A Journey of Ascendence.

By TheDarkestLink15

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When A fallen God finds himself adrift in a new world, What will he and his allies do to regain their new pow... More

Chapter 0: Prolog

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By TheDarkestLink15

A long, long, long time ago, long before the gods and monsters of this world came into being, long before even the universe itself came into existence, there was nothing. A true nothing, it wasn't just a lack of something, there was never anything in the first place. In this timeless void, nothing happened. Nothing lived, nothing died. No light was ever shone, yet no shadows were ever cast. Primordial Magic flowed freely throughout this empty space. In some places it flowed like rivers, pooling in vast oceans of pure magical energy. Always flowing in the same paths, always pooling in the same places. In other places, it whirled around in chaotic hurricanes of pure magical destruction, tearing itself apart in an instant, and reforming just as quickly. Never staying in the same spot, never reforming itself quite the same.

These two forces, "chaos" and "order" as they would come to be called, existed separately. A great distance separated the two, preventing any contact. As time passed, however, they grew. More and more primordial magic popped into existence, and one day, one of the oceans of order grew too vast for its own good, and the deadliest of the hurricanes of chaos grew too destructive for its surroundings, and the two collided, forming a massive anomaly of pure primordial magical energy. In a few fractions of a second, the anomaly condensed into a small floating ball. After a few seconds of thriving around, the anomaly of magic exploded into the very first being in existence, the eldritch god now known as "The Void".

At first, the void found itself alone, in a vast, unyielding darkness. No light had ever been shed, nor had any matter ever been made. Because of that fact, it was content to just exist. Not thinking, nor doing anything for eons, floating aimlessly in a vast, empty abyss. Eventually, however, it decided that it had grown bored of the nothing that it had found itself in. So, with a motive born of nothing but curiosity, it waved its hand, and made something, for the very first time.

Nobody knows what the first thing in existence was, it could have been a planet, or a star, or a galaxy, or an entire universe. All that we do know is that it didn't exist for long. For but the briefest of moments, it shone like a beacon in the dark, a defiant firstborn of existence. Far too soon for the voids' liking, however, it soon crumbled away into ash and dust from the forces of chaos and order that swirled around in the primordial void. At first, the void was surprising. They didn't expect their own magical power to destroy what they created. But as time wore on, they grew bothered by the ceaseless destruction, then mad, then furious. Everything it made faded away into nothingness right before its eyes! They were all-powerful, how come they couldn't make something and have it stick around for more than a few seconds? It was outrageous! This thought bounced within the Void's mind until one day, it decided enough was enough. It would create something that would last, no matter the cost! So it took half of its own magical power, enough to shatter universes and alter reality as a whole, it succeeded.

They thrust their arms forward, trying with all its might to form something equal to itself, and in an act that would change the soon-to-be omniverse as a whole, it succeeded. The raw magical power the void had accumulated rushed from its fingers and condensed, forming a small, white ball. Not even a second later, a bright, piercing light shone out from the orb, shining like a brilliant star in the blackened void. The light condensed, forming a pair of brilliant white wings that hovered near the orb.

For the first few moments, the two beings existed together, assessing each other. The void was proud and finally satiated in their desire. They were, at last, no longer alone. But as the seconds wore on, they realized something. A horrible, inevitable realization. What if this new being that they had created equal to themself, decided to rebel? What if it decided it wanted to be the only power in this endless nothingness? They couldn't allow that. They were the supreme ones, they were the ones who had made them, created it using their own power! Their own lifeblood! How dare it rebel against its creator! They would end this foolish revolution before it began.

The void reached their hands out, preparing to crush the new entity, quickly, and quietly. The new entity, not even knowing who it was, nor where it was, did the only thing it knew how to do, defend itself. With a flash of brilliant light, A war began. The two cosmic beings fought with might and ferocity incalculable. Universes were made and thrown as mere projectiles in battle and spells mighty enough to shatter galaxies flew around the battlefield like fireworks. However, despite how strong the two were and no matter how hard the two tried, the battle inevitably wore to a standstill.

The void and the being met in the center of a ruined bastion. After billions of years of slaughter and fighting, the pair grew tired, and an accord was reached. The new being would satiate their desire, and create life, along with giving their souls a place to thrive. Once they died, the void would be responsible for safeguarding their souls until they were ready to be reincarnated back into the lands of the living. Seeing this pact made, the new being decided it was time to give itself a name. A proper name, befitting of its might. It called itself, The wings of infinity, and it promised itself to protect life, and the worlds it would soon create, no matter the cost.

The first act the Wings of Infinity did was pluck some of its feathers from its body, creating an untold amount of glowing string, with the same power as its creator. Using this string, it wove the fabric of reality, which would shield its creations from the destructive properties of the forces of Chaos and Order. From there, The wings created a small ball of dirt, which quickly formed a molten core. Then, it created a star, to serve as a bright light that would illuminate the pitch black surface of the planet, along with a moon, to serve as a gentle light for those who dwelled within the night.

Then, the wings made life, the very first life. Grass, trees, bushes, and all sorts of non-sentient creatures spread across the planet in a blink of an eye, followed quickly by water to fuel the plants, and air for the animals to breathe. The wings then took to the sky, creating several other planets to accompany and protect this new world of life. Then, it moved away from this small system it had made and made another. With its own star and planets, ever so different from the last.

It repeated this process over and over again, until the skies of all the planets it had made were filled with an untold amount of stars, glimmering in the night sky beside the moon. When the wings returned to its original planet, however, it found a being it did not create. A mass of vines and leaves, seemingly sentient, taking care of the plants and animals of the world it had made.

