Always Been You - An EsZan AU...

By DiziFics

28.8K 788 396

An #EsZan AU. From old-friends to room-mates to lovers. #EsraErten #OzanKorfali #AşkMantıkIntikam More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (M)
Chapter 8 (M)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Epilogue (First Date)

1.1K 36 28
By DiziFics

Zumrut had thankfully left them alone, albeit unwillingly, after some gentle persuasion from Ozan.

"But you're not even married, how can she stay here?" she had lamented.

"We'll be changing that real soon, anne, but it's our life, please, just let us be happy," Ozan said, hugging her to lessen the sting.

Zumrut couldn't argue with that. On the way out she pulled Esra aside. "Be good to him, he's loved you for a very long time."

"I love him very much Zumrut Teyze, I would never ever hurt him," Esra's face shone with sincerity.

Zumrut eyes searched her face, and she seemed satisfied with what she saw. "Tamam," she nodded, officially giving her blessing.


They were sitting on the couch watching a movie. This time it was Esra's turn to pick one. The last time he had picked a horror movie and she had spent most of it with her face buried in the crook of his neck. He realized he liked horror movies a whole heck of a lot more with her by his side.

Esra's much preferred romantic movies, so she had settled on 50 First Dates, and they watched it snuggled up under one blanket.

"That was not bad," he declared, "I thought it was going to be cringy. Poor guy, he really tried though."

"Hmmmm," she replied pensively.

He heard the disquiet in her voice and turned her head to face him.

"Esraa'm?" He mostly understood her moods and what made her upset but he couldn't understand the little pout of her lips and her sad eyes. This was her movie choice after all.

"Tell me what's wrong, sevgilim," he tried again.

She gestured at the TV, "Henry took Lucy for 50 first dates and we haven't even gone on one proper date," she said morosely.

"Ufffff," he hauled her to his chest and hugged her hard. She was right! They hadn't been on a proper date! Well nothing about their courtship had been proper but this truly was unforgivable. He would fix it, immediately.

He kissed her forehead, "I'm so sorry, I'm just terrible at this romantic stuff. Can you call in sick at work tomorrow? I will too. I have a plan."

She looked up at him skeptically, "You, Ozan Korfali, are going to fake call in sick at work??"

He grinned toothily at her, "Only for you..."

The next day they both left messages for their bosses, and then Esra put herself fully in Ozan's hands. She didn't even wanted to know the plan, she was letting him take control, a big step even for her.

When he drove them to the ferry , she clapped in delight. She loved that he knew about her love for the water, it gave her a sense of peace and one-ness with nature. They took the boat to Buyukada, a little island resort close to Istanbul. Esra had never been, although she had always wanted to visit. Ozan was already excelling at the first date thing, she grinned happily to herself.

The island was beyond idyllic. They fed the seagulls, and the many cats on the waterfront. They rented bicycles and rode along the cobbled stones, stopped for some ice cream and strolled through the tiny village square where local artisans displayed their wares.

Esra paused at one of the stores, her eyes landing on a simple star necklace, and then sweeping back through the rest of the stall. Ozan immediately picked up on it and insisted on purchasing the necklace for her. It was nothing extravagant but it would always serve as a reminder of their special first date, and she knew she would treasure it forever.

It was evening before they even knew how the time had passed. They took in the glorious sunset from a little private enclave on the beach, Esra seated between Ozan's legs, her back resting against his chest, his arms wrapped around her.

She turned her head to look at him, her eyes shining, the orange of the setting sun catching her hair, "Isn't it so beautiful, Ozan?"

His eyes swept her face with such devotion and desire, that she felt her breath hitch and her heart thud.

"Yes," he replied softly. "The most beautiful thing I have ever seen."


They made their way to the restaurant for dinner, and somehow talked about everything and nothing at all over the three course meal.

Ozan's phone rang, and he looked at the number but didn't pick it up.

Ezra could tell from his face that it was important and her heart warmed that he was willing to set it aside for her. "You should pick it up," she insisted.

He agreed almost instantly, and she watched as he had an animated exchange with the person on the other end, before his face broke out into a wide smile.

"Teşekkür ederim, gerçekten!!" he said into the phone, " you won't regret it. I promise."

"That was a venture capital firm," he said excitedly, "I've been waiting to hear from them."

"About what?"

"I want to start my own company Esra. I needed the funding and I wanted to work with this company, I've only heard good things about them. They want to invest in the company and they just gave me the green light."

"Oh my God Ozan! That is so exciting! Why didn't you say anything before?"

"I don't know, I didn't want to jinx it. I didn't want to get my..your..hopes up. I have so many good ideas Esra. I can't wait to tell you all about it."

Esra clapped her hands in glee, "I'm so proud of you. I always knew you would do something big. So what will you call the company? Oztech? "

Ozan huffed out a laugh, "I'd rather call it Ezratech."

"Yaaa," she grinned shyly.

"Yaaa," he dimpled at her.

"I was thinking Millenium Soft actually," he said after a pause, like he was saying it out loud for the first time.

"That's perfect!"

"You know what would really make it perfect?" he countered, "if you would join me."

Esra's mouth fell open in surprise. "You want me to work in your company? Why!?? Because you love me and can't do without me?" she teased.


"Oh," her lips turned downward in disappointment.

He laughed and grabbed her hand and kissed it sweetly. "I mean, yes I love you and I can't do without you but that's not why I want you to join me. I've seen how you think Esra, I've seen your ideas and presentations, I think it's exactly what the company needs."

"You're going to make me cry in the middle of a restaurant," Esra said dabbing at her eyes.

He pulled her to her feet, "Come on let's go to our room and you can cry in private," he replied jokingly.

"Oh are we staying the night?" she asked surprised.

"Do you not want to..?" His steps slowed.

"Where's the hotel?" She grinned up at him.

He breathed a sigh of relief, "It's right above the restaurant actually."

He guided her up the stairs as she swayed on her feet. She was such a lightweight he thought affectionately, a few celebratory drinks and she was on her way out.

He opened the door with one hand and guided her into the room with his other, but she stopped in her tracks and grabbed his face, her voice suddenly lucid, "This has been the most beautiful day of my life Ozan Korfali. I am a lucky woman."

He felt the tears behind his eyes and he blinked rapidly, his voice catching in his throat, "No, I'm the lucky one Esra Erten"...Korfali, he added under his breathe

Notes (2022-07-30)

I hope you imagined all the scenes on the island in ep23 as you read through this chapter. Just something short and sweet to celebrate their love. I hope you enjoy it <3

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