By Taenniesbaby

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As I was about to go to sleep, two messages popped up on the screen of my phone. "I've planned a small one da... More

✨CHAPTER XII [ a little M ]✨
✨CHAPTER XX [ a little M ]✨
✨CHAPTER XXX [ M ] [ TW ]✨


616 18 2
By Taenniesbaby


We did so many things and had so much fun for the rest of the week. Today was the day that we all never wanted to come accross. Today was the last day of our small vacation. We had our flight in about 4-5 hours and we were busy repacking our stuff.

"How I wish that we could spend our entire lives here. This place is heaven." Lisa said sounding sad.

"I agree Lis." I said not wanting to leave too.

"As much as we'd love to stay here for some more days, but we have some extremely important work. You guys already know what it is." Taehyung said seriously.

"Yeaa..yeaa we know. It's just that I don't feel like leaving so soon." I said.

"Don't worry girls. As soon as our work is done. We'll come back and stay longer." Jungkook said trying to cheer us up.

"Yea... Anyways hurry up guys or else we'll miss our flight." Lisa said completely changing the topic.

We finished repacking before 2 hours of our flight. We admired the place for the last time, checked out of our resort and finally left for the airport.

"Hawaii, thank you for giving us so many memories. We are gonna miss you." Lisa said hugging a tree outside the airport.

We reached well in time and comfortably boarded our flight. We jammed to some songs, had some snacks but Taehyung was very silent during the entire time.

"What's wrong baby ? Are you not well ?" I asked being concerned.

"No... It's just that, I don't know how I'm going to plan our revenge. Code NRF is really very dangerous. I don't want any of us to get into trouble." Taehyung said being disappointed in himself.

"It's gonna be alright baby. You'll get your revenge and nobody will get hurt. Now show me your beautiful smile." I said lifting his chin up.

He quickly flashed a smile and gave me a tight hug.

After 10 hours of travelling, our journey finally ended. We landed in Seoul. As we were walking at the airport, a certain someone was waiting for us.

"OMG, Joghin what are you doing here ?" Lisa and I both said at the same time.

"First of all, I'm mad at you guys. You didn't even invite me to your trip." Kai said crossing his arms and making a puppy face.

"We are so sorry Kai. It just happened so fast that we didn't get a chance to invite you." I said playfully slapping him.

"Anyways let by gones be by gones. I came here to pick you guys up." Kai said excitedly.

"That's very sweet of you Kai." Taehyung said while shaking hands with him.

"Hey brother. Nice to see you." Jungkook said first bumping with Kai.

"I'm so happy that you guys are back. I've been having a lot of family issues lately. Dad has finally returned home after 8 months and he's been causing chaos at home. Even Krystal is out of town. I needed someone to be with." Kai said.

All of us looked at each other being shocked.

"What happened guys ? Did I say something wrong ?" Kai asked not understanding what the matter was.

"No Kai, let's go have lunch in a nearby restaurant." Taehyung said diverting the topic.

We went to the restaurant and we told Kai what all crazy stuff we did at Hawaii. Everybody was tensed but were trying their best to put up a smile.

"So where's Krystal, Kai ?" Taehyung asked out of nowhere.

"She's at her hometown. Canada. She'll be returning tomorrow evening. I really don't want her to meet Dad. He's acting very strange these days. He would always get drunk beat up mom and even beat me up sometimes. I'm really ashamed to call him my father." Kai said in disappointment.

"It's okay Kai. We cannot change monsters. We can only kill them." Taehyung said bending the fork in his hand in anger.

"He's really a monster. I wish I never even had a Dad." Kai said now getting emotional.

"Leave it Kai. Let's enjoy our lunch." Jungkook said trying to light up the dark atmosphere.

After a while we finished having dinner. We went near Kai's house to drop him and that's when we saw that monster standing in his balcony. Taehyung had an eye contact with him and he just smirked. Taehyung was fuming with anger. I quickly hugged him to calm him down. Jungkook immediately drove off to our house.

"Ohh my lovely Sons and daughter-in-laws. You guys are finally back." Mom said in excitement while giving each one of us a hug.

"Did you guys enjoy your trip ?" Dad asked.

"Yes Uncle a lot." Lisa replied.

"Stop calling me uncle Lisa. It's dad for you too." Dad said.

"Ohh okay dad." Lisa said blushing.

"So, go and quickly freshen up. Lunch will be ready soon." Dad said.

"We already had lunch dad. There's no need to make it now, mom." Taehyung responded.

