The Beginning

Par C_przs

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A biblical tale full of romance, betrayal and power! ~ The spin of reality ~ Plus

Before Time
It's 1517
Back Story
Use Magic
The Investigation
The Minds Eye
Lost Soul
Dream Catcher
This Is Hell
No Good
Plan X
Sleeping Beauty
Lucid Dreams
I Know Better
Den Mother
The Talk
True Lies
The Find
Throne Owner


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Par C_przs

July 2nd - 1952

The demon flies above them all, "The girl isn't in the kingdom, she has left." Tristan rushes toward him, "Where did she go?" the demon starts to stutter, "I- I haven't... located her." Tristan rushes out of the meeting and runs straight to her room, he opens her door and tries to find something that could tell him where she had disappeared to. He starts throwing things around the room, and then he stops. "Lilith!" He flies down to the dungeon and brushes himself against the wall to get past, "I have to go talk to Lilith!" The guards put up a front, "We can't let you go down." Tristan walked closer and his eyes were fire red, blazing out of his eyes. "I did not ask, I am telling you, if you do not move for your future Devil, I will be forced to do something drastic." They immediately move out of his way, he flies down the stairs and stands before her. "My son, you have come to see me." His eyes were lighting up the dungeon, "Where did she go!" Lilith sits up acting, "Who, darling?" He kneels slowly and levels with her, "Continue to act upon this disseat, the future of your life really does depend on me." Stunned by his words she presses her hands against the bars, "Ouch!" she lets go and looks him in the eyes. "How could you treat your mother so poorly?" He bends down slowly to meet her eyes, "Do you want to see me treat you poorly mother? I'm in a foul mood and these games you play aren't as fun as you think if you'd like to end your life here and now. Continue." Lilith was frightened of the glow in his eyes, "She went to the Hum Niter, she wants to become mortal." He pulls her so that her face is on the boiling hot rails, and she screams. "What does it actually do!" He lets her drop to the ground, "It does what she wants..." He waits on her answer, "She'll be mortal... But how true that is, I don't know." His eyes revert to a pink colour as he looks at her confused. "What do you mean by that?" She smiles, "Tridarian gave me the Hum Niter. I heard about it from the books that came from Nephilla, but understanding the book isn't the easiest." He starts walking away and then stops, "Will her powers come back?" She smiles and shakes her head. "Probably not, try stopping it with holy water." His eyes were a sorrowful pink, "You will regret giving birth to me if she decides to take it." He walks away without another word.

Rhain began walking up the mountain. She struggled to keep going but she knew it was the only way. "Ah!" She held tight to her coat with the hood failing to stay up, she took mini breaks while walking up. "H-how is I-it so c- cold!" She looks up and then carries on walking up, she finally gets to the top and starts walking on flat ground, she pushes her body through a blazing storm. Her breathing rapidly became unobtainable, her eyes were now red and her heart had slowed down dramatically.

When Tristan had gathered everything he needed, he was ready to set off after her. He pulled open the sealed door and resumed his journey. The first part wasn't tricky, he flew over the Aloo Hearts, their beady eyes stared up at him as he whooshed through the sky. "Rhain! don't do it." He passes through the 'Damned loop' Then the 'Hurricane storm' and then he finally reaches 'Death snow mountain'. He flew up as much as he could, but when it became rough and his wings could no longer fly he then struggled to run up the hill but he forced himself to do so.

The cave was at least 50 feet, when Rhain walked in she had her torch at the ready, she walked and the path she had to take was already directed, putting the map away and flying low to the ground. She travelled fast, dodging each spike, bolder and insects in her way. She had finally reached her destination, "Wow." She walked in astonished at the crystals surrounding the Hum Nit. "I can't fly over..." She scavengers through her bag, "Rope." She takes it out and flies up to tie the rope high up, she then pulls it to make sure that it is steady, then she holds on and steps back. "I got this!" She runs and jumps, she reaches the other side safely and quickly gets up to hold the Hum Nit in her hand. "Here goes nothing." She bites into it, she chews and chews until it is digested. "Right, Do I fly back over-" When she stands, she starts to stumble, "Ah!" Her stomach growling, screaming out until she falls flat on the rocky floor.

