The Beginning

By C_przs

87 29 1

A biblical tale full of romance, betrayal and power! ~ The spin of reality ~ More

Before Time
It's 1517
Back Story
Use Magic
The Investigation
The Minds Eye
Lost Soul
Dream Catcher
This Is Hell
No Good
Plan X
Sleeping Beauty
Lucid Dreams
I Know Better
Den Mother
The Talk
True Lies
The Find

Throne Owner

5 1 0
By C_przs

July 3rd - 1952

"Ew. It smells in here!" Tristan sighs and grabs a sweeper, "I won't be able to get to the library until this is done." Rhain shakes her head, "I don't need the confidence potion." He turns around and bangs his head against the wall, "Rhain." She looks at him, "Yes?" Head still on the wall but he looks to her, "Rhain... about the potion..." He takes his head off the wall and walks toward her, "I'm not going to be able to do it in time..." He breaks down, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please. Please forgive me. I need you to forgive me no matter what." She grabs hold of his arm, "I told you, I don't need it." He shakes his head, "...I wasn't looking for a confidence potion..." She holds onto him tighter, "What were you looking for?" he grabs her face, "Don't hate me, that's all I ask. Please, just don't hate me." She looks at him scared, "What were you looking for Tristan!" He pulls her into a hug gripping her tightly. "My mother, she gave your mother a potion when she was pregnant. She... she suppressed your full powers somehow, she wouldn't tell me how to reverse it. I- I can't reverse it Rhain. I don't know how to do it, I don't know what book to look in." Rhain lifts her head, "I don't understand?" He pulls her away, holding her by the shoulders, "Don't hate me, I was trying to find a cure, something that could fix it. I wanted you to have your powers, I didn't want it to happen like this." Rhain removes his hand, "Tristan this isn't your fault." she takes his hand in hers, "Can I speak to her?" He looks at her dumbfounded, "Talk to Lilith?" she nods. "Are you sure?" She nods again and he takes her hand leading her, he slowly opens the door and sneaks out. "When we get there, they'll be guards. I'll distract them, once I do that, sneak into the dungeon and you'll find her at the last jail bar. I suggest flying down." She squeezes his hand tight, "Okay, thank you." he shakes his head, "Duck." They both kneel and he turns to her, "We're here, place your hand on that wall when you want to leave, I'll distract them again and you can quickly get past." She nods and he kisses her on the forehead. "Whatever she says, please don't be upset by it." He rushes out and starts talking to the guards, "What are you protecting down there, we never have anyone in the dungeons." The guards look at each other and they both shake their heads, "We aren't permitted to say." He watches as Rhain quickly runs past. "It does make me curious though, who would you have to be silent about? I will be the ruler one day, doesn't that mean something." The guard steps forward and towers over him, "We aren't going to have a problem are we?" Tristan shrugs, "Problem? Do I look like a fret?" He leans back, "Your father told us to guard here, we haven't a clue who's down there. Please refrain from asking or trying to go down there, we wouldn't want to be taken off this job." Tristan smiled brightly, it was forceful but cheeky.

Searching in the darkness, she grabs the bars to guide her way to the end. "Hello?" her timid voice didn't even echo, "Lilith?" She hears a noise and looks behind her frightened. "Lil-" She feels a tug on her trousers, "Is that the Goddess?" She moves back and looks down, "Are you, Lilith?" The woman breathes in loudly, "Yes." Rhain kneels to speak. "Tristan told me about my mother, and how you suppressed my powers." She smiles and grabs hold of her arm, "Such a thin thing you are." Rhain pulls for her arm back but Lilith doesn't let go. "I wanted my sons to rule over Heaven and Hell, you can understand that right?" Rhain nods and Lilith finally frees her arm, "I understand. Are my powers still... inside me?" Lilith pushes her face to the bars and Rhain stares at her, "They are. However, they won't work without my help, and I am not willing to help unless you marry my son Tristan." Rhain nods, "Then I no longer want these powers at all, how do I get rid of them?" Lilith laughs and sits down resting on the floor, "You wish to give up everything?" Rhain sits on the floor crossing her legs, "I'll become mortal." Lilith choked up by her words. "Marry my son, then I shall grant you your powers back." Protesting back, "He does not want me as his wife, he doesn't consider me in such light." Rolling her eyes and laying flat on the floor, "Tristan is a boy, he'll marry you." Rhain gets up, "I don't want to marry him, I don't need it to be forced. I want- I want to be a mortal and live in the human realm." Lilith crawls away, "Lilith, please! I won't become Goddess as I am too weak, Tristan will not take me as his wife... The only place I felt any peace was with the other humans." Rhain looks towards her exit, she starts walking away tapping along the bars. "Don't you want this?" Rhain looks down at an old piece of paper. "What is that?" Lilith smiles. "Freedom. If you choose to. But I can promise your powers if you marry Tristen." Rhain grabs the paper and shoves it in her trousers, "Thank you Lilith but, I won't be marrying your son." Rhain goes to walk away again, "You should know if you choose to follow that map... flying is forbidden or your wings will be cut away instantly." Rhain's eyes were mortified but she rushes away, she places her hand on the wall and Tristan starts talking again, she peaks round and then she runs through to a small place.

