The Girl Behind The Controller

By MasMicBibbles

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Cassie's life takes a turn when she unexpectedly starts to fall for a guy, named Dean, she had met online thr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

260 11 2
By MasMicBibbles

Chapter 4

“Thanks for buying breakfast Nicole.” I said smiling to her as we sat down on our new bean bag chairs that we placed in front of the tv.

Nicole smiled, “No problem. We’ve been having cafeteria food for what, 5 straight days now? Besides you can’t turn down iHop.” She said as she dug into her pancakes but not before drowning it in syrup.

“Where’s Autumn anyway?” I asked not remembering seeing her when Nicole woke me up not too long ago.

“She went to go pick out some takeout menus at the office she said she’s not going to cook for us so we might as well have some ideas on where to eat.”

I nodded, I was starting to like this school, mostly because of all the new friends I made. We met Nicole, our other roommate, a few days ago. She's so nice and she's very pretty; she has medium blonde hair, cut into a bob, her eyes are a mix of green and blue. One flaw about her is sometimes she doesnt know when to stop talkin.  

Anyways, I can’t wait for classes to start already! I was so excited to find out that me and Autumn have almost the same class together, except one. And for the past few days the room has gotten it’s upgrades, Autumn, Matt and Sean’s friend Tailon has been giving us stuff to make our room look cool, he was apparently really rich and loved to buy things for everyone but himself, which of course I am now grateful of.  Besides everything else, has been doing awesome, my mom left early to fly to L.A. she couldn’t wait another 2 days which was fine with me because I would have done the same. As for Dean and the other guys I haven’t talked to them in awhile, It’s not like I haven’t tried though It just seems were all online in different times.

I couldn’t help but wonder If Dean is back from visiting his dad, I mean, he would message me though, right? The fact that he hasn’t been online kind of worries me, but then he could just be spending time with his dad.

“Hello earth to Baloney!” Nicole said waving a hand in my face.

I slapped it away and rolled my eyes, “Baloney, I was trying to tell you something.” She said hitting me with a pillow.

“Don’t call me that Nicole.” I said narrowing my eyes as I stuffed a forkful of pancake in my mouth.

She laughed, “Autumn was wondering if you wanted to go to a party tonight.”

A party?

“Yeah, Matt and Sean are having a party tonight.” Said another voice from across the room, I turned to see Autumn by her dresser tying her hair up before coming over to sit on the bean ban next to me.

“When did you get here?” I didn’t even hear her come in.

She shrugged, “A few minutes ago while you were day dreaming.”

“I wasn’t day dreaming.”

“Fine. You were thinking of that guy again weren’t you?”

My eyes widened, “What guy?”

She slowly poured maple syrup on top of her pancakes, drawing a smiley face with it.

“Oh you know… what’s his name? Dean?”

“Did you look through my phone?!” I gasped checking my phone in my pocket and sighed in relief when I felt it was still there.

Nicole laughed with a mouth full of pancakes, “No, you talk in your sleep.”             

I do? “What did I say?”

“You were all like ‘Dean! Why don’t you text me back?’ ‘I miss you’ ‘I like you’ Blah, blah, blah.” Autumn said laughing as she used her hand as a puppet.

I looked at them in shock, “I said that?”

Nicole nodded, “Yep, but It’s not as bad as sleep walking. My grandma sleep walks, I would wake up to her trying to stuff cheese into my mouth and calling me ol’ Bessy.”

Me and Autumn starred at her, this girl said the most random things sometimes.

“So… about that party, it’s tonight at the guys dorm.” She said winking.

My first party, excitement boiled inside me. Oh my gosh! What was I going to wear? What if I can’t dance? Oh god… what if I totally embarrass myself?

Autumn cleared her throat dragging me back to reality, “Well? You going to come or what?”

I smiled and nodded, “Hell ya!”

“Yes!” She said jumping up, “I have the perfect outfit for tonight.” She left her pancake and went to her closet already throwing clothes on the bed.

I suck into my bean bag, I have nothing to wear! Nothing!

“The three of us are going to be the hottest sophomores there.” Autumn said squealing as she placed a big rectangle box in front of me.

