at what Sausage had said. They made eye contact, worry with a hint of concern filled his eyes. Gem looked away, feeling bad.

"But don't you think it's a little suspicious that you've been acting weird and you're the one people go for help?" Gem mumbled, she kept her gaze on the floor. She didn't know why she had said that but she hoped that Sausage didn't heard any of it.

"What do you mean? I'm just here to help" That's a sign that he heard what she said. Gem stop for a moment thinking what to say next. She had things in her mind that makes him suspicious, maybe she could point it out.

"You know the blood sheep, the summoning circle and the wizardry magic that you do but in reality you don't do any magic and you just sucking it out from me and shubble, it's just a little you know," Her tone was serious and Sausage stood straight probably that he knows that this situation is serious. She got to point this out somehow and maybe get an explanation from her triplet.

"Gem people do wizardry things differently,-"

"It's behind you, it's behind you!" The ginger said in a panicky voice cutting of Sausage, as she quickly backing away from the building their heading too.

"What do you mean? I don't see it," The brunette was confused, he looked at her.

"We can't go there, I've decided we can't go there,"


"Do you have any castle or something?", The two started to walk away from the building.

"I have but it's not built yet,"

"Are you sure it's safe there?"

"Yes, Bubbles is the protector, come,"

The two siblings went to the castle, it was a quiet walk and it's not really that far away though it took a while to there.

"Come here girl, everything is fine," Sausage said as he went to and carried his dog, Bubbles.

"I see..." The demon said, standing on the roof of one of the buildings.

Gem quickly hid on one of the corners. At this point, it's most likely that it's her own instinct now.

The demon once again disappeared in thin air. "I didn't like that," Gem said as she slowly moved away from her hiding spot.

"Don't worry, Bubbles got this, she got this, everything is just fine," Sausage said, saying the everything is fine again for like a hundredth time. He tried to reassure Gem once again.

The ginger smiled softly but something's off. She noticed Sausage expression turned scared and slowly moved away from his position. She could feel a cold air on the right side of her face she turned to her right slowly, preparing herself for the worse.

She was greeted by that dark face with an evil grin on his face. She let out a small yelp and quickly moved away. She wasn't mentally prepared for this at all. For a moment their eyes met. Those emerald eyes to a shade of blood red. There was nothing behind those eyes, nothing but emptiness.

Gem quickly look away, moving her gaze to somewhere else. She then suddenly noticed the demon moving closer to her.

She walk away, backwards a wall stop her from doing so. Thankfully, before the demon could get any closer, he disappeared. Should had expected that.

"Okay that is where I'm gonna go" Sausage said but he made the -O longer. He went inside on one of the building and Gem quickly followed.

Sausage closed the door while Gem kept saying "It's not fine, it's not fine," multiple times as she paced back and forth.

"But everything is fi-" Sausage said but before he could finish his sentence he was cut off by Gem saying

"This is not fine! How could you say that this is fine," Worriedly she went to the corner. Panic and fear present in her.

"Okay, okay, it's not fine," Sausage said finally admitting that it's not fine. He put Bubbles down.

"Maybe we could go somewhere else, maybe my crystals could scare it off?" Unsure, the two headed to the door to go the Crystal Cliffs but it would be a long walk, a very long one actually. "Let me get my crystals,"

As soon as the door opened the demon was at the other side. He blocked the way out with deepslate brick.

Gem slammed the door shut and quickly panic. "We're never leaving this place Gem," Sausage said, that didn't help Gem at all. "Come this way, let's go upstairs,"

They went to a room, there's a ladder leading to another room of some sort.

Sausage started climbing the ladder that leads upstair though he failed to do it for some reason, maybe because of the trap door.

"I can't go up! There's a force field," Sausage said in a bit panicky tone. "You try it,"

"Alright," Gem said, she started to climb up the ladder. She also failed to climbed the ladder. "Sausage what is this, why did you build the ladder like this?" After a bit more trying she finally made it to the top but when she was at the top, she was met by the demon standing.

"Aaahh, Nooo!" To her surprised she lost grip of the ladder and fell downwards.

A loud thud can be heard. "Gem are you okay?!" Sausage ask worriedly as he quickly went to help Gem up. As soon as he looked up to see the reason why she fell, he quickly screamed and said, "That's a big face!!"

Gem quickly stood up herself and ran fast to the other side with Sausage following from behind.

"There's a face!" Sausage said, somewhat scared.

"Alright, alright, we're are breaking your castle, this is enough" Gem said as she managed to keep herself calm. She's going to leave this place one way or another.

She took out her pickaxe and started breaking the wall. There were leaves blocking the path out but she just push it aside.

'"Poor Bubbles, please forgive her, I know she was suppose to protect us" Sausage said. The demon didn't really hurt them but they still felt scared.

"No no," Gem said, sternly as she starts walking away

"We- were fine,"

Fine, fine? Everything is not fine! This is not the day Gem expected would it be. She didn't expect that the demon would come and haunt her. What else worse could happen?

Finally, it's done! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter so far. I wasn't expecting this to be this long, normally my chapters would be around 1000+ words. Chapter updates would be slow because of school and my small amount of motivation to do so.

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