Alex Rider/ Daredevil Crossov...

By dpw750

8.4K 332 10

Two world collide together in a big mash up between super hero and a super spy. Similar in stubbornness and d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Not an update
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

590 25 0
By dpw750

Claire ran down the ally after hearing a gun fire. She saw someone on the ground and she knelled down to see Alex. She checked his pulse and nothing was wrong with him. She looked for a bullet hole in his skin but there was nothing. Then she felt someone touch her shoulder. She turned around to see Daredevil. She got up and hugged him. She notice him holding his shoulder.

"Your the one that was shot?" She asked.

"Yea. Kid pulled a gun and shot me. Sounds like he passed out from pain." He said leaning against the walls. She looked at the wound. "We need to get out of here."

"We can't leave him. He's still a kid. He probably has his reasons." She looked to Alex who started to open his eyes. They opened slowly and she went to his side.

"Get away from him Claire. He has a gun." She continued to Alex. He was starting to get up. Pain was all over his back.

"Only one bullet." Alex said with pain in his voice. Claire was concerned.

"On a scale of one to ten. How bad is the pain?" She asked and helped Alex stand up.

"Fif.. Fif... Fifteen." Alex passed out. Both of them were cussing in their head.

"See. Let's get him to the house." She started to put her mask on.

"Freeze." Several police men where at the end of the ally. Next to them was Fisk and James. Mary was there as well. Daredevil turned around. 

"Let the boy go now." A police officer said. Mary ran to Alex. Daredevil let her. "Put your hands up now." Daredevil and Claire didn't move.

"Now or the Alex's going pay for it." Mary said. She started to send electricity into Alex to make the pain worse. Alex started to scream as more pain came. Claire put her hands up and so did Daredevil. Two officers came over and started to cuff them when Daredevil knocked both of them out and took out the other officers going his way. Mary started to make the pain worse. Then Claire hit her in the head with a pipe. Alex and Mary were out cold. Alex had sweat on his forehead. Within a second the ally filled with smoke and Daredevil, Claire and Alex were gone.

"Find them. I need the boy and man alive. Don't hurt the boy. He's important." Fisk said getting mad.


Alex's eyes fluttered open to an empty warehouse. He was facing the floor and he had his hands tied behind him. He heard someone in pain and the drop of something metal.

"There. It's out now will you take it easy." He heard Claire say.

"I need to get Fisk. The kid is the only one that can get in touch with him." Daredevil said. Alex started to try and move but he found that difficult. He heard someone get up and walk over to Alex. He was picked up and thrown across the room. Pain went through his whole body. Alex gritted his teeth.

"Mathew, stop this. He still is a kid. Remember that he's still like you." Claire said. Mathew sighed and walked over to Alex.

"Why were you working for Fisk?" He asked nicely.

"MI6 wanted information on him. That's all. Then Fisk wanted me to do a job. I wasn't going to do it." Mathew listen to Alex's heart beat. It was slow and steady. He was telling him the truth. Mathew nodded and untied Alex. Alex rolled on to his front and got up slowly.

"Do you remember what happen in the ally?" Claire asked.

"All I remember is shooting Daredevil and passing out." Claire nodded. Alex was leaning heavily on the wall since he felt that his knees would give out.

"Why did you shot me?" Daredevil asked. Alex sighed.

"He ordered me to. Also you pinned me to the wall and I was in so much pain. It was a way to get you off of me." Alex said sadly. "I really didn't want to hurt you. I had no choice." Daredevil put his hand on Alex shoulder.

"I would have done the same." Alex smiled a little and moved away from him to the door.

"I have to go." Alex said limping across the room. He winced in the pain as he continued to walk.

"Your not going any where. Your still hurt and your in pain." Claire said as she went near Alex. He leaned heavily on the wall. Daredevil walked towards the two.

"I'm fine. I have to get back to Fisk. I need to complete my mission." Alex said weakly. He knew he wasn't fine. He just wanted to go back to London and curl up in his house.

"Your lying Alex. You know that your not fine." Daredevil said. Alex started for the door again but Daredevil grabbed his shoulder.

"Leave me alone." Alex said and continued to the door. Daredevil swiped Alex feet and he feel to the floor. He was unconscious. They moved Alex away from the door.

"What are we going to do about Alex. If he leaves, they might question him and that could kill him." Claire said worried for Alex.

"Well they don't know that he is a spy so we could say we kidnapped him to get information. Then say that he didn't give us anything so we return him. Not with out a few bruises." Claire nodded.

"That sounds like a good plan. Will they buy it though?" She asked worried for Alex. If they find out that he is a spy that would be bad. They could kill him.

"We will have to see." Daredevil said. "We will wait a day and then put Alex on his front steps." With that, they waited till Alex was awake to tell him the plan. They were going to start the plan within a day. Both, Daredevil and Claire, hoped that they would by their stories. If they don't, Alex could be dead withing a few days.

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