Tristan gets through, follows the path and then he spots her laying on the ground, he flies over and it triggers the trap, spikes fall and grab down at his left wing, and the venomous water leaks into his wing. "Ahh!" He screams out in agony and he pushes it off him, his wing gets pulled and he screams even louder and it echoes again, again and again. He starts falling but he grabs on to the rock, he pulls himself up and drags himself to her! "Rhain! Rhain!" His eyes begin to form tears, he shakes his head and struggles to take something out of his trouser pocket, he takes out a syringe and punches it through her skin and injects her. "Ah!" He screams out in torment, "Rhain, be okay, be okay!" Her eyes open and she feels the blood rushing through her head, "Tristan? Tristan!" He looks at her and smiles, "Did I save you?" He reaches out to her face with his hand shaking like crazy, she smiles back and shakes her head pressing his hand on her face. "Tristan you don't need to save me, I'm okay with becoming human." His eyes could barely open, "The Hum Niter will make you human, do you not want to become my wife." Rhain kisses his forehead and puts her head against his, "I feel fine, this is what I wanted after all." His hand traces to the back of her head. "Your head... it's burning up!" He gets up and she pulls him back, "Your wing is damaged." He shakes his head and gets up staggering, a painful earthquake erupted in her head. "Ah!" Tristan tried to move carefully towards her, "Are you okay?" She gets up and she starts scattering around. "Rhain!" His eyes were forced open and he held her in his arms, "What's going on?" She smiles, "I don't know..." She was scared but all she could do was smile, "I'll fly us back!" She shakes her head reaching for his touch, "Lilith said-" Her eyes rolled back and her arm dropped down, she was no longer speaking. "I won't let you die! I won't!" He forced his wing to fly broken, he pushed his limits trying to get her back.

"Someone help her! I need help here!" He held her in his clutch, "Help her..." His eyes were a bright pink colour, tears streaming down his face. The Guardian stood before him and he looked up, "No-" Guardian smiled nervously, "She asked to see you before she had to leave." He held her body even tighter, "No- No your lying, tell her to come back! Tell her I need her, tell her I'll find a way to put her back into her body! Don't take her away yet." He couldn't hold back any longer, Guardian knelt and touched his shoulder. "She said she's sorry. And she's glad someone loved her the way you did, she said she was selfish to pick mortality over you. She said Demons aren't that bad after all." Tristan laughs and shakes his head vigorously, "She's standing there with you?" Guardian nods, "Rhain... You aren't selfish, I wanted to marry you. Not because you weren't going to become Goddess or because of my mother... but, because I love you and nobody compares to you. You love to argue, you'd call me all these names, I made you feel unwanted when the real fact was... I was falling madly in love with you. At first making you upset made me feel satisfied but, that was because you never saw the good in me. Soon after, making you sad, made me sad. Please don't leave me, I love you, I'm sorry I wasn't man enough to keep you here. Just do this for me, stay for me." The Guardian looks at her and smiles kindly. "She's crying, and repeating that she loves you too." He looks at her lifeless body in his arms, "I don't want you to leave me..." He kisses her forehead, "You were supposed to come back, come back and be my wife..." Guardian gets up and looks at her, "Tristan, she's fading she has to go." Tristan's eyes were worn out, "There isn't a way to bring her back?" The Guardian shakes his head, "She said if anything, you were the only reason to keep living, you're a good person so show that to others. I'd be the happiest person in the world to even be able to become your wife, I have to go, goodbye." Tristan shakes his head, "Good-" He lifts her body off him and lays her across the floor. "I'm not ready to say it, Rhain... I-" The guardian bowed, "Tristan, she has now left." Tristan laid on the floor beside her, he made no sound, he spoke no words.

Later that day Tristan went back to the dungeons, "You lied. She ate it and she died! The holy water did nothing for her!" His mother touches the bar, "It killed her?" He put his hand through the bar and grabbed her by her top, "You knew it would kill her didn't you? You knew it and you left that part out." Lilith shakes her head, "I promise you, I had no clue that would happen." Tristan lets go and drops to the floor crying, "You're lying to me. Mother, how could you do this to me? Why didn't you understand how much I loved her... Why did you not care to hurt me?" She reaches out for his face and stops. "My boy. I did not know it was going to kill her, the only person that could have known was Tridarian." He looks up at her shocked, "Why?" She places her hand down on the floor, "He was the one that gave it to me, I knew it brought mortality and that was the price for keeping Nathaniel quiet... He must have known it was going to kill me once I took it." Tristan gets up and rushes to the throne room. "How dare you come into the room in that manner!" Tristan looked around, "You killed your daughter... You are the reason she's dead." Lucifer walks over to him, "What are you talking about?" Tristan's eyes were flaming, "Tristan?" Nathaniel gets up, "What happened to Rhain?" Tristan laughs, "Like you care, you wanted to kill her and look, now she's dead. Completely out of your way, or is it now that you get to become God that her death is no matter to you." Lucifer stands in front of him. "Tridarian tried to kill mother with the Hum Niter, in the hope she would take it to become mortal." Tristan moves over to face Tridarian, "But little did you know, my mother told Rhain to take it to become mortal... Do you understand now? Do you understand how this is all your fault!" Lucifer takes Tristan out of the room. "Tristan, I know how devastating this is for you-" Tristan laughs, "Devastating, do you know the meaning of that word? I didn't lose something that will someday turn back up. I lost someone that I know will never return, lost for eternity." Tristan walks away, "Tristan. I'll give you time, time to grieve. But you are the future Devil." Lucifer walks back into the throne room.