“What is it?” I asked. I looked around the box but there were no clues that gave away what was inside.

“Just open it.” She said as she sat down beside me.

I took the white lid and pushed it off, I gasped and saw that there was a beautiful outfit inside. There was what looked like a skin tight tank-top with a stripes design and a blue mini skirt that came with it. On the other side of the box lay a pair of black closed toe heels with a small black bow on the tip.

“This is beautiful, are you going to wear this?” I asked. She would look so cute in it! No matter how short and thin her body is Autumn had all the right curves.

She looked at me in awe, “No Cass, it’s for you.” She said as she took the black heels and played with it in her hands.

I gasped, “No. I’m not taking this from you. You bought this with your money and I’m not taking it.”

She rolled her eyes, “Take a deep breath and un-bunch those granny panties. You are taking this gift and you are going to wear these clothes whether you like it or not."

“I can’t.” I said closing the box.

She sighed sadly, “I just wanted to give you something, I mean… I thought that this was your first party I just wanted you to look nice.” She looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.

I shook my head, “You’re impossible.”

A smile played around her lips, “Does that mean you’ll take it?!”

I sighed, “Sure.”

“Yay! You’ll look absolutely amazing that even Matt won’t resist to look at you.” She said laughing and walking back to her closet.

“Thank you.” I said as she waved her hand dismissively.

I re-opened the box and looked at the outfits hoping this would all fit on me.


By nine o’clock everyone was ready, I was a little uncomfortable since my skirt kept rising up but Nicole said It made my butt look nice and told me all the guys would be all over me tonight, I still felt uncomfortable.

When we were finally at the elevator and I still had to keep my skirt from rising every time I put my weight on one leg.

“Oh would you stop it already! You look fine.” Autumn said slapping my hand away from my skirt.

Autumn was wearing a white skirt which seemed shorter than mine and a bright pink blouse with cool gold chains attached to it. Nicole was wearing something a little bit different but still looked appropriate for a party. She had on what looked like a green cocktail dress but the skirt raised a little higher than it usually is and she cut the back of her shirt so that there’s a big oval shaped hole at the back, cold but fashionable.

“Aren’t we a little early for a party?” I said looking down at my phone, It was only nine don’t people go to parties at midnight or something?

Autumn laughed, “When Matt and Sean throw a party it usually gets packed pretty early, trust me, we’re technically late.”

The guys dorm wasn’t too far from ours, only a few buildings away so walking in my heels wasn’t too bad. The guys were at the very top floor which was apparently called the penthouse floor, when we finally got to their door I could hear the faint music playing behind it, I’m guessing they didn’t want to deal with the D.A. (Dorm Advisor).

Autumn rang the door bell beside the door frame, how come they get a door bell?

On the other side of the door the music died down and I could hear footsteps coming towards us. The door flew open and there was Sean all grins with 2 cold beers in his hands.

“Girls! Come on inside.” He said gesturing inside the room.

I looked inside and my mouth dropped, this wasn’t a dorm this was more like a mansion and there was a lot of people in here. It looked like their whole dormitory was in here.

“Welcome Cassie!” Sean said yelling over the music, which I noticed got louder when he closed the door.

I looked around in shock; there were huge speakers everywhere how can it be so faint outside?

“Sound proof walls!” Sean said laughing as he noticed my reaction.

Suddenly a girl with brown hair bounced over to stand beside Sean, “Hi! I’m Sean’s girlfriend Maegan.” She smiled, she looked so familiar.

Sean nodded as he put his arms around her shoulder, “A.k.a: Autumn’s cousin.” He said.

I nodded and smiled as she leaned in to give me a warm hug, “I couldn’t even tell. Autumn has red hair and you have brown that’s the only reason why I didn’t notice!” I yelled to her through the roaring music.

She pulled back and smiled knowingly, “Yeah It’s always the hair. Come get a drink!” She said tugging me towards a table full of refreshments.

I looked behind me and noticed Autumn and Nicole were gone, panic struck inside me I don’t know anyone here, what if something happens? Who’s going to help me? I clung to Maegan as she pulled us through the crowd, there’s a lot of people here.

