The Beginning

By C_przs

87 29 1

A biblical tale full of romance, betrayal and power! ~ The spin of reality ~ More

Before Time
It's 1517
Back Story
Use Magic
The Investigation
The Minds Eye
Lost Soul
Dream Catcher
This Is Hell
No Good
Plan X
Sleeping Beauty
Lucid Dreams
I Know Better
Den Mother
The Talk
True Lies
The Find
Throne Owner


8 1 0
By C_przs

June 26th - 1952

"I might as well go first, and if Tristan hasn't come back then you'll go, even if they call his name." Nathaniel nods and takes a seat, Rhain pushes the door and walks through. "Hello, the demon at the door said you were ready." The three of them at the other side of the table made her nervous it sent shivers down her spine. "Take a seat." She walks over and sits down, "Our questions must be answered, not knowing them is fine. But lying! will not be accepted. I will ask you a question that you need to answer wrong to show you what happens if you know the answer but decide to answer incorrectly. After that, we'll ask a question you can't answer and then we will continue." she nods, and Lucifer stands up and leans both arms against the table, "Answer wrong. What is your name?" she looks him directly into his eyes, "Brooklyn." The room flashes blue, Lucifer smiles and sits down. "When will the world end?" fiddling with her fingers, "I don't know." the room flashes orange. "Now, How did Nathaniel get his memories back?" Her reply was quick, "Tristan got them back." Lucifer shakes his head. "We want the full details." She trailed her words in slow motion, "Tristan went to the church and poured his blood into holy water, feeding it to both me and Nathaniel." She couldn't look them directly in the eyes, "Why did you choose to get Nathaniel's memories back?" Lucifer was ready to collect himself. "Tristan was suspicious of him." as he spoke these next words, he stood. "Why!" Rhain shakes her head recollecting the information, "We met a girl down there, she was a former angel." The room flashed blue and it stunned Lucifer to hear, "Former angel?" Lucifer's eyes were now on Tridarian, "Yes, we found out that father had placed her with the humans for betraying the Heavens. She somehow got the memories back from a circle thing and every time we would say her name, it'd string a pain through our brains... but it was worse for Nathaniel." Still staring straight at Tridarian he asked her, "What was her name?" He nods and looks at her. "Alina." He then followed up with, "Where is she now?" Her responses became simple and easy, "Human realm." Lucifer slowly sits back in his seat, "Was there anyone else with powers?" She shook her head, "No." Unbothered with his next question as he turned to the paper written down. "Anything else you'd like to add?" Lucifer didn't look up from his paper, "Yes." She gets up from her seat, "Father! Why don't you want me to rule as Goddess?" Guardian looked shocked, Lucifer leaned back in his chair and Tridarian hadn't moved an inch. "Rhain, this isn't the time." She had now raised her voice, "I want to know!" His voice became intense as he spoke, "I said! This isn't the time." Her eyes became emotional and she kept a steady face, "I will not accept that, I haven't seen you since the day I was born! The least you can do is be honest with me." His head was held high, "Child you are being indecent!" Utterly disappointed she presses down on the table, "Indecent. You as a God are supposed to listen, you don't listen. What does that say about you? If I'm indecent that is because you never taught me how to be, you taught me to be alone!" Tridarian's voice echoed around the room as he roared these words. "How dare you!" She removed herself from the table and stood up straight, "No. How dare you. I will take my leave if that is all." Lucifer nods and she exits.