January 4th - 1953

A few months go past and he's soon able to tuck his wing back in, "Well done." His eyes were a dull red colour, "Can I leave now?" The demon takes a piece of paper off the table, "You don't want to work on it a little more, your nearly there." Tristan looks down to the floor, "I don't feel like doing anymore..." She sat down and looked at him. "Then I guess we can end our session here." He gets up and leaves, "That poor boy." Tristan walked through the corridor in a daze, he stopped and looked at the library. He breathed out heavily, and Alcaeus leaves the library. "Oh, was you thinking of coming in?" Tristan shakes his head, "No. I was just thinking." Alcaeus nods, "Then would you want to get something to eat?" Tristan walks along with Alcaeus. "How are you feeling?" Tristan leans his head back, "Terrible. The only thing I can think of is her, I can't sleep without dreaming of her..." Alcaeus puts his book in his bag, "I don't get it, if she wanted to be human then why are you still upset about her choice." Tristan laughs pushing his hair back, "Her choice... she didn't want to die, she wanted to be human. I should have never let her talk to mother, I should have-" Alcaeus looks at him displeased, "Why, can you predict the future?" Stunned by his words. "That's-" His head moved to look down at the ground, "Then who am I to blame if not myself? Do you know how many times I belittled her, I was the cause of her pain. I followed my mother's rules blindly not knowing the consequences, I fell in love... I still wonder how I can say that. I was undeserving of her heart yet, she repeatedly told me she loved me." Tristan grabbed at his chest, "Choices have consequences, she made up her mind. Even if you didn't help, you can't change what you did, stop crying over it and make a change." Tristan looks to him, "If not for yourself, do it for her." Alcaeus walks away, Tristan steps back and leans on the wall. "Change..." banging his head back.

January 7th - 1953

On heaven's scape, Nathaniel was training to become a God. He was out trying out his powers to his full ability, Manipulation of air, Bending gold, energy saving and mind manipulation. "Nathaniel? You aren't focusing, I need you to make me believe this water is another colour." He stares down at the bowl, "But it seriously isn't!" The angel sulks, "Isn't it one of your powers." He nods, "It may be, but I can't exactly do it well." She bangs against the water, "It's one of your powers and you are failing to use it, the reason we are here is to make sure that you'll be able to use it when it comes down to it." Nathaniel sits down on the grass, "Does Tristan struggle with any of his powers?" She leans against the water bowl, "I don't know." He nods, "Then will you go and check." She shakes her head, "I will not." He nods and jumps up. "I'll go check." She rushes in front of him, "I don't think so." He rolls his eyes then places himself back on the floor, "You guys are too hard on me." He closes his eyes. "You're difficult to work with, trying to visit hell is an excuse to get out of doing the work." He lays down on the floor, "But I'm feeling really sleepy right now, can I go for now?" She nods and in an instant, he's gone.

Tristan is reading a book, "Brother, father wants to see you." He places his book facing down, "Coming." He gets up and walks to the door and sighs, he walks down the hallway and knocks on the door. "Come in." He pushes the door with little effort, "Ah, you can't stay in this mood forever." Tristan nods, "Even though I'm immortal, I won't have to. I'll be killed eventually." Lucifer shakes his head, "The girl chose her path, she didn't want to stay. There isn't a way for her to come back, why can't you accept that?" He nods. "Like how you love mother, I loved her. There is no way I can just forget, I've been doing my duty and turning up. I'm doing as I am told, why do you insist I do it with a smile?" Tristan kicks the chair, "I do not insist on you smiling. But this can't go on like this, you won't rule to the best of your ability if the only thing you are looking forward to is dying." He breaks down crying, Lucifer walks over to comfort him. "Your mother did the same son, I know how it feels to be betrayed." He holds him tight.