She grabbed herself a beer and gave me a red cup full of what looked like water. I took a big sip and quickly regretted it, sour and bitter pain spread through my throat making me choke in surprise. Maegan laughed and patted my back, “That was not water.” I said coughing as she patted my back some more.

She smiled and tried not to laugh, “Sean told me it’d be your first time drinking, that’s straight up vodka.” She gave another cup which looked the same as the one I was holding.

I looked at her and narrowed my eyebrows, “It’s sprite.” She said laughing.

I drank the whole cup of sprite and my throat relaxed, and I sighed, “I don’t like vodka.” I said carefully putting down the cup and pushing it away from me.

“Maybe not now, but you’ll get use to it.”

Autumn came over with a drink in her hand, “Hey Cousin, I see you met my friend Cassie.”

Maegan smiled, “She’s awesome. Just too stiff for the party.” She said winking at both of us and waved as she left us by the table.

“Where were you?” I asked.

She smiled, “Sorry, they were playing my jam and I just had to dance and I kind of dragged Nicole with me and then I lost her.” She said taking a sip of her drink.

“What are you drinking?” I said looking inside her cup which was some clear stuff, which looked the same as the one Maegan gave me.

“Beer! Let’s go dance!” she said pulling me to the dance floor.


I looked down at my watch, It was 3 o’clock in the morning and Matt was kicking everyone out because he wanted to sleep. I sat on the love seat with a booming headache, Nikki was already passed out on the couch, she got out of hand and we had to put her down, well she put herself down when she passed out on top of me on the dance floor.

Matt closed the door just as the last few people left and he sat next to me and sighed, “I didn’t even see you in whole time.” He said chuckling as he laid his head back.

“No duh, you like three thousand people in here. This place is crazy big too, how’d you guys get it?” I asked curiously looking around, it was like a house, it even had an upstairs to it.

“We pay rent every month; 90 dollars, unlike your dorm which is prepaid already for the whole year.”

I nodded and looked over at Autumn who was sprawled on the couch like a dead person, her snoring is the only way to find out she was still alive. I laughed which hurt my head and made me groan in pain, I don’t even remember drinking alcohol after I drank that vodka, so why does my head hurt so bad?

Matt laughed, “Go sleep upstairs in Tailons room, he’s not here yet but his stuff is so there should be a nice well made bed up for you.” He said nodding his head.

“Thanks.” I groaned as I got up, I could hear Matt laughing at me as I made my way to the stairs and up.

I finally reached Tailon’s bedroom and decided to slip my heels off, kicking them under the bed like I usually do.

I crawled underneath the covers and snuggled into the cold pillows and In no time I was already asleep.


Tailon’s P.O.V.

I hate flying, too much people on coach and annoying waitresses. The guy I was sitting with kept snoring so I didn’t get any sleep at all. I looked down at my watch, It was only 4 o’clock so I had enough time to sleep. The guys wanted me to come to school early to fix the stupid new lights that were apparently sound sensitive – one of those dumb clapping lights. I don’t even know why they got it if they’re not even going to fix it.

“Sir? Where would you like me to drop you off?” Asked the taxi driver.

“In front of the school is fine.” I said nodding to gates.

I sighed, I hate going to school on pre-week It was only made for freshman’s and sophomores. I took out my phone and checked if Cassie texted me, nothing. I guess she was still sleeping and she was probably too busy making some new friends. I smiled, I could hear her voice in my head being sarcastic and making me feel dumb.

I shook my head, I was falling for this girl which is wrong because I don’t even know her. I looked at my phone again, would I look desperate if I texted her first?

Hey Cassie, guess whose back? (:

“We’re here sir.” Said the taxi driver.

“Thank you.” I smiled as I handed him the money and giving him a tip since he got me here fast.

I hopped out of the taxi and grabbed my back pack since half most of my stuff was already in my room. I took out the paper that I had the school e-mail to me which had all my classes and my dorm number.

I walked to the main office and smiled at the secretary, “Hello.”

She smiled back blushing, “Hello Mr.Tailon. I have your key right here just as you requested to pick it up.” She said handing it to me and leaving her hand on the key till I pulled away.

