
By freshassembly

7.6K 101 112

This is a mortal Percabeth story. Percy is the most popular kid at Goode high and the school heart throb. He... More

The New Girl
Worse Than Hell
I Need a Plan
The Proposal
Truth or Dare
The Story
Welcome Home, Dad
Twenty Questions
The Search

Et tu Brute? Et tu?

484 3 7
By freshassembly

POV: Percy

Telling Annabeth all about the shit that happened with Calypso made everything worse. Telling her close to the whole story made me relive it.


Before she walked in I was high as a kite. Even when we began talking I was crazy high but the minute she asked what happened I snapped out of it.

She left when the next period started but I stayed. I stayed the whole day until I was caught and sent home.


I got word from the hospital that my mother wasn't doing well.

Considering the fact that Gabe never picks up when the hospital calls they told me to tell Gabe and he didn't take it very well. He loved my mother. I think. He wouldn't be paying for her hospital bills if he didn't have any love or even respect for her. Right? I guess, it could also be the empath in me that wants to believe that Gabe deep down or long ago was an actual human being.

When he found out he lost his shit. I wonder if that really has anything to do with my mother. Maybe he'll miss me. Don't worry I'm not naive. I hate him too. I just wonder if he'll miss his personal anger relief dummy. Or maybe he thinks I'll go to the police. However, he won't ever get to miss his personal anger relief dummy. He won't ever get to miss my mother. My mother isn't going anywhere. I would take being immortal and living with Gabe for the rest of my life over losing my mother. She is worth it.


I've been ignoring Leo since the party. I haven't spoken one word to him. He hasn't talked to me either. He hasn't even tried to apologized. As far as I'm concerned he just thinks I have a stick up my ass.


It's Nico's birthday this weekend and Will wants to throw him a surprise party. Originally I thought that was the worst idea ever. Sneaking into a gothy teens house and scaring him. I figured that'd make him more mad than happy but Will has his heart set on it so I'm helping out as much as possible. I swear, it feels like there are parties every day in my friend group. I just hope this one turns out better than the last. Considering everything that has been going on I doubt that that's gonna happen.

The party is supposed to be chill. Just some movies, some games, hopefully not truth or dare, and snacks. It should be fun. Key word: should.

After my talk with Annabeth things have been awkward between us. Really awkward. It's mostly me though. She talks to me and smiles. I mostly respond but not in the same tone or mood. I know it's unfair for me to avoid her just because she knows what the rest of the group already did. But I can't help it. It's not because I'm embarrassed. I just don't know how to move on with my fake girlfriend after basically telling her or implying that I still kinda love my ex.

Annabeth is cool. Really cool. I like her a lot. But there are a lot of factors. For instance: we are in a fake relationship, she hates me, And I still love Calypso.

I know we will never go anywhere anyways. As soon as the break-up date arrives we'll be done. Once we graduate we will probably never see each other again. I'm just a pawn in her game and she's one in mine. I'm not proud of it but it's the truth.


How did I get roped into this whole thing?!

I was just walking. Walking into school. Minding my own business when Will came up to me. He said he had to plan a distraction for Nico so we could set up the party. He told me how busy he was and how since I offered to help he was wondering if I could think of a theme for the party. A THEME! I dunno DEATH?! Yeah sure, I've known Nico for a long time. He's like my cousin. I love his little goth ass but it's pretty hard to make him smile let alone happy. It's just a lot of pressure. And I have a lot on my plate already. But if I pull this off that'll be one thing in my life that I'm proud of. Yikes.

After a while I decided not to do a themed party. I know what he likes, sure but that doesn't mean he wants to have a while party centered around it. He'd kill me if he knew I was saying this but when we were kids we always played Mythomagic with Nico's dad and his sister. And he still plays it. I play with him sometimes. It's the only nostalgic thing he's allowed to have from the time when everything was good.

Before Bianca (Nico's sister) died Nico's dad hung out with us all the time. He stopped after the accident. He buried himself in work. He starting drinking and doing drugs. I always felt so comfortable at the di Angelo house. Nico's mom was the best. She made cookies almost as good as my mom. She was driving the night of the accident and both she and Bianca didn't make it. It really took a toll on Nico and his dad. Me too, to be honest. Their house was my home away from home. It always made me jealous seeing such a happy family.

I'm glad I'm an only child. I'm glad no other person has to live a life similar to mine but for a while it did seem nice. Nice to imagine having someone to lean on.

Nico's dad is in rehab now. I visit him from time to time. He is one of the only people that knows the truth about my dad. Jason's dad knows too. They used to go fishing together. They were like a trio. After my dad died they "broke up". Hades (Nico's dad) says that it was because they were upset but from the stories I've heard from him it was because my dad was the peacemaker between two sometimes great but very hot headed guys.