"Ohh okay. Tae, JK please meet me in my room after you finish freshening up." Dad said.


After some time we got ready and were about to go to Dad's room.

"What do you think he's gonna say ?" Jungkook asked.

"He definitely has a doubt on us. He might be thinking that we are not working according to his plan." I said making Jungkook scared.

"Brother, we have to make him beleive us. It's just a matter of time till code NRF is dead. We can't lose now." Jungkook said patting my back.

"Yes you are right. Let's go and see what dad has to say." I said as we walked out of our room. Lisa and Jennie had gone to our room to rest for a while.


"So, are your minds working fine now ? You also got a trip to relax." Dad asked with a blank face.

"We are sorry dad but we had to make it seem like we love them." Jungkook said earning a laugh from dad.

"So when do you actually plan on executing the plan ?" Dad asked now his expression turning into a scary one.

"Soon dad. We had dinner with Kai today. He said that his Dad is back. He's at their house right now. But before executing the actual plan, I think we should make some move which will deeply hurt him." I said.

"And what will that move be ?" Dad asked.

"I'm planning to send Suho to kill one of his trusted guys. A murder would scare and alert him." I said.

"But are you sure Suho would be able to do that ? It's very dangerous to send him alone." Dad said.

"He'll not go alone dad. He'll have a few comrades with him. I know a secret route to the basement of the house. Code NRF will surely go out at night to have a drink. All his comrades will be at the basement protecting their weapons and drugs That's when we'll attack." I said trying to convince dad.

"Your plan sounds good, Son. But be sure that he is killed very soon. He already knows that we are seeking for our revenge." Dad said.

"Yes dad don't worry. Within the next 5 days he'll be killed. I promise you." I said and Jungkook nodded.

With that we left the room to tell our plan to the girls. They were scared at first but eventually agreed with us. I spent the entire day with Jungkook drawing route maps for the secret pathways to JUNHOO'S house's basement.


I went to the basement to talk to Suho.

"Master, you here at this time ? Do you need anything ?" Suho asked as soon as he saw me.

"Yes Suho. Listen very carefully to what I say." I said pulling him out of the room.

"Yes master. I'm all ears." Suho replied.

I told him the entire plan and all the secret path ways to the basement of our enemy's house. He hesitated at first but was eventually ready to do it.

"But master what do we do of this girl ?" He asked pointing to the still tied up girl.

"Leave her like that. And we'll see what to do with her later on." I replied.

"Yes master. Don't worry your work will be done." Suho said shooting me a salute.

"I trust you Suho and you are the only one who'll be able to do this. If we go there by ourselves, his men will identify us immediately, so you are the one given this responsibility. Be safe, be in covers. Don't go away from your comrades. Stay together all the time." I said trying to boost his confidence.

After a while dad sent a few of his men to help Suho with his mission.

"Okay Suho. You guys may leave now." I said.

He along with the few men left as soon as they received my orders.


As directed by their master, they reached the basement of KIM JUNHOO's house through secret pathways. One of the men peeked in through the window to see their target, standing with four other men. But to their fortune JUNHOO also known by the name code NRF was nowhere to be seen.

"On the count of three, you guys have to shoot at only the target. Only the target and no one else. Am I clear ?" Suho asked after instructing his comrades.

"Yes sir." They replied in Unison.

"3...2....1" As soon as the number 1 was uttered all the men started shooting at the target unanimously. He was killed quickly and on the spot.

Realising what just happened and getting shocked by the sudden attack. Code NRF's men began to shoot back. Suho ordered his comrades to just duck and run. And all of them made through. None of them was killed but one of the comrades was injured.

"We did it guys. We completed our mission. Tae-min don't worry you'll be fine. Let's head back home guys." Suho said after coming far away from the attack sight.

Kai woke up hearing the loud sound of the bullets. He peeped out to see that two groups of people were continuosly firing at each other. He quickly went and woke his mom up.

"Mom, why is everyone firing at each other ? What is happening ?" A terrified Kai asked his mom.

"Joghin, stay inside. Don't peep out. Everything will be okay." Kai's mom said hugging him tightly.

"I'm scared mom. I have never seen something like this." Kai said silently sobbing.

"I'm there with you Kai. I'll always protect you. Don't worry." Kai's mom said with tears in her eyes.

Little did he know what was actually going on and who his dad really was. Poor guy had no idea.

After some time, JUNHOO came home and witnessed everyone keeping their heads down.

