Winter - Power Rangers Ninja...

By AlexNeko_990

4.1K 86 29

Winter (Ongoing)โณ --- Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies train our future protectors. Ancient scro... More

Meet Max Miller
Chapter One: Prelude to a Storm
Chapter Two: There's No "I" In Team
Chapter Four: Looming Thunder
Meet Atticus Austin

Chapter Three: Beauty and the Beach

290 11 5
By AlexNeko_990


Me, Shane and Dustin were at the Storm Chargers.

Tori walks in, grabs a piece of clothing and went towards the counter. Dustin went over to her.

"You know. Shane thinks you're mad at him." Dustin said.

"Wow. I guess that's why he gets the red suit." Tori sarcastically said.

"Well- Well, what happened really didn't sound like a big deal to me." Dustin said.

"You don't get it either." Tori said, and she turns towards him. "I'm a girl. Girl."

"Yeah, I-I-I-I know, but like you're not a girl-girl." Dustin said.

"You're like a guy-girl." Shane said.

"Yeah." Dustin said.

Me and Kelly walk over to them.

"My advice to you both." Kelly starts to say. "Stop trying to make it better, 'cause it's only going to get worst."

"Yeah. I mean do you think a guy, like me likes hearing someone says I'm more of a girl-guy?" I questioned. "Just because, I like guys?" I said, and scoffs. "Stupid bastards." I muttered, not at Shane and Dustin, but at those jerks.

"See, Max gets it." Tori said.

"This just showed up for you." Kelly said, and she hands a letter to her.

"That's weird. From where?" Tori asks, as she opens it.

"Don't know. Just found it out back." Kelly said.

"Hey, what's it say?" Shane asks.

"Girls on a magazine saw me surfing, and want me for a photoshoot. An article about Beauty of the Beach." Tori said.

"Isn't that the one where they have, like, these incredibly gorgeous girls?" Shane asks.

"Yeah." Tori said. "So?"

"Okay. We'll just go back to silent mode." Dustin said, as he brought Shane towards the back.

"So, you gonna do it?" Kelly asked.

"I wanna show them that I'm not some dopey tomboy." Tori said.

"There's nothing wrong with being a tomboy." Max said. "But..."

"That's a good enough reason." Kelly said, and both her and Max left to do other things.


3rd POV

"Is this the right place?" Tori questions, as she was at the location.

On a nearby cliff, 3 Rangers were standing there, watching.

One has the color Crimson, one has the color Navy, and one has the color Violet.

"This waiting is getting old." Navy said.

"Chill, we have to do this right." Crimson said.

"But for how long?" Violet asked.

"As long as it takes." Crimson replied.

"We're with you, bro." Navy said.

With that the three of them went away.



Me, Shane and Dustin were working on a bike, and we saw Tori in a unique outfit.

"Whoa, did you just crash into an outlet mall?" Shane asked.

"I have to get to Ninja Ops right away." Tori said.

We brought her towards the back, away from customers.

"Dude, look, I can't. I have bikes stacked up like out the door." Dustin said.

"I really need you guys. I was attacked by Kelzaks." Tori said.

"What?" I said.


We are now in the van.

"Ugh, we might have to stop for gas man." Dustin said.

"We're not stopping." Tori said.

"But, what if we don't make it?" Shane asked.

"We'll make it, just drive." Tori said.

"She's acting a bit different." I said, to Shane and Dustin, from behind, making sure Tori doesn't hear.

Shane and Dustin nodded in agreement.

"Aw, no, road work." Dustin said.

"Don't stop." Tori said.

"What can I do?" Dustin questioned.

Tori got out from the van, walks over to the construction worker and started screaming, yelling and shouting.

"Do Tori seems a little intense to you guys?" Shane asked.

"Maybe just a bit." Dustin said.

"Yeah..." I said.

Tori soon came back into the van, and we saw the guy that Shane mentioned from the beach.

"Hey, Tori. That's the guy?" Shane asked.

"What guy?" Tori asked.

"That's the guy from the beach, remember?" Shane questioned.

"Whatever, can we just go?" Tori said.

Shane asked her another question, and Tori screamed at him, and Dustin immediately continue.

We continue on the road, and suddenly stops as something got in front.

"Now what?" Tori questioned.

And we saw Tori.

"Dude, that girl looks just like Tori." Dustin said.

"You think." Shane said, and they look over to the Tori next to them.

"You're not the real Tori." I said.

The Tori next to Shane and Dustin, got off and the 2 Tori begin fighting.

We got out of the van.

"Dude, we gotta help..." Shane was about to say.

"Wait." Dustin said, stopping him.

"We need to find the real Tori first." I said.


The Tori were still fighting each other.

"Come on, let's go." Shane said.

We were about to get to them, until a monster appeared.

"Tori's busy, I heard you say. So the Copybot's come to brighten your day." Copybot said.

"You can guess what I'm thinking right now." Dustin said.

"I'm reading your mind, bro." Shane said.

"Let's do this." I said, and we nodded.

"Ninja Storm, Ranger Form! Ha!" We shouted, and we spun our Wind Morphers.

"Power of Air!" Shane shouted, as he Morphed.