Rhain walks out holding her chest, "He's- He's not back yet?" Nathaniel walks over and takes hold of her, "No. But was it that brutal?" she shakes her head vigorously, "No, father wouldn't answer my questions. He wouldn't even answer one, instead, he yelled and belittled me... I'm okay, go inside, I'm fine." Nathaniel looks at her and then pushes the door open. "Take a seat." He took his seat confidently, "Our questions must be answered, not knowing them is fine. But lying! will not be accepted. I will ask you a question that you need to answer wrong to show you what happens if you know the answer but decide to answer incorrectly. After that, we'll ask a question you can't answer and then we will continue." Lucifer leans back and then asks. "Answer wrong. What is your name?" He sat up straight, "Nathen." The room flashes blue, and Lucifer nods. "When will the world end?" A smug look crosses his face, "Answer honestly?" unsure about his seriousness, "Do you know the answer to the question?" He shrugged. "I might do." Lucifer sighs. "Forget it, you'll find out the colours on your own, let's continue. What memories came back?" Nathaniel placed his left hand on his right leg and leaned against it with his right arm, "Me when I was younger, being with Lilith, Being in the nothing, I know we've done a meeting like this before as well... you know everything so tell me why you want me to answer the same questions again?" Lucifer wipes his eyes, "Perhaps you were lying about these memories." Nathaniel leans his head on his right hand, "I wasn't, there is no need to lie, I know what this meeting room is." He nods, "Who is Alina?" He answered quickly, "A fallen angel." The room flashes blue and he smiles, "Really. And how do you know her?" Nathaniel looks to Tridarian, "I remember her trying to kill Rhain and I remember playing with her as a child, she was my babysitter before Angel Tiana." Tridarian clears his throat and Nathaniel smiles. "Do you know how Tristan made the memory antidote?" Nathaniel shakes his head, "No." Lucifer nods and writes something down, "Anything else you'd like to add?" He leans in, "Like more information or questions I can ask?" The Guardian spoke, "Either." Nathaniel nods happily, "Yes." Nathaniel clears his throat and looks directly at Tridarian, "I want to become God, I know I am allowed but what will I do with Rhain? kill her?" Tridarian stands up in an ungodly fashion. "You are excused!" Nathaniel looks at him and shakes his head. "I am more capable than her! it's only fair!" He spoke louder, "I raised two improper children and I will let neither of you rule if this continues!" Nathaniel gave him the evil eye, "Then I have another question." They all had their eyes on him, "What will you do with Alina?" Guardian answers, "Her powers are now sleeping within her, she is still immortal but she will heal like a normal human. We have decided to take her into hell and take her soul away." Nathaniel shakes his head, "Why would she go to hell?" The Guardian looks at him with weak eyes, "She is not pure Nathaniel, her soul could not rest in Heaven." Nathaniel pushes the chair and it scrapes along the floor, he opens the door and walks out. "Oh. Your back, you're next." Tristan nods towards Nathaniel and then walks into the room changing his eyes to blue.

A demon pulls open the door slightly bowing towards him, "Why have you changed your eyes?" Tristan smiles at his father, "I don't think you'd want to see them right now." His tone was broad. "Change them." Tristan takes his seat and then changes his eye colour back, "We'll discuss this after the meeting." Tristan smirks and nods, "I don't have to tell you the rules of this, you know what this room is. The first question I ask, answer wrong. What is your name?" He nods reassured, "Tridarian." The room flashed blue. "How will the world end?" He smiled slightly, "I don't know." The room flashed orange, "Now, How did Nathaniel get his memories back?" He relaxed back in the chair, "I gave them back to him. I mixed my blood with holy water and in a couple of hours their memories were back." Lucifer nodded, "Why did you do it?" He began to speak, gesturing as he went along. "Nathaniel was weird. I didn't like not knowing what he was up to, but then it had me thinking. Him being brought to the mortal realm because he needed to choose Heaven or Hell didn't make sense, if he's an angel my pinky could crush him." Lucifer's eyes pierced through him, "What made you think to mix your blood with holy water?" He brought his leg up and pulled it towards him, "A story you used to read, about a rabbit and a fox." Lucifer laughs nodding, "Next, who is Alina?" Tristan scratched his head and shook annoyed, "A stupid angel that tried to outsmart me." Guardian slowly shook his head, "Where is she now?" He answered vaguely but truthfully. "Somewhere up there." Lucifer nods and carries on, "Was there anyone else with powers?" Tristan answered, "No. But there was this Cain guy, I killed him because he was immortal and really wanted to die. He should be down here somewhere, I'm surprised my blood alone killed him, but it worked." Wrapping it up, "Anything else you'd like to add?" Tristan jumps at the chance, "Yes. Why did you bear a child with my Mother Tridarian?" His eyes were powerful. "Rhain's mother wasn't strong enough to create a strong being like Nathaniel." The room turns pink, "Don't you think it was a bit sinister? Something the Devil would think of! or are we not the bad guy and it turns out to be you!" God gets up and shouts, "Child. Be quiet! You shouldn't be involved in adult affairs." Tristan stands moving in closer, "That answers everything I needed, no need to continue." Tristan goes to walk out and his Father says. "Wait in the throne room, I'll come to see you soon." He leaves and looks around, "Where'd they go?" He starts wandering around looking for them. "Rhain? Nathaniel?" He hears laughing and someone throwing something around.

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