"What the hell happened here ? Why is everyone so sad and scared ?" JUNHOO asked while examining his basement to see blood scattered all around.

No response.


Everybody just moved to the side showing him the dead body of their trusted comrade SOOBIN.

"SOOBIN!!! Stop acting. I know you are okay. Get up. You are not dead. I know you are not." JUNHOO said hugging his right hand's dead body and crying loudly.

"What's going on mom ? Why is Dad shouting ? Is he mad again ?" Kai asked while closing his ears tightly.

"I don't know, Kai. You stay calm. Everything will pass. Don't listen to anything." Kai's mom said now getting scared herself.

"Who did this ?? WHO THE HELL DID THIS ?" JUNHOO asked screaming on top of his voice.

"They were KIM LAY's men, Boss. The one whose daughter you killed 3 years ago." One of the comrades said not lifting his head.

"HOW DAREEE THEYY ? And what the hell were you doing ? You couldn't even kill a single one of them ? How did they even escape ?" JUNHOO shouted tightly grabbing the collar of one of his men.

"We had no idea they would attack at this time, boss. We tried our best but we couldn't save comrade SOOBIN." The man said trembling in fear.

"They have to pay for this. They would definitely pay for this. I would not let your death go waste SOOBIN. They'll regret seeking their revenge. I'll beat the hell out of each one of them and kill them ruthlessly." JUNHOO said punching the wall besides him.



"I hope that the work is done and all our comrades are safe." I said now sitting down in the living room with my mom, dad and brother.

"Don't worry brother, Everything will be fine. They must be on their way back now." Jungkook said patting my back.

After a while Suho returned with his comrades. Everyone was very happy to see them back.

"Did you finish your work ?" I asked as soon as I saw Suho.

"Yes master. Your work is done. SOOBIN is killed. But..." Suho said.

"But what Suho ?" I asked anxiously.

"But Tae-min got shot on his leg. He's injured, Master." Suho said signalling someone to bring Tae-min in.

"Don't worry Tae-min, you'll be fine. Please take him to the guest room. I'll treat him myself." I said and the men took Tae-min upstairs.

"I'm so proud of you Suho. You did your work fabulously. You deserve a reward." I said and handing him a bundle of notes.

"No need for this master." Suho said.

"You deserve it Suho. Also distribute this amongst your other comrades." I said handing him another bundle of notes.

"Thank you Master. Now if you allow me can I leave. I still have to make the girl in the basement talk." Suho said asking for permission.

"Yes you may leave." I replied.

"Dad, it's done. I'm sure code NRF might be very disturbed by this incident. We'll kill him tomorrow itself. We won't even need to use Jennie or Lisa as a bait now. I have another plan." I said.

"What plan ? You can't change our plan at the last moment Tae." Dad said being shocked.

"Please just trust me dad. JUNHOO will be dead by the end of tomorrow. Just trust me." I said looking into dad's eyes sincerely.

"Yes dad. We really have a brilliant plan. Please beleive in us." Jungkook said doing the same thing.

"I trust you boys more than my life. I know whatever you have planned must be accurate. Please be careful. And drop the girls home tomorrow if you don't need them anymore. "Dad said hugging both of us.

"Thank you dad. We won't disappoint you. Our sister would finally get justice tomorrow." Me and Jungkook said and left for our rooms.

I first went to the guest room and treated Tae-min and made sure he slept comfortably. Then I went to my room.

"Everything would be fine after tomorrow Jennie. I'll no longer have to live this mafia life. We'll be a normal couple. Have lots of fun and travel to many places together. Just one day Jennie. Just give me one day. For now good night baby sleep well" Taehyung said caressing Jennie's hair while she was deep asleep. He went to bed after that too.

"Just one day more Lisa and then I'll promise to be the best boyfriend. I'll make sure to keep you happy all the time. Let this bastard die and we'll get married very soon. Just stay calm baby. Good night." Jungkook said placing a blanket on Lisa's body and went to sleep besides her.


You guys might be thinking how evil I am ? Yes I'm evil. Very evil. I like killing people for no reason and no one has ever dared to seek revenge. These people really have some nerve. How dare they do this ? They killed SOOBIN, someone whom I trusted with my entire life. They'll be dead. I'll kill them by tomorrow. I have a full plan ready. You love planning, plotting and targeting, right KIM? Now I'll show you what planning, plotting and torturing looks like. Just wait for tomorrow, you all will be begging me to leave you and I'll kill all of you brutally, right here in my basement. Be ready to die KIMS.

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