February 10th - 2075

Walking into the meeting and sitting down quietly awaiting the other party, "What's taking him so long." Tristan looks to the clock and Nathaniel finally walks in and the meeting begins. "Even though this is a practice meeting, it's weird." Nathaniel nods. "Considering the amount of training I'm going through right now, this is a good change of pace for me." Tristan laughs and sits back, "Training... You still have to do that." Nathaniel sits up and fires back. "Yes. Unlike you. I wasn't allowed to use my powers in heaven, it was only when I went to Hell to see mother that I could really use them." He shakes his head, "Unbelievable." Nathaniel fixes his tie, "Not really, it's unfair to show off when you have something others don't and I wasn't supposed to know I was different from any other angel." Tristan nods in the slowest motion. "Do you still think about Rhain's death?" the corner of Tristan's mouth rises, "Do you bring this up to distress me? or just to be inconsiderate to my feelings?" Nathaniel shakes his head, "I didn't mean to make you feel any type of way, I just haven't spoken to you in so long since that day." Tristan takes his tie off, "I'd be lying if I said I was fine, for a while I couldn't get out of bed or even pretend to smile." Nathaniel moves in closer, "So the smile you put on now?" He laughs, "Can't you see in my eyes, aren't they a dull-looking colour? When I smile they don't change, I'll laugh but they don't change. I've become numb and the more I pretend the better I become at it." Nathaniel scratches his head and the room becomes silent. "I bet you wish you never came off-topic, right?" Tristan licks his lip and then bites down softly, "I guess but I wanted to know how you were coping with it. It's been almost 132 years, then again I wasn't the one who was in love with her." Tristan laughs, "Nearly 132 years, to think as we progress to the future there is still no such thing as time travel." Nathaniel pushes a piece of paper towards him, "That would be nice. Sign this." Tristan takes it and gets a pen, "This looks a little long to read, why didn't you ask for a fake contract." Nathaniel laughs. "Look at it closely, you'll like it." Tristan looks at Nathaniel, "Demons can become Angels? Should you be doing this now, your father wouldn't approve." Nathaniel shrugs, "He told me you could sign any of the papers, I choose that one. I'm not exactly pure. Heaven has to realise that intertwining will bring us closer together, don't you think?" Tristan signs his name, "This is the end of the meeting, take this back with you and make sure that this will happen. If not, prepare for another meeting." Nathaniel shies away. "Oh, I'll be waiting. It was good to meet with you today." Nathaniel and Tristan shake hands and leave the room, Tristan nods and flies away back to hell.

February 12th - 2075

"I don't think I'll provide you with an heir, Alcaeus or Zaid will have to do it." Lucifer stands up from his throne, "What nonsense are you spouting!" Tristan bows his head, "I'm sorry father-" Lucifer walks over and slaps him across the face, "I thought you were getting better and then you spew words like these. I told you, don't give up on your life for a girl who chose to leave hers! I don't want to arrange a marriage for you, but you have time, I don't want to hear it again." Tristan laughs, "You've never laid a hand on me before." Lucifer looks away, "I shouldn't have said this, I apologise." Lucifer walks back to his throne and Tristan gets up from the floor. "I didn't hit you, as an order to have children but because you are young, giving up so early in life isn't living. Why quit looking for love or the meaning of life? I understand if you don't have children in the future and the throne would go to the next in line however, I will not allow you to throw your opportunities away like this." Tristan nods, "I am sorry father, I understand." Lucifer places his face in his palm. "Do you? The woman I loved so much broke my heart, I might not be out there looking for love anymore but, I still know why I continue to live. You can only rely on yourself for your happiness, if you rely on someone else when they leave you. Nothing seems doable." Tristan stands frozen from his words, "I see I have reached you, I should have told you this sooner. You'll find your reason, keep looking." Tristan nods and leaves the room, Lucifer sits shaking his head. "Hypocrite." Lucifer turns his head, "Ah, Guardian. How so?" The guardian takes a seat, "You live for your sons, do you not?" Lucifer smiles, "I do." The guardian stretches his legs. "Well, isn't that relying on someone else." Lucifer eagerly sits up, "You're right. However they are my children, I love them. Maybe I shouldn't have told him not to rely on someone-" Guardian shakes his head, "No, I think you did well. He should be okay for now." Guardian then stands to face him, bows and leaves.

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