Bianca's death hit me hard. It's when my depression began. She, Nico, and Grover were my first best friends. I basically lost both of them when she died. She was also my first crush. My first kiss. Shhhh, don't tell Nico. I believe we might eventually have gone somewhere if.... You know.... She was still here.

I feel like she's with me sometimes. I know it sounds weird but I can feel her presence. Hazel and Grover are the only people besides me that know about Bianca. Jason somehow doesn't. His dad didn't let him out of the house much when we were little. And he was a lot younger when Bianca died. He doesn't even remember her. Not a lot of people do. To a lot of my friends she never existed.

Hades has only had one girlfriend since his wife died. She was really pretty. Nice for a while. However, it didn't last long. She left and didn't take Hazel with her.


The party was at Will's house. I kept it very simple. Black decorations.

Will took Nico to a drive-in. Everyone else was helping me set up.

There was a weird vibe with everyone. I don't think I helped matters much by practically running away from Leo whenever he would approach me.

Leo usually does this thing where he avoids apolozing and then after a while he tries to forget anything ever happened.

Will texted and said there was traffic so they were going to be running late.

We all decided to watch a movie while we waited.

"Ooooh let's watch The Little Mermaid!" I exclaimed. It's my favorite movie. I know it might be childish but I have my reasons.

Leo snorted. I glared at him. "Got a problem, Valdez?" He continued to chuckle "No, it's just isn't that a little kid.. no sorry little girls movie?" Piper whacked him on the back of the head. "Guys can watch it too!" She exclaimed.

I clenched my jaw and grit my teeth. "Dick," I mumbled as I walked out of the room. "Hey! I heard that!" Leo got up from the couch and ran over to me. "I didn't whisper it." I gave him a sarcastic smirk.

Leo and I were staring at each other. Jason jumped over the couch and chuckled nervously. He tried to defuse the tension and tried to pull us away from each other but we both didn't even blink.


"SCREW YOU!" We went back and forth with insults. The others tried to stop it but nothing worked. We were both getting madder and madder.

None of his insults affected me. I was barely even listening to what he said. But then he said this.

"Oh, if you think you are SOOOO cool! Then why did Calypso come running to me when you guys fought."

"W-w-what?" I looked at Calypso. "What do you mean?" I could see the horror on everyone's faces. Leo looked guilty and Calypso burst into tears. They all just stood there staring at me. Hoping that I wouldn't explode.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. Nobody answered. I looked at both Leo and Calypso. "Oh my god," It was Leo.

I looked at Jason. "Did you know?"
He stared at me. "DID YOU KNOW?!" I yelled. "I didn't know it was him." I scoffed "Don't Bullshit me, Grace. DID YOU KNOW?!" He gave in. "Yes, yes I knew. I'm so s-" I interrupted him. "Don't." I gave him one of my death glares.

"Who else knew?!" No one answered. "WHO ELSE FUCKING KNEW?!" Once again no answer. They all looked at the floor. "Grover did you know?" He shook his head. "I didn't, I swear." I believed him.

I looked at the rest. "YOU ALL FUCKING KNEW AND DIDN'T TELL ME!!" They looked down in shame. I looked at Annabeth. For some reason she was looked at her shoes too. She finally looked up and her eyes met mine. I didn't expect her to know. She didn't even know what happened between me and Calypso until I told her. "Annie?" I whispered. A few tears fell from her eyes. "I'm sorry" I looked at all of them.

It's true I never knew who she cheated on me with. I didn't want to know. Why would I? So I could beat them up? Kill them? That's not me. I just never expected one of my best friends to be the one who did it. "It was a mistake." Calypso said. She said that when it happened too. "I'm so so sorry." I looked her in the eyes. Tears were streaming down her face.

I cupped her face with my hand and wiped her tears with my thumb. "I know." I'm hurt. I hate Leo. I hate everyone. I just can't seem to hate her.
It's impossible.

I left.

Nico and Will just pulled up in the driveway. They were laughing, smiling, having a lot of fun. They asked me where I was going. I ignored them. As far as I was concerned they knew too.

I didn't care that the people that I've known for practically my whole life are the people who I feel I'm never going to speak to again. I didn't care that I left Grover behind. I didn't even care that it was Nico's birthday.

I blocked all of their numbers. I walked home. Refusing to let Grover drive me.

Gabe was passed out on the couch belly showing and beer everywhere. I didn't care. I stole his car keys. His car was his most prized possession. It's a red convertible. It's vintage and has bucket seats. It's probably the only thing he treats with love and care in this world. I didn't care about the consequences of me taking it.

I drove.
I drove to Rehab.

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