I shuddered as I watched her eyes go through my body, she was old enough to be my grandmother. “Thank you Mrs.-.”

“Oh no it’s Miss now honey, I divorced my husband over the summer.” She said smiling suggestively.

“Oh I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s okay… I like younger guys anyways.” She said leaning over her desk.

Oh god I think I’m going to puke myself. “Thanks again miss.” I said, not even waiting for her to respond and leaving the building.

I shuddered, ew I can’t believe she said that. Anyways I walked to the building I was assigned to and thrilled to see it was close to the girls.

“Tailon!” Someone called just as I reached the elevator.

I turned around to see Dylan, we were on the same Hockey team last year and guess we have the same dorm this year.

“Whattup Dylan.” I said patting him on the back as we went in the elevator together.

“Did you just get here?”

“Yeah I came from visiting my dad.”

“Oh so you weren’t at the party last night?” He said laughing.

Those asses threw a party without me? “I’m going to kill them.” I said shaking my head.

He laughed even harder, “Don’t worry you didn’t miss anything new. Nicole was there though…” he said as his laughter died slowly.

Nicole? What was she doing there? “Who invited her?” I asked.

He shrugged, “I don’t know she was with two other girls.”

Nicole was my first ever girlfriend, I’ve know her since she was in grade 4 and I was in grade 5 and when you grow up with someone all these years you start to fall for them.

“You still like her man? Or should I say love?”

I shook my head, “I don’t even know.” Of course I wasn’t over her, even if I wanted to I couldn’t. We were together for five years but every since last summer when we broke up… things just don’t seem right between us, of course not that I expect it to.

“This is my floor, see you at hockey try outs Tailon.” He said over his shoulder.

Once I reached my floor I walked to my room, glad that we had the penthouse dorm or else we’d be stuck in that stupid cube-like room.

I opened the door and the room was a fuck!ng mess. There were empty cups and beer containers everywhere. I sighed and saw Matt passed out on one of the couches and another girl passed out on the opposite couch from him. I slapped him in the head which made him stir.

“What do you want?” he asked slapping my hand away.

“Who the hell is on the couch?”

He looked up at me and then at the girl on the couch, “Oh that’s Autumn.” He said and instantly going back to sleep.

I sighed in relief and thought It was some random girl who slept on our couch just to tell people she slept with one of us, trust me it wouldn’t be the first time that happened.

I scooped Autumn in my arms which wasn’t too hard since she was light as a feather, I’ve carried dumbbells heavier than this girl. I climbed up the stairs and opened Matt’s door, since he wasn’t using his bed she can you use it. I laid her on the bed and put the covers over her, I could tell she drank way too much from the smell of alcohol.

I quietly walked out of the room and headed to mine, I couldn’t wait to get some sleep I could almost feel my eyes taking over and closing. When I opened the door to my room I was shocked to find a girl laying on my bed.

I took my shoes off and stuffed it under the bed what I always do when I come in but her high heels where already there. Does this girl live here now or something? I walked around the bed to get a better look at her face and damn was she hot and there was no way I was going kick her out of my bed, she must be Autumn’s friend anyway.

I moved her to one side of the bed and she squirmed and dropped her phone on the floor. I bent down to pick it up and couldn’t help but see her text message.

Hey Cassie, guess whose back?(:

Hey, that's what I sent... I couldn’t move, “Cassie?” I said looking down at her in shock.

Holy shit it is her! I can’t believe out of all the private schools she goes to mine and she’s friends with my friends! And she’s sleeping on my bed! I felt a sudden spike of excitement run through me. I can’t wait to tell her. Should I surprise her when she wakes up? Shit I’m over thinking everything again.

I shook my head, I’ll decided later I need to get a few hours of sleep first. I took of my jeans and shirt and crawled in the other side of the bed slowly so I won’t wake her. Instantly she weaved her arms around my waist and cuddled into me. At first I thought she was awake until I heard that same familiar snoring when she once fell asleep when we were on a skype call. I didn’t know whether to cuddle her back or just let her hug me…

This was too fucking good to be real.

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