The Wings were fascinated and quickly approached this individual, finding that they were the first of a new type of creature, a "God" as the creature called itself. A being powerful and wise, that ruled over those subservient to it, caring and providing life for those under it. The Wings were thrilled to have found such an interesting creature upon its homeworld and named the planet after this interesting creature. Thus, the blue marble, now teeming with life untold, came to be known as "Terra".

It soon realized that it too, could make Gods, and thus, made a god for the water upon Terra, and for the moon in the night sky, and for the Sun, shining ever so brightly. Soon, all the planets in their universe had a god to rule it. The Wings found, however, that their little universe was not unlimited in size, and found that they ran out of space to create new worlds, yet they still found itself wanting to create more, to try new ways of making worlds, thus, it simply took some more of its feathers, and made a new universe, and other, and other, and other. Thus, the Multiverse was born.

It created an innumerable amount of universes, each thriving with their own unique worlds and gods. Once that tedious process was done, however, The wings found itself wanting to create more, make more multiverses, and explore every single possible universe it could think of, but it couldn't possibly govern all of those worlds, nor make sure that each did not fall into the hands of the void, so, it retreated to Terra, and it thought for a long time. Eventually, however, it came across a brilliant idea. It took a part of itself and made something so powerful, so wise and cunning that it could rule an entire multiverse by itself. The wings shaped this new creation, giving it form, life, sentience, and finally, a name. The Wings name it, Ο Ένας. It gave this new being a title fitting of its rank, its power, its authority. It was no mere god, it was a ruler, something with enough power to destroy universes with a single snap of its finger if it had to. This was the first of the Supreme Gods.

The Wings then created two more Supreme Gods, Secundus and Kolmas to assist Ο Ένας with ruling the new multiverses yet to be created. These three Supreme Gods united to form the council. The great governing body of the Omniverse. With time, the council would grow from 3 to 5, to 10 as more universes were made.

With the council established, the Wings acted upon its desires, and made another multiverse, with their own gods and innumerable universes, each representing a unique possible way that terra and the universe as a whole could be built. Along with these universes, however, the wings also created several sentient species, each with their own unique traits and roles to play on their worlds, along with souls to call their own. Known today as the dwarves, orcs, elves, ents, and demihumans.

When the Wings were finished, hundreds of billions of years had passed, but its goal was finally finished. Ten thousand multiverses now existed, each with their own Supreme God, accounting for every possible way the universe, and Terra could be made. However, when it was finally done, and The Wings finally let itself return back to the very first universe it made to rest, The Wings realized something. An inevitable, terrible truth. It realized that with absolute power, comes corruption. The wings held life above all else now, but what would happen in 10 trillion years? 100 trillion? 1000 trillion? How could it know for certain that it wouldn't fall, and become a tyrant with its power?

It couldn't, it didn't know the future, so the Wings decided to do something drastic, Something that would guarantee that it would never abuse its power. The wings decided, then and there, that it would split itself into three, non-sentient parts, and spread them across their creations. That way, it couldn't possibly abuse its power, and it would allow its creations to solve any potential problems that might come up in the following years. Quickly, however, a problem arose. Whom to give such power to? Which of the sentient species was truly worthy of such a great responsibility?

The Wings scoured through the great worlds of all its children, trying to find a reason to choose one over the other, but no matter how hard it looked, it couldn't find a proper vessel. The orcs were too bloodthirsty, the elves too prideful, the dwarves too greedy, the ents too kind, and the demihumans too pious. The Wings were greatly disheartened and returned back to terra to think. After a few years of pondering, it came to a rather obvious, yet ingenious solution.

The Wings decided that they would make an entirely new species, with all the good, and the bad traits of their previous creations. They would have wrath for those who challenged life, yet kindness for those they protected. They would be proud enough to not submit in the face of danger, yet humble enough to concede defeat when necessary. They would be The Wings' finest creation. The Wings took the brawn of the orcs, the skill of dwarves, the magical prowess of elves, and the fighting skills of the demihumans, and combined them all.

While some features were slightly suppressed due to the mixing of so many traits, others were boosted by unexpected synergy. When The Wings were done, a brand new species had been born. They were intelligent, capable of wielding magic, yet strong enough to fight with swords and spears, and most importantly of all, held an equal balance of just, and unjust traits. In the wings' eyes, they were almost perfect, however, they lacked humility, as their long lives gave way to hubris. So, the wings shortened their life spans drastically, making them the shortest-lived of all the sentient species, yet, with this curse also came with a great blessing. If their lives were to somehow drag on forever, their power would also grow forever.

Seeing these new, glorious creations take form, The wings decided to give them a name, seeing their resemblance to the demihumans, it decided to name this new species "Humanity" or, humans. Similar to the demihumans, but somewhat more. With its mission completed, and its hosts found, the wings gave a final word to Ο Ένας, its trusted ruler, and then split into three. Which would soon come to be known as the Wings of Beginning, which with one flap of their feathers, could make life come to even the coldest of worlds, The Wings of End which could annihilate any threats to life, even if that meant it had to kill life in the process. And the Wings of Fate, which would control the destiny of all living things, until they eventually met their fate, and returned to the void.

These wings and their powers would be passed down randomly from human to human, for the rest of time.

However, my dear reader, this is not where our story begins. No, Our story begins 60 trillion years after the wings gave up its life for the safety of all others. Our story begins with a man and his allies sleeping unwittingly in their beds, not knowing of the battles, the glory, and the pain to come. That man's name is Coeus Lamvontai.

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