"Power of Earth!" Dustin shouted, as he Morphed.

"Power of Ice!" I shouted, as I Morphed.

The three of us started attacking Copybot with our Ninja Swords.

Copybot fell to the ground, and Tori appeared, we got into our fighting stance.

"Guys, it's me." Tori said.

"But, how do we know it's the real Tori?" Dustin asked, as we took of our visors.

"Your real name is Waldo." Tori said to Dustin. "And Shane, you're afraid of spiders." She said to Shane. "And Max. You had a boyfriend named Darth." She said to me.

"More like barf." I said, as I scoffed.

"You're afraid of spiders?" Dustin asks Shane.

"You wanna make something up with Waldo?" Shane asks Dustin.

"Ha! Are you through?" Copybot said, as he stood back up.

"Look you guys can get some therapy later on, okay?" Tori said. "I think we have something a little more important to worry about." She said.

"Ninja Storm, Ranger Form! Ha!" Tori shouted, and she spun her Wind Morphers.

"Power of Water!" Tori shouted, as she Morphed.

"Kelzaks!" Copybot yelled, and Kelzaks appeared. "Get them, I say! Attack right away!"

"Ninja Sword! Combat Mode!" We shouted.

"Ninja Shadow Battle!" Shane shouted, and he fought some Kelzaks.

"I'll take some of that action!" Dustin said, and he fought some Kelzaks. "These are some bad haircuts!"

"If you can't beat 'em! Scream 'em!" Tori said, and she fought some Kelzaks.

"You're like Mondays! Nobody likes you!" I said, and I fought some Kelzaks.

"Power Ranger, makeover complete!" Tori shouted, as the Kelzaks were destroyed.

"Have a nice day!" Dustin said.

"Sayonara!" I said.

Copybot rhymes again, and attacks us.

"It's over to you, Red, White, Yellow and Blue." Copybot said.

We tried to attack him, but he went invisible.

"Rangers, get up and fight, if you have the might!" Copybot said. "Copybot magic, for you it's so tragic!"

"I got a little magic of my own!" Tori said. "Blue Ranger, Flood Attack!" She shouted, as they went underwater, and Tori attacks him.

Soon they resurfaced.

"FoxBow!" I shouted, as I got out my weapon.

"Lion Hammer!" Dustin shouted, as he got out his weapon.

"Hawk Blaster!" Shane shouted, as he got out his weapon.

"Sonic Fin!" Tori shouted, as she got out her weapon.

"Let's put it together!" We shouted, as we combine our weapons, and formed the Storm Striker. "Storm Striker!"

"Together!" I shouted.

"Ready!" Dustin shouted.

"Aim!" Shane shouted.

"Fire!" Tori shouted.

We attacked Copybot, and destroyed him.


"Not again!" Tori exclaimed, as we saw Copybot grew giant.

"Look at me, I'm as big as a tree!" Copybot said.

"Man, they grow up so fast!" Shane said.

"Cam! Zords time!" Tori said.

"Here we go!" Cam said, and our Zords appeared.

"Let's go!" We shouted, as we got onto our Zords.

"You go! We go! Form the Megazord!" Tori shouted, as we form the Megazord.

"Hey! Over here! Give this a try, Copybot multiply!" Copybot said, and he multiples.

"Whoa! He cloned himself!" Shane exclaimed.

"Attack! Give them a whack!" Copybot shouted, and they attacked us.

"Cam, we got a serious multiplication over here!" Tori said.

"There's too many of them!" I said.

"I got something for you! I like to call it the Megazord Lightning Mode!" Cam said. "You control it by using your inner power, but remember it only lasts 60 seconds!" He said.

"It takes longer to make microwave popcorn!" Shane said.

"That's all the time we'll need!" Tori said. "Ready guys?"

"Ready when you are!" I said.

"We're all over it!" Dustin said.

"Let's go!" Shane said.

"Lightning Megazord, now!" We shouted, as our Megazord went into Lightning Mode.

"We're a lean, mean fighting machine!" Shane said.

The Copybots begin firing at us, we dodged it easily, and attacks them.

"20 seconds left!" Cam said.

We got out our weapons and attacked the copies.

Cam begin counting down, as we fought the real Copybot.

"Lightning Megazord! Power Down!" Cam said, as our Megazord changed back to normal.

"Power Discs! Lock and Drop! Ready to rock!" We shouted, as we summon our Serpent Sword. "Serpent Sword!"

"One to the Power of Four!" Shane shouted, and our Megazord multiply by four. "Mega Sword! Quartet Strike!" We attacked Copybot, and destroyed him.

"I guess inner strength is one thing, Copybot couldn't copy!" Tori said.


We are back at the Storm Chargers.

Shane apologized to Tori, and we brought Tori towards the customer, who was from the beach.


3rd POV

On Lothor's ship, after Lothor sends his nieces back to their rooms.

The three unknown Rangers appeared.

"Lucky for you, we're ready to go." Crimson said.

"All the pieces are in place." Violet said.

"Let the games begin." Navy said.

"Excellent!" Lothor said, and he laughed evilly.

A/N: That's right! Another OC, and he's apart of the Thunder Rangers! His profile will be revealed after the next Chapter.

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