Once he was done talking he runs over to her, "Did she tell you anything useful?" she smiles weakly, "Not really, she- she told me that my powers are within me. We'd have to get married for me to get them back." She starts walking away and he grabs her wrist. "Let's get married." She laughs and looks back at him, "Tristan, that isn't something you want, I rather just, find another way. I'm tired so, I'm going to bed." He lets go and shakes his head, "I love you." Rhain looks back and stares speechless. "You're going to say it's fake but it isn't. At some point, I stopped pretending and it became real, I didn't want to love you because I wanted you to become Goddess but, if you'll have me... be my queen." She walks towards him and kisses him, "Is that a yes?" she releases herself off her tiptoes and smiles while brushing his arm, "Yes. I really am tired though, so I'll see you later in the library, right?" He nods with a smile so big, that he turns away from her brushing his lips happily.

She grabs a backpack and stuffs a bunch of things she'll need, rope, torch, candle and a few other things. When she exits her room she quickly looks both ways before she runs through the corridor, entering a door that had looked as though it had been abandoned for years. "If I shut this door, will I be able to enter through it again?" She looks to the door, pulling the door shut with all her weight. She takes off her jacket and pushes it into the bag, looking around at the funny-looking demons that were roaming the area. Rhain starts running as the map specifically says, 'Don't make eye contact with the Aloo Hearts' Her breathing was heavy and her legs began to feel the pain, she also knew that flying was forbidden, which made it even trickier.

An announcement was made throughout hell, 'Meeting in the stone room'. Tristan stopped what he was doing and went to collect Rhain and Nathaniel, he knocked on her door and then walked in. "Hey?" Noticing her not in bed and her bed still made, "Oh? I wonder if she went already..." He walks out a little confused and then goes to grab Nathaniel. "Which one is the stone meeting?" Tristan walks with Nathaniel beside him, "It means they've made a decision on our roles, I have no doubt that I'll become the ruler." Both standing outside the door, 'Come in' Tristan looks around outside, "Rhain isn't here." Nathaniel shrugs not caring and then pushes the doors to go in with Tristan following behind. "Why is it only the two of you, where is Rhain?" Tristan shakes his head, "She might be lost." Lucifer then sends a demon to find her. "He'll go find her, both of you can sit down." Tridarian stands up and leans against the table, "I want to make this clear that there'll be no disobedience once I've announced my decision." They both nod their head, "As my child is taking long to present herself today, I am going to carry on." Nathaniel sits up intrigued, "I have decided that Nathaniel will take the responsibilities of God. My reasoning being, that a leader needs to lead, and with the powers and the experiences he has, I have chosen to put him in my place." Tristan jumps up in anticipation, "I knew you'd say that! I knew you'd pick him!" Lucifer stands up yelling, "Sit down!" Tristan shakes his head and continues, "I will be marrying Rhain." Everyone's silence spoke volumes, "Are you mad!" Tristan looks at his father, and then Tridarian spoke. "I will not allow my child to intertwine with demons!" Nathaniel laughed and nodded, "I knew you wanted her, this would have gone much faster if you had decided that earlier." Tristan looks down at the table. "She has already agreed to marry me." Tridarian looks to Lucifer, "This happened because you asked them both to stay, I didn't want to cause more trouble to the beings, so this is your plan." Lucifer chuckles, "How dare you think I would want a daughter of yours to belong in my family, that's the last thing I could possibly want." Tristan bangs on the table, "We have fallen in love... we have fallen for one another in the human realm." Lucifer looks to Tridarian and smiles happily, "Then it is your fault our children have become infatuated with each other, blame no more, it is you." Lucifer then looks to Tristan. "The marriage between you and Rhain shall not be happening or, you'll no longer have the throne." Tristan nods, "Then I will no longer become the Devil and you can strip me of my title father." Nathaniel shocked, stands up. "You'd give up your title for Rhain, you're thrown." Tristan nods with his head down. "If that's what I have to do, then I'll choose loving her over becoming the Devil." Lucifer smiles and sits down in his seat, "That's all I wanted to hear. 'Love' is used as though it is a caprice however, pure love like what your mother and I had, is hard to obtain. I'll allow the marriage to continue, you may have the title." Tridarian shakes vigorously, "I will not allow this! So many years ago you had a child that was much stronger than mine, and now with my child, you plan to overpower me again!" Lucifer relaxed in his seat, "I have no intention of such a thing." Tridarian storms around the room, "Where is my child? where is she?" Tridarian leans over the table looking directly at Tristan. "Where are you hiding her?" Tristan steps back skittishly, "I haven't touched her, she was not in her room when I went to go find her." Tridarian punches down, "Impossible!" His anger rages, and then the demon comes back empty-handed.

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